We all know who won the Super Bowl and who lost…
However there was much more on the line than merely a win one of the teams. The average fan will only remember who won. The losers are too soon forgotten except for their fans and their city. Many fans remember the great Chicago Bears team of 1985, but who did they crush in the Super Bowl? Who were the two teams John Elway defeated at the end of his career?
See, you have to really think about it.
The big loser this year is Cam Newton.
Now let’s be honest.
Most NFL observers behind closed doors (and a few in front of them) will say, that there has never been a great black quarterback. We have seen some very good African American quarterbacks over the years, Donovan McNabb likely being the best. Warren Moon was too little too late with no Super Bowls. Mike Vick, well, you know that story.
So Cam was to be THE MAN.
He was to be the face of the NFL. Cam would replace Tom Brady as the NFL’s best. Yet not only did he lose the game, Newton was embarrassed. He did little to turn the tide. Cam looked lost. He had zero touchdowns and few big plays that mattered.
And then Newton’s not trying to recover the fumble late in the fourth quarter – his own – made him look really bad. His post game comments were brief. Understandably. He got crushed. It was HIS loss. He did not measure up to what fans and the observers were expecting.
Cam Newton was the big loser.
Now he has plenty of years left to come back and prove he’s the No. 1 NFL quarterback.
We shall see.
However Newton is no longer the elite guy, the face of the NFL today. He blew it. He knows it and he’s angry. I can’t blame him. It was all there in front of him.
The huge monster winner?
Peyton Manning.
Manning has made over $200 million just playing football. Nobody else has. Number two is Eli Manning with $180 million. Wow nearly half a billion between them. By the way that doesn’t count their endorsements and other income. Huge.
It only gets bigger now.
What we are left with is not that Peyton Manning was just part of the Super Bowl win. Because he didn’t do much to impress us with his final game, but he won.
That’s what matters and that’s what will be remembered. HE WON. His respect level has only grown and his paydays for commercials, speeches, football future as an owner/GM only got bigger. He is the clear and major winner.
The good news is Cam gets another chance. Next year.
Peyton’s future is whatever he wants it to be. Hey, Newton ain’t broke, hah. So maybe there is no real loser. In the end they both have fantastic lives to live. We should all be so unlucky right.
Donovan McNabb better than Warren Moon? Warren Moon is in the Hall of Fame.
Bob Sanders won Peyton’s first Super Bowl. He was running on fumes for this one and Von Miller won this one for him. If Obama is a black president, then Russell Wilson is a Black QB.
The NFL is just a far left as ESPN and in no way discriminates against Black QBs. The NFL Owners could all be Grand Wizards in the KKK and it wouldn’t stop them for a second from drafting and hoping that their Black QB would win a Super Bowl for the respective team they own, because, Green is the color that really counts.
“Most NFL observers behind closed doors (and a few in front of them) will say, that there has never been a great black quarterback.”
In the NBA the gloves are off. ESPN commentators frequently and gleefully mention race and the inability of Whites to play up to the same level as blacks.
I would have liked to see the Oorang Indians play. An all Native American team led by Jim Thorpe.
“The Indians began their season with a 3–2 record in their first 5 five games. Both of the team’s losses came against NFL opponents, the Canton Bulldogs and the Dayton Triangles. The two of their victories came against independent teams and one in the NFL, the perennially bottom-dwelling Columbus Panhandles. One of those games against an independent team, the Indianapolis Belmonts, was played in a snowstorm. The Indians defeated the Belmonts, 33–0, taking home $2,000 (Big Wampum for those days!) in profits along with a Cherokee tackle named Chief Johnson, whom Thorpe recruited at halftime.”
The guy changed teams at HALFTIME! If a coach can convince a player on the other team to switch sides during Halftime, now THAT, is what I call recruiting (It would be far more entertaining to have Von Miller hold a press conference during Halftime to announce his decision to play for the Panthers during the second half than have to endure another Beyoncé-White-Guilt-Black-Panther extravaganza.).
AND, the best halftime shows EVER!
“Rather than retiring to the locker room at halftime, the Oorang Indians showed Lingo’s Airedales to the crowd (The guy that owned the team, named “Lingo” loved his Airedale Dogs.). In addition to the exhibitions with the dogs; the Indians, including Thorpe, participated in helping the Oorang Airedales perform tricks for the crowd.[6] However, it was their halftime entertainment that made them such a huge attraction in the early 1920s. There were shooting exhibitions with the dogs retrieving the targets. There were Indian dances and tomahawk and knife-throwing demonstrations. Thorpe had a history of repeatedly drop kicking footballs through the uprights from midfield. Indians player, Nick Lassa (also called “Long-Time-Sleep”) even wrestled a bear on occasion.
Those were the days.
Russell Wilson is white? Is it because he won a Super Bowl and nearly won a second, and it wouldn’t help Glaze’s narrative if he was Black
“You mean I’m not white?!”
What many in the NFL won’t tell you is that it’s still a risk drafting black QB’s in the first round. Why? Because a lot are lazy.
Black QB’s think their skills can mask their lack of want to in the film room. Look at Mike Vick.
He had a strong arm, fast legs and could of been a great player. But if you talk to the coaches and players of Atlanta at the time Vick was there, they would say they never saw him in the film room. At all. Same was said about Vince Young, JaMarcus Russell and RG3,
Vick was a four time Pro Bowler. No Championships and hardly made the playoffs. Vick was the first player taken in the 2001 draft.
Compare and contrast that with Drew Brees. Second round pick in 2001, SB championship. SB MVP, first team all pro, 9 time pro bowler, 6 time passing yard leader and 4 time touchdown leader.
My guess is Brees is in the film room a lot. Don’t be shocked ten years from now if Andrew Luck has a WAY better pro carrer then $cam Newton.
If Indy does not destroy him first.
The Babe called it.
Cassius rhymed it.
Joe guaranteed it.
‘Superman’ laid it.
Hah…p.s. I am aware of Wilson very good quarterback, mixed yes but no he is not the leagues best. Very good.
Yes, well that’s wonderdful CG, thanks…
By the way:
Q: Which CAMe first, the chicken or the egg?
A: Now we know.
Funny again K.
CG, I’ve not held back inferring my disdain for Cam Newton, and other (in my opinion) prima donnas the Chiefs/other teams/sports, same.
That said, an old story – with new details – has re-appeared re: Peyton Manning, gist of which I’d read years ago. The additional details about him are proven be true, a portrait yet another sporting hero possessed of clay feet develops.
Two recent article links re: Manning are listed below, the first his college days TEN and what transpired, second comparison Manning /Cam Newton, how each has been treated by press / public.
Tho always there is perception, purposes of full disclosure, the writer of each article is black for whatever said is worth (something, nothing or an helping of each.)
My take: Cam Newton is still a prima donna and that applies to a black face same as an white one. Kerouac enjoyed watching the likes Otis Taylor, Hank Aaron and Bill Russell as a young man, but not Fred Williamson or Cassius Clay, as example. That Manning’s public image may not match the private, open to review.
What innuendo sans hard evidence does: creates doubt. If Manning is a proven liar, benefit of the doubt his re: a current claim (HGH use) he does not merit.
Though yesterday was not perfect nor were the players, that stories were covered up an greater extent then a consideration, hero-building. Still, Kerouac’s sentiment holds: today, things are far worse. Though not looking for an Saint(s) a Bart Starr and a few more same would do nicely.
first off glaze you’re ignorant on this subject so anything you write is
just mere b.s.
Cam is not the first black qb in the nfl….and I know you remember this name:
remember him glaze….super bowl winning quarterback.
So this entire article really is wrong.
Cam had a tough day. So did brady and a host of other teams who took on
the Denver defense. Reemember you picked brady to beat Denver and again you
screwed that up too.
He’s young….his offensive line gave him no time….denvers d backs were some of the
best in football like alib…..despite your venom and hate and wrong data he had
a great year. Almost a perfect season so you blew this one too.
So here’s where you are….you blew baseball calls…you blew football calls…
you blew political calls and from some other comments you’re now taking
on the good Italian/americans in our city.
What more subjects could you be wrong on.
Yes cam lost …..but there were 30 qb’s that wished they were in his place.
And remember glaze (if you never knew)….most offensive calls come from the
sidelines. Not just with panthers but chiefs/green bay/even new England.
Newton is still the young face of the nfl….who else is? He’ll be featured in commericals (he’s already been seen by me in 2)…..he’ll be considered one of the
top qbs in the league (and remember he had no strong running back or receivers
tp work with)….\
so please take this over to your buddy tony and let him publish this trash…..
I’m sure he’d love to have this breaking news.
As far as the commentators differentiating between black and white players
after all the hours I’ve seen and heard….never heard any of this.
So please…lets cut the bull sh** and get real. Many great qb’s failed in their
first bowl…including Elway/dawson/brady missed twice….and they were still
considered some of the best in nfl history…..good luck with jj and stick to comedy and not make a fool of yourself AGAIN!
and where is this great businessman/prognosticator: booking a old worn
out comedian(s) in his comedy shop at 65.
glaze….don’t youwish you were cam because at his age you were in
He played in the superbowl. A great accomplishment. Stop the crap.
Especially against other great people in our community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that old comic, JJ sold out nearly all shows. Turned people away last nite. Got a few standing ovations. Killed it. Talent doesn’t get old. Lewis Black is older, so are many top talents. As for someone in the communitey. WTF. who’s that. As for sports and I don’t know anything Harley…I think we’ve more than proved we do. Sorry. What is going on with you, first you defend me than you attack me. Hah. Oh well. That’s you.
WHEN you saystupid things that are absolutely wrong I will
correct you. You say attack…I say correct.
You have been proven wrong time and time again by
me and k and others……..
how can a 24 year old kid making millions….played in the
super bowl and I’m sure will be back again be called a loser.
please….get your info right. You blew the biggest game of
the year. Need anyone say anything more.
The beat goes on…from thechiefs to the royals and college
and pro games…you’veproven you know nothing more than
tagging your picks from some betting blog with your
losing prop tease way of picking games.
glad jj did well….love the guy…..but aren’t there any more
recent big name comics you can bring in.
I’m guessing they’ve gotten out of your price range which
I understand having had seen what happened in the concert
good luck…stil luv ya…without you kcc would be gone.
your friend
The Chiefs need to sign Matt Forte.
Maybe. We need another big time ‘rusher’ and a fast with hands wide out to help Maclain.
glaze…you make my spelling look like I’m from Harvard!!!!!
It’s JMac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great kid….grew up in tough times….and yes if kc gets
a guy like Thomas from O state….they’ll be unstoppable….
Hey how about Bill Self and KU. Looking dead and buried a couple weeks back. Now KU may once again win the Big 12 and head to the dance with a number 1 or 2 seed. The OU win yesterday was the most impressive thus far on the road.
once perry catches on….nobody beats ku!!!!!!!
pery still needs something…can’t figure it out…maybe self needs to
toughen him up….but if he gets on fire…he’s the “manning of ’16”
Yes you do CG. You are the man. Don’t let anybody tell you differently. You knew that this movie was gonna be great because of TJ Miller. You knew that he was the one that was gonna make this movie shine. I thought it was gonna be a bomb because of Ryan Reynolds, but you knew better. You are a great prognosticator of, well EVERYTHING. Have I told you you are the man. If not, you are the man, don’t let anybody tell you differently. You are so modest with your “maybe we do know SOMETHING.” You know EVERYTHING, and I think you know it, your just to damn modest to admit it. That’s what I and everyone love about you, your modesty.
now that was funny Frank!!!!!!!!!
That guy that nobody knows his name totally made that movie. If not for him it would have sucked. Reynolds was lucky to have him there to ‘save’ the movie. Thanks for the laughs, Glayzer.