Joe Miller Wishes Upon Falling Star, Opts Instead for Sex, Drugs, etc

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5 Responses to Joe Miller Wishes Upon Falling Star, Opts Instead for Sex, Drugs, etc

  1. Anonymous says:

    … it couldn’t have happened without the Star. Whereas the Gruesome Twosome could not have captured the Mayor’s chair with the one-sided, biased publicity afforded them by the Star and it’s once star reporter, Yael T Abouhalkah, taking them down required that the citizens got a chance to know them & unbiased total and supremely professional coverage by the King of all Bloggers, Tony Botello. He has worked hard & become the best political reporter in Kansas City. When we want to find out the truth about the Loser Funk, we all look to Tony. Thank g-d for Tony & TKC.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Funny how Funk worked all those years at City Hall and Gloria never came to work with him. Hopefully the book will get published some day. Mark and Gloria are an Odd Couple in many ways and certainly not up to the task of being in top levels of public service. They certainly can’t put the needs of the city ahead of their own.

  3. Anonymous says:

    rick as craig glazer
    mark is horny. I understand.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Disappointing this book isn’t getting made because their is a story to tell.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Scott Simon
    I have zero respect for Joe Miller. He obviously never read the Public Relations Socieity of America’s ethics code:

    It extends after your employment. Joe Miller clearly does things for himself and not for the subjects he serves. He takes confidential notes during employment to use them for personal profit.

    For the record, I covered Mark Funhouser for six years while he was the city’s auditor. I had a very good relationship with him but from the outside and out of town, I question his leadership skills in the chair of mayor.

    Joe Miller is a fly-by-nighter who now has burned his bridges and should never consider working in an advocacy position again and those seeking a communications advocate should have his name at the top of their blacklist.

    Joe Miller now joins the pariah list that includes former Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan, people who falsely portray themselves and their work representing the people they work for but instead possessed an agenda for their personal gain.

    I can’t imagine Pam Whiting doing a tell-all book about former Mayor Cleaver.

    Scott Simon
    Former City Hall Reporter
    Newsradio 980 KMBZ

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