Talk about confusing…
All this, “Who was Harley” stuff is getting out of hand, yet we’re way overdue for it all to fade into the nothingness.
However because the most controversial comments personality ever in the Kansas City blogosphere disappeared at the exact same time controversial KCC scribe Craig Glazer bit the dust, the mystery lives on.
At first blush, I bought into a theory that Glazer and Harley were one.
After all, I’d busted Glaze for making up fake comments section personalities, he’d confessed, and they were never heard from again.
But after stumbling onto emails from Glazer where he was furious over my allowing a Harley comment about a woman he was trying to hit on, I had new doubts.
How could Craig be so genuinely upset if he was the author?
Enter longtime comments section dude Super Dave with this comment:
“One of your writers, Hearne, reached out to me wanting my help with my IT connections to find out who Harley was,” it begins. “A request was made to do illegal things if need be to uncover who Harley was along with comments such as, “How much would this cost me to make happen?’
“What your writer didn’t know was that my friends were readers of your blog here and the Star in that past era of history long gone. What this writer might also not know is that all the emails and such related to the request were all kept and still stored in several places yet today by no less than three different people. You might call it ammunition for a later date sort of thing.
“But come on Hearne, some illegal activity didn’t need to take place to bust out who Harley was. Harley was Craig and Craig was Harley.

Dwight Sutherland
“Craig loved attention like nobody I have ever seen in my life, and I saw that for fact one night behind Western Hills Motel during the so called famous drug bust. Craig was trying to make it all about him while trying to say it wasn’t him. Craig was always walking through life doing the, hey look at me and dig who and what I am game. Craig loved nothing more than to see 100 responses to anything he wrote and if the responses were low he would create his own. He did it on your blog the same as he did it on Tony’s blog. He’d invent whatever names he could think of to do so. Funny when he would slip sometimes and get busted doing such, but it never stopped him from doing it again and again.
“Craig was a showman and sometimes a very bad showman but he was always walking the walk and talking the talk, whatever it may require to get the attention he so craved. Harley was an alter ego created by Craig to do what he really wanted to do at times, but knew it could hurt his image, so to draw the attention good or bad to himself he created Harley.
“As they say, all publicity is good publicity and when you’re an attention seeking addict like Craig was, there were at times no boundaries to limit what Craig might pull next or say.”
That’s a lot to love – let alone swallow – yet nonetheless, an interesting take. And certainly there’s no denying that Glazer lived to see his name in lights.
Even now, his longtime pal Bill Nigro confirms that the only thing Glazer wanted more than media attention while he was alive, was media attention after he was gone.
At one point KCC writers Dwight Sutherland and Paul Wilson tried to track Harley.
Were either of them, the writer Super Dave is referring to?
“Oh, we never went to the extremes your writer wanted to locate Harley as it would have been illegal to do so,” he responds. “Now that as it may be, I see no reason to say who at this time unless this person warrants it at a later date, and then I will let you have first all the emails and facts….
“A little background here; Craig finally knew who I was and evidently never wanted to admit so because he knew I had stories to tell and I was okay with that while never pushing the issue. But Craig’s past actions didn’t really warrant too much, let’s say, snitching on because it wasn’t needed. Craig was always good about twisting things around or forgetting what he said the last time around to provide plenty of entertaining retorts to be made.
“I tried more than once to get him fired up enough to maybe slip with some things and he didn’t know just how many at Entercom were my friends, and trust me I heard plenty. He wasn’t as well liked there as he made us believe, as one told me they all try to get along with him because they liked when he use to bring the good comedians in. But that a little bit of Craig could go a long way. (Johnny Dare) was the only person I knew who could openly trash talk Craig like he would at times and get away with it..”
Given the opportunity to address Super Dave’s assertions, Dwight Sutherland has elected to weigh in with what he sees as the definitive Craig-as-Harley theory…
Stand by shortly for Dwight’s masterpiece.
“How could Craig be so genuinely upset if he was the author?”
Because he was lying in order to cover his lies. Counter Intelligence 101 – the kind you get from your 9 year old kids about their homework.
I was very disappointed when I found out that Glazer was Harley. In the comment sections he always knew so much about my life and threatened at one point to go an visit my daughter at her workplace on the Plaza.
He met her at one of you Christmas shebangs and she spoke with him for a while. I never dreamed Glaze could be so two faced and needlessly menacing.
What was the point?
So you’re still not dissuaded…
Let’s see what Dwight comes up with. He and Paul Wilson put in a lot of time trying to track Harley down a few years back.
Paul wants to remain above the fray, but Dwight has been back to his researching should have the definitive answer any minute now.
No one cares.
CG isn’t really dead… long as we talk about him and revisit his (exaggerated) exploits and (stunningly bad) sports predictions annually, he isn’t gone: just on a long hiatus, waiting till that ‘next year’ lies somewhere over the rainbow, still tbd. As a Levi’s pair born 1953, just f a d e d away little by little, as swiss chiefs championship fantasy same: parts, chapters as verses unsung… not a measure faith so much aeon.
To be or not to be, CG… that is the question. Was he also Harley, Boom Boom and an other? Was Superman Clark Kent without the glasses, Kirk a Captain sans Enterprise and toupee? Speaking said, CG wore one? Someone on KCC claimed he did. Spare the postiche, spoil the man his legacy… dunno, don’t care – that he was CG, enough.
Wow, such elegant prose…and so refreshingly brief!
Well said…
As for the toupe, was talking about it to Nigro yesterday and we think he had plugs or a weave or whatever you call it
My inner prolix ‘not’ coming out…
Craig was Harley..he might have had a lackey writing as Harley for him and worked this tactic to keep the hounds off his trail. My big question is “does The Scribe have a headstone”?
Funny you should ask…because if he did, we’d all treat it like Mecca and go there to pay homage and take selfies like the grave of Doors frontman Jim Morrison, right?
Wait a sec, you gave me an idea..why don’t we all pitch in and get him one?
It’s a nice thought, but I think Nigro said he may have been cremated…
We could do like they did with Tommy Morrison, load some of his ashes into little necklaces and sell them
It’s not a secret that Glazer is buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, not far from his beloved Arrowhead Stadium.
That would make sense…he was in terrible shape financially at the end, but somebody must have come through.
He definitely would have wanted a headstone and grave for people to pay homage to him at
Glazer really is a true iconoclastic KC legend..he lived his life they way he wanted, a guy who didn’t back down to almost anyone. I doubt I would have got along with him as I’m almost as stubborn of a jackass as he was but I’d go to his gravestone and drink a cold one out of respect. Of course he’d be yelling from below “quit standing on my head you asshole!”
Excellent take!
Memento mori
‘The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow’r,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave,
Awaits alike th’ inevitable hour.’
‘No farther seek his merits to disclose,
Or draw his frailties from their dread abode,
(There they alike in trembling hope repose)
The bosom of his Father and his God.’
(Select lines Thomas Gray’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’, stanza nine and Epitaph)