That’s right, I’m just back from my 1st actual vacation in more than four years…
I know, I know – by the standards of mainstream blogging, column writing and things such as that, I’ve been on vacation following my divorce in 2015.
That said, as some of you know, I have a full time job now working with BMW and Volkswagen, so it’s not like I’m holed up in my mother’s basement, writing for free and trying to prove to the world that I matter.
Been there – done that.
These days I’m taking as much time as a halfway “normal” working life allows to try and provide as much in the way of news, opinion and general stupidity as I can.
So yeah, while less in not more, remember that line about “half a loaf”?
Besides, while trafficking 24/7 in myriad unconfirmed local rumors and news may be interesting, contrary to popular opinion, I was brought up on actual journalism where you had to make a serious attempt to confirm what you were writing about – or at least mention that you’d at least tried.
How often do you read about that sort of exercise on your average blog?
So yeah, I’m back…give me a minute to clear a few cobwebs and address some of the news that’s “broken,” these past two weeks.
That many sound lame – and maybe it is – but my plan of attack is to inform and entertain….
And, uh, you get what you pay for, right?
(Kidding, OK?)
Vacay did you good, HC… you look 20 years younger! A more somber note, R.I.P. ‘The Great Mortimer’ Handsome Harley Race, nine time world champ.
Ha ha!
I did use an older pic for the fun of it. Good catch!
When was that picture taken Hearne? Why does your hair look like you stuck your finger in a light socket?
My hair always looks like I stuck something in a light socket!
I grew up across the street from a guy that would pal around with many of the All-Star wrestlers. His daughter and I were best friends. He is still a great friend of our family. Anyways……..
On any given Friday night, he would have poker nights in his basement. It wasn’t unusual to see Handsome Harley Race, Bulldog Bob Brown, Bob Geigel or Danny Little Bear sitting at the table when we were fetching them beers.
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wrestling fans!
A familiar cry from former announcer Bill Kirsten, I believe
Holy sh*t, Jim, that’s awesome! Those are wrestling names from my youth! Watched many of them on “Wrestling at The Chase”. Bulldog Bob Brown was my childhood favorite. Great memories!
Despite what many people think of pro wrestlers and pro wrestling in general, there were some truly tough sumbitches in the game back in the day. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to brawl with Harley Race or Bulldog Bob Brown. You’d be picking up your teeth afterward if you were lucky enough to be conscious at all.
Guy, agreed. These were some original tough guys. Despite what “wrestling” went on in the ring, I know whose side I wanted to be on when the shit got real. Just some old school brutes.
They were a totally different breed of cat – total tuff guys – from an era where even “fake” was very much real!