NEW YORK, NY – JULY 03: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg consumes a dog at the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest weigh-in ceremony on July 3, 2013 in New York City. The annual hot dog eating event is expected to draw up to 40,000 fans on July 4, in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
I’m not sure whether this works or not…
Not quite a year ago, before the circus began, I said that if Michael Bloomberg ran, he’d win.
But he didn’t…run that is.
Which surprised me, since you don’t become a billionaire – certainly on Wall Street – without an ego. Didn’t Bloomberg have the law changed so he could run for a third term in New York City? That takes chutzpah. I figured he either had skeletons in his closet, or believed he was just too old.
The story today though is he believed Joe Biden would win, so he stayed out. How delusional is he? I knew Biden had no chance, first and foremost because he’d blow himself up. He has a long history of this. Furthermore, we know there are Biden fans in Scranton and Delaware, but anywhere else? He’s like an opening act, a favor for the agent, someone tolerable if you come late, who you don’t mind missing.
Now in tech, where Bloomberg made his money, there’s a first-mover advantage. The key is to run so fast – as Mark Zuckerberg once said, “move fast and break things” – so no one can catch up. Bloomberg owns the terminal space, even when it was discovered the company was spying on its customers, despite there being talk of an upstart, nobody challenged the behemoth.
Getting in late is kind of like RFK in ’68. Yup, RFK didn’t think he could win, but then when Eugene McCarthy was getting all that traction, he felt it’d be easy – like taking candy from a baby. Unfortunately, Kennedy was shot – and ultimately in a year of unrest, where the convention itself was a site of protest and police overreaction – the candidate was Hubert Humphrey, and he lost.
Biden isn’t even Humphrey…
But the lesson of ’68 is, there are incalculable grass roots, disaffection with the status quo, that the inside players and the media aren’t in touch with.
So that brings us to George McGovern. The year 1972 was not 1968. The younger generation was licking its wounds, the mass protests were over, it was the wrong time. Which is the lesson the DNC does not get – it’s not 2016 anymore, it’s 2020 – and people have changed.
Which brings us to Michael Dukakis.
That’s the paradigm the DNC is afraid of. It believes Elizabeth Warren is Dukakis, but it’s not 1988 anymore. Sure, it’s important to study history, but also not to be blinded by it. If history repeats at all, it’s with a twist.
And the history we’re talking about is 2016, and the twist is now.
Donald Trump tapped into discontent. The DNC and its cronies believe it was all white supremacists, hogwash! I know three people right off the top of my head who voted for Trump, all friends. One a famous musician, from one of the bluest states. Trump pointed out the flaws in globalization, the raw deal for the rank and file. And Hillary Clinton was damaged goods, the right had defined her.
Now the right has defined Adam Schiff.
They pushed back and Schiff shut up. WRONG!
Anybody will tell you you stand up to the bully. As for this newfangled b.s. that you need to campaign without mentioning Trump’s name… THAT’S NOT THE WAY HE PLAYS!
Get into the street fight!

Billy Squier
If the Democrats had balls, Trump would go, long before the election.
If they stopped being such wimps and went on every TV show and sold their position, spread it online, it would help the cause. Instead, the Dems allow the pundits, the media, the usual suspects, to say that there’s no way Trump gets convicted in the Senate.
You’ve got to shame the Republican Senators. Make it about the vaunted Constitution. Paint them as traitors to subsequent generations. Declare them enablers. Trump is like a five year old with crumbs on his lips who says he didn’t raid the cookie jar. Just because the evidence is in plain sight, that does not mean they’re not guilty.
So these same wimps in D.C. have a fantasy that the public wants a centrist.
What Trump taught us was just the opposite, you play to the disaffected, you speak truth, you bring the voters to you, and not vice versa.
If Bloomberg had gotten in early and attacked Trump he’d have run away with the race.
Now he looks like an opportunistic billionaire, when everybody hates billionaires except the people themselves and those sucking on the tit of them. I know I’ll never become a billionaire, I don’t think there should be billionaires, I’m sick of billionaires pontificating, thinking just because they have money they’re right and we should listen to them. And Bloomberg played right into the hands of Warren and Sanders, who both pushed back today.
Once again, Bloomberg is too late.
As for Bernie Sanders, there’s no doubt that he would have beaten Trump in 2016.
But he was an outsider who didn’t play the game so the DNC got behind Hillary, saying it was “her turn.”
When I hear that crap I cringe.
It’s nobody’s turn, nobody’s earned it. That’s what we’ve learned in music, in Hollywood, where there are feuds and the only people who sustain are running on fumes, playing their old hits, because the younger generation doesn’t care and the old fans don’t want to hear new music.
Warren is today’s Sanders.
It gets worse for the DNC. They may have a dozen people at the debate, but there are only three candidates, Warren, Sanders and Pete Buttigieg. Biden is done.
Amy Klobuchar has got no chance. As for Kamala Harris, the media built her up but there was no there there – she didn’t really have any fans. As for Buttigieg…he was the great gay hope 10 months ago, then he couldn’t control chaos in his own city and moved to the center and lost his credibility. It’s not that he’s gay, but because he’s got a bad track record and no one can get excited about his new stances.
Similarly, I can’t get excited about Bloomberg.
I just saw him as somebody who could win. And then the media said Warren had no chance, then she came from behind to be the frontrunner. Shows you how much these pontificating nitwits know. Warren is tapping into mistrust, a feeling of being screwed over, those who didn’t have the money to pay Rick Singer to get their kids into an elite college. I mean I jumped through all the hoops and now I’m a loser, a chump? That’s how I feel when I compare myself to the billionaires.
The government used to be on my side, and then Ronald Reagan labeled it inefficient and needing to be pruned and the right stayed on message and the media bought it and now the biggest crime in Presidential politics is saying the word “tax.”
Which undercut Warren. She was sailing smoothly and wouldn’t answer the question directly. I winced, was this her Billy Squier moment? At least she finally released a plan, who cares if it’ll work, it’ll never be enacted, but it illustrates her heart is in the right place.
And Warren keeps fighting back! Something Hillary didn’t.
Then Biden choked on Ukraine, let the President define him, and Bloomberg wouldn’t even enter the race.
It’s about passion people. Kids believe in Billie Eilish. With the baggy clothes hiding her body and…
If you talk to kids today, they chastise you when you use a plastic water bottle. But somehow the right owns this issue, making California a laughingstock with its banned straws. If you run with the climate crisis it will energize those who’ve given up hope, those who say the game is rigged.
Yup folks, this is the same DNC, the same insiders, who got it wrong last time and are still getting it wrong today. It’s almost like they want Warren to lose to make a point. That you play their game or you’re out.
Of course Warren can win.
The worthless polls keep telling us that. As for Trump, everybody said he couldn’t win. But even those on the left, even the New York Times, thought he was not really a crook, and that he was smart. Now we know he’s a narcissistic buffoon. You think that people aren’t aware of that? Look at last year’s elections, and last Tuesday’s. Do you see the blue surge?
The funniest thing is writing about the Democrats, I’ll hear from the Republicans, defending Trump and laughing at those on the left. Where are the people on the left working the refs? Everybody on the left is so worried about offending somebody that they don’t take action.
As for identity politics…a minor story involving few people, ignore it. Candidates should say these are issues that need to be addressed once they’re elected, that they want to support minorities, but that without power there is oppression.
And it’s not even about stretching health care, but making sure coverage doesn’t shrink.
And the tariffs and sale of public lands and everything people are passionately against…crickets.
So Bloomberg will come along and satiate the DNC, but other than that organization and some rich people, maybe even left wing billionaires, nobody will get excited.
We’re not looking for daddy to save us.
We’re looking for someone ready for a knife fight, a leader, who will attack the other side.
For Bloomberg to win, he’s got to come out punching…but no, he’s a quiet mastermind, the wrong guy for the time.
So, the DNC and its cronies are alienating their base. I know it sounds impossible, but they are, the same people who voted for Jill Stein last time around, the same people who are new voters, they think they’re being ignored. They want to send a message, that it’s not business as usual, they want to storm the asylum, and the DNC wants to bring the asylum back?
Who are these mysterious centrists?
Are you really telling me African-Americans won’t vote for Warren?
Statistics and polls will tell you where you’ve been, not where you’re going.
It’s no longer business as usual.
It’s closer to 1968 than 1988.
The youth are restless. And Trump will do his best to scare those who voted Democratic and then switched to Republican last time. And what will the Democrats do? Have a circular firing squad.
They call this disruption. The DNC should read Clayton Christensen‘s “Innovator’s Dilemma,” institutions super-serving the usual suspects are overthrown by enterprises that appear to be fringe and then go mainstream and take over.
All this b.s. about infrastructure. A man with Bloomberg’s money and relationships can build it in a day, or close to it.
But will the hoi polloi buy it?
They just might not.
The DNC is a private association – a private club – and the board who runs the club picks the nominee(s). Bernie isn’t in the club, so he’s not getting the spot. There are the two front runners, Biden and Warren. The donor class like Biden, he’s on their side, and while they don’t much care for Warren, she’ll make a good VP. Bloomberg is getting in to spice up a more or less moribund pack of candidates, that’s pretty much it.
Trump vs Biden will be interesting, though.
Good insight, grazie…
Not only is Bernie not in the club, unless my memory fails, he’s not even an actual Dem, right?
Like you, I would love to see a Biden Trump contest…Trump will mop cup the floor with him maybe…but Biden will challenge him to fisticuffs or something odd but the million dollar question is, will Biden flakes out and forget what he’s doing, who he’s talking to, etc.
I’m thinking, senior citizen smackdown!
“It’s about passion people.”
That sums up Lefty’s entire jeremiad with respect to the DNC.
Lefty is a blinkered, myopic SJW that assumes the high ground because it feels good and thinks if he clicks his Ruby Slippers together, he will be home again, in California circa 1968, singing along with Scott McKenzie with flowers in his hair on Fisherman’s Wharf. In reality, you need a “Poop Map” to traverse the dangerous, drug infested, frequently on fire, homeless areas that permeate the REAL California.
A “Poop Map” would come in handy, deciphering the bullshit that Lefty throws out of his tire swing at any of us, that come across his many, meandering, meaningless, stream of unconsciousness agitprop.
The accusations of “TREASON!!!!” from Lefty’s hero, Adam “Baghdad Bob” Schiff and literally thousands of talking heads in the Main Stream Media for 3 years, leave any credibility cash available for Progressive purchases of the hearts and minds of those in the middle bereft. When pressed, for actual, not a generalized “Abuse OF Power”, or “Obstruction” crimes, real, “Here is the proof” crimes, the Left and Lefty come up with nebulous, impossible to prove, “I know what he was thinking” Rorschach test conclusions that are embraced by the “Resistance” but, in the court of public opinion, fail to persuade.
The real, categorical indications of insanity/stupidity, are Lefty’s continued insistence, that the media is dominated by the Republicans. Even the left wing, Main Stream Media, admits that coverage of Trump, is 92% negative. Lefty is exactly, like his hero, Adam “Baghdad Bob” Schiff, he looks right into the camera and lies his ass off.
There is NO separation, NO daylight between, the Main Stream Media, the DNC, the Deep State and their cheerleaders, the Entertainment Industry.
I think it is weird, when FOX News anchors query themselves and others on why the MSM never investigated the obvious, outrageous lies that drove the Russian Collusion Hoax.
You wouldn’t expect Chris Jones, the Defensive Lineman to run off of the bench and tackle a Chiefs wide receiver would you? You wouldn’t expect a Chiefs offensive lineman to turn around after the snap and tackle Patrick Mahomes. They have different jobs, but there is NO difference – they all activists in search of power.
They are all, on the same team, wear the same jersey and work towards the same result, total, Fascist control over all Americans in a Socialist/Fascist Nirvana – where we all need poop maps and get our health care at the DMV.
“Anonymous Sources” tell me that Adam Schiff is such a liar, that, to this day, before he sleeps with his wife, he tells her he is only going to put the tip in. Like all Americans who believe Adam Schiff’s lies, she is too naive to know when she is being screwed.
Geezus Chuck,you been conducting peeping Tom activities on Adam’d Garden of Eden?
I used the same “Anonymous Sources” that are available to the Media, Administrative Deep State and the DNC.
They are never wrong.
During the “Operation Iraqi Freedom” (Or, as I like to call it, “Mission NOT Accomplished”), as American tanks rolled to within 500 yards of the Press Conference where he was speaking, as the sounds of gunfire, bombs and American air cover destroyed the remnants of the Republican Guard and the distressing cacophony of war resounded through the microphones, in use, at that very Press Conference, a guy nicknamed “Baghdad Bob” (Muhammad al Sahhaf) told viewers, that U.S. Soldiers were committing suicide by the thousands and surrendering right outside the city walls.
Baghdad Bob was known to have a tenuous relationship with the truth. We used to laugh at this buffoonery and move on. Not so much anymore.
Our very own Baghdad Bob has dominated the airwaves over the last 3 years, with a relentless assault on the truth, but with far different results.
Adam “Baghdad Bob” Schiff has promised, repeatedly, over those years, to provide irrefutable truth, that is “right in front of your face” of Russian Collusion and Treason by President Trump. He is, as they say in Baseball, O FOR. Keep in mind, that treason is a crime punishable by death. Not to be outdone, just last week, Hillary accused fellow Liberals, Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein of being Russian agents. The assumption here, is that if you are Progressive, you can just say ANYTHING and the Main Stream Media will expect the electorate to believe it. That media, infected with the same Progressive “Resistance” Pathogen, shrieks the same repetitious, syncopated refrain at every opportunity. ” TREASON!!!!!”
From the Grrrrrls on “The View” to literally every Newsman/Woman NOT on Fox News, they all, have assured their listeners, thousands of times over the last 3 years, that Trump was a Russian operative and guilty of treason. You can tune in every day to these cable “news” channels and it is like a Catholic High Mass for retards. Adam “Baghdad Bob” Schiff, The Monsignor of Mendacity, saying prayers over the Holy Fusion GPS Dossier, assuring his flock that he has the goods this time for sure!
Buying into this narrative, are jejune, gullible people. You know, like Lefty. So, I was thinking, having been in sales, what COULDN’T I sell to the nitwits who not only bought into this story, but STILL, in the face of the undeniable, incontrovertible, unassailable evidence, believe that Trump is a Russian agent?
I betcha I can talk them into helping me and OJ find the “Real Killers”.
I betcha I can talk them into giving Bernie Madoff Venture Capital.
I betcha I can talk them into taking Alec Baldwin’s parking spot.
I betcha I can talk them into letting Charlie Sheen raise their kids.
I betcha I can talk them into letting their daughters date Joran van der Sloot.
You get my point. The Schizoaffective Progressives, now certain, after NOT seeing any proof “right in front of your face”, who are sure that Adam “Baghdad Bob” Schiff has “got” the President this time…, are sure that we don’t need to “Read The Transcript”, because interpretations of the transcript, are more important than the actual transcript. We are deep in Baghdad Bob territory here, riding Orange Barrel Acid down the Rabbit Hole.
Lefty, Adam Schiff is a LIAR.
New York’s top obesity fighter Michael Bloomberg interviewed between bites, 2013:
“No no no (pauses to inhale a 5th/double entendre) I said you can’t consume a large soda – never said you couldn’t stuff your face as many hot dogs as you like, because… well… personally, I love’em – see the difference!”
In a one word declaration, New York’s State Court of Appeals in a 2014 ruling: “NO”
Call him what you want, Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, Baghdad Bob, or Comical Ali, but Adam Schiff is a lying piece of human garbage.
All I needed to see was his appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show, where Carlson confronted him on producing some actual evidence on the Russian Hoax. Schiff’s flaccid response, was to go full on Joe McCarthy and tell Carlson that he was helping the Russians by asking for proof. Adam Schitt is a red baiting, fear mongering slimeball. He’s the fly in the afterbirth of society.
You need to find a hobby. And please
don’t choose writing. It is your worst
character flaw. You know nothing and
your attempt to be witty falls as short
as the conspiracy theories you make up
in your demented and polluted mind.
Why are you talking about subjects that
are decades old. I assume that’s the best
you can do for a oldster locked on R!