It was fun seeing HBO’s Entourage boys back together again…
Ari, Vince, Johnny, Eric and Turtle may be a bit older – but they sure haven’t changed their ways—with one exception.
One time super agent Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) has moved up in stature. He’s now the head of a major Hollywood studio.
If all this sounds a bit foreign, then you probably didn’t get sucked into HBO’s 11 season-long ENTOURAGE series the way I did.
It portrayed Hollywood for all its dirty dealings, backstabbing, looking out for number one lifestyles and sex – LOTS of sex.
Imagine that.
So I couldn’t wait for the big screen version which chronicles the continuation of writer/director Doug Ellin’s portrayal of tinsel town antics.
And guess what, despite the big advance hype, I WASN’T disappointed.
Matter of fact I, along with our preview audience, laughed throughout the often raunchy as hell goings on.
The story line has new studio boss Ari Gold green lighting his first major $100 million production with star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier).
However Vince won’t do the pic unless he gets to direct it too!
Not only does Texas billionaire and financing studio backer Billy Bob Thornton look most unkindly on Ari using Vince as a first time director for such an expensive production, the film is now running over budget to the tune of $15 million.
And Billy Bob’s goofy son Haley Joel Osmet (as in, “I see dead people”) is ready to shut down the production.
Is this the swan song for the entourage gang? Will they have to move back to New Jersey?
Think again, horn dogs.
Life is just too sweet in Whorrywood.
All that while navigating the cutthroat Hollywood scene.
But what really ADDS to the tight one hour and 44 minute proceedings are tons of major cameos.
50-plus big names and faces pop up throughout the film. They’re the glue that hold the proceedings together.
Like Ari Gold to Liam Neeson who’s flipping him off on the road: “Hey Schindler, leave the Jews behind.”
Jessica Alba, Gary Busey, Andrew Dice Clay, Mark Cuban, Kelsey Grammer, Armie Hammer, Piers Morgan, Matt Laurer, Ed O’Neill, Bob Saget, David Spade, George Takei, Nora Dunn, Mark Wahlberg—even Warren Buffett. The sometimes hard to spot talent parade seem endless.
Fans have high expectations for this expanded to the big screen movie this week and ENTOURAGE doesn’t disappoint.
I’m scoring it a B.
(Reviewed at Cinemark Palace, Kansas City)
JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings at 6:40 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. on 98.1FM, KMBZ and anytime on Facebook.
Entourage: AKA Crag Glayzer’s Wet Hollywood Dream
Wrong! Craig doesn’t have to dream about it—he lives it.
It’s the little guys like me who’ve got the big wish list