Hearne on the Street: Beer Pong for Babies? You Got it!

Inquiring minds want to know, exactly what is “Beer Pong” and is it remotely possible that a new sport involving infant mortals might involve the frothily refreshing substance commonly known as beer?

Read on…

The impetus for this item is, of course, the March of Dimes benefit Beer Pong for Babies that goes down at the new, improved Beaumont Club in Westport next month.

“If you don

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One Response to Hearne on the Street: Beer Pong for Babies? You Got it!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hearne on the Street: Beer Pong for Babies? You Got it! | KC
    […] Someone I’ve heard of added an interesting post today on Hearne on the Street: Beer Pong for Babies? You Got it! | KC …Here’s a small reading […]

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