FYI Craig and Stomper: This is NOT Harley
I have never claimed to be omniscient in political matters…
Although politics is my spectator sport, which I follow the way many people do football, basketball, or baseball. There are just too many wild cards, too many variables that can upset even the most predictable of election outcomes.
So imagine my delight last week when our resident political genius at KC Confidential fell flat on his keister. I’m referring, of course, to the one and only Harley the Great, Harley the Magnificent, Harley of The Midas Touch.
It never seems to have occurred to the H-man that “Pride Goeth Before A Fall” or that it is best to gloat about the outcome of a contested event (e.g. an election, an athletic contest, a lawsuit) after it’s over. No matter how confident you are going in.
I could not have written a better script for an after-school television special on the dangers of bragging aimed at young viewers than what the Harlinator has offered up.
Consider the following classic quotes:
“It’s Hillary all the way! The start of many consecutive Democratic presidents.” 12-2-15
“Hillary in a landslide!” 12-5-15
“That connotates (sic) into a huge landslide.” 6-18-16
“No,Southy!… The campaign is going great!….just sitting back, enjoying the fun election, knowing Hillary wins.” 7-30-16
“You come back on and see how Harley was right!” 9-27-16
There are literally 30 such instances in Harley’s comments over the last year and a half of him crowing that: a) Hillary would win in 2016 overwhelmingly,with a minimum of 320 electoral votes,b) the GOP and its candidates were doomed to go down to complete defeat, now and forever, c) 12 million illegal aliens would be given expedited citizenship so the country would accelerate its swing to one-party Democratic rule, d) the Supreme Court would be stacked with liberal appointees so that it could impose the left wing agenda on America unchallenged for generations.
Harley was joined in this preemptive gloating by his confreres; “Nick”, “Frank”, “Still North in His Heart”, and “Flyin’ Bryan.”

Not Harley, guys!
Further, Harley compounded his folly by reiterating that he has always been right, never been wrong, and that he was so supremely confident that he was willing to bet any and all comers $10,000.00 that he was 100% right on his election predictions.
Raising the question, how you would pay him if he won-since no one knows who he is? Nor was how to collect from him if he lost.
I also wondered why anyone would accept an even money bet when all the professional book makers said the odds were a hundred to one to one in Harley’s favor – i.e. Hillary was a 99% favorite to win the election.
What can Harley and his posse say now?
That he was misled by the experts? That maybe the Huffington Post, Salon, Slate, Vox, the NYT, the WP, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and His Holiness, Nate Silver, and every other progressive savant was wrong?
Of course, Harley claimed to be an insider and expert himself working at the highest levels of national politics. To this, we’ve been treated to all kinds of pretentious name-dropping about “talking to important operatives” and “seeing the internals.”
When someone is not only wrong, but loudly, frequently, and obnoxiously wrong, why should we ever listen to him again?
Maybe this is why KC Confidential was hacked a few weeks ago.
Could Harley and his minions be terrified of seeing a richly deserved post like this one? Or is it the reaction of a small child who puts his or her hands over their ears and runs from the room, crying and screaming, “I don’t hear you!”
Harley has no “minions” other than in his squirrel like brain cell.
Catharsis, yummy, taste good!
Harley’s clownsuit is now as permanent as a successful skin graft. I doubt we ever see him on this blog again.
3,2,1… and we’re back!
Now where were we afore the plug was so rudely pulled on KCC? Oh snap, that’s right – TRUMP 2016! Kerouac nails another, just as He said would happen this election, for the last 1 1/2 years KCC re: our new POTUS.
Meanwhile, no sign of this blog’s biggest loser (‘h’e owes Kerouac $10K for all his pre-election bluster.) Not bad for an old man: perfect picking Trump, perfect 47 years in a row picking vs the swiss, perfect picking THE SF GIANTS vs the fraudroyals… man, I hate being right all the time.
“What’s the solution?”
– is none… whether talking about the swiss or their future young QB (have none), the future cancels out and creates but prostrate horizons… rest in peace January 11, 1970.
AFC West Power Rankings remain unchanged:
1 BRONCOS – simply the best, no other team in their class
2 Raiders – will unseat DENVER within the next 1-2 years
3 Chargers – not this year, but SD is comin’ on very quickly
4 swiss – not this year… or any other; bottom of the barrel
K good calls…ok I agree Chiefs are a fraud, again. NO OFFENSE…what say you about getting Tony Romo…now.
The problem is as evident as the swiss fraudulence: he can’t stay healthy. If Romo can’t there in DAL, behind that great offensive line, why would it be any different behind KC’s swiss chiefs line?
Roll the dice and accept Romo’s big contract (how to fit him in without cutting someone else, or restructuring a contract(s) of others same). What if he goes down as is his knack, say game 1 even. Then, you have a benched/b**t hurt Smith to reinsert.
No, too many possibilities & most all of them bad… the only one would make it worthwhile a Superbowl appearance – as likely as the Titanic steaming into NY only 114 years late. In the words of Bush Sr., nod such thinking re: QB Romo to KC – “Not gonna do it… wouldn’t be prudent.”
‘Wait till next year’ part 2017, verse 48.
Exactly what I’ve already told Glazer. Romo chokes on applesauce and is a walking injury. Oh the local rube JoCo soccer moms would be swooning, that’s for sure. But the end game is the Super Bowl, and Romo has proven he’s not good enough, nor healthy enough.
Flashback: remember when Cassel was here, and the Chiefs discovered he wasn’t gonna get er done. So they went out and brought in Orton… and Palko… and Quinn… and…
The Chiefs just keep recycling everyone else’s garbage. Until the day they draft their own young franchise QB (say a Wentz for example) wait till next year will never end (48 years come 2017, only 60 more aft to catch the Cubs century plus drought 108.)
100% correct. When’s the last time the swiss drafted a qb in the first round?
guy… the better question… when was the last time the chiefs drafted a QB in the first round…. that was an elite NFL player? we all know what that answer is.
and an even better question; why CAN’T the chiefs draft a QB that can lead the franchise to a SB victory or two or three? as I’ve noted before, there’s only ONE constant over all those years of futility – Hunt ownership. sucks, but true.
WTF people ?
Why are we discussing the Chiefs and their QB woes on a Dwight posting about Harley’s Hillary missed call? Isn’t that what Craig’s offerings are for?
So, WTF is Harley’s Status???
Has he been banned?
He’s in hiding. He doesn’t have the guts to show his face.
Technically not yet…
However with all the hit jobs he’s taken, it would only be fair to let him respond. That said, I think he’s in hiding. Even anonymous people can be wildly embarrassed.