This past week we’ve seen the latest Jackson County Jail fail…
In an interview with police, a guard admitted to losing control of her keys after she left them in a door. She then told police she had gotten them back and that they’d all been accounted for.
However an inmate who found them in his door…..kept one.
Apparently the guard couldn’t count any better than she could keep track of her keys.
A ring of keys gone for two days, in a jail and no one knows or cares?
The inmate who kept the key to the treasure house let himself and the attacker out of their cells and proceeded to take a little walk. Surveillance video from the jail shows three inmates wandering freely about the lockup area between 2:40 a.m. and 4:30 a.m.
At the same time, a woman named Marie was sleeping when someone unlocked her cell. We know the rest of this story as she was brutally raped.
The Jackson County prosecutor has charged Dontae D. Jefferson, 29, with first-degree rape, first-degree burglary and two counts of first-degree sexual abuse in connection with the Aug. 26 attack.
The second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
Then I read The Bell Curve and wonder which one’s the most accurate?
The press misreported how the rape went down, initially saying the victim was in an adjacent facility for more minor municipal offenses. Jefferson is awaiting trial on a robbery that left a man dead and his son paralyzed.
He’s a professional…
Come to find out, it all occurred in a lower level lock up, shared by both facilities.
Why would an accused murderer awaiting trial be in that close proximity to lower level, woman offenders? And why did nobody notice these dudes were on the prowl?
Let’s compare and contrast….
I give you Kerry Max Cook, 19, when he entered the Texas prison system.
Cook was gang-raped by fellow inmates in what he describes as two decades of torture.
Cook, 46, now released from prison, says the first attack came not long after he ended up behind bars. Before it was over, the inmates had carved obscenities into Cook’s backside.
“This could go on for six months, seven months, maybe a year. Then he got executed or he moved out or something happened. Then comes the next one.”
Experts say some prison officials quietly permit rape to control the population.
“Where the predators, the more violent, powerful inmates, are in effect being given a bribe or a reward to cooperate with the prison authorities,” says Harvard University criminologist Dr. James Gilligan. “As long as they cooperate, the prison authorities will permit them to have their victims.”
This may be why inmates such as Matthew Rolen say their cries of rape are simply ignored by prison officials.
“They told me flat out: we don’t care,” says Rolen.
More than 200,000 men are raped in prison each year, according to the non-profit group Stop Prisoner Rape. That’s 22 men an hour, who are raped in prison.
Rape of a male or female is the lowest level of humiliation, causing internal, lifelong pain and mental anguish. Short of pedophilia, there are no worse crimes. But repeated prison rape that goes on for 20 years on the same victim with no help from guards or administration?
How should we come to terms with that? How should we react and with what level of outrage?
Frank White is taking some well deserved heat on this issue. This is a story of local government incompetence leading to deleterious, life changing consequences.
I recall, Glazer’s anecdotes over the last couple of years, here on kcconfidential concerning his experiences in prison and what he knew of prison rape. If I recall, he mentioned it in passing and said, that in his experience, it was not all that pervasive.
Google, “South African Prison Rape” and read the experiences of those folks, who, are unfortunate enough to have been imprisoned there. This story, compared to what goes on in foreign countries, sounds like “Ann Of Green Gables”.
Metro, April 15, 2012
“Sean Smith, a business partner of rugby star Gareth Thomas, said he was attacked up to eight times a day during his 19-month stay in St Alban’s jail after his arrest on suspicion of a multi-million-pound fraud.
The 42-year-old, was targeted in a cell he shared with 90 inmates in 2007.
‘They did it not just as part of gang dominance but in my case it was showing supremacy over a white man—I was the only one there,’ he said.
‘It went on for months—there wasn’t much left of me by then anyway . . . I was pretty much a skeleton.’
After nine months in the jail 30km (17 miles) out of Port Elizabeth, Mr Smith tested positive for HIV.
‘At that point I didn’t give a damn, I was broken, I was broken physically, mentally, I had nothing left I had no spirit at all so I didn’t care,’ he added.
After being granted bail, Mr Smith, from Glamorgan, South Wales, hid in the boot of a British High Commission car and crossed into Lesotho.
He has since been diagnosed with a lymphoma on the brain.
The Home Office was ‘unable to say’ if South Africa had made a request for his extradition.”
I don’t know if he stole the money or not.
Horrific story.
Rape is unspeakably devastating on any terms.
I was trying to make the point that, of course, there’s little worse in the world outside crimes against kids.
These women should be abundantly taken care of by the City of KC.
But where’s the outrage for male on male rape, repeated on one victim, multiple times a day….for decades?
Answer? Totally overlooked.
Legal response? Totally non-existent.
Prison’s response? “We don’t care.”
It’s just another dichotomy of “the system.”
I can’t even imagine the horror.
I mean I have to schedule a visit with the therapist after my semi-annual prostate check.
I didn’t finish Med school, so I may not be totally accurate, but I’m guessing there’s a difference between a twice annual prostate exam and being gang raped 3 times a day by 5-6 guys each time for 15 years…
But since the rapist was a black guy and the victim a white girl, I see your point.
I’m thinking KCMonarch’s guessing there’s a difference too, although he FEELS that he’s equally violated during a non-violent, voluntary prostate check, and that’s why he can’t imagine it. Maybe you’re right though. Maybe KCMonarch’s use of the word, horror, is just sarcasm and he believes prison rape is as harmless as his annual prostate exam. Or maybe he’s not being sarcastic and his doctor needs to be brought up on charges. We’ll never know
Warner Brothers was cool with prison rape and preparing all of the kids at home watching for their future.
Frank, I honestly enjoy KCM’s comments while, always knowing, I’ll never meet his satisfaction if I don’t admit some white guilt for just being so impossibly advantaged.
I just remembered reading, I think (I have read several.) Korda’s “Life and Legend of Lawrence Of Arabia”. I believe, he goes into some detail, about how the Rape of Lawrence in a Turkish Prison wrecked T.E. Lawrence for the remainder of his life. If I recall, he also, alluded to what he believed, was Lawrence’s hidden homosexuality.
Before any of you Liberals call me out for your own interpretation of my comment, remember, that I am Milo Yianopoulos’ biggest fan.
My point, if belabored, is that the long term effects of this crime in KC, on the victims, will be very serious.
Come on dudes…lets get real. No sex in vegas except my girlfriend…
and was mostly meeting with investors for a project.
I appreciate hearing from my followers/disciples/readers here.
Girlfriend, Harley? Really?
What are the odds?
Probably something approaching the odds that were such a woman to exist she would hang on your every word!
you too are very well versed in prison rape and homosexuality chuckles.
Like any “real” man reads or studies this stuff.
I guess after digging ditches those subject probably are pretty
neat to follow! Very interesting.
I think at this point, a pre-emptive strike at Harley is in order.
Hey Harley, I know you have a lot of friends in Hollywood. Is that what got you that job as Nick Nolte’s stunt double in “Prince Of Tides”? Did your back go out?
Your work in that movie, was so, so convincing.
I don’t care who you are, that right there’s funny!
hey chucklets…hows the ditch digging business.
All that dirt is really making you strange!
Good job Paul!!! I bet harley is making plans right now to rob a bank tomorrow. I think he said SOUNDS GREAT TO ME!!! Only with misspelled words.
Thanks, rww. You’re wrong on Harley, he goes to Vegas to address his perverted habits on those secret sex junkets.
Appreciate your comment.
I don’t think he’s been to Vegas once in his life.
In honor of Ordell Robie (KBE) from Jackie Brown:
We dropped him off at the Boonville Isle, nigga thinks he’s at the Rio
You guys are just hittin ‘um outta the park with our resident special needs commenter.
He won’t cower for long, he can’t pass up the chance to say;
Hillary will win
You’re old (I’m younger than him)
Hiding under the dash from aliens (Hearne’s story, not mine)
Go get your shoes shined in Lawrence (some of the last true craftsmen and artists out there)
I’m always right (no you’re not)
You got your story from reading my comments (stopped reading them ages ago, little man)
…I can’t tolerate his 4th grade writing talents with along with his same 400 word comment that’s nothing but a rewrite of his last 400 word comment that still doesn’t apply to the story he’s commenting on.
I agree with balbonis 1000%
Good one!
Hmmmmm…Glazier goes conspicuously silent all of a sudden.
Nah, I don’t think Glazer is a huge fan of mine. I can count on one hand the times he’s commented on a story of mine. We’re two pretty different people.
Been to vegas since I was a kid.
Know many of the top people from the malouff brothers who
were the biggest shareholders in well fargo and owned
the palms where they had the best parties (rain) thebest
steaks…until the sold so they could build that stadium
in vegas…..andI was one of their biggest customers at wells
Rio…once a nice place…they never kept it up…loved the
voodoo lounge but it got kind of sleazy but glaze would have
loved it. They brought strippers into the pool upstairs on
weekends….kind of turned lots of people off who had class.
Seen every major artist in vegas… from elvis to Sinatra…dion…
to jerry Seinfeld. Andrea bocelli/Elton john-billy joel…..
Jay leno…and so many more shows.
Relatives ran summa so we never had to pay…..if you want the
vip experience in vegas contact me at
The saddest part concerning the incident will be that the offender, a potential convicted murderer, will, in all likelihood, skate on the rape charge, all because the county lockup got careless and bears some responsibility. In the ideal world, the rape charge would be added to the murder charge and what was 20 to life would now be hard life without parole, something that would assure public safety in keeping the offender away from the public on a permanent basis. The Jackson County Commission, the Jackson County Sheriff, and the jailer who lost her keys would be held responsible and pay the damages out of their own pockets to keep the taxpayers from paying for it. In the real world, the rape charge will be dropped, the culprit will be tried for murder, and if convicted will be out on parole in eight years. The county will pay out a non-specific sum, probably close to half a million in damages to the victim, to be paid for by the tax payers. Perhaps, if we took away the televisions and weight rooms open to prisoners and went with the Sheriff Arpaio tent city, prisoners would understand it is not Club Jackson, and people are serious about enforcing the law. As it is, there is a female prisoner that has had her civil rights taken (a federal charge), and we the taxpayers are going to pay for it. One more taste of reality will come in the form of an uninformed public which will re-elect all of the players who took a mental vacation in this incident. It shouldn’t happen, but it does. I am just glad that I am not a Jackson County taxpayer.
Outstanding take, Cowboy. Thanks!
The differences between prisoners and guards is the guards go home at night.
I have a sneaking suspicion you’re correct.
wow…brilliant deduction.
For the real news subscribe to my email at law4life1000
OK, all knowing one…
I just emailed your thinly veiled email address to subscribe. Can’t wait to see what (if anything) comes my way!
Or our these pearls of elongated wisdom that you leave here in the comments section pretty much the end game?
admin…..get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you got to
this should be as I said before VERY INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hurry up, wild man…
I’m holding my breath!
And the guards are usually way dumber than the prisoners.
Probably so. Surprised we didn’t see iq test for the guards
versus the prisoners. For gods sake…the prisoners are in
jail….how smart can they be.
When you get out of prison, you methoducally find out where they live, etc., and track down each and every person that allowed the raping to occur, and did not stop it, including the warden, etc. Covertly torture, then kill them. All of them.
Not the worlds worst idea……not terribly “Christian” but certainly more effective.