Kat: Bares Klaws on Young Frankenstein; What


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6 Responses to Kat: Bares Klaws on Young Frankenstein; What

  1. Anonymous says:

    um… every professional show in this town gets a standing ovation. means nothing.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm….I think I’ll go see Riverdance at the Independence Events Center instead.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Beena’s gonna be pissed. Kat Fight

  4. Anonymous says:

    tracy thomas
    Thanks, Kat!
    I especially appreciate you warning about inappropriate language for kids or uptight moms. AND the need for dressing in layers. I do agree that the Kansas City Standing O is such a local tradition that it is de riguer. It starts out as an afterthought–it’s really a chance to put your coat on early–except in this case, maybe we will already have those on!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the honest review. Is this a case where the movie is actually better than the live theatre production?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t Kat work for Beena?

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