Hearne: Big 12 No Longer ‘Watchable’ Experts Say

Well, it was fun while it lasted…

Local Big 12 podcaster wannabes like John Kurtz can’t stop blathering about how the “pending” demise of the Atlantic Coast Conference will benefit K-State and KU.

Just like when the demise of the Pac 12 enabled the Big 12 to snag Arizona, Arizona State, Utah and Colorado.

Just one problem…

While teams like our lovable local losers are taking down $31.7 million in annual TV revenue, Big 10 schools are projected to get between $80 to $100 million each going forward, and SEC teams like Mizzou’s revenues are projected to soar from like $51 million a year to an estimated $68 million – more than double the Big 12’s numbers.

The bottom line: While the Big 12 may get a handful of halfway decent ACC teams like North Carolina State, Pitt and Louisville, none of those schools come close to having the impact of teams like North Carolina, Clemson, Florida State, Virginia and possibly Miami – that will likely join either the Big 10 or SEC.

In other words, the ACC’s demise will do little to bridge the massive revenue gap between “us”and the big kids.

Worse yet, check out how two of college sports biggest and brightest – Fox Sports’ Colin Cowherd and podcaster John Middlekauff see the future of college football:
Fox Sports Colin Cowherd“I look at college football right now as, big eats small, scale beats boutique in every business,” Cowherd says. “College football’s always been a bit lopsided. I think we’re going into (where) eight programs will basically eat the sport.”

In other words eight or so college teams will take turns vying for all the marbles.

“You start looking at the Big 10 and the SEC games, from this point forward, now that they’ve added Texas and Oklahoma. (And) there’s no reason really to watch any other conference,” Cowherd continues. “There’s just no reason to watch the Big 12 or the ACC outside of a Clemson.”

End of story…sounds like it.

“I’m just going to be watching Big 10 and SEC football – that’s all I’m going to watch,” Cowherd concludes. “I mean, thank god the Pac 12 disbanded. (If) the Big 12 and ACC are on TV, I’m sorry, I’m not going to watch it.”

Middlekauff’s response:

“I’m in agreement. People always push back that these conferences are overrated. No, that’s where all the talent is. That’s where all the NFL people spend their time, and they do it for a reason.”

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6 Responses to Hearne: Big 12 No Longer ‘Watchable’ Experts Say

  1. Farflunger says:

    Whoever had the foresight to move Mizzou out of the doldrums over to the SEC is a freaking genius.

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Hate to say “I told you so”, but…..

    This is EXACTLY why Missouri made the move it did, and it’s paying off big time for them. Fund raising at an all time high..just got a donation for $250 million recently. Massive stadium improvements. Better gameday experiences. Recruiting at all time high, Drinkwitz has it at heights unseen even by Gary Pinkel. Mizzou is a trendsetting leader in the NIL arena, with other states scrambling to catch up to what Missouri did. Meanwhile, all the morons at KState, KU, etc who poo-poo-ed Mizzou’s move to the SEC and said it would never work, are now wiping the feces from their collective faces and twisting themselves into pretzels trying to come up with a way that they’ll be invited to the adults table. Newsflash: They won’t be. Welcome to the minor leagues. It’s no longer the Power 4 conferences…it’s the Power 2. And if you’re not in one of those conferences, you are nothing more than a glorified FCS school. Which is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying for years, but no one wanted to hear it. Welcome Irrelevance City, population: YOU

    • admin says:

      That’s a little harsh…

      MU hasn’t done jack in football or basketball in percent years. They got the cash but flushed away longtime rivalries that apparently you care little of.
      KU’s been trying to get into the Big 10 for several years.
      So many things are up in the air going forward, who knows how things may shake out. Teams like Texas and OU are going to have to likely choke down three or more losses before they qualify for the new playoffs.
      Nobody knows how things may shake out; will Vandy and Rutgers be allows to stay in the Big 10? Will the equally distributed monies change and the big schools get the full ride and the lesser schools kid kid out or take a pittance.
      Chances are schools like KU and maybe K State will be b brought into one of the bigger conferences or then whole thing will be rejiggered.
      Far be it for you or me to know or decide.

  3. J. Springer says:

    The Big 12 is toast.

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