There’s a new game in town…
An advice game. You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Let’s make a deal. And the deal is, email your queries about love, life, business, pleasure, cars, bars, politics, predicaments, media, entertainment, religion – you name it – and KCC‘s crack problem solvers will unravel it for you.
Simple, huh?
The man behind the Answers Plan is everybody’s favorite media punching bag, businessman/author/stud about town Craig Glazer. That’s right, if Craig can’t answer it, you probably forgot to ask
Are there any questions too tough for Glazer to tackle?
"No, as long as they’re not completely stupid," he says. "But I want to focus on other people’s problems, not me – I think I cover that in my other stories. But I’ll certainly use myaself as an example if need be."
Glazer will team with a woman to be named later. Oh, we know who she is alright, and you’ll be surprised. We’ll announce her identity next week after our Steak & BJ Day steak dinner for two giveaways at Raoul’s in Overland Park and Jardine’s on the Plaza. More on that later.
Meanwhile, let’s give credit to the gent whose idea was it to launch Glazer into advice orbit, Tony.
Tony’s rationale for picking Craig:
"Because the guy’s just full of great insights and he doesn’t give a fuck about offending people and I think to give good advice, you have to have that attitude," Tony says. "Plus, by his scorecard alone – just doing a quick review of the broads he’s dated, most of us could take lessons from him."
Which brings us to what questions to ask?
"It can be about religion, sports, sex, marraige, relationships," Glazer says. "Problems at work, moving to another city or state, lifestyle changes."
How about sex changes?
"Well, I don’t think we’re going to get a lot of that," Glazer says. "But lifestyle changes would cover that. Financial changes, business changes and maybe, ‘Where do I go from here?’ You know, a lot of people get stuck in hum-drum lives and they want to know how to change them. Or you know, somebody done somebody wrong questions. Friendships, political questions."
Speaking of Steak & BJ Day March 14th, has Glazer ever observed the holiday?
"I don’t know about the steak part," he says.
Tony’s plans for Steak & BJ Day this year: "Probably my usual; not having a steak or a blowjob."
To win steak dinners and a bottle of wine for two at Raoul’s or Jardine’s send your best steak and/or BJ story to
This Should Be Rich
Glazer giving advice. Hide the kids, beat the dog and send your wife out to her mothers. Holy Crap Batman! Hearne did you misspell all those words on purpose or were just sad about Murphy?
Can’t Wait For this EXPLOSION
Hearne you are a master of the uh, INSANE. You and Glazer belong at TMZ, take Tony with you. Should be interesting.
Is That The bodybuilder? I think not. Something new?
Hey in this photo Glazer looks pretty damn good, is it recent?
That Bitch A HO
Another ho in Craig’s basement. Only advice that guy gave me was not to quit taking my clothes off. Ain’t that a bitch?
Advice From Craig. Please
Oh yeah he’ll be great on lets see, marriage, kids, religion, uh, cause he is so experienced. Should be fun though.
For Real!
I want to know where Maria is Glazer. Thats my question. What is your answer. Did you tie her up and leave her at the airport like that chick in the Saprano’s?
Are Those Real Eyeglasses? Or just sunglasses
craig do you wear those to be cool? do you wear them to hide your eyes? do you wear them cause you are high? do you wear them not to be recognized? why the hell do you wear them at night? guess it works.
Heres my question
OK I’ll bite. I go to vegas too much. I stay at several hotels and get deals. Tell me where to stay for the best value and nicest living. Of course all the extras.
Hair Looks Good Glaze
Harley we might be wrong, looking sharp dude.
I Always Wanted Advice From Glazer
This will be so strange. Different.
Who Needs Advice From This Asshole
I don’t care what the hell Glazer thinks.
Dream Weaver
Harley’s right on this one boys and girls, it’s a weave. But this does pose a philosophical quandry. Is there possibly a greater act of desperation for a human being than asking Craig Glazer for advice, about anything?
Taken by moi in the past month or so
I was flying low trying to get this story up at the same time as the Murphy story was evolving from coma to death, so the short answer is, yes.
Don’t forget, Maureen, he’ll have a female accomplice. We’ll name her and unleash them then.
She’ll be interviewing Kim Jefferies at Stanford’s Thursday night. If you must know.
SMARTMAN SAID BUT…it was delted/censored before I arrived
“”Harley’s right on this one boys and girls, it’s a weave. But this does pose a philosophical quandry. Is there possibly a greater act of desperation for a human being than asking Craig Glazer for advice, about anything?””
1) Harley is never right about anything. ….but what he wrote was censored by the censors and delted before I read here…. so it could have been a first for everything, but we will never know, because it was censored by the censors and delted before anyione could make upo their own mind about it. I didnt think they di thataround here, but we are seeing it more and more…
2) No, there is no greater act of desperation for a human being than asking Craig Glazer for advice, about anything.
Uh, I meant Jim Jefferies
Advice From Glazer
OK, lets see how this goes Hearne. I give you and Tony credit for one thing, “going outside the norm.” I figure this, heres Glazer’s chance to put his experiences in action for some good. Lets see if he does that.
What Gets Missed Here
From reading this site, Glazer often gives advice. WE may not always agree or like it, but its advice just the same. In a world where almost all news is moved to the negitive or controversial nobody can really win. It’s my belief he may have some gems and certainly opinion outside of many peoples thought or feelings. Makes for entertaining reads. I’ve called Craig in the past for his advice, normally I don’t use it, but I did ask.
Good point, Robb
While naturally I’d like to think of reading an advice column by Craig Glazer and one of KC’s highest profile hotties as “:required reading,” there is no requirement that readers heed his advice.