Author Archives: admin

Hearne: Star Columnist Stubs Toe on Chiefs-Redskins Comparison

Since when did it become a requirement for every liberal columnist in America to pen a hit piece on the Washington Redskins column? Which is not to say that the name Redskins isn’t offensive, dated and dumb. It is. However if all you’re going to do is rehash the same … Continue reading

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Hearne: Lefsetz Trashes Amazon’s New Fire Phone

Checked out Amazon’s new Fire Phone yet? It’s “The Everything Store’s” latest would be bombshell, a smartphone device that offers a bigger screen with 3D capabilities,  “Dynamic Perspective” – tilt or swivel to auto scroll or navigate menus – Firefly … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Hearne: Lefsetz on Web Paola — What, You Thought the Internet was Free?

Think the Game of Life is rigged? Take a number. Now sit back and let edgy entertainment lawyer / scribe Bob Lefsetz explain it to you. But first the news: “Independent artists could disappear from YouTube ‘in a matter of days’ after the … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Hearne: Sleeping with The Pitch (Not the Enemy, The Pitch)

Forget everything you’ve ever heard or read that’s bad about Westport… Noticed that new 816 Hotel on Westport Road? It’s nestled between the Flea Market and Relax Magic massage parlor, just across the street from bluestem and Baked in Kansas City. It’s a hip, new getaway where … Continue reading

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Hearne: Movie Magnate Wade Williams on Pending Demise of Metcalf South & KC Star

Been a while since we last heard from movie guy extraordinaire Wade Williams…. For years the prolific writer-producer-director-exhibitor shared his views in both news stories and the letters section of the Kansas City Star. No mas. “You know, I quit taking the Star … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Harley: Man of a Million Words Hits on Troubled KC Jeweler, Plaza, TKC & Glaze’s Grrrls

Against my better judgment… I present you with a “column” submitted by everybody’s favorite punching bag (and edited by moi). Enjoy. May I suggest you take it with a grain of salt (or a boulder)? My new column on KC … Continue reading

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Hearne: Chris Tucker Comeback Saga Unfolds @ Stanford’s

Make no mistake, Hollywood heavyweight Chris Tucker’s appearance at Stanford’s this weekend is a very big deal… Say what you will about Tucker’s tax problems with the Internal Revenue Service and the 42 year-old “actor, comedian and humanitarian’s” somewhat stalled movie career, … Continue reading

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Starbeams: Royal Tearjerker, Sex & The City, JOCO Health

The Royals lost their season opener 4-3 in walk-off fashion.  It was nice to get my first cry of the baseball season out of the way during the month of March for a change.             … Continue reading

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Hearne: A Gentleman’s Club in Downtown Lawrence? Could Happen

What’s in a word? Plenty when it comes to words like “gentlemen’s club” and “speakeasy.” Because while the definition of the former, for example, “is a members-only private club of a type originally set up by and for British upper class … Continue reading

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Mancow: Two Hoofs Up from Mancow on ‘Budapest Hotel’

“The Grand Budapest Hotel” is a moonlight swim in an enchanted, irretrievable past… It’s a hallucinatory explosion of pinks, reds, and magentas that cling to grand traditions in an increasingly vulgar world.  Brilliantly conceived and directed. Visually an ornately miniaturized, … Continue reading

Posted in Mancow | 1 Comment

Hearne: Why Kansas City Won’t Get the Republican Convention

From first to worst? There’s a reason Kansas City will not be getting the 2016 Republican Convention and it’s a lousy one, insiders say. Because KC mayor Sly James – a Dem by any other name – kicked “public affairs and … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 11 Comments

Hearne: A Bit of Shameless Handwringing for The Pitch

Guilty as charged… Regular readers know every now and so often I saddle up and take a look at what’s left of Kansas City’s one-and-only alternative newsweekly, The Pitch. And, full disclosure, I did lead the charge during the Pitch’s … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 16 Comments

Mancow: ‘Cow Calls Beatles, Fab 4 Generation Money-Grubbing Losers

See the Beatles special last night? Most underwhelming. It reflects on us and our mortality when we see the invincible tumble and giants brought to their knees. And YoKo dancing? Ugh! Sean Lennon clearly didn’t know the lyrics but tried … Continue reading

Posted in Mancow | 23 Comments

Hearne: ‘Alice’ Owner Wilks Goes for the Gold with KC102.1 FM

As tangled webs go, the behind the scenes demise of Alice 102.1 FM was a lively one… Juxtaposed alongside the rebirth of competing AAA station The Bridge 90.9 FM made for one soap opera albeit a short lived one. Then there … Continue reading

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James Brinsfield: And the Worst Super Bowl Ad Award Goes to…Bob Dylan

The worst Super Bowl ad? Hands down the Bob Dylan ad for Chrysler. Dylan departed from irony and his poetic ability to make profound statements to swim in the bathos of psuedo-patriotism for the American made (but Italian owned) new … Continue reading

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Lezak: KSHB Meteorologist Pens Farewell Salute to His ‘Mom’

Mom! Yesterday I lost my mother (Kay Rubell) after her hard fought battle during the past six months.  She had two major surgeries back-to-back last August, the second of which saved her life, but mired her in a long struggle. … Continue reading

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Starbeams: It’s So Cold in Kansas City That…

The coldest temps in two decades have arrived in Kansas City… It’s so cold….it chills to the bone, Chiefs coach  Andy Reid should feel this in April. ******* It’s so cold…the National Weather Service has forecast Cold, Dangerously Cold, and CHIEFS … Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 1 Comment

Hearne: The Perks of Posting Knee-Jerk, Anonymous Comments

Let the record show KC Confidential has been home-sweet-home to some of the most ridiculous, stupid, boring, obscene comments imaginable… It’s also given birth to some of the best, funniest, quirkiest and informative comments. And unlike some sites, almost all of … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 1 Comment

Hearne: Industry Video Bar @ The Uptown to Open in Next 2-3 Weeks

Shhhhhhh…. Don’t tell anyone, but the name of that new video bar just off the lobby of the Uptown Theater at 37th and Broadway is…INDUSTRY VIDEO BAR. NO “the” ahead of it, just “Industry. “It’s about the feeling that you … Continue reading

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Starbeams: End of Tailgating, Tight Jeans, Danica Patrick’s Lap & Who is ‘Jeb’ Castro?

Fans have been banned from TAILGATING at this year’s Super Bowl. The Super Bowl committee in New Jersey cites parking space and safety for the reason tailgating is OUT at Super Bowl 48.  While they’re at it, ban the FOOTBALL. … Continue reading

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