Hearne: Claire McCaskill Tries to Pull a Fast One

Never let it be said Claire McCaskill isn’t conniving…

After all, Claire cut her political teeth right here in KCMO, tap dancing with  adiabolical dudes like the late Steve Glorioso. And nobody knew how to lay the pipe to political foe better than Little Stevie Wonder.

So in one fell swoop McCaskill was able to – deftly, I might add – execute a high profile, pro-me too maneuver by coming out against Trump/Republican-backed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavenaugh without overtly alienating conservative Missouri voters. Voters many for whom think he’s getting royally screwed by Dems wanting to derail his nomination until after the mid term elections in November.

Pretty slick, huh?

Once upon a time, media political watchdogs of the past like Dave Helling would have busted McCaskill for her somewhat transparent political maneuver.

Ah, but that was before it became mainstream for once serious journalists like Jake Tapper to editorialize the news.

Let’s be clear…

By saying she would not vote for Kavenaugh – not because of the “rape” allegation but because of his stance on campaign funding – McCaskill gets to kiss up to mainstream Dems (and so-called feminists) while attempting not to piss off conservatives who think the entire high school confidential thing is little more than a ploy to buy time until they can harvest more votes in congress.

Smooth one…

That is if anybody with half a brain falls for it.

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37 Responses to Hearne: Claire McCaskill Tries to Pull a Fast One

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    You think what CM is doing is any more “political” than not giving a SCOTUS nominee a hearing at all? That’s rich. The hypocrisy of the Repubs has no bounds. Trust me, I know there is plenty of that to go around on BOTH sides of the aisle. Repubs STOLE a nomination from Obama. Period. Anything they do after that is moot. Ancient, white men are losing their grip on controlling EVERYTHING in this country and they can’t stand it. Demo’s are changing in this country and they see it coming. The sooner old farts like Grassley & Hatch croak, the sooner we can get some folks in there that haven’t done things “their way” for the last 40 years in Congress. Here’s to Hatch putting on his magic underwear and making a one way trip to his beloved Planet Kolob. Geezus. This is the best our country has to offer? Pathetic.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      LOL. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The Establishment is firmly entrenched and isn’t going anywhere for decades, Jim. Even the darling of leftists everywhere (Ocasio-Cortez) has already been assimilated. She was blathering on the other day, endorsing Cuomo in NY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, REAL progressive there. The same guy who called her win a “fluke” and that she wasn’t a ‘real’ progressive. Dude literally shits on her head, and that brainless bimbo says “Thanks for the hat!!!”

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        The only constant is change_Heraclitus

        96th Congress (1979-1980)….18 women (16 reps/2 Sens)
        115th Congress (2017-2018)…108 women (85 reps/23 Sens)

        I’ll let facts, not opinion, make my argument.

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

          Jim, just because they have a Goddamned pussy doesn’t mean they don’t get swallowed up by the Establishment. JFC. Take off the blinders. BOTH sides of the aisle have been co-opted by big corporations and sell out their constituents to their high dollar donors. Doesn’t matter if they are male or female, black or white. They ALL bow to the almighty corporate dollar.
          Always love chatting with you my good man. You’re the type of guy I could enjoy steaks and fine liquors with!

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    This thing with Kavanaugh and the high school party is beyond ridiculous and a waste of everyone’s time, and taxpayer money. As Hearne indicates, it’s purely a politically motivated move to attempt to delay the vote, a desperate one at that. Hell, Feinstein had the information two months ago and just sat on it.

    • Seth Rich says:

      I would call the Kavenaugh hearings a new low for Democrats, but, then I remembered, I’m dead.

      • admin says:

        Head scratcher

        • So now Glazer’s posting from yet another alter ego? And from the Pearly Gates?

          • admin says:

            C’mon, Rage…

            The Scribe’s pushing up daisies and it would appear someone (I suspect Paul Wilson cuz he was always so good at imitating Boom Boom) did the last weigh in by the Harlinator.

            So it remains a mystery but Dwight suspects (and I wonder) if it hadn’t been Craig all along.

            Now if the real Boom Boom / Harley really shows up and on something approaching a regular basis starts doing his thing here, that will put an end to that particular conspiracy theory…but at this point the jury’s out.

  3. Super Dave says:

    With her mouth hung open like that she should just go ahead and stick her foot in it because in the end, it’s how it will look.

  4. Kerouac says:

    “Pretty slick, huh?”

    – only to the halt, lame, party of no shame, ever lawless firm Dewey, Cheatem & Howe embraces deceit, hoodwink and bamboozle… liberal left; which is to say, no one to the right of wrong is buying it; bye Claire.

    Condolences voting Dems living AND deceased, illegal ones cast past, present, future, and ‘ever accurate polls’, once more a rude awakening come November 2018, as 2016: Kavanaugh – confirmed, Senate majority Repubs – increased, House – held, followed a continuing mandate greatest President my lifetime reelected 2020 in a LANDSLIDE.

    Meanwhile, back intersection sniffles & snowflake, Morris Albert laps the turntable as the party bleeding hearts circles the drain… ‘feelings, nothing more than feelings…’


    … one kicking, screaming, lying liberal at a time



  5. Kerouac says:


    Emperors with no clothes, McCaskill/Dems also have no teeth


    CNN ratings are down 41%, but mine are only down 32%

    [ Lefty (il)logic: “I’m carrying this place!” ]


    Think America isn’t paying attention/Repubs won’t turn out to vote, Libs?


  6. Stomper says:

    I guess when one writes a blog that encourages comments from readers, writing a naive, shallow, and partisan political piece is a good business model. Are you trying to fill the void left by CG? You’ve been around long enough to know what politicians from both sides of the aisle will say and do to get elected and reelected. McCaskill looks to have played this pretty well. Still an uphill battle for her to hold her seat.

    Jim has already called you out on the absurd comment about Kavanaugh getting “screwed” by Democrats wanting to derail the nomination until after the elections while conveniently overlooking McConnell’s treatment of Garland and not even granting a hearing.

    Amazing how both sides will overlook bad behavior and overt political acts as long as the person misbehaving resides on their side of the aisle. No means no and if a 17 year old male hasn’t learned that lesson, he won’t at any age. It’s only an accusation at this point but a lifetime appointment to SCOTUS demands it be investigated. What’s the rush?

    People with half a brain have been buying political maneuvering, voting and deciding elections since the birth of the nation as the current occupant of the White House confirms.

    And spare me your “but I voted for Obama twice” defense.

    • admin says:

      I’ll NOT spare you, Stomps…

      Because as we both know, you are a born into a Democrat family, died-in-the-wool Dems, one and all.

      Whereas I was born into a Republican family and have rather nimbly danced on both sides of the pin head…

      I didn’t just vote for Obama, I also voted for Ross Perot and Ralph Nader….which at the very least would seem to indicate that I’m at least somewhat open-minded, as opposed to being a one trick pony. Got a mirror handy?

      Get under your skin?

      You studied politics and thus you accept – embrace even – sinister, bad behavior and no doubt applaud it when it caters to your entirely partisan existence.

      Have no such leanings, I’m free to call people out regardless of political stripe – like McCaskill – who I know pretty well by the way…do you?

      I could tell you stories about Claire that would curl your teeth, btw.

      So while I’m hardly naive when it comes to political shenanigans, there’s nothing wrong with calling them people out, which in this case I totally did.

      That you embrace her disingenuousness is on you.

      Now I’m crossing into the Craig Glazer school of thinking (and writing)? hoo boy.

      Sorry I touched on your nerve, didn’t realize your Kansas zip code would find a bit of Missouri corn pone so offensive….

      delicate flower that you are

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Hearne, I didn’t know you had been in the haberdashery business. Wow! That clownsuit you just fitted Stomper for fits perfectly.

        Stomps, it’s beyond ridiculous that a baseless accusation of something that may or may not have occurred 30 years ago is being used as a political football for the SCOTUS seat. There is no way it can be proven. The only other person in the room at the time has denied it happened. End of story.

        Merrick Garland as a comparison? Please. You do see the difference between a Presidential election and a mid term election, right?

      • Stomper says:

        Thanks HC. I just thought that when compared with your other better efforts (i.e. BBQ contest), this short piece criticizing her for behavior that is standard for all politicians when running for office was naive. Disingenuousness is a trait almost required for all politicians. Running for office in a district or state that supports the other party by 20 points demands it.

        Looking forward to more political pieces in the next several weeks

        • admin says:

          Fair enough, but don’t mistake my critique for naiveté…

          Of course politicians can be disingenuous. No breaking news there. Just as married dudes with pregnant wives can get a little handsy at a strip club.

          That said, the art of the deal is not to be overly transparent so as not to attract the kind of attention my column brought.

          Somewhat obviously Claire was trying to have it both ways without paying the piper.

          Forgive me for calling her out, but trust me, it wasn’t because this was my first “rodeo.’

      • chuck says:

        “Because as we both know, you are a born into a Democrat family, died-in-the-wool Dems, one and all.”

        $50.00 says Stomper stole Abbie Hoffman’s book.

        Most of my family, including me, thought that Obama, would be a great president, I guess, based on his towering rhetoric and the promise of racial healing, by way of his success in politics.

        What a fuckin mistake.

        Results count, facts matter and scale is important.

        The insulting, in your face “gas lighting” by the Progressive Pack Dog Media and Progressive politicians during this last week with respect to Kavenaugh, is loathsome.

        The “Spartacus” quote from Booker, whose ascendance to high station, by way of excess melanin, is a far cry from “Hope And Change”, but, at least more honest.

        I love watching these “White Boys” in the Democrat Party, commit suicide. Their is NO place for white boys, or country for old men in the new and improved Democrat Party.

        See ya in Johannesburg. The Democrat Party in America – is on it’s way, to the equivalent of the ANC in South Africa.

        What a success!!!!!

    • Kerouac says:

      “What’s the rush?”

      – the better question: what’s the hold up? 1983 to 2018, Ford to Feinstein, July to September…? If this be as giving birth/a bad marriage, am happy not to be a woman/espoused.

      Repub/Dem chorus ‘Kumbaya, My Lord’ not happening, perhaps a verse from ‘Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off’ willst suffice: “You like potayto, I like potahto; you like tomayto, I like tomahto; potayto, potahto, tomayto, tomahto, let’s call the whole thing off!”

      Dems would dearly love call the whole Kavanaugh thing off, but as songstress Sara Bareilles lyricized ‘who made you King of anything’? Kerouac & millions others suffered Dem eight dark years 2008-2016 when they were, for awhile, Kings of everything. Came then a market correction named Trump, and now the shoe resides the other foot (right one as contrasted the wrong- er, left.)

      Forsooth Stomper, ye olde Golden Rule: ‘he who has the gold makes the rules.’ and as you acknowledge, “politicians from both sides the aisle.” Not gonna go far as Bobby Knight (“if rape is inevitable relax and enjoy it”) but when you’re ‘on top’ as ’twere, to the victor go the spoils.

      So relax, the political worm will turn once again some tomorrow (other than ‘homesteading’/faux term limits, is this a great country… or what?)


  7. Goose13 says:

    OK HEARNE! You keep saying you have all these stories about people and you never share. C’mon man. Share!

    • admin says:

      This one’s too tuff…

      All I will hint is that the ex boyfriend of a somewhat prominent local told her he caught someone would was quite blonde and very ambitious in the sack with…SEVERAL years back, prior to her current romantic interest

  8. Stomper says:

    Guy, your implication that a Presidential election is far more important than a mid term election relative to a SCOTUS nomination exposes a lack of knowledge of the US political system. Presidents nominate and the Senate confirms. McConnell and his posse did their part by refusing to grant Garland a hearing in hopes that a Trump victory would doom him. It did so Garland is out and Kavanaugh is up to bat. Now if the Dems regain the Senate, Trump should not expect rubber stamp confirmations going forward. The comparison is valid.

    How’s the fit?

    Your second paragraph is just as weak. Before the Ford accusation, I was inclined to accept the Kavanaugh confirmation despite my differences with his ideology. Elections have consequences and Trump rightfully gets to name his choice. Absent any surprise in the vetting/confirmation process, the nomination would be confirmed. Now the very serious accusation has raised valid concerns. “The other person in the room denied it. End of story.” That’s ridiculous. Guilty people never deny the crime do they??? Trump and Kavanaugh seem to have no desire to let the FBI do an investigation, when that’s the standard. The clip of Kavanaugh addressing a group of fellow G-Town Prep classmates making the statement “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep” followed by knowing laughter makes one go “hmmmm”. Look up “Kavanaugh, Devil’s Triangle” online and check out meaning and Kavanaugh’s reference to it with his high school graduation picture. Ford has professional bona fides and the support of classmates from high school. Seems like everyday now there is a bit more smoke coming from this pile.

    I get the point of youthful indiscretions when a 17 year old may have an incident involving alcohol or drugs. I wouldn’t think something like that would be disqualifying. Sexual assault is way past these and a young man should have developed a solid moral foundation by the age of 17 and would clearly recognize right from wrong in this area. SCOTUS is a lifetime appointment so confirmation requires a pretty strong vetting protocol. Even Trump has expressed that taking time to investigate is appropriate. FBI investigation might take 2-3 days. What’s the rush. It’s just an accusation so let’s get to the bottom of it.

    Should be interesting when Dr. Ford faces the committee.

    • admin says:

      Funny how the Stomper is tap dancing around the thing he loves most in life – politics – in ignoring the flagrantly political manner, timing and approach to how this story is being played by the Dems. By arguing the specifics of unsupported accusations while skipping the gamesmanship it has devolved into.

      Oh, that’s right…political shenanigans are A-OK when the party of your choice is manning the puppet strings.

      Here’s another scenario: a couple of drunk kids at a party get into a fuzzy math makeout session, the guy takes it a step too far – not a rape step – rather a progressive romantic step, the girl comes to her senses and slams on the brakes. And then feels cheapened somehow or in arrears, maybe even violated.

      As you know, I was as pure as the driven snow all thru grade school and high school, ah but I recall your storied exploits with a young neighborhood girl who could most definitely play the “me too” card on you and some of your friends. Deservedly so, as I recall.

      As for the what happens in Vegas rip off line, that’s become so cliche, mainstream pop culture that it hardly constitutes something of substance.

      Curiouser yet, is that as a party line towing kinda guy, you seem unwilling to examine the situation through halfway even handed eyes. Rather than just parroting the talking points of politicians who, knowing nothing whatsoever of the situation, have been weighing in publicly with “I believe yous.”

      Not sure that the FBI does these sort of “investigations,” BTW.

      And since there are only three people to “investigate” and all three are on already on record, with the one being so vague she doesn’t remember the who, what, where and when and has no corroborating witnesses or sources…

      Your “what’s the rush?” comment is plain silly…everybody following this thing knows exactly what the rush is, which is why Dems sat on the story for six weeks.

      I know you’re loving this cuz of the politics, but even you need to be busted every once in a blue moon!

      And how many times did YOU vote for Obama?

      • Stomper says:

        Is the scenario you describe above what you are inclined to think happened? I’m inclined to believe her. Let’s see what happens when she testifies.

        You think the fact the video has now been widely viewed and reviewed makes it meaningless? Does that mean every widely viewed video is meaningless? Do you subscribe to the “Boys will be Boys” perspective?

        I’ve admitted that both sides are liars. You think my questioning what the rush is is disingenuously partisan but what about the Republicans doing the same thing with Garland. You’re just as guilty of the transgressions you accuse me of. You claim to be even tempered on politics but your written words say different.

        Check the history of the role of the FBI in previous SCOTUS vettings specifically and other Presidential appointments generally. Bush ordered FBI to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill and they completed in 3 days. Reopening investigations is a common occurrence. The I in FBI does stand for something.

        You seem insensitive to the perspective of the accuser here. Familiarize yourself with this crime and you’ll understand why these crimes are underreported and the lifetime effects on the victims. I’ve worked very closely with Rose Brooks Center, Jo Co Shelter, MOCSA, and others over the years in my day job and have developed a better understanding of what victims suffer here. You don’t seem to give that any credibility.

        Yep, I do love politics. You can certainly bust me for being partisan but I think you’re not being completely honest when you say you’re not.

        • admin says:

          I’m not without an opinion…

          Which is what columnists are supposed to have. What I do not have is a stated track record of being all Dem all the time. Or all anything all the time.

          I’m a switch hitter…which leaves me (arguably) a lot closer to being objective than were I like you or – what’s that guy’s name – Sean Hannity.

          And since I’m not blatantly partisan as you confess to being, I don’t subscribe to the tit for tat philosophy you describe with Garland…remember that axiom of two wrongs don’t make a right?

          • Stomper says:

            HC, My point is that I believe your written posts for the last 2-3 years has been from a perspective that is right of the aisle. I know you claim to be open minded and that you have voted for Dems and 3rd party candidates in the past but on those occasional times you address politics, your written comments have consistently been Red. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that, just don’t claim to be something you’re not. I’ll try to go back through the archives to confirm or disprove my opinion.

            On a side note, I would love to find out what goes on in the thinking process of a person that could vote for Obama and also Perot.

          • admin says:

            You are that easily entertained?

            If that’s the case, I would suggest you focus some of that energy elsewhere and bring yourself a few inches further into the present by learning how to use computers, cellphones and other technologies to further your understanding of life today outside sports and politics.

            As a devil’s advocate kinda guy, you can generally expect me to be lurking around on the other side of issues like virtually every major media looking for every way imaginable to bash Trump.

            Is it because I think he’s a prince of a guy? Of course not. But two wrongs don’t make a right and whereas in the past conservatives have been the extremists, that seems to have turned the opposite way.

            That I’m free to be open – without wearing the jersey of my party of choice – makes me not really care if you want to waste your time pinning down snippets of things I’ve written over a two or three year period. Knock yourself out…but to what end?

            I would however request that you grant me points for unleashing the ultra liberal politics of Lefsetz, Ah, you forgot about that one, didn’t you?

            May want to go back and research those as well while you’re not doing anything.

          • Stomper says:

            Here’s a chance to dance nimbly on the other side of the needle despite the fact you were born into a Republican family. Write a piece calling out a transgression or disingenuous act by someone on the Republican side. How about Yoder trying to “connive” voters in a district that went for Clinton by saying he was sensitive to the needs of those fleeing violence in Central and South America because his mother was a social worker. That lasted only until Laura Ingraham called him out on that comment, earning him a quick call from Trump. How about Kobach cashing his paycheck as Ks. Attorney General while traveling the country using his skills to depress voting totals in other states or head up Trumps efforts to expose the massive voter fraud that “allegedly” occurred in 2016. Surely from the perspective of an unbiased columnist you can find something Republican to expose.

          • admin says:

            Sorry, Charlie…

            I dance to my own tunes. Meaning that I have to develop an interest, have a fair amount of knowledge and hear the call.

            Dancing is something we do for recreation – just as politics is your recreation.

            Now if you want to force me to dance, you could whup out your six-shooter like in the old westerns and make me dance.

            But I don’t take requests…I do take tips…but I’m not here to write about each and everything in the news or sports that might be of interest to someone else.

            You don’t walk into a gourmet restaurant and tell them, “Look, if you guys really think you’re hot shit, you would prepare me en exquisite French meal to my order…

            Or do you?

    • chuck says:

      “Ford has professional bona fides and the support of classmates from high school. Seems like everyday now there is a bit more smoke coming from this pile.”

      Think about that comment. It includes the words, “High School”.

      Jesus. What a fuckin joke. Crucify us all for, I guess, next, pulling little Becky’s pig tails in math class.

      What a fuckin joke.

      Over 200 years of American law, and possibly over 1,000 years of Judeo-Christian law, are being shredded before our eyes:

      * The defendant must speak first, without the evidence given to him (the unredacted letter sent to Senator Corrupt to the DNA) and be “cross examined” by pompous, lying RAT senators how preen and position for their run for POTUS.

      * The plaintiff must speak second, and must not be asked any questions by any lawyer for the “other side”, or any “white men”. In other words, nobody can question the plaintiff for any reason.

      * Most damaging of all, is the presumption of innocence. Now, thanks to these senate dung beetles, we have the new paradym: you are guilty as hell until you prove your innocence, which doesn’t matter because we have destroyed everything about you forever, and that is all that matters.

      Based on this Star Chamber type inquisition, I guess, the senators should ask her the following questions.

      – Ms Ford are you relieved that 36 years ago you didn’t go for a drive with Ted Kennedy?
      – Ms Ford are you relieved you never dated Keith Ellison?
      – Ms Ford are you relieved you never attended a party with Brock Adams or Mel Reynolds?
      – Ms Ford are you relieved you never visited the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was President?
      -Ms Ford when did you stop sleeping around?
      -Ms Ford, did you have your hands up when you asked Judge Kavenaugh not to shoot?
      -Ms Ford, did you have sex with Spartacus?

      What a farce.

      • Stomper says:

        Chuck, why does the fact that they were high school friends make their perspectives meaningless? I consider Dwight and Hearne among my many high school friends. If they came forward to support me now in a similar situation, would you mock their opinions? How about your high school friends?

        • admin says:

          I think that friends in general coming forward to support people in situations like this is all but meaningless. The reason being that pretty much everyone lead doubles lives to one extent or another.

          That’s why more often than not when someone does something outrageous people come out of the woodwork to say how calm and friendly and unassuming they were.

          Nobody really knows anybody when you boil matters to the core.

          I know you, for example. And yet I know bad things you’ve done. No capital crimes, mind you. But who really truly knows?

          I remember a gentleman named Scott Trusty working at a local stereo store several years back and regaling me with incredibly crude stories about some of the things our Pembroke classmates did in high school. Things even you may not know and would be surprised to learn.

          No here comes my shocker…

          Having been read the letter this woman wrote about the situation with Kavinaugh, my gut level is she’s telling the truth.

          Maybe a truth that was exaggerated in her mind given her age, the booze, her level of naiveté at the time, but nonetheless the truth.

          And I can see Kavanaugh and his pal having little choice other than to lie about it now.

          Under the circumstances not that many people wouldn’t lie probably.

          Especially given that their memories of the situation – however faded – viewed the matter as far more innocent and benign that did the young woman.

          Did he evolve into a far more responsible decent human being and was that maybe a one off aberration? Perhaps.

          Does that render him unqualified for the job today? Probably not, except that in the “me too” era all bets are off.

          • chuck says:


            It’s a lynch mob, nothing more, nothing less.

          • chuck says:

            I do NOT, in any way, believe her.

            “Resist” exculpates any sins and these fanatics think of themselves as holy “sin eaters” when it comes to lies that destroy the opposition in support of their “holy” high ground political beliefs.

            They are sure, “right” makes right.

            It’s disgusting, narcissistic, self absorbed, arrogant self regard, that drives these easily manipulated harridans to lies.

  9. chuck says:

    Oh…, I just saw that I am supposed to just “Shut Up”.

    If you listen to people long enough, they will, eventually tell you what they really want. I remember Oprah telling us all, that she wanted white men to die. At least she was honest.

    Fuck these people.

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