STARBEAMS: KC ranked 9th Most Dangerous; Diana Dress Tour; Thwarting Mexican Vacay Mishaps

 A new US News & World Report survey ranked the most dangerous cities in the country – Missouri has two cities in the top 10. Kansas City is ranked the ninth most dangerous. St. Louis was ranked the number one most dangerous city.


FBI data includes burglary and motor vehicle theft, as well as violent crimes like murder and robbery. In Kansas City, you’re three times more likely to be a victim than in the average city. St. Louis was the only city where you are five times more likely to be a victim.

Things have gotten so bad, St. Louis is considering changing their area code to 911.


The wedding dress Princess Diana wore in the royal wedding will be on display at Union Station in a couple of weeks, but made a quick stop at NBC’s Today Show. It was beautiful but looked a little tight on Matt Lauer.

Thankfully, it was able to mask the blow that was falling from his nose.


Spring break tourism in Acapulco may drop by 88 percent because of the violence in Mexico.

The good news?

You can get a free hotel room if you’re willing to part with your rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
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5 Responses to STARBEAMS: KC ranked 9th Most Dangerous; Diana Dress Tour; Thwarting Mexican Vacay Mishaps

  1. chuck says:

    Get ready for Tony Botello to haul
    your ass over the coals for portraying a Black Stick Man Robber.

    Actually, now that I think of it, I think the two stick guys are just talking, and displaying the type of gangsta gun safety we have all come to expect.

    DUDE 1: “I stole this fuckin gat today bitch!!”

    DUDE 2: “Touchdown!!!!”

  2. chuck says:

    What part of that wedding dress is Mat Laur sniffing?
    Really. I didn’t see the program, wtf is going on there?

    What is his left hand doing?

    Jesus thats a creepy photo.

    “Hello Matt, I’m Chris Hanson.”

  3. wildabeest says:

    Chuck, your faux conversations are awesome!
    You’re a funny dude. Thanks. You’re better than Starbucks.

  4. wildabeest says:

    Chuck, your faux conversations are awesome!
    You’re a funny dude. Thanks. You’re better than Starbucks.

  5. chuck says:


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