Star Search: Saturday, a Good Day to Watch the Snow

News you can use? There’s some…

Like that the Kansas City Missouri School District will now have 41 empty schools for sale with the recently proposed closing of 26 more schools. That blows away even the repurposing of the Sprint campus in Leawood.

Johnson County Neighborhood News: Freelancer/columnist Matt Keenan takes on Spring Break by likening it to “other terrible concepts that were widely embraced” before later being rendered irrelevant, such as “bathroom hand dryers, solar-powered outdoor lights, laser pens, leaded gas, New Coke, yard art, speech recognition software, toddler leashes, coin-operated toilets and the Pocket Fisherman.”

Like I said, there was some news…
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3 Responses to Star Search: Saturday, a Good Day to Watch the Snow

  1. Anonymous says:

    copy desk
    Close but no cigar, Hearne: The Sprint campus is in Overland Park. Miss us, yet?

  2. Anonymous says:


    Former Kansas City Star gossip columnist Hearne Christopher recently decided to do a daily review of his former employer on his blog (LINK).
    Christopher was not particularly liked when he worked at the Star by his co-workers who felt he was not a real journalist. But his daily critique has made many of them furious with him.
    Even some folks who are employed by him as writers for his site question the logic of picking on his former employer. They feel he often comes across as petty and vindictive.
    His poking of Star TV critic Aaron Barnhart (3/16) for reportedly ignoring the recent death of radio icon Richard Fatherley (Link) drew a quick and sharp response (above) by Barnhart.
    In all fairness, at least Christopher ran Barnhart’s remarks, which in the past would have quickly disappeared from his site.
    “Hey, Aaron such thin skin, dude, I

  3. penis enlargement says:

    At this time it seems like Expression Engine is the preferred blogging platform out there right now. (from what Ive read) Is that what youre using on your blog?

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