Tony Drops the Hammer on Anonymous Blogger Commentary

It’s like this; most people who leave comments on Web sites conceal their identity…

Why not? Who in his or her right mind would dare out themselves as the horse’s asses and/or blatantly biased individuals the cloak of anonymity so artfully conceals. Not that everyone who leaves an anonymous comment is a loser, mind you. you. But you don’t have to bottom fish too long to find one. And some folks – myself included – do sign their names. But darn few.

The percentage of online comments posted that are anonymous, in the estimation of longtime area blogger dude (and KC Confidential contributor) Tony Botello?

“They usually are (all) anonymous,” Botello says. “And for the most part they aren’t as good as somebody sitting down and writing a letter to the editor. People used to sit down and write the letter and use their name and it had more credibility. Now with blogs and Web sites, they’re all brain farts and only people who would hang out in bathrooms smelling other people’s farts would enjoy them.”

Okay, maybe not all, Botello concedes.

“Very rarely you’ll get an intelligent, well-reasoned comment,” he says. ‘And then right after it you’ll get a
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18 Responses to Tony Drops the Hammer on Anonymous Blogger Commentary

  1. Anonymous says:

    Said the Kettle
    For all practical purposes isnt Tony anonymous himself. I mean, who is he? (who cares) And further his spiteful racist comments are far more “sewer like” than most comments about his garbage.

    AND FURTHERMORE ….. if he does not read the comments anyway, why are we discussing this?

    and ….
    There are so many ways to create “known profiles” that are really fake, that the whole “sign in” thing is a waste of time, pain in the ass.

    maybe you should hire a “Moderator”, to save you time with the comments. To distance yourself from the process, set up rules for the moderator, and have them remove comments that break rules. You can use the old “intern” trick, so you wont even have to pay.

    imho, MODs should NOT post on the boards they moderate, they should NOT engage the posters, they should only moderate.

    The only problem with this is … the moderator may delete some of Tony’s ENTIRE POSTS,, because he breaks many rules.

    “Is this is the pot calling the kettle black.” or what?? conclusion..
    Tell that fkn Tonya, if he dont want shit,,, MAYBE HE SHOULD NOT START IT!!!


  2. Anonymous says:


    Did I miss the retina scanner, or the fingerprint reader? How are you going to prove I am who I say I am anyway? As far as you’re concerned, I am anonymous, even if you knew everything about me. I’m pretty sure we’ve never discussed anything over a beer.

    The Internet is pretty much, by its very nature, anonymous — you know that. People are quite hateful if you attract that kind of crowd. This site practically oozes vitriol — I subscribed the day you posted about your arrest, and I saw a real element of humanity that I liked, but I’m finding everything in the week or two after that to be something of a completely different character.

    I’ve been hanging around here for a few days because I thought maybe some insightful commentary about Kansas City would come out between puff pieces and shots at area people, but I haven’t seen much else that would be of value to me. Certainly nothing more raw or useful than I could find in the Pitch. I doubt I’ll leave you in my feed reader much longer.

    Even being a shock jock (if that were your aim) even takes something more shocking and skillful than simply bludgeoning your own clientele for reading the words that you wrote and having the audacity to use the comment form at the bottom. Pretty soon you’ll be left with only those who enjoy this periodic spewing of bile.

    If you don’t like people reading your words, stop writing them. If you want a one-way conversation, disable the comment form. Good lord, I don’t think your egos need any further feeding, so I don’t know why the hell you’d care what I have to say anyway.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Orphan of the Road
    Probably as many people know me by this nom de pleur as my real name.

    If you censor what is said/written you give a certain credence to the wild ass things said. Remember every lie has a smidgen of truth in it.

    I’m crushed, crushed I tell you. Tony doesn’t read my brain farts whaaaaaaaaa

  4. Anonymous says:

    I only stumbled on this because someone linked it on fb. Why? I don’t know.

    When I do get on this site, I head straight for the comments because to me, they are usually more entertaining than the actual post. From there I will decide if the post is worth the time to read or if its just the stupid daily happenings from someone ….eh, I’ll stop.

    This whole theme sounds like someone grappling with extremely thin skin (not you tony, you obviously can handle it). If you put it out there, bag on people, expose them and put them down, how do you expect not to get negative feedback? And…for someone who “wrote the highest read blah blah column in the kc start for 16 years” he should know not everyone thinks he’s a prince among men. Especially those he KNOWS he fucked over.

    Ew is all I have to say for someone who has such a problem with commenters. Get the fuck over yourself.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Furthermore, I am looking at the top of this window and the fucking thing says, “Hearne Christopher, uncensored.”


    If you are uncensored, why aren’t your readers?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I find it more sad than amusing that you’ve been lowered to ‘interviewing’ a fellow ‘columnist’ from your own website. Even Tony’s most loyal followers will concede that he’s mostly a hack blogger.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Johnny Utah
    if no one read the comments, they wouldn’t have comments sections on all the web sites. fact is, the peanut gallery has a lot to say. that’s one great thing about the modern online media.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Tony’s scabies
    Really, hypocrite? How many times have you gotten tips from Gateway. Lots! It’s a great resource and you know it. Quit whining!

  9. Anonymous says:

    SKC Observer
    I’m amazed that it’s said that people don’t read comments. Sometimes they are the best part of the posting. Often they contain pearls–yes, you do have to slosh through some nasty sometimes to get at them. I also appreciate anonymous comments, people who for whatever reason don’t want to sign their words. During the MAST mess, it was obvious that firefighters and MAST people were posting to Tony’s site “anon” in the comments sections. Sometimes, I wished they would indicate something, so you could follow up a bit of info but I was happy to have some “inside baseball” stuff to see. I have lifted comments twice for posting to a blog. The best time I ever had on the comment section was when I and a anonymous (MAST person) had a dialog of comments and questions right on Tony’s blog for all to see.

    As for my anonymous type of moniker, I have it for three reasons: I don’t blog to be famous (or infamous) so I have no real wish to be identified at this time. It does protect my privacy and me from weirdos. Finally, it protects me from any body (like employers) googling my name and looking for something to whack me with. There is nothing on my blogs that I wouldn’t stand behind; semi-anonymous is just more practical at this point.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The D
    This is stupid. Everybody knows that all of the anonymous comments on TonysKansasCity are actually Tony himself. Its common knowledge.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I am in LOVE
    I LOVE mandy, no kidding,
    I can not put my finger on it, but YES!!! she has it together, and she is correct.

    ummmmmm….. more mandy : )

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thanks, LOVE.

  13. Anonymous says:

    you are very welcome : ),
    please be sure to keep posting here, I like your style and dont let any of the trolls scare you away.

  14. Anonymous says:

    What a tangled Web we weave…

  15. Anonymous says:

    Wow I’d love a follow up to that.

  16. Anonymous says:

    opps my bad forgot about the boycott

  17. Anonymous says:

    oh wait..this is a hearne thing not a Tony. I’m still good

  18. Anonymous says:

    I hate to buy into this shit and comment but I can’t seem to help myself…

    This entire blog is retarded. Only takes a quick scan of a few days worth of posts to figure that much out. The content is pretty much complete crap. The design is lame and god-awful-beyond-terrible. The comments are mildly entertaining due to obviously more talented and intelligent readers. However, such comments seem to only feed the egos of said “writers” *cough cough*. In general, this site is more like a group of children whining/crying back and forth as to whom is the greater complete fucking douchebag.

    We can probably all safely assume that the quality of your work is similar to the quality of your personality… shitty, lame, and pathetic.

    Thumbs up.

    your mom is anonymous

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