While Donald Trump is walking away with the Republican nomination, something else not expected is brewing…
Bernie Sanders according to most polls is now leading or tied with Hillary Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire. Wow. Could this end up a Trump vs. Sanders presidential election? By the way, Trump is now well over 40% the leader in all Republican polls for the nomination.
Let’s face it a few months back Trump was more of an attraction than a real candidate. However his fame, the media attention and the state of the nation have moved him to not only front runner status by a huge margin to win the Republican nomination, but a real shot at winning the white house. In a Trump vs. Hillary run off Hilary is behind in some polls or in a dead heat with the Donald.
And Sanders, who not that long ago seemed a throw away candidate is now FOR REAL.
Funny thing, Hillary was seen as a shoe in for the White House against Obama until the very end as well. Until America fell for Barack and his presence and calmness and started not trusting Clinton.
Remember she had Bill behind her then too and even with his popularity they lost. Should Clinton lose both Iowa and New Hampshire this could become a close battle with Sanders coming out on top.
Like Trump Sanders is the anti politics as usual guy.
Sanders trailed Clinton by a huge margin just a few months ago. Hillary stood tall in the Benghazi hearings and seemed to have cleared the computer-gate attacks. However her numbers on trust and honesty have fallen badly. Below 40% according to CNN.
And Sanders has capitalized on all these issues.
Donald Trump has captured the imagination of a larger voting mass on both sides of the line, Democrats included. People want change. They always do.
Trump is in the mode of Ronald Reagan and more recently Arnold Schwarzenegger. Being a movie or tv star was a major issue with both.
People feel they know stars.
They often think of them as larger than life.
However with someone who is a political star only like Clinton, not as much.
Then when you add in all the dark moments for her going back to the Monica Lewinsky and several since and it could be an uphill battle for her in the end.
Trump and Sanders don’t have those negatives. At least not yet.
Like many of you, I ask my friends if they like Trump.
And even amongst demos that number is growing. His charisma is grabbing them. The attention he gets daily from the media is unequaled. He is just placed in front of the nation as the man, right or wrong. I’ve seen this from the start.
And what was once almost an inside joke has become very real.
I think Trump has taken the nomination already and now will be hard to beat in the national presidential election. He’s got massive momentum and just like in sports, that matters.
Trying to predict the outcome of s courtcase or an election can be fun, but it is never a sure thing. Based on your picks, look for a Stomper write in campaign.
Thanks for the mention, Cowboy. It’s good to learn that you’re back from Oregon without getting arrested or suffering a gunshot wound.
And thank you CG for the topic. We don’t need much depth or personal factual interpretation in the piece for Harley, Chuck, and the rest of us to jump in and spew our own individual rhetoric. Here’s mine;
It’s still way to early to annoint Trump, Sanders, or anyone else as the nominee here. Iowa and New Hampshire don’t represent the opinions of the broader electorate and just by the nature of the process, the candidates in the primaries are each dancing to the 25% of the electorate on the right or left; the more rabid bases of their parties. The 50% in the middle that will decide this election in November haven’t been heard from yet. The real race doesn’t begin until May or June so don’t get too fired up now.
Secondly, while it’s human nature to focus on individual candidates and their personalities, we need to remember that all politicians are slimeballs and congenital liars. They all have some negative baggage and if they have been around long enough there should be an ample supply of it from about any perspective. If you really want to intelligently discuss politics, you need to have a pretty firm personal belief on what the role of government is. Is health care a right or privilege? Same with a college education? Should there be government oversight on things like clean air/water, banking and investment arenas, workplace safety, etc. or should the private sector police itself and the principle of “laissez faire” rule the day. Let the free markets determine the outcomes. That should determine which candidate should get your vote. We all pretty much need to hold our nose and pull the lever for the view of government we most generally support. If you really don’t care about politics and don’t have a reasoned opinion on the role of government, I get that and understand that you probably won’t take the time to vote. If you are making your decision based on personalities and not the role of government, that’s certainly your right but, imho, that’s misses the point.
Finally, there are two words that have risen to the top this election cycle and they each have some powerful baggage. Those words are “Socialism” and “Establishment”. In the Democratic Town Hall meeting earlier this week, I thought Sanders did a pretty good job or defining what he thought “Democratic Socialism” is and how it differs from “Socialism” but the word is so powerful that it will prevent a large percentage of that 50% in the middle from being able to support him. As much as I like Sanders personally, he could never win in the general election when that middle 50% comes into play.
With regards to “Establishment” , everyone wants to run away from it at this point in the process but pretty quickly now, the establishments of each party will start to flex their muscles. I’d love to learn Professor Sutherland’s opinion on the Republican Establishment as he knows it better than probably all of us but it is still a very powerful force and it will never allow Trump or Cruz to win the Republican nomination. Once the primaries get past Iowa and New Hampshire and into the middle of March and beyond, that Republican Establishment will be pushing towards Rubio and Bush. Don’t count Jeb out yet.
Just sayin’
Rubio, Bush or draft someone out of the blue. RNC: “(**sigh**) Where can we find another Ronnie on such short notice?”
WRONG….WRONG….WRONG…WRONG….and totally off
base is glaze on this one.
Maybe you should have done a little research on how the
democrttic party process goes. Did you know that Hillary
will probably have over 600 delegates to the convention
before the first vote is cast.
I’ve got an assignment for you. Go look up superdelegtes
on the internet and see the count.
As of nov. 15 it was Clinton over 500 delegates/Bernard 11.
Now get back with us because by now Clinton could be close
to already wrapping up the nomination before the iowa
I usually say you’re just uneducated ….but now I give
you a chance to redeem yourself.
You are wrong so spend a few minutes away from your
snookies and make good on this totally false article.
remember its superdelegates….I’ll gtive you 24 hours to
check this out. Please…k and I are getting tired of
correcting you on literally every statement you make.
Now you can get in the decent graces of Harley by doing
some research so we won’t have to correct you AGAIN AND
And please stick to snookiiesbut lay off them and learn
something new about…again SUPERDELEGATES while I
find the exact numbers of delegates Hillary already has.
Now listen…trump has zero….they do it differently…..
Same with you Wilson/southy/etc….all of you do a little
work so you know that HARLEY IS RIGHT AGAIN!
Hoped to see tim meadows this weekend and tryto get
some dr. pepper ribs. Maybe next time.
have a great night.
Your teacher
I cannot wait until Hillary Clinton is removed from American politics. Not a fan of Sanders nor Trump either. I can’t believe that the American public will be left to vote for one of these three buffoons. This is the best we can do? ugh.
Re Hillary: it’s what we wish for and what should happen, but I wouldn’t write the old biddy off yet. Re is that all there is: amen. Pretty pathetic, huh?
guy… hey, we’re only getting the best that $3 – 5 billion will buy!
too late dude….gonna be a landslide.
Nice article, Hearne. Your only two months behind every other pundit in America who observed long ago that the same “voter anger” at the “establishment” that is fueling Trump is also fueling Sanders.
Anything is possible of course, but Sanders will have his day in Iowa and New Hampshire then get waxed in states where minorities live.
Trump? Sure has benefited from a crowded GOP field, where polling in the 30s looks like a lot.
By the way, your analysis of 2008 is way off. Rather than distrusting Hillary, she got more total votes in primary states than Obama did. Yep, more people voted for Hillary at the ballot box than for Obama.
But . . . Obama’s team put together a historic organization in the caucus states where Hillary was caught flat-footed. It was a sight to behold to see Democrats standing outside in the cold and the dark and the rain at an elementary school in Johnson County to get into that caucus and vote for Obama.
Even then, Obama didn’t swamp her. That race was razor close through California, and didn’t really end until the super delegates began lining up behind Obama.
In Hearne’s defense, Glazer wrote this.
So it was. But it was posted by Hearne on his blog, so I plead partially not guilty.
We sure are getting a lot of Glazer these days. Wonder why?
“Anything is possible of course, but Sanders will have his day in Iowa and New Hampshire then get waxed in states where minorities live.”
Which is funny, because nobody would help minorities more than Bernie.
yes..I found someone who understands the primaries.
Please call glaze and inform him that he is absolutely wrong AGAIN!!!!!!!!
aND HEARNE Lets this guy write articles.
I’d get better analysis out of weekly reader (are they still in biz?)
Oh, and can I play the “I asked my friends” game too?
Well, I asked my friends about Donald Trump, and even the Republicans think he is a narcisstic, opportunistic snake oil salesman who was never a true “conservative.” But he sure knows how to divide and conquer.
One of them even told me that if Trump is the nominee, he’ll sit this election out.
Guess we have different friends.
The fact that the Republican party has been thrown such a curve by Trump and has seemingly easily become the front runner for the nomination, just goes to show how weak the party is. He’s more or less spat in their faces and taken over. How the HELL did that happen?
It goes to show that a substantial percentage of people that support Trump support bullying. Hopefully, for those supporters who have kids, their kids are bullied mercilessly at school. I’d love to hear from a Trump supporter who likes the guy because he “tells it like it is”, but then is upset because his/her kids are bullied in school. I’d probably have to tell them to go f*** themselves. I’d also point out that their kid probably said something that the bully didn’t like and that the bully has every right to give their kid the Meghan Kelly treatment for the remainder of the kid’s time in school. Maybe it will end in the kid’s death. The parent probably won’t be happy but they should be.
thanks frank…Trump beats women…but for some
of the commentators on here that doesn’t make
a difference.
A bully/liar/cheat/con man (wait tilthe general
and the truth comes out).
Guys and ladies: every election we hear the same thing..’is this the best we can do with these morons’ ‘ If so and so wins/Nixon,Goldwater,Reagan,Bush,Hilary, Bill on and on, I’ll move out of the country’ every election is the same…we usually don’t feel good or great about anyone. Way it is and by the way almost nobody ever moves out of the country.
there won’t be a republican in the white house for a long long long time.
and neither Bernie nor Hillary are “Buffoons”, they both are pretty smart people with advanced degrees who have real answers to how to fix our broken system. Just because you don’t like them, calling them names is not going to erase their actual credentials. Trump is however a “Buffoon” “Racist” “Misogynist” there’s no two ways about it, he’s offended just about every non-rich-non-white person on the planet, and there isn’t a chance in hell that he gets the nomination, let alone the white house.
but it really doesn’t matter who they nominate, because they will lose to whomever the Democrats put up against them. Period. for YEARS and YEARS to come.
bkinder…these old white men don’t get it.
the race is won by the minority and female vote.
I’m sure women will loovve trump when the truth comes
And we know how the Hispanics feel about trump.
We know how theblakcs feel…
Turn out the lights….its a numbers game..and that’s
Harley’s specialty.
nice to hear/see someone with a brain sir.
“I think Trump has taken the nomination already and now will be hard to beat in the national presidential election.”
– agreed, CG… will add that Kerouac places no stock in ANY poll, because they tend to contradict each other, leaving voters to go with their gut – which is as it should be. Will say the overt bias reflected by the media in order push their fave candidates, whoever said be, is obvious, hilarious and of no consequence in the final analysis.
A side note, I’ve no problem with Trump/anyone referring to FOX News Megyn Kelly as a ‘bimbo’. If one has seen any the numerous photos this ‘journalist’ attempting (and failing) to look sexy (more so appears in need a place relieve herself aft too long a ride in the car sans pit stop), you understand why Kerouac feels so ~ LINK BELOW
Kelly works on a channel I find myself in agreement with more often than not. That said however, their pandering to the lowest common denominator (SEX SELLS) via presenting the largest majority their female on-air employees dressed a fashion that suggests ‘hookers’, loses points my scorecard. Faint praise be, Kelly actually dresses more professionally than most of her female counterparts at FOX. My point: desire my news be presented sans the distraction leg, breast and/or derriere shows.
Kerouac remembers Walter Cronkite and his ilk, as well Marlene Sanders (first female network anchor in history, 1964). Hindsight, am reminded that regardless an different time/era over the air news, good decorum/taste never (should) goes out of style. Alas, be far too little said any more.
Similar to the ‘monkeyfication’ of sports today, wherein players diminish sport & self via machinations typically found at the zoo, circus or theater. Upshot – when Trump (his own flippancy no more egregious than those who lampoon him) refers to Megyn Kelly as a ‘bimbo’, he’s merely following the crowd circa 2016 and not standing apart.
All considered, choice ‘tween a rock and a hard place – TRUMP 2016
10K kerowacky….you looked real bad with chiefs….with 82% of the
Hispanic vote….95% of the African American vote….60% of the
female vote…..its a landslide for Hillary.
you old men can go to bed at 9pm and still be up
at 5 am to get the morning papers pronouncing Hillary the winner.
Don’t agree….get your money and put it where your mouth is!
Harley knows more than you think…and dump’s past willcome
back to bite his ass.
This is a slam dunk….especially when 10-15% of the republicans
will vote democratic.
Harley did it in 2008/2012….2016 is an easy pick/sure money for
the great harley
We say it every four years … worst bunch of people ever running for US President. This year it is absolutely true for the third time in a row.
I don’t think polls matter in Iowa. Anyway, Iowa never picks a winner so the talk is just a bunch of that …. talk. Let’s talk about spring … the sound of birds singing, the warmth of a southern breeze, the smell of freshly cut grass, the excitement of seeing a seedling pop through the soil.
Spring always happens. The Iowa caucuses days are numbered.
For the record, here are the past winners of the GOP Iowa caucuses:
2012 — Rick Santorum.
2008 — Mike Huckabee.
2004 — Dubya, unopposed.
2000 — Dubya. Steve Forbes and Alan Keyes finished second and third.
1996 — Bob Dole. Barely over Pat Buchanan.
1992 — Bush I, unopposed.
1988 — Bob Dole.
1984 — Reagan, unopposed.
1980 — Bush I.
William Armony. Remember him? The United Way Scandal. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison and fined $300,000.00. The Clintons make Armony’s transgressions look like he stole a ball point pen from the office.
The “Pay For Play” Clinton Foundation, which took in 550 Million Dollars, with only 75 Million Dollars going to actual charities, is, as anyone with room temp IQ knows, a slush fund for the Clintons. Bill makes a speech, the foundation gets a giant check and some company or country gets a sweet deal from the United States.
James Comey, is now looking into the Clinton Foundation. I believe, that he thinks, Hillary deleted all those emails NOT because they concerned Yoga Class, but because they implicated the Clintons in a “Pay For Play” scheme.
Joe Biden will be running for President, Hillary is going to be indicted. Then, the highly politicized DOJ will refuse to prosecute. This will not matter, the talking heads on the right will be apoplectic while the talking heads on the left will cover as best as they can, but it will be a losing battle. Say goodbye to the Clintons.
It is too early to bet on the winner of the Republican Primary.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Megyn Kelly gets her hair cut at the same barber where Reinhard Heydrich goes.
I think she’s beautiful. She could shave her head and still be stunning.
What is really stunning, is what is not countenanced by M. Kelley’s countenance.
Trump is right, Fox News IS part of the 4th Estate Establishment. The cavalier, insouciant suck ups to the Liberal Zeitgeist and the Republican’s rapacious, insatiable search for cheap labor, enforced at the whim and caprice of Elites in both parties, now threatened with torches and pitchforks at the Malibu/Washington barbican, could be, might be, a call to arms in a voting booth near you.
In America, 160 years ago, the people that wanted to “shave” our heads were fu*kin Comanches. Americans, descended from the same European stock that stopped the Muslims at Tours in 732 and at the Gates of Vienna so your wife wouldn’t have to wear a Burka today to go to a fly infested, open market, where she would be groped, or maybe raped by 3rd world, stone age, cultists who arbitrarily confirm intifadas on your fu*kin dogs, for fu*ks sake.
You know when you get your head shaved?
In Boot Camp. Like our fathers, that now are forgotten, marginalized and minimalized in the race to kill off our great American, Judeo/Christian traditions that made the entire godda**m world want to steal their way into this country.
Fu*k the smug, wanna be Kardashian, M Kelley.
The 4th estate and Cable News, don’t have their fingers on the pulse of America, they have their claws around middle America’s throat.
Who would have thought it?
Donald Trump has promised to build a ‘beautiful wall’ and make anime real.
Jeb! has promised everyone a pocket turtle and some guacamole.
In my mind it is a real close matchup.
Nice to see meaningful comments on the subject and not so much personal attacks. Way it should be. Just like in sports there are no sure things. We all have opinions on who will win and why. Sometimes things change. How about the Super Bowl number. Denver was a 4 1/2 point underdog as of yesterday it hit 6 and is heading to 7 maybe even 7 1/2. Most observers including me don’t see how the Broncos can win or even stay close. However you never know til the game is played. Right.
shut up glaze. How many times have we seen you go bonkers over a
comment. You are the worst when it comes to getting up set over a
comment. So please shut up…..you wanted to fight an old man over a
scrap. How does that make you feel? You’re wrong again! Please say
something right!
As for the presidential race. Interesting that Trump felt he was so far out front he would gain more attention by not being at the Republican debate last night. Did it work?
Barring a major shift Trump has all but locked up the nomination. He’s just too far out front. Hilary will still likely win the Demo’s spot. But yeah Sanders is surely in the hunt and the game is on.
And if Hillary is indicted? (Which she should be)
Well you know the answer it will Sanders vs. Trump…I don’t they will indict her, they would have by now.
Then Bloomberg enters the race as an independent and either wins the white house or takes enough of Bernie’s votes to hand it to Trump.
A convicted felon can run for president. Leonard Peltier in 2004 did….Prior to that Lyndon LaRouche in 1992 (I think)….
Interesting. Then let me be the first to say Crag Glazier, convicted felon, for President in 2020.
I’d vote for him.
you couldn’t pay me to vote for him. He has
almost as many bad businesses and bad deals
than trump.
You’re see trumps business deals come out…
especially the ones where the Saudis had to
bail him out.
A terrorist ntion bailing out trump? NOOOOOOOOOO! ITS COMING FOLKS.
the Saudis bought his 1 million xollars boat
and loaned him money to keep his non
atlantic ocean hotels open (which trump
CORPORATIONS. But about the thousands
of companies who went down with trumps
baknruptcies. Hillary will rip this con name
to pieces….Harley knows…..Harley is alaways right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is what the FOX News Quislings and Vichy France collaborators fear.
Populists? Nativists?
How ’bout Americans?
Again, a vote for Trump, may not actually be a vote for Trump, but a punch back at the bullies, Kleptocrats, the media and a Federal Government so out of control and so impervious to the actual concerns of middle class Americans, that, after all this time, it is time.
One more time, cause this is cool.
Say it ain’t so, Chuck. If Fox falls to the dark side, can American Thinker be far behind?
Your Sarcasm Font is a pop gun weapon. You lean on it too much.
At this point, I believe you tell the truth as you see it.
None of us here, or anywhere in America, need “…another fall of man.” Do Better.
Think about it Stomper.
I don’t want to be right (No pun intended.). I want to be wrong. I want YOU to be right. I want your idea of how things should work to be right. I want to find out, that we can spend, spend, spend our children’s future away in a Progressive Paroxysm of Feel Good initiatives like Obama Care and not forgo the siding we need on our $150,000 house.
The irony, of political discourse at this point, is that their is no doubt, in my mind, that Conservatives and Libertarians hate reality and wish they could hang around with guys like you and pretend that reality is a talking point, soon forgotten on “The View”.
Seriously, you are a very bright guy, you move in important circles, know the right people and move and shake opinions, legislation and are a guidon amongst not only your friends, but, people with power.
Here is the thing.
Pretending that this “New Order”, which includes an untoward and idiotic emphasis on “Diversity” and “Multiculturalism”, funded by tax payers who are shamed, marginalized and attacked for the values, that if fact, made this country a “Shining City On A hill” is not just counterproductive, it is suicide.
All over Europe now, we see the unrest and coming violence that Liberal/Elites have fostered on their unwitting, somnambulant electorate.
I read American Thinker, I take Vanity Fair (Have for years, pay for it, it comes in the mail.), read the Huff Post, read Slate and Salon.
Here is the most recent Salon.
American Thinker pales, pales, pales in comparison to the self loathing, ethnomasochistic, Beta-Male, smooth-between-the-legs profferings on the left.
Again, keep in mind, we Conservatives and Libertarians want you to be right. You’re just not.
In my opinion, your consistent criticism of my posts, when they refer to urls at “American Thinker”, reflects to me, a fear of the ideas, posited at “American Thinker”.
Come on man, you are the kcconfidential personification of Melissa Click.
Here is some “muscle”.
I always, always want to hear what you have to say.
Goin for pizza
God Bless.
Thanks Chuck, I appreciate the kind words and honest opinions, minus the fiery rhetoric. I apologize for the sarcasm. I think that you are a smart, insightful, and concerned citizen as well that also tells the truth as you see it. We are just on opposite sides of the spectrum. In my bizarro world, the government is not the enemy and government spending is not a bad thing, that’s all. I’m very much a capitalist and think the private sector should always have the first shot. In my ideal view of the American economy, the private sector should generate about 70 – 75 percent of the spending but the government has responsibilities. The 25 – 30 percent they spend is not a bad thing.
Thanks Chuck.
Not related but who knows when Glazer talks sports again.
Even though the score doesn’t show it, I think the SEC did a good job in the SEC/Big12 challenge. Good upset of West VA by Florida. If Texas A$M doesn’t at least make the Elite 8, then the season should be considered a disappointment.
LSU should of beat OU but the possible No.1 pick in the NBA doesn’t feel ready for prime time. Wasn’t anywhere near the ball at the end. KU was KU. Got a lot of AFH home cooking. KY wins in Rupp or on a neutral court yesterday. No way half the team fouls out in Rupp or a neutral court.
Strange, The seat was boiling hot for Mike Anderson this time last week. Then they upset A$M, then they win yesterday against Tech. While the Hogs won’t go to the tournament, I think they go to the NIT. And at the end of the year people will be surprised were they are in the standings. A lot of winnable games in the next month.
Overall I think yesterday showed the SEC isn’t as bad in basketball as everyone says they are. On the other side of the coin, maybe the Big 12 isn’t as good as everyone says they are. Not bad…for a football conference.
KU as we all now know beat KY in OT at home. A much needed win. Both teams benefit from being two of the four ‘elite programs’ like NC and Duke. So KU is always ranked higher than often they should be. So many number 1 and 2 seeds over the last few years in the ‘big dance’ not earned. However they did win one and go to the championship in another. KU is always very good, not often great.
Hey I like KU basketball til the last two years in KC it was all we really had in sports that mattered. This year looks like the one Bill does not win the Big 12. However you just can’t count them out yet. I think it is a very good year for the Big 12 though with Oklahoma being a true number 1, then you have several others in the top 15 so yeah a solid conference. But nobody as of late has won a title other than KU so yes you are right very good not great.
Should the “Medium Be The Message”?
RE: M. Kelley.
A. Huffington from the Huff Post, says yes in my opinion.
“This week the nation got one last chance to see the Republicans debate before the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday. Of course, a certain bully chose not to attend, but that only allowed for the evening’s highlight: watching Megyn Kelly conclusively prove that the way to prevail over a bully is to not back down. Having stood her ground all week against what in the opening question she called “the elephant not in the room” (one that had called her a “bimbo” and a “lightweight”), Kelly was, in fact, one of the night’s big winners. Her charm and authority demolished Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio on their immigration hypocrisy.”
“As to who won overall (The Debate) it’s hard to say, but you’d have to start with the blonde, heavyweight moderator.As to who won overall it’s hard to say, but you’d have to start with the blonde, heavyweight moderator.”
I. Mercer, from WND, says no.
“Megyn Kelly gets away with a lot of antics, so why not this one at the debate in Des Moines, Iowa? There, Kelly referred to Donald Trump as “the elephant not in the room,” and asked Sen. Ted Cruz: “What message do you think Trump’s absence sends to the voters of Iowa?”
Kelly’s question is a leading question, not a probative question, because the question suggests the answer. Hers is a bad-faith question. I wish Donald Trump’s campaign had the analytical wherewith to point out Kelly’s despicable antics.
And you know that when CNN approvingly describes (on “Outfront,” 1/29) a Fox News anchor as a consummate professional “staying above the fray”—said anchor is likely everything but. What the Left likes about the badly behaved and unprofessional Kelly, as chronicled in the more meaty version of “The Me Myself and I Megyn Kelly Production,” is that she reflects their side. “
let me tell you this:
guys like chuck stuck in the world war 2 generation now hate megan Kelly.
She’s like the old cartoons we watched. WHEEEE….WHOOOO……YEAHAAA…
she’s a blonde bimbo but wait til the general election!
Wow, Cruz wins Iowa, with Clinton and Sanders finishing in a dead heat. Going to be wild this fall.
Agreed Guy. The big winner may have been Rubio. I don’t think Cruz can maintain in other states but his. He is just too far right and too much of a religious fanatic. Rubio is the ‘Kennedy’ hot ticket now with his looks, youth and being more moderate. Of course Trump is still very much in the mix. Sanders vs. Clinton is gonna be wild you are right. My story on the Iowa last night will be up later today.