One of the pitfalls of live television is that, well, it’s live.
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- KC chiefs
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- TV Time
KC Res
I remember getting annoyed when he was first getting interviewed, mostly because I hate in-game interviews with celebrities. Then I noticed the guy took a phone call and was being really rude. I was elated. The best part was Goldberg couldn’t take a hint to buzz off. And now I find out it wasn’t even the real Fieri. Awesome. Goldberg annoys the hell out of me. Too much damn chatter during the game and stupid meaningless jibber jabber interviews. Hopefully, the broadcasting folks will realize that we turn on the game to watch it and not listen to dolts not talk about the game. In any event, just another good thing to come out of last night’s awesome game.
Here’s what I want to know – did this guy tell FSN that he was Fieri, or did FSN just assume that it was him? It was hard to tell, because the Fieri Look-alike didn’t act like he wanted to be interviewed, or even knew why Goldberg was hassling him, and seemed to go out of his way to ignore him. Weird.
Note to Goldberg: If the “celebrity” doesn’t seem interested in promoting themselves or their TV show, music album, next movie, new product, etc., then they are probably NOT a celebrity, because it’s the only thing that is common to all celebrities: They LOVE TO TALK about themselves.
D-Bag of the year hands down.