Lefsetz: Nike Sets Example, Does Colin Kaepernick Right

No one in America likes to sacrifice…

Their idea of risk is creating a new business. Just as long as they stay out of the mainstream, never move back on the game board, present a bland face so as not to get caught in the undertow. You know who you are, the people who are unwilling to go on the record, who send me e-mails with “name withheld.” You’ll only speak your truth anonymously.

Online fake identities are rampant. Everybody feels immune.

But they’re not.

If you’ve been scoring at home, you’re aware that Nike was caught up in the #MeToo movement…(a) campaign that burnishes its image with women. Then again, not all women voted for Hillary.  Not all women are concerned with the rights of minorities.

Furthermore, some brands are beyond reproach.

Switching athletic gear is like telling people not to eat at In-N-Out – it’s not gonna work.

Meanwhile, these billboards are going to permeate the country for eons. Well, at least weeks, unlike the latest musical projects. Maybe it’s only corporations who can gain sustained mindshare in today’s marketplace. Maybe it’s beyond the power of any individual, other than maybe David Hogg, who’s taking a gap year to extend his anti-gun/Parkland reach.

Everyone’s afraid. Especially corporations. The mea culpas are rampant.

They’re afraid of repercussions. Just ask Harley-Davidson, they move production overseas to save the company and they don’t stop being excoriated. You don’t want to get caught in the crosshairs, (so) you go along.

Kinda like the tariff situation in general.

We don’t see giant corporations standing up to Agent Orange for fear of backlash. But if you’ve got no backbone, we lose trust in you. Just like Google and its own employees. Google wants to work in China…at what cost?

We’re looking for leaders; we’re looking for inspiration. And what we find is celebrities hawking goods and getting caught in shenanigans by TMZ.

Then we have Colin Kaepernick standing up for what he believes, not getting caught in any faux pas and risking his career – never mind his salary.

Meanwhile, Kaepernick’s collusion lawsuit goes forward.

The NFL should be afraid, very afraid.

It’s losing its hold as the sport of America. Not only with the CTE issue but the fact that the owners are reinforcing racism with their plantation mindset. That’s right, most of the players are black. Who cares if they’re paid a lot. First and foremost they’re people.

And you can sit at home and say you’re not gonna watch. But ironically the most racist people are the ones who cannot give football up, it’s a religion.

And now Nike weighs in.

Field and track never got any respect. That’s how Nike got started.

Sure, Kanye is selling sneakers, but that’s fashion, not performance. Nike is all about performance, a shoe for every event. That’s the company’s image. Remember the concept of standing for something, other than ripping the people off?

And Nike’s record is not perfect, but they’ve done a very good job of protecting athletes, standing by them. The record label may drop you and forget you, but Nike soldiers on, even after Michael Jordan leaves the basketball court.

So where does this leave us?

Nike is not only calling the NFL’s bluff, but Donald Trump‘s too. Standing up to the big bad bully. Isn’t that what sports are all about? Aren’t sports high school on steroids?

You’ve been cowering, but someone’s got to say NO MAS!

Nike just did.

People follow leaders. Expect more corporations to follow. And note that change starts with the individual. Curt Flood sat out and changed the face of baseball. Colin Kaepernick’s story is not about football, but the football mentality. The players are fungible, it’s only the coach and the owner that matter. You’ve got to sacrifice your identity for the team. It’s all about the team.

How’s the team been treating you?

It’s been taking away your health insurance.

Cutting taxes on the rich.

Letting citizens die in Puerto Rico.

It’s a long, hard way to the top, to change, but we’re getting there. Because one guy and one company decided they’d refuse to bend.

Are you bending?

Are you willing to give up your gas guzzler?

What are you willing to sacrifice for the greater good?

It feels like the ’60s all over again.

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60 Responses to Lefsetz: Nike Sets Example, Does Colin Kaepernick Right

  1. J. Springer says:

    What does Colin Kaepernick believe in? I’ll never forget the shirt he was wearing when he spoke about his ‘concerns’.

    He was wearing a Che Guevara shirt and was talking about justice and equality. While I know that Guevara has been the cool t-shirt choice of college students for decades, Guevara was a terrorist, communist, murderer and torturer of countless Cubans.

    Guevara did not believe in human right, equality, or fairness. He believed in ultimate power by a few and the submission of the rest.

    The swish is dead. Makes you wonder what is going on in the minds of Nike executives — a ‘new Coke’ revamp?

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Good Gawd. More inane leftist blatherings that will be smashed by facts. But I’ll leave most of the effort of disemboweling Leftysez’s “arguments” to Kerouac or Chuck. But after a quick skim of Lefty’s latest garbage entry..this gem stood out:

    “It’s losing its hold as the sport of America. Not only with the CTE issue but the fact that the owners are reinforcing racism with their plantation mindset. That’s right, most of the players are black. Who cares if they’re paid a lot. First and foremost they’re people.”

    LOL! The NFL’s declining ratings has little to do with the CTE. Now football in general is seeing smaller participation rates at the youth level, but that’s it. CTE isn’t hurting NFL tv ratings. And the idea that the NFL’s ratings dip has anything to do with “the owners are reinforcing racism with their plantation mindset” is pure drivel. Look Lefty, what you and the rest of your ilk don’t understand is that employees do NOT have the right to use their employer’s platform in order to promote their own political agenda. Get that through your thick skulls. It’s got nothing to do with racism, although that’s always the easiest card for leftists to play. If I used my time with my clients to espouse my political views, I’d be fired. A. My clients don’t give a damn. B. They aren’t paying to hear my political views. The same goes for NFL fans. Like it or not Lefty, the players of the NFL are paid EMPLOYEES. When you are an EMPLOYEE, you must abide by your EMPLOYER’S rules. If not, you are fired. It’s got nothing to do with racism. I’m fully on board with Kapernick’s right to protest injustices he perceives. Just don’t do it on your employer’s time. The average NFL fan is disgusted with Kapernick’s time and place he’s chosen to pull his act. THAT’S why the NFL ratings are taking a crap.

  3. Jesus Hearne. This guy (Lefty) is an embarrassment, even for a local blog in fly over country.

    Nike’s decision, was based on money. Their market share has leveled off, as I understand it, here in the U.S. Throughout the rest of the world, what really plays well, is Hating on Uncle Sam. Nike is a Global company, full of Globalists, who could give damn about America, or, dividing America further, with “weasel moves” like this. All over the globe, they can market their shoes as the very shoes, that, as J. Springer mentions above, Che would wear. It’s always about the money.

    Kapernick’s chi-pet hair cut has an IQ three times that of it’s owner. It probably has it’s own twitter account and gets marriage proposals from “woke” chicks every day.

    About 75 words in, we get the White Guilt Mention.
    “Then again, not all women voted for Hillary. Not all women are concerned with the rights of minorities.” CHECK

    A little further down, Racism and a “Plantation Mentality” in the same sentence. This, directed at guys who when I listen to them speak, think, that if not for the NFL, they would be changing flats at Mr. Tire. Sure, tell me all about it Lefty. I am sure, as they (Black NFL Players) are heading to the bank, they are all hoping and praying, dat dey jus don be gettin put bak out into da fields Massa. Shut the fuck up.

    “The record label may drop you and forget you, but Nike soldiers on, even after Michael Jordan leaves the basketball court.” I like the way NIKE takes care of their workers too (Should we go there?). Again, shut the fuck up.

    Standing up to Donald Trump? God Lefty, you ignorant slut. Trump has used the NFL as a cudgel to beat the brains out of the left for the last 2 years and NIKE, morons that they are, just gave him another free pass for the foreseeable future. Another club in the bag so to speak.

    Tell me how Curt Flood made baseball better for we proles that Lefty is so worried about. The last time I went to a Royals game, a beer was 10 fuckin dollars. I heard it is even more now. Fuck Curt Flood.

    Give up your gas guzzler? We EXPORT OIL NOW, thanks to Capitalism and Yankee ingenuity. I gotta stop here…

    Here Left, put this in your pipe (Clean out the Maui Wowie first.) and smoke this.

    ♦ This Labor Day more Americans are working than ever before in the history of our country. ♦ This Labor Day our economy is growing more than all the pontificating pundits expected. ♦ This Labor Day our unemployment rate is the lowest in our lifetime. ♦This Labor Day there are more jobs available for American workers than ever before. ♦This Labor Day wages are increasing at a faster rate than at any time in the past three decades. ♦ This Labor Day inflation is growing at a lower rate than wages are increasing. ♦This Labor Day productivity is growing faster than any time in the past decade. ♦This Labor Day 323 metropolitan areas have the lowest unemployment ever. ♦This Labor Day consumer optimism is higher than anyone has ever recorded. ♦This Labor Day high-paying manufacturing jobs are growing at the highest rate in five decades.

    • admin says:

      C’mon, Chuck…

      You have agreed with a number of his posts…can’t win ’em all!

    • Phaedrus says:

      The US is still a net importer of oil, so don’t go buying that gas guzzler yet.

      • https://www.businessinsider.com/us-will-export-oil-most-in-world-2018-5

        And some quotes –

        “The US is about to beat Saudi Arabia to be the world’s largest exporter of crude and oil products according to Citigroup.
        US crude exports last week increased to an all-time high.”

        “As global oil markets shift their attention from U.S. shale oil production back to a resurgent Saudi Arabia and Russia and geopolitical concerns bearing down on oil prices, Citigroup said last Wednesday that the U.S. is poised to surpass Saudi Arabia next year as the world’s largest exporter of crude and oil products.”

        Give Hearne a call! It’s sunny on the beaches of awesome!

  4. Super Dave says:

    Ask Dicks Sporting Goods how well it works to get in the middle of issues as they did about gun sales. Nike won’t go broke, but I bet they feel the sting of this move.

  5. Eric Haynes says:

    I seriously doubt Colin Kaepernick could stand up at a podium and give a speech about what he’s supposedly fighting for. Plus, he’s not half the QB he used to be and he looks like a Chia pet.

  6. Rick Walker says:

    Lefsetz I agree with Chuck as usual, you are an idiot!

  7. Kerouac says:

    “It feels like the ’60s all over again.”

    – YEAH, the 1860’s… next stop: Civil War/part deux

    B U L L E T I N

    ‘Nike stock loses $3.75 billion’

    • The execs from NIKE will have their annual shareholders meeting at the Red Hen Restaurant next year. Plenty of seating available K.


      • Shawnster says:

        I’m quite sure Nike cares not a wit about what a bunch of old people think. None of you posters are their target demographic anyway. This is a huge win for Nike. Look at all the publicity they are getting from it! Remember, Kapernick was one of the NFL’s top selling jersey’s last year and he didn’t even play! There is a huge audience for this and it plays well to their base. In order to burn those shoes, you have to buy them first! Go ahead and add Nike to the never-ending list of things you snowflakes are boycotting; Starbucks, Target, Keurig, et al. How did that work out?

  8. Read this –


    Before you go crazy and refuse to read it because it is Breitbart. I get Vanity Fair in the mail and read the Huff Post (While holding my nose.)

    It’s the content that counts here.

    The point is, that NIKE sure as hell, has NO high ground here. The Progressive “It takes a village” bullshit here, means that it takes people from villages in Vietnam, Thailand, China and all countries off of the Pacific Rim, to work for slave wages that enable big companies like NIKE to take jobs away from Americans, so (In this case.) urban youths, can spend $500.00 of Tax Payer money, on over priced shoes, that have been made in other countries. This double whammy, gets the American worker T-Rexxed up the azz and makes Elitist Corporate SJW Executives rich, while they preach to us from “on high”.

    Now, on the other hand, I get it, global competition compels consideration from executives who must please stock holders in search of profit. But gimme a fuckin break on this sanctimony from shitheel fucks in boardrooms who pretend to be our moral superiors.

    It’s money.

    Again. NIKE is losing market share and this is a GLOBAL company, whose latest plan, is to make money, off of Hating America. If that market plan, happens to divide Americans even further, they could give a fat, flying fuck.

  9. Facebook, NIKE, Google, etc. etc.

    These are NOT American companies.

    They do NOT, in ANY way, prioritize, respect or again, give a shit about Americans.

    They DO care about being the “cool kids” at parties with the swells on both coasts, and in the richest county in America, Washington DC.

    They are “let them eat cake” pieces of shit, that need their asses kicked, or, they will kick yours. They have nothing, but contempt for us.

  10. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Lefty, you sure got the white folk’s attention. Wow. Them some angry dudes. Such angst over a marketing campaign. Agent Orange’s base in high gear.

  11. ekim says:

    Hearne, did you ask this guy to be the new Glaze/Harley/ JoJo/ Boom Boom or something?

    • admin says:

      Noop, nobody could replace that guy!

      • ekim says:

        Maybe so, but he put up a very controversial article that was sure to get comments and it has. I think this is the most comments you have had since the articles on or about Glazer. It had been a little boring without the controversy, I guess.

  12. Nick says:

    Maybe it’s only corporations who can gain sustained mindshare in today’s marketplace.

    Truer words were never spoke; Pai’s gutting of “net neutrality” was meant to establish/reinforce that on-line standard while simultaneously tamping down the budding “knowledge revolution” in the US.

    It feels like the ’60s all over again.

    Sorta. If you mean the end of the 60s, after the Left had been literally bludgeoned by the Right and so had left the field, I believe you to be correct.

    Give them credit, though: The Right learned from, not their mistakes, per se, but their misconceptions of what Americans by and large wanted and thus realized the only way they would ever get what they wanted was/is by chicanery.

    One could argue this goes back to at least that God-botherer Ike and his preoccupation with inking God on our daily bread (replacing E pluribus unum) as well as stuffing the myth into the Pledge of Allegiance. It certainly was in full effect under both Nixon and St. Ray-gun, extended by George “Hanging Chad” Bush (and the Supremes), and appears to have reached its zenith when Mitch “Fuck the Constitution” McConnell refused to ‘advise and consent’ on Obama’s SCOTUS nomination, paving the way for Agent Orange (wonderful phrase, by the way.)

    It’s a sad state of affairs when the Right seats a known (and often avowed) serial sexual abuser/cheater, misogynist, (putative) criminal & unindicted co-conspirator, and inveterate liar in the Oval Office just to try and force the country back to a time when women did what men said and darkies knew their place, this despite the public will at the polls.

    You bemoan people who release their rage via email bearded by “name withheld”; they have even been with us, annoying as they are, but have always been an integral part of our republic. However they are gnats compared to the Right’s decades long sub voce cry for a return to the antebellum South.

    A return, dependent upon events soon to play out, that may well be under way.

  13. This is an interesting take, FOR SURE.

    The guy is brilliant. Forget the politics, read the content. North Korea and cheap labor is the motivation for NIKE’s PR move.


  14. My favorite part of this entire NIKE – Kap story, is that Progressives, who think they are SJW warriors, are, in fact, supporting slave labor camps in North Korea, which, in turn, support rich guys on Wall Street, who laugh up their sleeves at not only us folks in fly over country, but ESPECIALLY, SJWs whom they use as pawns in the new – “Great Game”.

    It’s where middle America now goes to die.

    Again, read that article, if you are really interested in the machinations behind the curtain.


    • admin says:

      Dunno, Chuck…

      Was reading that the child labor controversy has more or less been rectified.

      Check this story:


      • Well done.

        I would again mention, that companies have duties to shareholders and, that folks making .50 an hour in 3rd world countries – need the money!

        That said, you can, as usual, cut the sanctimony from the left with a knife, as they presume, as always, the high ground.

        One more time, the article by Sundance is brilliant and he is always, in my opinion, 3 moves and 3 weeks ahead of anyone else in the media, when it comes to predicting motives, players, time lines and most importantly, WHO BENEFITS, from any story in the news.

        Take care.

    • Phaedrus says:

      Good God, Chuck. Take off the tin foil hat. You think Nike & Levis are the only companies that manufacture goods in China?

      I hate to break it to you, but unless you sew your own clothes, you’re likely supporting “slave labor camps in North Korea”.

      You know, every decision ever made isn’t necessarily based on a hidden agenda.

  15. Shawnster says:

    Nike is back up over $80.00 right now. That didn’t last long did it?

    • Super Dave says:

      Nike stock also dropped again. Today’s stock market isn’t what is going to be the real story here, the real truth will come out on reported sales in the US a few months from now. That’s where we will see just how much they get hurt in sales or not. Till those reports come out it’s anyone’s guess right now how bad they will be hurt or not. Sure I’m not the market that Nike is trying to attract, but they are sure not going to maybe cause me to change my mind either with stunts like this. I mean if they are looking for shock value in their ads they should reach out to say Kathy Griffin with her claiming she’d like to kick the Presidents ass while wearing her Nikes for women.

      • admin says:

        I’m with Super Dave…

        You can’t look at a couple days stock market. Nor can you attach a positive value to an estimated $43 million in “free” publicity.

        Not all publicity is good publicity…now that Craig is no longer with us. Any publicity that didn’t include him being a snitch or wearing a hair piece was excellent

  16. Foxconn says:

    This is one of the dumbest things I’ve read on this site

  17. Stomper says:

    Bob Lefsetz writes his perspectives on the music and entertainment business from LA and probably has no idea his column is printed here on KCC. This is unfortunate for us as I’d love to see his responses to the comments he gets here from flyover country. He’s admitted on several occasions that he is left of Bernie Sanders and I agree with ekim that his opinions appearing on KCC provides great fodder for controversy and hopefully civil debate.

    Both funny and sad that it’s been 50 years since Tommie Smith and John Carlos exercised their right of free speech to protest and we as a country are still not over this. As far as important issues that we face as a country, the decision by professional athletes to kneel before a game isn’t even in the top ten.

    As mentioned above, it is still a little early to make any final judgement on the wisdom of Nike’s actions here but it appears that they are just following the chosen business model of our “Dear Leader”. All you have to do is keep 35% of the population happy and screw the rest. It seems to have worked for him pretty well.

    • admin says:

      Bad guess, Stomps…

      I contacted Lefsetz by email before I ever excerpted any of his columns. Remember the thing they taught us about the word “assume” at Dear Old Pembroke?

      Joel Martin…or was it Jerry Witson?

  18. J. Springer says:

    I’m curious – what did Kaepernick sacrifice?

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Nothing of consequence. Other than the ability to hide that he’s a complete moron. Because of his extremely DUMB choice of venue to stage his “protest”, he’s allowed the cause he’s trying to bring attention to, to be completely ignored and changed into a totally different issue.

    • Shawnster says:

      Ugh..that would be his career. If you say he didn’t have one, well look at the other QB’s in the league. He’s better than 65% of them and should still have a career. If not as a starter at least as a B/U where he would be better than 90% of those. If Nathan Peterman is a starter in the NFL, Kapernick should be too.

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        If his talent outweighed his bullshit, he’d be playing. It doesn’t, so he isn’t. Cry me a river for this dumb prick.

      • J. Springer says:

        IOW Kaepernick didn’t sacrifice anything. He was a washed up QB looking for a new career.

        I find it funny that socialists/communists like Kaepernick always resort to capitalism.

  19. LanceTheIntern says:

    You know Nike headquarters in Donald Trump’s towers in New York, right? Phil Knight has donated almost a million dollars to GOP entities over the last 2 years.

    Nike’s campaign with Colin Kaepernick seeks profit, not justice. They do not care about Kaepernick or his message outside of what it could do for their wallets.

    • admin says:

      Not a hard concept to wrap our heads around, Lance

    • My point is that this information is easily discovered, and you’d think Lefty would’ve written an article about the hypocrisy of Nike to use Kaepernick in such a manner.
      A corporation using a black man to capitalize on things like “Black Lives Matter” just to sell shoes would be just the sort of thing a good “woke” Democrat should be against, not promoting as “sacrific[ing] for the greater good”.

      • admin says:

        Lefsetz is quite capable of making some excellent, insightful observations…but like most people who are consumed with politics, he’s also gifted at being one dimensional when the spirit moves. Which is too bad…it’d be nice if he were a little more multi-dimensional.

        That said, we all are what we are

  20. Kerouac says:

    ‘Snickers & Quotes’ ~ America degenerating throes Colin cancer and Stormy weather

    Today’s jokes:

    Stephanie Clifford – “I may never have a normal life again” (her :15 minutes soon past, no doubt an new tell-all in the offing, working title ‘The Ho Life’ ~ Spreading Prostrate on Bended Knees’: A Guide For The Working Girl Contortionist)

    and, from the ridiculous to the inane – no sublime will find, our next gymnast:

    Kaepernick -“This stand wasn’t because I feel like I’m being put down in any kind of way. It’s because I’m seeing things happen to people.” (a 30 something kneels take a stand, and he also sees things; research confirms a 17 year old died CTE, just sayin’.)

    Perhaps its all in how you, I, he see things… one’s ‘perspective’ as ’twere. As those he identifies with deed/attire (to include Malcolm X and Che Guevara among other), an former QB turned caricature one may also go ‘out with a bang’, contrast the whimper was the end his NFL career.

    Guevara’s “I have a wish. It as a fear as well – that in my end will be my beginning”(translation: died his head up his… mission accomplished/dream come true), and Zapata’s “It’s better to live on your feet than to die on your knees” (as it happened Emil ended dead on his back, resolution fell short somewhere tween heights hope, depths despair his), examples.

    Upshot: iconic ‘there’, mere blog quote ‘here’… ditto a Guevara’s and Kaepernick’s niche audience; throw another martyr on the barbie. Nod that equally late, but far greater when alive comic Myron Cohen: “well, everybody’s gotta be someplace.”

    Speaking of contemporary SJW’s, pig socks Kaepernick’s motives as credibility on par that another, Michael Bennett, last heard being terrorized by Las Vegas Police due his ‘hue’; don’t know about hue, but seems to me liberal MSM done gone silent about it.

    Something about not following lawful orders – unlike human beings there who were doing just that, complying with the police. MB had contacted his attorney and made reference to a possible lawsuit to come (you know, the usual ‘I’s gots my rights man! Know whut I’s means man!??!’ aspersions become invalid, aft the pictures came out video nullified his dishonesty, that little black boy who cried wolf… Ferguson… et al.

    Well, here we are over a year later and… ‘crickets’. Wonder what happened. Could it be? Nah, they only always report all the facts – we know this because CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NYT,WP et al tell us so… must be true (only, YOUR mileage/BS detector, like mine, may vary.)

    With no Walter ‘America’s Most Trusted Man’ Cronkite on the scene to bend things left, who/what do you watch/trust/believe in today? Answer: one doesn’t have to be FOXy know where the truth resides, greatest portion available us century 21… stick with Kerouac, kids.


    • admin says:

      Hate to say it in a way, but I kinda feel bad for you, K, without Craig here to validate you!

      • Kerouac says:

        Not a problem HC… lemme turn you into CG (i.e., my whipping boy), and deliver the statistical grim news the local red kool-aid drinkers club (Craig will be rollin’ over):

        Chargers kick the dung out the swiss chiefs Sunday –

        @Lightning Bolts 452 (AFC Championship, 2018)
        swiss chiefs…………. 0 (on the way to a 7-9 season)


  21. boom boom says:

    HEARNE: THIS IS FRONT PAGE NEWS: BOOM BOOM IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    AND GET READY! HE’S FIRED UP AND READY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I WAS THE GLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU’RE THE FOOLS!

    on a sincere note: MAY GLAZE REST IN PEACE. I KNEW HIM FOR OVER 50

  22. Boom Boom says:

    ote: Nike and Adidas are moving to shoes made by robots…..no more slave labor as are many manufactuers in every industry. Look at the garment industry that employs
    20 million people in the world. Robots are already making shirts/pants/jeans/
    dresses/skirts/socks etc…..their jobs will disappear soon!

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