From President Obama‘s first day in office to the current news cycle, Democrats have accused anyone who disagrees with his policies as being racist…
This week, Dick Durbin, the second highest ranking Democratic member of the Senate, called Republicans racists from the senate floor. Last month, Representative G. K. Butterfield (D., N.C.) accused Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) of opposing the confirmation of President Obama’s attorney-general nominee because she is “an African-American legal scholar.”
This tactic has never cut both ways.
America should remember that Durbin voted against Condoleezza Rice during the 40th anniversary of the March on Selma, but Republicans did not call him a racist.
But now there is a new twist to this political racism tactic.
Obama has openly and repeatedly snubbed the leader of Israel. If it is acceptable logic to accuse Republicans of racism because they oppose Obama, then it is logical to accuse Democrats of Anti-Semitism because they oppose the leader of Israel.
In fact, Democrats have a long history of Anti-Semitism.
Jesse Jackson was criticized in the early 1980s for refusing to repudiate Louis Farrakhan, for his support of a Palestinian state. Mr. Jackson even referred to New York City as “Hymietown” to a reporter.
In 1991, Leonard Jeffries, a professor at New York’s City College gave a speech blasting “rich Jews” for financing the slave trade and for controlling Hollywood so they could “put together a system of destruction for Black people.”
Then Al Sharpton weighed in and said, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”
The next day a Jewish driver accidently ran over a 7-year old black boy named Gavin Cato in Brooklyn and an Anti-Semitic riot broke out in which Jewish rabbinical scholar Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death. Sharpton lead rioters and marches that included chants of “No Justice, No Peace!” and “Kill the Jews!”
The problem with ugly tactics is that they eventually get used against you.
If Republicans are racists, then Democrats are Anti-Semitic.
Because that sad logic cuts both ways.
Help me out here Mark. What is your definition of a Semite?
anti-Semitism [an-tee-sem-i-tiz-uh m]
discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.
Thanks for not answering my question.
Now what is your definition of Racism
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Ok, I answered your question. Please answer my original question if you truly value dialogue.
I thought I did
anti-Semitism [an-tee-sem-i-tiz-uh m]
1. discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.
But the real point is that the labeling is often used as a political weapon to avoid talking about issues. It has been used by Democrats for years. Many Democrats actually believe that all Republicans are racists…so, it is a tactic that can be used by either side. Republicans have shown restraint so far, but Democrats keep it in a quick-draw holster. They even commonly use it on people of color when they are not in step. How do they get away with that?
You’ve missed it twice now Mark. You were asked to define “Semite” not “Anti-Semitism”.
OK, OK, lemme help you guys…
Do we really need to provide basic online dictionary services to readers?
1) a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.
2. a Jew.
3. a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah.
Take your pick, dude?
What I am trying to point out is for some reason Jews have decided to appropriate the word Semite for their own exclusive use which is typical for Zionist Jews. The term Semite refers to people within that region including Palestinians. It would be more accurate to say Anti-Jew or anti-Israel.
To the bigger topic- I am against the US giving billions in military aid to a country drawn up on a map arbitrarily by some British Generals to fight a proxy war against Muslims so Christians would not have to directly fight to have access to Jerusalem. I also do not support Zionists that insist on expanding illegal settlements into Palestinian territory. I think that there should be a recognized Palestinian state where Syria, Jordan and Israel should give up some land to that state.
Does that get my point across enough for you?
Not looking to argue with your points , dude but I don’t think your thought that Jews , or specifically Zionist Jews, were the ones that decided to appropriate the word “Semite” for their own exclusive use is an accurate one. Check out Wilhelm Marr.
Just a couple of weeks ago, the President told Al Sharpton to “Keep up the good work”.
A few facts with regard to the execrable Mr. Sharpton.
Excellent article Mark, but, the chances of the MSM doing a “Contrast and Comparison” with regard to your facts are negligible.
And it always amazes me how in any discussion of race, the name “Al Sharpton” comes up.
Works like this:
“Isn’t it awful that people had to get their heads beat in Selma just 50 years ago to gain the right to vote?”
“Oh yeah? Al Sharpton.”
You’re being disingenuous.No one in any position of authority in Republican politics or any conservative opinion makers have disputed the significance of the March on Selma and the nobility of the sacrifice made there, It was the Eisenhower administration,after all,that implemented Brown v. Board of Education,by calling in federal troops in Little Rock when Bill Clinton’s political mentor, Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus, echoed the call for massive resistance to integration. Everett Dirksen and Charles Halleck,GOP leaders in the House and Senate,worked with LBJ to pass the 1965 Civil Rights Act,with 90 % of Republicans voting for the bill and only 2/3 of the Democrats. Civil rights for all,great! Endless and pointless “conversations on race,” not so great- especially if it plays into the hands of charlatans like the Reverend Al.
Just want to clarify a point with regards to your statement that 90% of Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act of 1965 ( for which LBJ is blamed/credited) while ONLY 2/3rd’s of Democrats did. That 1/3rd came from the southern states that had pretty reliably voted Democratic prior to 1964. 18 Southern Democratic senators filibustered the Act and it’s passage moved the reliably Democratic south to the Republican party from that point on. LBJ knew that was going to be the likely outcome and it proved to be.
Alakazam! Alakazoom!! Watch me magically transform Dixiecrats to Republicans!!! LBJ sure was a good magician, wasn’t he?
Today’s republicans have no resemblance to Eisenhower. Are you kidding me?
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower
he’d be cast as a RINO and tossed out on his ear.
Try again.
I am a strong supporter of the state of Israel, and I also believe that Bibi has been a disaster for Israel–his tactics in the recent election gave additional ammunition to the international critics of Israel who claim that it is a racist state. I am also a strong supporter of racial equality, and I also believe that Al Sharpton has been a disaster for America’s black community. His continual “playing of the race card” in these high-profile cases of police-community relations has only resulted in cops, out of sheer self-survival, abandoning their duties in black neighborhoods–which causes an explosion of violence as the gangs and criminal elements take over. Saint Louis as we know it may not survive the crime disaster Sharpton helped unleash in its black neighborhoods with his demagoguery on the death of Michael Brown. And, Saint Louis may not be the only case of such “de-policing”–if Sharpton et al keep what they have been doing in recent months we may see crime disasters in black neighborhoods all over the nation. So, to the GOP my message is: You can criticize Bibi without being an anti-semite. My message to the Democrats: You can criticize black leaders without being a racist. To both parties: Stop this infantile name-calling. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans
You hit a home run Ernest. Thanks for commenting here.
Disagree with Bibi, Valentine calls you an anti-Semite.
only if you say disagreeing with Obama makes a person a racist.
You have to stop the 100% corupt, inverted-totalitarian, police-state, that calls itself the U.S. Government, by way of asymmetric-guerilla activity, before any progress can take place for mankind on this planet. And that’s just a start!
Interesting article by Harry Enten regarding Jews and the Democratic Party.
Netanayahooo is a perfect example for the argument of cloning Hitler. The least that should happen is that Netanayhooo should spend three days with Mr. Needle-nose Pliers and Mr. Blowtorch, and Israel and New York City shuold both be nuked.
I appreciated the previous post above but you lost me when you violated Godwin’s Law in the first sentence of your second post.
+1, dude.
John M, you’re a scary guy. Advocating for the annhilation of America’s largest city and 6 1/2 million non-Jews puts you firmly on the team that attacked NYC in 1993 and 2001.
Guess we can only hope that in-breeding puts your species on the endangered list in a death spiral to extinction.
Uh oh..
Obama Release Of Secret Report On Israel Nukes Betrays Ally
A report from 1987 that I am sure it is chocked full of up to date, accurate information. 1987 Mark.
It is a change in policy and position.
If Republicans are racists, then Democrats are Anti-Semitic.<<<<<<<
Really?? Democrats get 2/3 of their funding from Jews, of 30 jews in congress, 29 are Dems and the lone Republican is in a liberal NY district.
It is nearly impossible for a Jewish Republican to win a primary over a Christian, yes the GOP is racist, they are also anti-semitic
The point is neither statement is true.
It is an ugly tactic used in a dishonest way by Democrats.
I hoped that might become obvious to you if I put the shoe on the other foot.