Hearne: Stan Glazer’s Last (Money Grab) Stand

A moment of silence, please…

Because the dude who started Stanford & Sons, ran for Kansas City mayor and went toes up in just about every biz he ever owned, “has left the building.”

So says an online ad for Glazer’s “estate sale.”

“Stan Glazer (former owner of Stanford & Sons and past candidate for KC mayor) has moved and we will sell the contents of their Overland Park, KS home.”

And just like that one of the Cowtown’s most colorful, controversial caricatures is no more…not locally anyway.


Because judging from the sale pics, Stan the Man must have left town with little more than his toothbrush, because it sure doesn’t look like he took much of his stuff (Hey, maybe he did die…nah).

Stan’s also the dude who lorded over the town’s highest profile, dysfunctional family – in the form of sons Craig, Jeff and Jack.

Seriously, who can forget Stan’s headline grabbing lawsuit against his sons in 1998 demanding that they continue to support him to the tune of $5,000 a month from the proceeds of the comedy club even after he’d run the thing into the ground?

Speaking of which, Jack and Jeff have passed and Craig is currently hospitalized.

All of that said, the odd thing about Stan’s big estate sale thing (besides that it’s so huge and he’s allegedly still alive) is that more often than not, such sales are held “to dispose of a substantial portion of the materials owned by a person who is recently deceased.”

Or in this case, relocated…

Word on the street being, to Florida to live with the parents of the 36 years his junior wife.

I remember seeing Stan at a bash to kick off his first mayoral run in 2003 against Kay Barnes.

When his future wife had only learned of Stan’s actual age earlier that day after the Kansas City Star and other media printed it (which was either 1o – or was it 20? – years more than he’d revealed to his future bride).

But back to the big sale…

For a dude who bought the farm (financially) as often as Stan, he sure has a lot of stuff…halfway expensive-looking furniture –  nicknacks, art and memorabilia galore. And speaking of “stuff,” possibly more stuffed dead game birds, sheep, etc. than they have live ones at the KC Zoo.

Not to mention just about everything you can imagine that a still alive Stan might want and/or need – things like toiletries, bedding, clothes, baby pictures – you-name-it.

I mean, Stan was a pretty buff dude, but at the ripe young age of 86 – even in balmy weather – it’s hard to imagine him getting by on Speedos and tanks.

Anyway, check out the above link for the big sale and I’ll see you at his Overland Park abode Thursday and Friday… where – if I’m not mistaken – you can even bid on family photos of a young Stan and/or his troubled son’s kid pics….which seems a tad weird…but hey, that’s Stan!

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23 Responses to Hearne: Stan Glazer’s Last (Money Grab) Stand

  1. Phaedrus says:

    Did the asshats at the sale website misspell Stan’s name or was Stan not smart enough to spell his name correctly on his campaign sign?

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:


    • admin says:

      He’s got a TON of you-know-what, doesn’t he?

      Find any must haves in the mix?

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Not a single one. Alot of worthless garbage. But what’s that old saying? “One man’s trash is a another man’s treasure.” That old adage seems to apply here.

  3. Super Dave says:

    Strange no doubt.

  4. E.H. says:

    What’s going on with Craig? Hopefully he’s doing alright.

  5. Duke says:

    I believe he said here that he had walking pneumonia and the boogie-woogie blues.

  6. The Guy Who Knew Too Much says:

    Has Craig been hospitalized for Rogaine poisoning or too much old man ‘roids? Both?

  7. boom boom says:

    weird. WTF is going on. Man needs some help and hopefully finds some. Obviously
    his losing his sons has taken it’s toll. No father should go thru the loss of two sons.
    As far as glazo…hope he gets out of the hospital and things get better.
    Even though we disagreed often on sports I wish the family well.

    Boom Boom

  8. Guido Sarducci says:

    Holy shit, young Stan looked like Timothy Carey

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