Starbeams: USS Kansas City, Cordish, Pussy Galore, Apple Watch & KKK

usskansascityKansas City is about to have a Navy Ship.  The USS Kansas City photo debuted at Kauffman Stadium Monday night.  All of the new stuff on the ship will be built by the Cordish Company.


A “Cat Cafe” is coming to St. Louis.  It’s described as a place where people can sip tea or coffee while hanging with their furry, feline friends…while you contemplate why your parents didn’t use birth control.


o-CAT-CAFE-MONTREAL-facebookA photo of a black cop in South Carolina has gone viral after he was caught helping a KKK member who was having respiratory problems.  Now if we can just get a P.O.W. to vote for Donald Trump.


97% of Apple Watch owners say they are happy with their purchase….and they’ll spend a full hour telling you about it.


Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on 99.7 FM, The Point
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5 Responses to Starbeams: USS Kansas City, Cordish, Pussy Galore, Apple Watch & KKK

  1. whatofit says:

    A show of hands: who likes cat hair in their coffee?

  2. Anyone who’s ever had a little catnip slipped in their drink could tell you that the notion of mixing cats and cafe beverages is a marriage made in hell.

  3. miket. says:

    cat hair, catnip? just the smell walking through the door would be enough to turn me around the other way. how did that place get past the health inspectors? oh… it’s Saint Louis. never mind….

  4. CFPCowboy says:

    With recent weather, I don’t see why we can’t see the actual USS Kansas City at Kauffman.

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