Drum roll please; the presidency may be Donald Trump‘s to lose!!!!
Yep, Trump’s numbers keep getting bigger and bigger and some polls have him at 29% of the vote now! OMG. What started out as a joke is NO JOKE. He is killing it.
Because people in this country are truly fed up. Finally. Americans want a president WHO WILL DO SOMETHING!!! Not just talk. Bill Clinton was going to legalize weed, Obama wanted free or close to free healthcare.
Both were the right moves, but the so-called powers that be said, NO.
And maybe – just maybe – people feel Donald Trump won’t be walked over.
He seems to be the real deal.
Trump wants managers that have the background to help run America, not just politically connected friends put in office. He demands that veterans get full health care. THEY HAVE EARNED IT.
Will it happen? Can Trump fix the economy? Maybe – just maybe- he can do something big. That’s how the voters seem to feel.
Trump admits his errors and says “Hey, the media will find all kinds of things I said or did that will piss people off. But I’m still the best man for the job.”
Know what? I’m starting to think he may well be right!
Even Chris Christie and Jeb Bush were saying Trump like things yesterday. Things like, “legalize drugs, give people medical care.”
Really, where were they with that years ago?
Bush said, let’s help the Vets out. Really? Where was that battle cry eight years ago?
Can Trump beat Hillary Clinton?
I think Trump’s the only one who can beat Hillary.
Look out America, it’s PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.
Hey, a little satire. Nice job, CG.
Camille’s views are always worth the time to read them. This is just an excerpt from a three-part interview.
First part was Bill Cosby is Bill Clinton.
[laughs] Well, my view of Trump began in the negative. When he was still relatively unknown nationally, he jackhammered a magnificent Art Deco sculpture over the main doorway of the Bonwit Teller department store on 5th Avenue. It was 1980, and he was demolishing the store to build Trump Tower. The Metropolitan Museum of Art had offered to take the sculpture, but Trump got impatient and just had it destroyed. I still remember that vividly, and I’m never going to forget it! I regard Donald Trump as an art vandal, equivalent to ISIS destroying ancient Assyrian sculptures. As a public figure, however, Trump is something of a carnival barker.
But as a provocateur yourself, you must admire the very interesting his game he is playing.
So far this year, I’m happy with what Trump has done, because he’s totally blown up the media! All of a sudden, “BOOM!” That lack of caution and shooting from the hip. He’s not a president, of course. He’s not remotely a president. He has no political skills of any kind. He’s simply an American citizen who is creating his own bully pulpit. He speaks in the great populist way, in the slangy vernacular. He takes hits like a comedian–and to me he’s more of a comedian than Jon Stewart is! Like claiming John McCain isn’t a war hero, because his kind of war hero doesn’t get captured–that’s hilarious! That’s like something crass that Lenny Bruce might have said! It’s so startling and entertaining.
It’s as if the stars have suddenly shifted–because we’re getting a mix-up in the other party too, as in that recent disruption of the NetRoots convention, with all that raw emotion and chaos in the air. To me, it feels very 1960s. These sudden disruptions, as when the Yippies would appear to do a stunt–like when they invaded Wall Street and threw dollar bills down on the stock exchange and did pig-calls! I’m enjoying this, but it’s throwing both campaigns off. None of the candidates on either side know how to respond to this kind of wild spontaneity, because we haven’t seen it in so long.
Politics has always been performance art. So we’ll see who the candidates are who can think on their feet. That’s certainly how I succeeded in the early 1990s. Before that, the campus thought police could easily disrupt visiting speakers who came with a prepa
another foolish article.
Herne…where the f*ck are you getting these commntators and writers from?
the dumpster of the Political class at JCCC?
where’s southy…I’m sure him and whiney and wislon would fit in nicely
with this lineup of political clowns and rejects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PAUL WILSON….if the irs story is so big…I didn’t hear a single question
about it in last nights debate.
Of course I was laughing so hard at the clowns on stage I might have
missed it. What a trainwreck that was.
Can’t wait for the next one. I t wll be tough to top this one
in hilarity and comedy.
except for your buddy trump,,,,IT IS OVER!!!!!!!
Would love to see Trump elected, and wouldn’t be surprised if he is; Kerouac sees the 2016 election as the most important this country has ever had. The last 8 years of an empty chair (nod Eastwood) masquerading as a President has resulted in the darkest of black days US history.
Clinton has no chance being elected; no one else emerges Republican or Independent side (won’t), Trump will prevail and his VP (whomever) will be an improvement over obuma’s fellow clown-in-malfeasance, biden.
Looking forward to Trump’s acceptance speech, and the first words out of his mouth aimed at his predecessor and sidekick, bleeding-heart Liberals and Socialists same… “You’re fired!”
Kerouac, you are “fired” for believing that Trump has the remote chance of winning. His big mouth will be his doom as has already been demonstrated over many years. Eastwood’s empty chair routine was so effective in the last election, maybe he should have a reprise.
They doth protest too, too much – for being so ****sure Trump has no chance (Kerouac smells a Demo-rat…)
This is some good satire here for the world knows that the only saps D U M B enough to think Trump will be anything are basement dwellers and face droolers.
Good show!
glaze is becoming a face drooler…..and kero wacky is a basement
lets see how long glaze keeps saying this b.s…….ther wil be
1 billion dollars allocated to tke trump down. Can you imagine
the lies and cheating in his closet….he turn out like bruce jenner…going tg on us when its’ all over so he can get back
his reality tv show.
Harley – a skid mark on the underwear of life.
wislon…..so sorry that I was right again…I know it
kills you.
However…once you got off your slip and slide
you realized Harley has you beat by a long shot.
skidmarks in underwear? sounds like you got tat
from some kids at the park you hang out at.
How’s the box business???????????????????????????
just another clown in the circus of republican candidates…
and when they start checking this guy out (the republicans will do
op research on him to no end) they’ll find he owes probably billions
in taxes and POOF…he’s gone.
he’s like keowacky and glaze…a lot of hot air and nothing to back it.
He said he’s a self made man…bullshit!
Come on boys ….either you’re high on something or you’re
just ginning up hearnes comment section.
I do hope he gets the nomination…as even all the repub candidates
He’s getting 25% of 45% you two dummies…..whats that come
to in the whole scheme of the electorate ? 8%.
if god wanted to help every democrat he’d get this buffoon the nomination.
And he’d finally end the stupid statements from kerowack and glaze.
Its tiring reading such stupidity on this blog with k and glaze.
get your money together you idiot.
Sick of your long list of failures.
I would love to take your money…becauae you are nothing but a
phony bull sh*t artist! Didn’t I see you on American Greed?
HILLARY 2016…..get used to it you old grandpas.
Harley knows all!
Harley is always right!
kero wacky not too bright and should stick to his regular b.s. about
us dems arelaughing so hard at the republican clowns and candidates
that its like watching glaze try to dance.
This is a comedy script…funnier than king of sting….I mean who could
have dreamed this whole republican thing up. who could have
ever thought the repubs would lie/cheat/and steal for 8 years while
Obama did a great job in running the nation and then end up
eating their own and literally imploding over some phony wigged
egotistical philandererwith 3 wives who’s backed more democrats than
most real democrats.
this is funnier than any of glaze’s show. Glaze should tape this
entire comedy and play it at his club;
It probably would draw more people than the old comics he’s
got there now.
Please glaze and kerowacky..make him the repub nominee….we’ll
need something hilarious to laugh about in nov ’16 when they
show this clown with zero electoral votes.
til then…sits back friends…these repubs aare going the way of the
whigs….boner fights McConnell/bush fights walker/walker fights
everyone/Christie wants to punch a teacher in the face/trump brings
in illegals to clean the bathroooms at his hotels/Huckabee daughters
getting porked by 5 guys a night and he’s wanting to outlaw contraceptives/
bush sounds like he’s bored and the only reason he ‘s running is because
daddy thought he would “be the son who was president”….McCain says
his party is lost and dying….and best of all Hillary sits back and lets
the republicans hang themselves while her and bill make another 200
million dollars.
fact is that all the repub candidates understand the stakes of trump.
They ha e to eliminate him. so they called Christie and said “don’t
ya know some eye talians to wack him?” Christie goes no…I’m going to
jail in November…whatsa matter boys…I won’t be around”.
Then they all say McCain was a coward for being a pow and kaboom…
before you know it its like one of those 10 man WWE fights where
they try to kill each other.
This is better than glaze watching NAKED AND AFRAID with his
this is better than kerowacky spending Friday nights reading the baseball
this is btter than wislon getting his butt stuck under the dashboard…
this is better than hearne trying to hustle the young ku coeds at the
this is better than chuckles reading mein kampf and quoting his
hero Adolph.
this is better than lefty trying to act like he’s a sportwriter only to find
out 90% of what he said was wrong…
this is beter than watching the FULL HOUSE guy bomb at glaze’s joint..
I mean this debate should do big ratings as we see what a bunch of
clown (16 of them) think theycan be president.
Get out the popcorn and low cal soda….get out the smores and\
Oklahoma joes bar b q…cause Thursday night will be one freaking
laugh a thon at how bad the republicans have gotten.
and then Hannity and frank lunz come on as abbott and Costello
and finish up the show with another comedy routine that would make
Rodney Dangerfield laugh!
It should be on pay per view….because its gonna be as bad as rousey knocking
out her girl opponent in 40seconds.
This should be one for the ages. And maybe Vince Mcmahon will show
up too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Eastwood was so on the money with the empty chair. What a total disaster Obuma has been. He has set this country back 50 years. How can a Half-rican totally deny his whitness ?
As for Trump. He won’t win. The hispanic voting bloc is growing and you always have the black vote. When it all shakes out, Jeb will be standing.
Probing the depths of Glazer’s stoopidity is such a fun game…. let’s play!
The knuckle dragging wing of the Klan and the extreme right wing of the GOP are his only constituency and that ain’t enough to win a general election ever. It is just simple math. Obviously simple math is a bit too advanced for Glazer and second graders to understand.
The Donald may be allowed to be president of deez nuts, but that is it. That is all.
Trump doesn’t WANT to be POTUS. Trump wants to be Trump. Always has, always will. King of all media whores. He knows how much he would have to give up being The Donald if he were POTUS. He’s enjoying every single second of this. When has he ever had wall to wall to wall coverage on every media outlet in the country? His isn’t a candidacy. It’s an advertisement for all things Trump. All of the “Anyone-but-Hillary” camp are drinking it like the delicious Kool-Aid that it is.
I, for one, am enjoying the Hell out of the show. Summer re-runs on TV are so boring.
Thanks CG !!! Nothing like a little political commentary to bring out the ideologues from both sides.
Have read and heard some interesting offerings lately on the increasing difficulty of accurate polling. The art/science has changed drastically from the early days when Harris, Roper, and Gallup tried to perfect it. Used to be that knocking on doors and calling land lines could get you a relatively accurate cross section of voters but those days are gone. Those individuals that labor in the field of correctly assessing outcomes and display an ability to succeed at it, just like everyone else in our society, follow the money. The best and brightest ply their trade in Vegas. Even insurance companies can’t afford to pay their actuaries what the employers in Vegas do. With that in mind, I tend to trust what oddsmakers in Vegas, or even across the pond in Great Britain more than I do the wide variety of polls out there now.
Sorry Kerouac, but to say “Clinton has no chance being elected” is clearly a statement that is not based in rational thought. Obviously coming from your heart and not your head. Oddsmakers strongly disagree with your assessment. Fifteen months is an eternity in politics and anything can happen but I think I’ll trust Vegas over Kerouac here.
Dewey over Truman… The Donald TRUMP’s billary.
sorry stompe but i’ll throw you in with glaze this time.
As you know Harley was the only pollster/pundit/wizard to get
the 2012 election exactly on target.
You’re not trustin the current polling shows how out of touch you are.
Have you heard of margin of error….that is how these polling
companies figure out all the possibilities of things that could affect
And they’ve become more sophisticated adding large numbers of
cell phones etc. to their counts.
Again stomper you write a nice first article then you come out with
ridiculous article about something you know nothing about.
Stay with playing flag football with the young kids or maybe
join the boy scouts as a troop leader!!!!!!
Wow, Harley, you’re brutal. Your reading comprehension is a bit suspect as well. My typing skills with regards to adding links here is suspect but if you just google “difficulty of political polling” you will find a ton of articles that support my point about the topic.
stomper…of course polling has changed and many
of the polls have made serious adaptations
to their base of respondents.
I would never deny that.
I would never deny that by adding cell phones might
be part of their attempt to be better at getting
the numbers right.
And your comment about
vegas…I don’t know…maybe now that they hired the guys who rated those AAA bonds and mortgages
they might have a better record.
Obviously you are not a bettor or you would have
but never forget this…forget gallup/rasmusse/cnn/
wsj/nbc/cbs/cook report/glaze’s eight ball toy with the little triangles that give advice/chuckles the clown/ whiney who is still trying to sell the pic of him for
Romney on ebay for 49 cents/southy who picked a
real loser as governor/wislonwho picked Romney 2 days before te election/glaze who is never right about sports or football or baseball/or even this kero wacky who is an also ran…..LISTEN TO ME SOMBER STOMPER….THERE IS ONE AND ONLY ONE
THAT IS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need help…need advice…need to know whoto
pickto win….you can reach me at law4life1000@
I don’t charge for advice to people iknow…and as
thanks for thinking of me in your previous posts…
wish you luck…
your friend
Harley, you are truly a piece of work. KCC would not be what it is without your commentary.
you’re right stomper…kcc would not be
full of silver spoon/wife beating/child support
skippers/fools/complete idiots who write but
don’t think/”free” writers that hearne gets
from the streets/writers who have no facts/
stats…yes stomper without Harley correcting
every writer and commentator on the true
facts and the true stories kcc would be just
another tabloid/sleeze/garbage/blog where
its say what you will.
Harley has never had one person contest his
facts or stats.
Iunderstand the slogan…”don’t wrestle
a pig” but when you can the continued lies/
misrepresentations/the vile language
and racism that permeates a blog…smart
articulate people can’t let that go as facts.
Glaze presents not one fact or stat to prove
his point…why? because there are none.
And forv low information people in America
he’s really done a disservice to fact checking
and truth in journalism.
That’s what hearne wants…that’s what
hearne presents.
Like the jewelry theif or the hundreds
of boring useless articles he’s put on his
he can do better…he should do better.
Harley you ignorant slut, last year you said the IRS scandal would blow over in a month, that the Royals were “going all the way” and the Chiefs were a “Super Bowl Contender.”
While you did predict that Obama would win the presidency, that makes you a 1 in 4 winner on your predictions.
Even a blind, ignorant, uneducated, Progressive Pig finds an acorn every once in a while.
chevy…you’re a liar and I can prove it.
never said royals would win it all…just
that they were never done til the last out and
they were ninety feet away from a tie….
never predicted chiefs were super bowl…but
glaze was down on them even when they had some good games.
and as far as wife beaters I wasright on thattooo.
IRS…well even the rag drudge barely mentions it….its a dead story….you forget Obama has
about what 14 months left…Wilson and his
klan boys better hurry up cause time is running out and they need something to help out this
clown trupe of 16 losers if they hope to win
the election.
Wislonwhineysouthy….bring it on boys….
Harley has whipped you so many times that
you’re embarrassed to show your words on
bring it on boys….bring your money…lets
get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And please stop making a fool of yourself.
Harley, you ignorant slut, you are the liar.
You make all those statements again and again, then will not admit it. You are kcconfidential’s Tomato Can.
Hey, I know, why don’t you copy and paste some of the hundred’s of emails you get.
They probably go something like this;
Harley, my wi
fe and ireally lov ur take
COMMNTRS in there ….,.!!! place do
uyot hink the Royalls wi
win the wu rld suries a
gain this year###?
do u?
Chevy, I too am gravely disappointed in Harley’s syntax.
I intend to invade the University of Missouri and burn the School of Journalism to the ground.
Mr. Humongous,
Save thy thou labor sir. Harley obviously did not graduate from this prestigious college. I mean no disrespect sir, but if he wrote in his comments that he was an astronaut would you believe that?
He is just an anonymous, lying blowhard whose false claims of glory and station, leave us little doubt as to his actual position in life.
We know for a fact he can be found cleaning the sneeze shield at Waldo Pizza 5 days a week.
Stand down please.
I only have on question when it comes to Harley; does it hurt to be that full of $hit, or is it relatively painless.
The IRS and Lois IS still a story. You were wrong on the by over a YEAR! You said it would die by Memorial Day a YEAR AGO. It’s still around. That’s all that matters, it’s still in the news. Doesn’t matter by who, you’re wrong.
I wonder how many people will leave America and move to Alaska if Donald Trump becomes President?
Everyone said that ‘if Nixon’ won.. he did nobody left…its always the most important election its always gonna shock the world…its always we are in the deepest trouble ever…its always BS…America will move forward no matter who wins…
Glaze — It was a joke, pointing to someone’s recent Facebook post….
But you’re right it is always BS.
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
Trump has about as much a chance of “winning” as Tony Botello does becoming a journalist. Those odds, currently on the board in Vegas are slim and none.
This is a little off topic but could someone tell me what’s up with all the racist posts Botello is running out of his blog. It seems he has nothing but cut and paste that are about racial issues.
It’s simple. Trump is the anti-candidate. The encapsulation of everything that politics has become. A comedy of hypocrisy, lies, rhetoric, and excess. This is the result of two parties pissing on the American people, the constitution, the system, the founding fathers, and countless other American ideals. It is the official entry of DC politics meeting the Sureal Life of reality TV. Fun to watch – sad days for America.
Harley told me he was married to Morgan Fairchild.
She is really cute.
Except for the prediction that I would be a 2 week story a couple of years ago, Harley is always right. This IRS scandal is blowing over, it is no big deal. Harley has his finger in the Hillary Muma Dyke and is keeping evil kcc “commtators” (Harley likes Mustard on his.) from telling lies without doing any “Reseerch”.
Thank God I do not have to make a decision today. I see Trump as more of a protest vote. We elected Republicans who promised to get rid of the ACA, fix border security, preserve freedom, and protect the country from ISIS and others. They want Trump because, like Obama, he won’t wait on Congress or listen to the Supreme Court, and he represents the anti-Obama. As far as Hillary goes, the real question is how long Justice can wait after two IGs call for an investigation. If she is indicted, it may be too late for Biden, and if she survives, the Planned Parenthood video advertisements will be brutal. I often wonder if this is how Rome went from a Democracy to an Empire, with Caesar as Emporer. Wondering how any of the present crop of Presidential Candidates will govern, including Clinton and Trump leaves me greatly unfulfilled. My heart is not in this election. Perhaps I’ll invite my Missouri State Representative to read Article 5 of the Constitution he swore to uphold.
I hope Trump crosses the Rubicon.
Here is, in my opinion, an excellent article which explains why Glazer might be right.
a punch drunk racist is quoting a nationally renoenwed mag like the
American thinker. hahahahahahahah
hey boy…too manypunches to the head left you with severe brain damage.
now go back to your holes on troost!
Harley you are the racist, calling Glazer’s black girlfriend a n—– whore and now running your mouth about black holes on Troost.
You in the Klan?
sorry liar…never refered to glazes girl as a “n”
only tell chuck to fill the holes on troost….never called
them “black” holes.
read my comments again.
Obviously you’re older (maybe in 70’s) and need
glasses or cheaters.
whatever the case…I never use the n word and I don’t
call holes on troost black.
good luck…hope you can read this. If not hearne can
get you an audio addition or have it printed in braile
for seniors who can’t read.
Stop makig a fool of yourself gramps. Your depends
are full!
I really thought this article was on the onion website. If CG really believes this, he should never write another political article.
Why? Trump is the leader that’s a fact. Hey he’s still got a long ways to go. He is still 18 to 1 to win it all as opposed to Clinton near even money and Bush at 4 to1…so Vegas likes it Bush/Clinton…but Trump is in the game.
Soon I will write what is even more likely. TRUMP GOES THIRD PARTY..which gives the presidency to CLINTON nearly for sure..as TRUMP TAKES 5-10% of the vote. HE WILL GET HILARY TO PROMISE HIM A NICE POST, LIKE SECRETARY OF SOMETHNG…that is likely. If he doesn’t get the nod himself.
CG, Trump doesn’t want to be POTUS. He likes running for it, getting all this free media coverage and seeing his name in the paper. Come on. You’re a smart guy. You see that, right?
The Donald accepting some “secretary” position? when has the man EVER looked for a bone from anyone? His ego would NEVER allow that.
Ask yourself why a guy with billions, casinos, resort properties, golf courses and famous friends would ever want to be bogged down by being POTUS. Does that actually make sense to anyone in their right mind? Would a guy with his lifestyle and freedom SERIOUSLY want a secret service detail up his ass for the rest of his life? Come on. It’s entertainment, not politics.
INteresting point.
stomper..being an amateur on kcc…we’ll just forget you wrote this.
just forget you linked anything to trump being elected ….
because your INTERESTING READ turned out to be full of bull.
another dream. glaze.
trump can’t be secretary of anything.
no noegitation skills except to be the winner of everything.
as best he goes back to selling ties and shirts made in
guatamala and bringing in Mexicans to clean his bathrooms
and cut his weeds at his mansions.
Glaze you are a sucker.
now BWH and Harley have interesting takes…is THE DONALD TOO BUSY AND TOO SELF IMPORTANT. He may be…however ending your life as President of the United States, kinda a big deal, so I disagree on that one. Maybe he would not want Sec. job, not sure…
Lets see how Donald does tonight in the debate.
Like any NASCAR race, everyone will be watching for the crashes. I’m not sure you ever learn anything about the candidates in this type of forum, but it’s certainly going to be entertaining. Bible-thumpers, Birthers, over-eaters, family dynasty kids, insane Texans and the token black guy all on the same stage? Television gold, I tell ya.
probably the same old attacks on the Clintons that
cost the republican party so much over the last
16 years.
They’ve lost every battle they’ve fought…from abortion to
health care….the iran nuclear deal to losing every fight to
shut down the government.
They’re losers and the same attacks they used in 92 and 96
are old news.
Even senior citizen wislon is living in the past like his repu
blican frends….thinking of shoe cobblers he drove 100 miles
to see when the same pair were on sale at wal mart.
The same old song…the same old dance…..America has seen
the republicans trying to save the conferderate flag…trying to
do things no one cares about (like this crap about illegal
aliens)…its not important to americans (ranks about 12-15 on
list of things the government should do.)
But they’ll run off the black vote/the Hispanic vote/they’ve
already lost the female vote and they’re now part of history
in American politics.
Then there’s wislon…who’s stll hapring on a 5 year old story
about the irs. For god sakes wislon….get something better.
No onecaresexcept for you (like you gave a dime to any
when all was said he’d be out of race. The rest of the repubs
know hed be a disaster to every republican conadidate everywhere if he got the nomination. They (the other 15 clowns) will start to unload on him real soon because he’s
a lying/bankrupt con man you see on American Greed on
cnbc. But if glaze says he’s gonna win it all…bet the house
and everything you own on glazes prediction and you’ll be
dead busted broke becaue glaze is good at predicting nothing.
Please…no one compares to Harley…listen to me…put your
last dollar on the guy who gets it right every time…HARLEY.
tonight should be a snoozer…probably no knockouts….but
some great comedy and laughs as the 16 dwarfs try to
outmaneuver each other to be the next COMIC STANDING!!!!!
have fun boys…bring your bar b q and beer….this debate
is gonna be a real humdinger.
and again….Harley has 10K ready to bet anyone!
Anddon’t jagoff on the wife’s new sofa when you hear a funny
one liner.
This is all just a warm up for the Hillary win in 2016.
Nothing to worry about boys….the minorties are registering
at record numbers as are the 3 million volunteers for Hillary
and the money is coming in boatloads cause she’sll have
2 billion in campaign cash to spend in a 3 month period.
Oh…and while watching trump…I hope someone asks him
about the thousands of illegal aliens working at his
hotels and golf courses. Now that’s real comedy!
he’ll be his regular self.
and probably won’t attack his opponents on stage (especially Christie who’s
a big pussy and a big “man” saying he wants to punch a teacher in the nose”.
Wow..some real men on the stage tonight.
Not one of them could come close to wislon in stupidity!!!!!!
And hoefully they all can count to 3///////1
lets see how he does? we saw and what a joke it was.
Even jj walker can’t top trump’s act from last night!
Interesting read. Don’t go primeval on me here Harley. I’m just saying it is an intereresting read.
faceplant by glaze. excuse his being wrong again.
just add this mistake to his comments about royals/chiefs/
politics and every other subject.
Trump = Ross Perot = LOSER
Jack last night may prove you correct. My article today will be about just that, Donald did not show well last night. The race is up for grabs, likely goes to Jeb Bush in the end…and Clinton likely wins it all in over a year from now…just the way it is…
save face glaze and leave town. Your string of losers is long and wide.
We don’t need you to explain trumps an idiot and as jeb said “a buffoon/
cheat/liar/and asshole”…..
You’re lines are wearing thin. Maybe they work at town topic with the
girls there but not with educated/informed people who knew the real story.
Please note that everything Harley wrote was pointed out in the debate.
Everything from trumps bankruptcies to his lies and flip flops and having to
finally answer some questions instead of shooting his mouth off.
Again..everything Harley said on kcc and other blogs was 100% correct. Right
on the nail. No mistakes.
So when a guy like Wilson or south of the border man takes on Harley they can
be sure they will look like bad.
When asked if he would run as an independent, Stump raised his hand.
When Paul said stump was hedging his bet as a third party candidate and practically
guaranteeing Hillary’s election you could see the pie on stump’s face.
When asked about his bankruptcies…where his partners say he screwed them out
THEN it was all over.
Stump left with pie on his face and an embarrassment to his party. This showed
America what these clowns care about.
Oh…and these lying clowns kept referring to the “Clinton/Obama” years forgetting
that repubs ran the nation for 8 years during the worst recession…2 unpaid
wars that put us in debt…and the worst 8 years in recent American history.
Between bill and barak we had a bunch of war monger liars cheating and stealing
from us….and the guy running that ship was named bush.
ONe bright spot for the repubs…Kasich….he put in obamacare and loves it….
did some good things…but his closet is so full of skeletons that he makes
trump look bad.
Nice try again glaze. Save the space for your apology. Let Harley tell YOU whats
going to happen because your ability to analyze a situation is horrid.
Another face plant for the repubs/hearne/glaze and the box salesman.
Harley reigns supreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Harley! It’s bad enough you don’t tip, but you ran out on your bill with that pre-op tranny last night and the boss wants his $14.23!
Get on the bus, get back down here and pay your bill.
By the way, you didn’t watch the debate, you were here last night with that He/She.
sorry boys….don’t eat anything but chicken. and broccoli. No
town topic here….just 6 meals a day.
don’t do jail time for beating women. Don’t harass
women…or get arrested for other actions.
don’t cheat kids out of child support.
Need I say more?
trumps twitter:
Wow, @megynkelly really bombed tonight. People are going wild on twitter! Funny to watch.
she would have nothing todo with trump the snake. She made him look like the
liar/cheat he is. Did you see the luntz poll after the show? Trump is dead…..
CG said, “The race is up for grabs, likely goes to Jeb Bush in the end…and Clinton likely wins it all in over a year from now…just the way it is…”
the way it IS? take heed at making such bold predictions:
“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.”
Lord Kelvin, British mathematician and physicist, president of the British Royal Society, 1895
“It doesn’t matter what he does, he will never amount to anything.”
Albert Einstein’s teacher addressing his father about Albert, 1895
“The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad.”
The president of the Michigan Savings Bank advising Henry Ford’s lawyer not to invest in the Ford Motor Co., 1903
“The Beatles are not merely awful—I would consider it sacrilegious to say anything less than that they are godawful. They are so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music, even as the imposter popes went down in history as ‘anti-popes’.”
William F. Buckley, 1964.
mikey t:
the only one who is right…always right mikey T is Harley.
I predicted trumps failure and it happened.
Here’s something that is sure to happen…
HILLARY 2016 IN A LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i lay my humble gifts of old codfish, half-eaten fruit, and some week old bread from Panera, at the feet of the Great Prognosticator, the Amazing Soothsayer, the Prophesier of Present, Past & Future, The Infallible Oracle of Overland Park, the Holier Than Holiest – HARLEY!!!
be sure to save some of those gifts for k-rac.
thanks mikey…if you need anything contact me at
hve agreat weekend…go royals.
Trump stands above all the rest: the next President of the United States of America. Go with a winner – TRUMP!
2 jellybeans and a diet coke says he’s not even the Rep. nominee, let alone the next POTUS, K-Man. Intelligent guy like you can see that writing on the wall, I’m sure.
In fact, Trump, Carson and Rubio are 1 2 & 3 in voting for who won the debate, mirroring Kerouac’s own take/preferences:
The Donald has them running scared – Republicans & even more so Dumbocrats.
It is well, it is well with Kerouac’s soul!
Oh yeah, the “dumbocrats” are definitely running scared of Trump. I’m guessing you don’t read the KC Star but Steve Kraske has an interesting piece today about Claire McCaskill and how she shared her war chest and campaign staff with Todd Akin to make sure he ended up as the Republican opponent in her run for the Senate from Missouri, assuring her of victory. Not that he needs it but Hillary would glady offer $ and advice to Trump to make sure he ends up as the Republican nominee, or better yet, a 3rd party candidacy.
You strike me as an intelligent guy, Kerouac, but when it comes to politics in general and Trump specifically, you seem to let your heart and not your head do the speaking.
And spare me the Dewey / Truman reference. At least wait until Trump gets the nomination before using an event from about 70 years to support your view.
finally…..Harley reads a comment that makes sense!!!!!!
Kerouac especially likes these paragraphs from ‘It Is Well With My Soul’ –
But Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, TRUMP of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The TRUMP shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
A song in the night, oh my soul!
kero wacky…..get your 10k and lets mke it real.
trump was a clown.
obviously you did not see the focus group after the debate
that shows almost half of trumps suporters thought he did
a horrible job.
but for people like you…who know nothing…the low information
voter…hang on there bud. Your ship is coming in. Don’t miss it.
Its headed nowhere! hahahahahaha!
Not that this should be a surprise to anyone but the debate last night and the opinions today about who did well and who did not so well is really only important to the Republican base and the Republican base represents a miniscule portion of the voters.
Obviously I’m not a Republican but if I was, it was pretty clear to me that only a ticket of Bush/Kasich has an ice cube’s chance in hell of winning over independent voters who will decide the election.
bush looked like he was scared….he will fail…
we hope trump gets the nomination…then its a cakewalk for dems.
Bush is a loser. Only reason he runs is because daddy said
“jeb will be the ones who’s president”….then his son George won and
we saw what a disaster that ws.
no more bushes…..jeb is out and if anyone gets some money
and some donors….Kasich could do something with the repubs but they
hate him for accepting obamacare.
good luck repubs…the futre looks very very bleak!