Don’t look now, but one of the Cowtown’s baddest, bad boys is poised for a comeback…
Starting January 11, 2010, Randy Miller, of Q104 and ZZ99 fame will hit the ground running on from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The name of Miller’s coming soon new on-air game: “Wake Up in KC weith Randy Miller. Mornings Will Never Be the Same.”
“It’s going to be the most exciting thing in the most exciting place in Kansas City,” Miller says. “We’re going to broadcast from the Savvy Coffee & Wine Bar and we’ll build a studio down there.”
In the meantime, Miller’s new show will employ the studios and equipment of Union Broadcasting, the home of sports radio WHB 810 AM.
The Web site is up pending next week’s launch. Miller’s bio as it appears on the site:
“Randy Miller has been broadcasting and producing radio programs for more than 25 years in some America
Randy Miller and Craig Glazer should drive off of a cliff together.
That’s a little harsh, Jared. C U in church Sunday?
still unfunny after all these years…
Perhaps they should be holding hands in the car, if that lessens the harshness for you.
Remains to be scene. Pretty sure neither of them will be hugging it out with you though
Sooo, you’re saying that what I said is going to ruin Randy, Craig and I’s friendship?
In a manner of speaking…
Drat. I take it all back then.
Call me silly, bud didn’t Kelly Urich already prove that web radio isn’t yet profitable?
If Kelly couldn’t make it work, Randy most certainly won’t be able to.
Hearne FREAKIN HILARIOUS with the see you in church line. Witty banter. You are not at Rick level but very very good!!! Still laughing and smiling.
didnt randy go bankrupt. lose his house.
randy is a good guy. Has had some problems
But he’s still trying to make a comeback.
Gotta give him credit. He needs to stop that
stupid infomercial on the bus…makes him look
really bad.
The guy has talent but since he’s been fired
from radio he has no where to put it.
His dating show was a bad deal.
Hopefully he can make a big comeback just
like tiger woods will in 2010.
FYI, Kelly Urich needed to take a year off to get away from his old station and ride out his noncompete. So he pre-signed a few big advertisers and hunkered down. The plan was never for him to blast off into a profitable Internet radio venture, rather to sow the seeds and continue to build it to where one day it will be established and profitable. He’s still running it.
Uncle Dick
Hell, I’ll ride along and bring the beer. Sounds like fun. Hearne, can you be the designated driver? With no cliffs in PV, we should be safe. Maybe they’ll take a group photo at the station and we can send them out next year at Christmas.
Uncle Dick, please!
The point is, Hearne, had there been any success to be had, Kelly, of anyone, would have had it.
Web radio isn’t there yet, and won’t be until wifi is ubiquitous. And Kelly was a still-hot top-40 talent. I wish Randy no ill will, but again, the model has been tried and it failed. It’s too far ahead of its time.
wrong again brothers.
many stations in kc are now getting huge numbers of
streaming listeners on the internet…especially
am stations. KCMO am/KMBZ/WHB etc. are finding
that they have a huge amount of listeners
listening on the internet. News talk/sports talk will
do much better than music orineted stations.
Good reason for that is that am signals sometimes
arent good in office buildings or other
structures and the internet feed is very clear
and right at the listeners desk.
Randy has no chance to be honest. He’s yesterdays news. He has no following and he’ll
end up like hearne…claiming millions of
“hits” and listeners when actuall numbers are
in the tank.
Hearne…wheres those google analytic numbers
to prove you were “stretching” the truth about
your numbers…..
Due respect and you have some good points, but streaming listeners on a terrestrial station with established numbers, is not the same as a startup web-only station. Terrestrial stations have built-in promotions and advertising budgets, and have in-car, over-the-air listening to bolster at-home Internet listening. It’s not the same animal.
Plus, most large office IT departments are blocking Internet streaming of online stations, Pandora, YouTube and similar sites because they hog enormous amounts of bandwidth and tend to erode productivity. Two more strikes against a web-only station.
Again, I submit that all things being equal, if Kelly couldn’t make a success out of web radio in Kansas City, Randy Miller most certainly won’t.
Good Lord. When’s this loser going to hang it up and realize his time has past? In the day, he would say and do anything for listeners and a job and a chance to make it big again(at least in his burned out mind). The fellow over at The Rock knows how to do it and keep a job. Hey let’s ask Mancow what he thinks! Now that I think of it hearne, please DO ask Mancow and let’s go with that answer. And who’s the dude in the pic with him? His go-fer?
why dick?
Dick Why debate Jojo on any subject? Can you not see he is insane? Let’s see at 5:44PM he tells us what a good guy Randy is, he has talent, and he hopes he has a big comeback.
Then at 7:41AM (Loser get a life why are you posting that early on a Sunday morning ?)just a little over 12 hours later he is saying Randy has no chance, he’s yesterday news, and has no following.
Jojo has more personalities then animals in a zoo. Half the time he is arguing with himself. Dick help stop the madness don’t respond to any of his rants.
why dick? uh…some of us shovel our own
driveways and go to church!
Ever done that? LOSER.
DICK…good points…and probably a littel to
early to catch on …but all the major radio
groups are buying up domain names for
internet radio because they probably see the
why dick?
You wouldn’t be allowed in church. You would want to interrupt the pastor to tell the audience your opinion. And if you were this rich big shot with 500 employees you would have someone shovel your drive way. LOSER.
No to prolong this topic but Urich didn’t go into this because he thought or knew the time was ripe for Internet radio. He went into it to get out of his deal with the new corporate owners of Mix and plan some seeds that would likely take many years to grow, but place him near the ground floor. People don’t plant tree seedlings expecting them to provide shade any time soon. Kelly may be slightly disappointed by his short term results, but he never expected anything dramatic would happen – he’s right on target with his expectations.
I wonder what David Naster is doing these days.
rob lane
Jared, odd you asked, last time I saw him he was on stage at the new Stanford and Sons, at Legends…know what, he was funny, it was busy..bout a year back. Miller did a gig there, didn’t see it. So its Miller, Glazer and Naster off that cliff, huh? Glazer is doing pretty well though, movies,club,girls, press, maybe it will rub off on Miller.
I never said Naster should go off the cliff. I just thought that since we were talking about washed up Kansas City personalities…
Fast Eddie should be Randy Miller’s co-host.
Internet radio and TV is growing quickly. I think this has a chance as a source for the growing downtown community. I am going to listen to see how it goes.
That’s exactly my point. Kelly may or may not have had expectations of wild success, but Randy DOES. Kelly proved personality-driven internet radio is WAY ahead of its time, but Randy seems to think he’s going to have wild success by hooking up with P&L.
I don’t wish him ill, but it’s not going to work…at least not in the forseeable future.