Don’t spend much time boring you guys about my personal life, but…
As I think you know, I’m going through a divorce right now with my soon to be ex in Arizona. That’s been dragging on for nearly two years with, I’m happy to report, zero fireworks. I mean, everything is filed and with luck will be o-v-e-r ASAP.
So how have I been keeping busy of late?
Well, last summer I got a pair of new knees that I’d been waiting on for like three years. Which means I can finally qualify for whatever passes for the senior olympics and prepare for my long awaited hang gliding lessons.
Largely been healthy otherwise, for the most part. Unless, of course, you count what my wife described as a near death experience with the original COVID, which i contracted five days before Christmas 2020, a month before they released the first vaccine.
Actually, it was kinda colorful with a few fun accents, like passing out on the sidewalk outside of a rental car company, after returning to Tucson from KC. Not sure exactly how that went down, but one minute I was living large, anxious to get home and catch a few zzzzzzzzzzzs.
Next thing I knew, I was – isolated in a private room, and kept pretty much away from anyone and everyone at the hospital that was hoping not to die of whatever exactly it was I had. Not surprisingly, they were pretty anxious – it seemed – to get me the heck out of Dodge, so to speak. So the next morning they wheeled me to the exit door and my wife took me home where I was more than happy to climb onto my new seven grand mattress, and try not to look I was going to my final resting place.
And for eight, pretty much totally out of it, long days I was in a daze.
Truth be told, I had no clue of what was happening, how I ate; what I ate; how or what I drank; how I, uh, relieved myself. I was long gone – or as President Trump might put it, gone baby gone!
Hey, but I didn’t die, obviously but two or three days into it, my wife took a bullet and entered into her own race against death, with pretty much no one really there to help for a spell. Wasn’t quite as bad as mine, but it was pretty darn bad.
Long story short, we came thru.
I got one of the so-called mini COVIDs a year later, but that was a walk in the park. And for those of you who like to consider yourselves “free thinkers” – I’ve never partaken of those never-ending vaccine shots. Not a one. Yet I’m as healthy as a proverbial horse – arguably better-looking – and I’ve dodged more COVID bullets than I can count.
Which brings us to what have I been up to lately?
Funny, you should ask, well, consider this a confession and whatever you do, please don’t tell publisher Ivan Foley. This kinda stuff messes him up.
However many months back, I came to the realization that saving my marriage was not in the cards. Fortunately for me she’s a lawyer, so piece of cake.
Anyhoo, I’ve been fumbling around for two years now and I think I finally met somebody really, really, really important. Please don’t tell Ivan.