Hearne: ‘Google Fiber’ News Shocker?

Anybody out there got the recipe for stone soup?

The Star’s Mark Davis seemed to have found it with his front page story and the headline, “Google Fiber left customers in dark on why their service was out.”

Which might have been far more interesting – and possibly even mattered – had it not been for two things:

First, Google Fiber was far from alone among the utilities leaving a number of Kansas Citians in the dark utilities for well over a week after the big storm.

Anybody out there notice how many houses in high dollar hoods like off Ward Parkway and Wornall Road were still dark, long after the brunt of the first ice and snow storm struck two weeks back?

Secondly,. while local media went ape shit over how cool Google Fiber was in 2010 when KC got to be the guinea pig, the bloom has long since been off that rose.

Because Google awoke  long ago  from that pipe dream and realized it wasn’t the money maker it had hoped for (a la Google Glasses).

As evidenced by this story in Gizmodo two years back.

“For a long time, Google Fiber was the most exciting broadband provider out there. Cities  wanted it, tech people drooled  over it; and on a loftier level, it even promised to help bridge th “digital divide”  between rich and poor. But now, things are looking bleak: Yesterday, Bloomberg reported that Google Fiber is being scaled back dramatically (again) as it named Greg McCray its new CEO, with ‘several hundred’ of its employees in that division being sent to other areas of the company.”

The problem being, it was a wildly expensive undertaking – even for deep-pocketed Google – plus it faced steep competition and was a tough sale.

By the way, that McCray dude barely lasted five months on the job.

So yeah, the newspaper fielded a handful of complaints from Google Fiber customers, but odds are they had a ton more from folks whose power – not just cable – went out.

As for the fact that no one at Google knew exactly what the problems were and how quickly they could one fixed, pretty much mirrors every major storm power and utility outage I recall.

Which is not to say it didn’t make for a gripping front page newspaper story….

Am I wrong? 

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8 Responses to Hearne: ‘Google Fiber’ News Shocker?

  1. Google is a Fascist, dangerous company with oceans of money it is using to buy out politicians. If the US can break up Standard Oil, we can sure as hell break up this nefarious, Anti-American company.

    Google is NOT an American company, it is a Globalist company that is IN NO WAY interested in American values and historical American imperatives. They assist Fascist despots all over the world with initiatives to enslave their citizens with technology and Orwellian “Skynet”, Stalinist, totalitarian efforts that no doubt brings a smile to the face of Chairman Mao when he is not busy, on his knees, fellating the Devil in Hell. Think of all the people Chairman Mao didn’t get to kill during the 1966 Cultural revolution for the lack of this evil, nefarious companies good offices.

    These biased, partisan, nefarious companies, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. are in no way, just “Platforms”, they are fully FORMED agents who seek the destruction and replacement of American power on the international and national stage with the categorical implementation of Marxist ideologies and intitiatives that control our words, deeds and thoughts in a new, foul, loathsome world, controlled by deep thinkers like AOC and Rahida Tlaib.

    We are coming up on a cold day in April, where the clocks are striking 13.

    Screw Google, screw their pussy employees and screw their choke hold on information and how it is disseminated. Burn them to the ground.

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    I’ve had the following internet/cable tv providers:

    Time Warner (now Spectrum)
    AT&T Uverse
    Google Fiber (currently)

    Google Fiber destroys all of them, and it’s not even close. Extraordinary speed and great customer service. Will never change.

    • admin says:

      And, I’ll venture to guess, your cable did not go out recently…

      Trouble is Google seems to be turning the page on this biz and focussing more on wireless.

      Plus if you move to Timbuktu and they don’t have Google Fiber, by guess is you’ll make the change then.

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Correct, it did not. Unlike Time Warner/Spectrum who were terribly unreliable with crap customer service. AT&T Uverse was fine, but WAAAYY too expensive. DishNetwork was ok, but no internet service and went out every time a storm would blow through. Even fairly minor showers caused pixellation in the picture.

  3. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Whenever friends are thinking about changing providers, they ask what I have and do I like it. I’ve had AT&T Uverse for 9+ years and LOVE it. What I mean to say is that I love the PRODUCT. It isn’t cheap and we constantly renegotiate the cost every 2 years. I can’t STAND their business model regarding existing customers and/or their “packages”. However, the actual product is fantastic. All wireless boxes, our WiFi signal is excellent and we never have an outage. Ever.

    The whole provider landscape is changing with so many streaming services available. People want an a-la-cart menu and not a giant package with 200 channels they don’t watch. The big boys will HAVE to change to survive.

    Not quite sure what that thing of Chuck’s was ……but OK.

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