New Jack City: Drive-Ins All The Rage in Covid Land

You’ve probably heard about the big comeback of drive-In theaters…

But let’s not put the cart ahead of the horse.

For example, why DID so many of America’s Drive-Ins shut down since their heyday in the 1950’s and 1960’s?

Real estate is probably the main reason.

Drive-Ins were usually located on the outskirts of town where land was cheap. Then the growing suburbs did them in.

While many so-called “Ozoners” were still profitable, the big, fast money to be made by owners was in selling them to the developers of shopping malls in growing communities.

It was also a time when America was serviced by just three television networks typically and home video tape had yet to be invented.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

One of the biggest problems of course was the seasonal – as in weather – aspect of Drive-In operations in most of the country.

For example, here in the Midwest they were pretty well dependent on the relatively short span between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day to turn a seasonal profit.

And a rainy month could wipe out their ENTIRE season.

So why now?

Well, with people trapped indoors and pretty much everything else cancelled due to the coronavirus, Drive-Ins provide a perfect, safe getaway for the family. As evidenced by the current crop of retro movies the theaters have been showing.

For example, “GOONIES.”

So can we expect to see new Drive-In theatres going up in the not too distant future?

Maybe a few—especially in warmer climate states.

But don’t hold your breath.

Instead enjoy everything the TWIN and BOULEVARD Drive-In’s  STILL offer  for summer fun under the stars.
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3 Responses to New Jack City: Drive-Ins All The Rage in Covid Land

  1. Super Dave says:

    In certain areas I see drive ins working but in Kansas City not so. I also thought high costs to get newer movies was another reason the great drive ends failed. Indoor theaters could show a pic 5 to 7 times a day while an outdoor venue was just once per night. Personally I’d rather go to a drive in over these giant multi screen theaters out there now days. But I’m old school so go figure.

    • admin says:

      I’ll let Jack answer your questions direct, but the reason KC still has a pair of successful drive-ins – and ones that have been updated for digital and more – is this is a good drive-in town.

      And my hunch is, the movie makers charge accordingly

  2. Jack Poessiger says:

    I’ve seen some tremendous weekend grosses coming out of KC Drive-Ins during past summer seasons. That’s why we still have 3 outdoor screens which were playing first run double features—until the well dried up.

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