New England quarterback Tom Brady is the best quarterback of all time to most NFL observers…
Why? He’s lived his entire career at the Super Bowl – six Super Bowls spanning 12 years. It’s unlikely anyone will do that again. Brady’s reward; NFL SUSPENSION FOR FOUR GAMES.
Because a report on deflate gate says Brady likely knew about the balls being deflated and ordered it to be done. To me that evidence seems thin
And guess what, who cares?
It had NOTHING to do with Brady winning the Colts playoff game in which it happened.
The second half of the game Brady destroyed the Colts. And that was after they found the deflated balls. The Super Bowl balls were watched closely, yet Brady hardly missed a pass.
Brady’s great no matter what – air in or air out of the footballs.
Does he deserve a punishment?
Maybe, but a wrist slap at best.
I’ve heard everyone from former Chief quarterback Len Dawson to Joe Theismann say it’s been done for years. Joe did it when he played. Some quarterbacks added air. It’s a minor issue. No different then a baseball pitcher scruffing up the ball so he feels comfortable. It’s done daily.
So what’s the real beef? Two things.,
First the huge player hating on Brady. He’s the game’s perfect human player. He’s crazy handsome, has a top model wife and is the game’s best player.
A total target for haters.
Who wouldn’t want to be Tom Brady? Second – and lets be honest here folks – the NFL is mostly black players. And on a weekly nearly daily basis these guys fuck up with felonies by the truckload, even murder and countless domestic violence acts. Not to mention drugs, DUI and on and on.
So here’s the games No. 1 guy – he’s white – he’s on the world championship team. Let’s balance the books. After all Ray Rice got a TWO GAME SUSPENSION for knocking out his now wife. So let’s give Brady 4 games out? WTF?
So is it racial? IN a silent way, yes, to a certain extent.
The NFL wants to show that they’ll punish the hell out of their No. 1 guy just as fast as they will punish others.
Look, other white players have gotten into big trouble too, but the ratio is way below that of non white players. This sets the table for more severe punishment for other offenses to come. If they do it to Tom, what will they do to YOU?
New England also loses a number one pick next season, gets a one million dollar fine and must be in bed by 9 PM from now on. Ha!
The suspension will likely drop to two games which is still way over the top.
The Pats have a good shot at another Super Bowl and can’t have Tom missing games.
So it’s extremely unfair. But I get it.
Plus New England and Brady are a little too big for their britches.
But this crime is a nothing. It’s a comfort thing, not a make-you-better thing, as proven by Tom’s performance in the game it happened in and the Super Bowl.
Two more reasons I’m proud I’m a sports agnostic who can barely tell you what sports season it is, let alone any facts about any game.
1. The NFL just admitted they make the military groups PAY THEM to honor veterans on the field and in presentations.
I’ll let that one soak in.
So when these great WWII vets go out on the field, when we honor fallen heros, any time the military does anything at a NFL event, the NFL BILLS THEM FOR IT!
2. It was reported NFL Comissioner Goodell displayed a more visceral reaction to Brady’s deflated balls “crime” than he did Ray Rice knocking out his girlfriend on that Atlantic City elevator. And further, Godell took decisive action ten times faster! Godell claimed for weeks he’d never seen the video and pussy footed around the whole issue until his feet were held to the fire and he had to do something or look like the ass he is!
But someone messes with Brady’s balls and he’s out of the gates with a huge fine and suspensions.
So, sports fans, was the suspension really about deflated balls or was it Godell levying a decision against Brady as payback for other wrongs? Or did he decide he didnt want to be excoriated the way he was over the Rice incident. Or did he having something else stuck in his gullet and this was revenge for what ever it was?
From my vantage point, in my recliner, its all just spoiled boys who have been coddled their entire lives. Glad Im not a fan.
Coddled their entire lives? you have obviously never heard of Todd Marinovich or heard about Tiger Woods’ father. Swing by the Johnson County 3&2 leagues and watch some of the parents. Most MLB players were anything but coddled in during their youth in Venezuela or the DR. I don’t know alot of football players but if its anything like baseball or AAU basketball, these guys weren’t coddled.
OK, Pat, the first thing I did was admit I’m a “sports agnostic” so I can’t come much closer to saying I know NOTHING about sports as a game. However, my vocation has put me in contact with a lot of players and coaches. For the most part, they are idolized, put on a pedestal and treated “special” in most areas of their lives. Rules don’t apply and the are used to being worshipped. That, if not controlled, produces a less than satisfactory citizen.
They get escorted through college on a special basis. Academic standards rarely apply. They go through school treating it as the byproduct that let’s them play the game. And for the percent of a percent who make it to the bigs, a huge percentage end up bankrupt five years out of the game when the average signing bonus ALONE is more than most people will earn in a lifetime.
I guess, more accurately, that was my point.
no crime…but there are rules….and anyone stupid enough to think
that these crimes are handled the same way should leave kcc.
Obviously brady was instructing the equipment kids to fixthe balls.
I’m sure these kids didn’t do it on their own without bradys
knowledge. And if you read the report it does give the quarterback
a distinct advantage in a game.
Theintergrity of this huge money maker has to be maintained.
But we all know it can’t be when you’re dealing with the pats.
They got caught in a jam with this deal.
Why not just play the game…without cheating.
Polls outside of new England show that 70% of the people believe this
team cheated and itsjust the first of many thingse they’ve done.
Whats even more interesting is that they are now reporting that
that the chalked dimensons of the field in new England are not
the legal size and sidelines are widened so the qb has more space to
throw the ball to….and only n.e. knew it.
Sorry about the age thing. I wouldn’t want to hurt your sex/love life
by some mom reading kccand mistaking you for someone a year from
Play by the rules…or face the consequences…..The nfl sent a message
that something as intergral as the ball is not open to be used to ones
You have no proof of other qb’s messing with the balls
but you and hearne are rumor machines….
From Bleacher Report’s Mike Tanier: “…the Patriots got no significant fumble advantage from Brady’s choice of footballs in the last three years. The Patriots are good at not fumbling because the Patriots are good at avoiding the many things that lead to fumbles.”
You can read the entire article here.
I agree with Harley – not Craig on this. Lefsetz, too.
Here’s what I have to say about sports starts being coddled…
Regardless of their otherwise humble circumstances, jocks have always been coddled. Maybe not to anywhere near the level they are when they get to college or pro levels, but they always get the benefit of the doubt.
Now maybe that doesn’t include 70 LCD televisions or dinners at Capital Grill, but relative to their peers, trust me, sports stars and jocks get coddled.
I don’t know about football… maybe you are right. But unless you are talking the 1/100th of 1% who are Tom Brady, I think you are mistaken. It is a case by case basis, for sure. But minor league baseball players who were “stars” their whole lives, but not QUITE good enough for the big show aren’t even paid minimum wage. ANYONE who is drafted was a “super star” their whole lives. And yet they aren’t even making minimum wage, people at McDonalds make more than they do. Is this coddling?
From Sports Illustrated 02/2014 about a lawsuit involving the Kansas City Royals
“Most earn between $3,000 and $7,500 for a five-month season. As a point of comparison, fast food workers typically earn between $15,000 and $18,000 a year, or about two or three times what minor league players make.”
wislon: youshould have stopped your article when you said you can barely tell
any facts about sports.
let me educate you again.
NFL is a money making machine…all about the money!
Military is a recruiting machine…so paying for military advertisements
may not seem right in all of our books….but that story was a little
overblown as is typical of the magazzines/blogs/and faux news that
you watch and read.
don’t talk about things you admit you know nothing about.
kind of looks bad.
In the nfl you can beat your spouse in an elevator and it has no effect on
the game itself.
If you saw the Cleveland cavalier video where the girlfriend gets beat up
because she’s a bull s fan played during the actual cav/bulls game …that’s
something different.
The stuff you read in your wall street journal or hear on fauxnews is
not the truth Wilson….its usually nothing but rejected stories from
WND or national enquirer!
You’re wrong on this one glaze. Because most of us live by the law. We don’t
break it because we understand the basis of our society is that we are a nation of
laws and believe in the basic concept that without those…we are a nation of
rampant lawlessness without regard to abiding by the few laws that keep us
a “nation of laws” (for you contstitutional experts).]
You however broke the law…and had it not been for others who bailed you out
you’d probably be still in prison for breaking those laws.
Did it make any difference that brady was white. Absolutely not. He cheated.
And to you cheating is no big deal. You cheated…you played a game…but you
cheated!!!!!! All the drugs and coke and weed you professed to sell and make
a profit with makes no difference….you cheated!!!!
And you paid for it….but you never said what you did was wrong. You cheated
all yourlife. You pretend to have been rehabilitated but nothing has changed.
You can write all you want…but nothing is differenet….you cheated and you’re
a white man….64 years old….still trying to pull the eternal con.
And now you come out and say brady was given a penalty (which wasn’t really
a harsh penalty in the first place…no playing first 4 games…million buck fine a team
making 60 million a year and
a first round draft choice (the pats never really built their team around first round
choices…brady was sixth…and te rest came from wires and other teams)
Oh my god…racism you yell. Then you have the disgusting audacity to use len
dawson….back then glaze they didn’t even have a rule on ball inflation…because
you said it happened…and you lied!!!!!!!
But everyone who reads your garbage knows you’refull of bull. A conman.
Fuzzy math. Pretending to be some super hero when you’re a common
Don’t try to fool us…..and use excuses to pull the race card again.
All those quarterbacks aren’t black….in the 70/80/90 blacks were thought as
not smart enough to play qb.. …and you give more ammo to that lie and
Brady broke the rules and lied. Its called perjury. Read up on jr’s bookof laws
to understand it. He didn’t cooperate …he lied to investigators….he refused
to talk with those in charge…in other words he is like you ….a con man!!!!!!be
Maybe those deflated balls made a huge difference…we’ll never know.
Bul he lied in a game that relies on each players own honesty to play by the rules.
If they didn’t who would control the game. It’s written in the laws of the league…
whould they write it down in the rules if it wasn’t important…doubt it.
So your motto…is if it isn’t caught …it okay to do?????
If you’re not caught…its not illegal.
The pats have used and abusd more rules than that….spying on opponenets…
air our of balls….and who knows what else.
Only a conman would do this and say “everyone else does it” ….so why
can’t I.
Because it’s wrong…and I’m surelenny never had the chance to deflate a ball
because they were lucky to be able to afford “real” footballs back in lenny’s
Guys like you go to jail. For long periods. “well he did it…why can’t I?”…
the “other teams dou o it why can’t I”….
it’s only fair because it gives other teams an advantage. Bullshit!!!!!!!
You do the things you do because it’s the lack of integrity and honesty you
Like the lies and b.s. we hear from the other writrs on kcc who have no idea
what they’re talking about .
Yea…the nfl is full of blackpeople…kids who came from poor homes and
neighborhoods. Did they deflate the balls and influence a game or did they
do something wrong outside the field of play. You’ve got that all f*cked up
Cheating and lying might be okay in your world……….
but not in mine!
Excuses….cheating….b.s. may be a huge part of your life….
but for me it’s nothing but poor character and a horrible life to keep
thinking that cheating is fine…as long as the other guy is doing it too!
This is not about racism…its about cheating/lying/bullshitting/scamming/
and no personal intergrity or personal self worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
give me a f*cking break dude…..brady can be all the great things you idolize
(money/women/cheating) but to many of us that’s irrelevant if deep in your
heart you’re not a cheater….and a cheater he was.
Bring it on kcc writers..the game is based on personal intergry. If rice wore
stick um…he’s filth too and his records need to be taken away…if a rod took roids
why did they boo him in yankee stadium recently.
A cheater is a cheater…intl they ‘re caught…they’re innocent…but theyre still
cheater til someone points out their lies.
Brady cheated…used the needle to his advantage…and they should lose
their su per bowl.
those kids from Brooklyn lost their title…is brady any different?
absolutely not….except to other liars and cheats…..again “if you’re not caught
its not illegal’////////////bullsh*t!
Again, I’m with Harley on this. The Pats should lose their Super Bowl
Didn’t Ben Roethlisberger get suspended 4 games for alleged crimes he was never even arrested for, let alone charged with? But Ray Rice gets two games with video evidence of him knocking his future wife senseless. The NFL is seriously dicked up.
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. And if you are going to break a rule, don’t break the dumbest one in the book. Go back and lobby again for soft balls.
Goodall has screwed the pooch on so many punishments and investigations he had to come down hard on his best bud’s team and QB.
See, Goodall be the Decider of All Things.
Maybe Bill & Hillary can help out Tom. The case made in the new book has as much evidence as the Well’s Report.
But rules are rules and just like the Vatican, protect the brand at all costs.
The report said Tom Brady DID NOT deflate the balls. It said he knew or should have known the balls were deflated. The report cites, and if you listened to the Tom Wells interview today, that Brady’s punishment is largely punitive for not handing over his emails and text messages. This coupled with Spygate and essentially what Glaze said about deterrence for future behavior. Keep in mind this year alone teams were fined for pulling the old Cincinatti Red’s trick of using the stadium to their advantage ie crowd noise over the PA system and another team text messaging with the coaches in the booths. In those cases, NO SUSPENSION, NO DRAFT PICK LOSS, and fines less than 1/4 of the size.
This league office is OUT OF CONTROL, and borderlining on the ABSURD.
Much ado about nothing, yes. Much entertainment value in a business started with seed money from Al Capone, yes.
Doesn’t the rule book call for a $25,000 fine? The Chargers were fined about that for spraying balls with glue.
#1 Pats fan, Peter King, is fine with it all. So to speak.
Good points, Pats/Yankees
Your “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time” bit is… well… Stupid.
Patsyankees, is that some asexual mix ala the mule? Certainly not a natural combination. But enough character assassinations.
I was not shocked to see people in professional sports would cheat. Or as they are more apt to say, tweak them.
It’s the integrity of the game. Or more apt, the legend of the integrity of the game.
The NFL worries about gambling on games. Yet the lunatics of fantasy sports make the guy playing a 1000-1 play seem rational.
As a man once said, you can’t cheat an honest man.
sorry orphan you’re wrong again.
The Clinton cash book has face planted itself just as I predicted.
Another attempt to take on the Clinton especially with the Clinton foundation
that has saved millions of human lives.
And now….they’ve recalled the book for what the “author ” claims
are 7 mistakes in the book. I haven’t heard of abook recalled for
republishing ever. Of course I’m not a big reader.
This author was nothing more than a paid hatchet man for the anti
Hillary forces who know that eventually Hillary takes the 2016 race
in what I call a landslide. I saw Hillary needs only 1 small state (like
new Hampshire or Vermont)to get over 270.
Andwith 2.5 billion dollars that shouldn’t be hard.
As hard as you old right wing fox news watching over the hill out of
touch with reality rethugs thry…..its a waste of time.
Bush just killed himself so who’s left….Rubio…he’d dead in immingrtion
and with 95% of the huge expanded black vote…probably 80-85% of
the Hispanic vote…..55-60% of the female vote….the clowns can act all
they want and say all the sickthings they say but 2016 is gonna be
an asskicking.
let the supremes try to shut down ACA and y ou’ll have a complete
cluster mess caused by them after 17 million additional people now
have insurance.
This Clinton cash book will be forgotten within 4 weeks…just like
old man wislon said about the irs and other “supposed” scandals
he’s been harping about for years (zzzzzzzzzzz…..boring)
Again…Harley is right….and when we see the truth soon in print about
another kcc writer…it will complte my trifecta.
Wait…news coming soon…..Harley knows….rhymes like whizzo (a possible
Reading for comprehension seems to be a weak point. Words have meanings and structure reveals modifiers and codifiers.
As much proof exists in the book as in the Well’s report. Smoke, lots of it but nothing that would stand up in court.
Thanks for playing and better luck next time.
i’ll buy you a glass of champagne when the American
public sees the truth and votes Hillary president.
oh by the way…why didn’t that stretch of rail way where
the crash occurred have that speed control? did they not
have the money to cover that corner? someone fu*ked
up and someones lying.
could they have been traveling 100 mph to make up for
lost time on the schedules? or was the engineer high?
How about the fact (which I learned on msnbc) that
freght trains have 2 people in the front…a conductor and
engineer…and passenger trains have just one person
….are a load of trees worth more than the 7 lives
lost and 200 hurt?
why do the repubs continue to not fund this part of
the Amtrak adequately but routes in bum f*ck Egypt
get big money….maybe its because these lying pols
want to keep the 20 passengers in nowhere land riding
the amtrack?
EVen kcc’s news hound reporter could figure this out…
hearne get on it.
Th northeast of corridor of Amtrak makes lots of
money….those Amtrak trains out in the sticks lose
money….why weren’t we told this????????????????????/
Someone cheated those 7 families out of loved ones
and someone lied to us.
Isn’t it time for a revolution?\
It’s coming….we’ve been f*cked!
Ya, Harley at least he was his bias was admitted. He admitted to working with Republicans. Yet, Clinton henchman George Stephanopoulos PRETENDED to be unbiased and raked the author over the coals, only to find out that George had a vested interest in the Foundation.
Hearne, what do you call that in journalism? When someone has an undisclosed conflict of interest and then acts in an obviously biased manner.
Well patsyankees man, you are right..much to do about nothing…I think I nailed this one. Since someone on the Pats did this, and I believe Tom did know…ok, you lose a draft pick, no suspension is needed here. The crime was a made up one, a new one and not a crime. Far from what others get for far less. Haley you are a madman..quit adding years to my age, I have a tough enough time with 25 year olds without your help. Their moms anyways. Hah. Somehow Harley you got me involved with crime on this one…you are a wonder.
Jesus. I swear Uhmurican football is the gayest sport of all time.
No offense meant to gays of course.
Excellent post, Glaze. More like these where you go unfiltered and don’t hold back, please. You made a valid point when Brady’s passing game went unaffected during the last Super Bowl.
Oh, and when is T.J. Miller coming to town?
A quote from Brady’s agent, Yee – “Sadly, today’s decision diminishes the NFL as it tells its fans, players and coaches that the games on the field don’t count as much as the games played on Park Avenue.”
– cries purity raped! Patriots have been dismissive of sportsmanship & rules for years. Limited internet paper & time making a rehash prohibitive, Patriots long ‘rap sheet’ is acknowledged by most fans. Not surprisingly, they got caught cheating yet again, face the ‘fraud’chise ‘golly, gee, shucks’ flimflam man Brady (Jon Lovitz ‘Tommy Flanagan’ character SNL comes to mind.)
Brady/Patriots got off light. Kerouac’s punishment: a 1-year suspension, forfeiture 5 #1 draft picks, a $500,000,000 team fine & results AFC Championship & Superbowl vacated, latter’s now tainted scarlet * for all time result indiscretions Brady/Patriots. Too harsh? Future deterrence via major consequences the impetus to straighten up and fly right.
As justice did not prevail in an equal measure fitting the crime (too lenient), expect Brady/Patriots to go on doing what they do best – lying/cheating. Why not. Expect other NFL players/teams expect similar light punishment aft this precedent set by Goodell.
Pete Rozelle set precedent in the 1960’s by suspending for a year each Paul Hornung and Alex Karras for gambling on games and was going to suspend Joe Namath a year (forever?) unless Joe relinquished his interest in a bar frequented by ‘undesirables’ (Namath caved and un-retired after a brief display of retirement pique.)
Point: Goodell didn’t follow Rozelle’s precedent, giving all-american boy Brady far less punishment (4 games – less on appeal?) for the ‘minor’? act of ‘manipulating’ a game’s potential outcome, than the year (all 14 games, that era) Rozelle gave to Hornung and Karras for the ‘egregious’? all-american crime ‘betting’ games (never against their own team), ‘not’ manipulating any them it was determined. So the appearance impropriety (gambling) merited a 1-year suspension, yet actual hands-on your own team’s football game impropriety (equipment tampering) merits 4 games or less on appeal.
Kerouac’s take: off-field endeavors to include gambling by players is unacceptable, but does not shy specifics other rise same level egregiousness in-game manipulation of one sort or another.
The statement “but everybody’s doing it”is a hollow attempt escape accountability, as if it makes cheating of any sort more acceptable. “Well it is a rule but…” lemme guess: rules are made to be broken? If you’re not cheatin’ you’re not tryin’? Some other trite wink at fair play, a consistent application of and adherence to some semblance honor?
Where to draw the line? Ignore rules we do not agree with? PED use? Stickum use? Videotape opposition signals? Instead of calling such what it is – ‘cheating’ – why not call it ‘gamesmanship’? Do we need any rules at all? Do we need to babysit footballs and players to ensure babies won’t ‘mess the game’? Apparently so. Why not just do away with officials & any rules – best cheaters/last bloody standing the winner… out with cheerleaders & in with lions feed the losers to.
Upshot: Goodell is consistently inconsistent – has no problem suspending players up to a year (Peterson) ‘non-football’ transgressions do not affect game outcome but only the NFL’$ image. Yet actions afield (equipment manipulation) can affect a game’s outcome potentially (and more $) are winked at, comparison. Justice isn’t blind… Goodell is.
two words Collective and Bargaining. And just for the record, gambling on the sport you are a part of IS WORSE than cheating to win. Its a hell of a lot easier to cheat to LOSE than it is to cheat to WIN, just ask the Black Sox
Kerouac hasn’t been refuted why in-game manipulation of a pro football game – potential or fact – isn’t more egregious betting on games shy subjective speculation what ‘might’ happen a result.
What MLB (Black Sox all acquitted a court of law charges they threw games) found & NBA (referee Tim Donaghy pled guilty actually betting on games that he officiated) discovered is not same as a couple of NFL player ‘merely’ betting on a game(s).
What NFL alums Hornung & Karras did had no impact on those games (reiterating, neither bet on their own teams, placed bets with friends) according NFL’s findings (NFL also fined six other Lions players for the same – betting on a football game (the bet was the Green Bay Packers pursuit of another Championship – hardly gambling, more sure thing.)
What Brady/Patriots did went beyond picking another team – went to actual manipulation theirs within the confines actual game rules; whether it mattered or not the outcome remains beside the point; we’ll never know. They were cheating pure, simple, and got caught.
Trying to rank level of transgressions isn’t the issue – intent is.
If Brady/Patriots thought they could win playing within rules (ball pressure), then why didn’t he/they abide? Doesn’t matter? The report’s inference is that manipulation went back to before the 2014 season even, so obviously someone (‘Pinocchio Tom’?) thought it mattered.
Contrast ‘lack of any evidence any player has ever thrown a pro football game, let alone a single play’ with investigation now that Brady/Patriots ‘manipulated’ equipment their advantage, via a preponderance of the evidence (in a court of law , and according the NFL’s own ‘court’ as it were, said screams game, set, match; believe as you wish.)
Perhaps someday, if he man’s up (much too late, nod Pete Rose and Lance Armstrong), Pinocchio Tom can become a real boy.
Is it just me, or in all his articles does Glazer include a remark the attractiveness of whatever guy he’s writing about?
*about* the attractiveness.
I’ve never seen anyone so concerned with the physical appearances of his subjects (male or female).
To someone shallow and callow, the surface is all that matters.
Glaze Ive got good news and bad news. Bad news..I just heard Ray Lewis read your piece and he’s on his way from Bmo to break a steak knife off in you.
Good news …They gave him harleys address in Dog Patch. Told him to just look for the guy who smells like Axe body spray and failure.
heard he was heading to your house but the stench from the filth a
low life $8 an hour worker had as far away as the local 7-11. kept him away.
Smith….you want to smell failure….smell your wife.
You want to smell success…come see me an I”ll give you the garbage
to take back home to sift thruso you can eat tonight.
What a loser…..when you get a few nickels together…contact me…
til then….go thru the dumpsters looking for food and clothing.
We know what you do…and I wouldn’t be proud to give others that
yours truly
Harley is someone prominent in disguise. Despite his atrocious grammar and complete lack of punctuation, you have to admit he is very knowledgable and holds his own.
– 1000
That consistent, parasympathetic syntax is not a product of contrivance, but a ceiling for someone who is leaving it all on the field.
Thanks steely…not only is Harley knowledgable…and hold his own..
but he puts his money where his words are.
I’ve challenged anyone on this site to put up money and let me prove
what I write. But no one has the guts todo it.
Because Harley is right.
No I’m not prominent…maybe just the most knowledgeable person
on kcc…but really that’s not saying much considereing guys like chuck/
rww/and the rest of the people on here.
Thanks for the compliment…I cherish it…and yes…Harley is terrible
writing on kcc with grammar and spelling….but facts are facts…
regardless of how they’re written or spoken.
You canget my email newsletter by contacting
It’s free so don’t miss out on the hottest news and info thatonly
Harley can bring you.
again thanks….you like the rest of my readers/disciples and followers
will see more of Harley in the fall.
Stay tuned…Harley is going coast to coast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is “going coast to coast” code for taking it up the a$$? Just asking the expert.
Again many good comments. You have to forgive Harley. One day he likes me one day he hates me. To turn a story about Tom Brady into an attack on me is well, silly of course. As to mentioning Tom’s looks, it is an issue in my opinion. Not to me but to the world of social media observers who hate on most anyone these days. It’s really out of control.
Today with blogs, youtube, tweets, facebook, and all the social media coming from anywhere and everywhere, it has an effect on even issues like the ‘Brady’ attack. Hey Tom Brady will be fine, no doubt. I don’t know the man, in fact almost nobody commenting on social media knows him. What was once a hero is now by so many seen as a ‘bad guy’ a liar, a cheat, a target. Lets ‘burn the witch’ mentality. Why? Our own inner feelings about ourselves. We have all lied about something we shouldn’t have in life. Wanting Tom to say ‘he did it’ over having a football deflated for the 99th time in his career, well it was a new ‘crime’ in football life to address.
When you step back and look at it, as I have pointed out, it wasn’t much. Look remember the ‘pine tar’ Brett story. What if that had been today, in a play off game, a homer that sent the Royals to the World Series…OMG, Brett would be up on murder charges by now. It’s way out of control.
Guys a few years ago corner backs sprayed GLUE on their jerseys to help them make footballs stick to their bodies for INT’S. REMEMBER. The list of things done in sports from ‘roids’ to glue is endless. Most of the offenders were not caught or punished, some are in the hall of fame today. Hell I think Pete Rose should be in the hall. It’s a game. These guys aren’t in combat overseas defending America. They go out and risk life and limb as gladiators for our enjoyment. Yeah they cut corners. They all do something to help them survive the ‘games’ and win. Yes many of those ‘things’ are not in the player’s guide booklet. But to come down on players so hard and fast with such hate is over the top most of time.
Sure if you are a killer or commit serious crimes off the field that’s different. But the evidence here is clear. A touch of air in or out of the football will not let you ‘win’ a game in and of itself. Everyone did it thinking ‘no big deal’ Brady was the first one accused. The punishment is too big. Now that he and the league really are aware its a big deal, I doubt anyone will do it again. That’s all.
Hey if he were Matt Cassel and this was a game Matt had it done in at Arrowhead against Oakland a few years back would everyone be screaming. I don’t think so, especially if the Chiefs got beat. He’d get a wrist slap and be told, ‘don’t do that again’..
glaze…I’ve always been your biggest supporter. But when you’re wrong
…you’re wrong….and from someone like yourself who learned what happens
when rules are broken…how can you attribute this to racism.
I’m sure you didn’t mean it…you used it to get attention.
Brady did nothing less than pete rose. Hechanged the dynamics of the
game…or was a conspirator in that. 4 games with no pay (I mean with his
and the old ladies salary its a pittance to lose that 4 game money to them).
But its not just the balls inflation. You’re a bettor and the way those
balls were donecould have changed the outcome of the game.
What if the score was 28-27 and brady passed a td in the final seconds of the
first half that made the differencein the score.
Then you;’d be crying like a dog without a bone.
See glaze some of us were raised to be honest/forthright/ even in the
heat of competition.
So don’t act like a fool.
Don’t be a fool…in fact don’t be the guy no one trusts….
If you had money and those balls made a difference you’d have
a different attitude toward brady.
sorry glaze…you’re wrong….the weight and air inside the ball can
make a huge difference…in the nfl or in the nba.
you’re not looking at the facts…you’re deciding because of what you
“think” is correct.
In bad weather…or hot weather…cold weather…inside or out…
ask any nba player about the air in the ball and the baskets
metal construction to the backboard.
Ask a receiver if the less inflated ball makes a difference.
Remember…the nfl is a game of inches and ounces!
Brady drew the penalty because he knew or had reason to believe the balls were minimally deflated, AND BRADY REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE INVESTIGATION BY TURNING OVER HIS COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE EQUIPMENT STAFF. Ray Rice admitted what he did. Brady did not. I believe in a court of law, if you fail to cooperate or you destroy evidence, you can be saddled with the appearance of guilt. Yes, the penalties being dished out by the NFL are arbitrary and capricious, but players joining an NFL team assume the regulation placed on them….or they can play in Canada. There is no racism here; move along. For all we know, the Patriots were on Double Secret Probation as a fraternity, or in terms of history, Brady and the Patriots are repeat offenders. It’s still a game, The game has rules, and the Patriots got caught, again, breaking them. I’m sure the Patriots will appeal. If the law didn’t do anything about Ray Rice, why should we be surprised about the NFL?
WELL put cowboy. My issue is it was the first time THIS issue became an issue. Tom was wrong. Clearly he, as many other quarterbacks have the balls ‘heated’ up somehow. It was the first time someone said ‘this is a foul’ so he didn’t think it was a big deal. The issue is over reaction and why. First time a non issue foul became an issue. In other words the NFL knows this goes on and didn’t care when you decide to care this punishment is a bit much. That’s all.
Rules are rules. He broke the rules. This isn’t the first time the Patriots have broken the rules, and the punishments before evidently were too weak because they keep breaking the rules. The punishment here has more to do with stopping their culture of cheating than it has to do with some stupid deflated balls that didn’t even give them a competitive advantage when they were caught (against the Colts). It also has to do with wiping the stupid smirk off Brady’s face and having the Pats as a whole act like it wasn’t a big deal to break THIS particular rule. F-that. If anything, the punishment is probably too lenient if you ask me.
It’s the same thing with Pete Rose. He broke a rule that said he would be banned from everything that is baseball if he broke the rule. Then he broke the rule, and he’s banned from the HOF. Stupid rule? Who gives a shit?
It’s rule nobody enforced til NOW. WIPE THE SMIRK OFF BRADY’S FACE? SEE THATS WHAT I MEAN. Do you know the guy. He’s earned the smirk.
glaze…havnt you learned that there are rules to follow.
loblerlaw if right….these cheaters are nthing but
cheaters…plain and simple.
How many other rules did they break…guarantee there’s
many..and soon the chalk controversy will hit the pats.
They break the rules to win games….take away the trophy…
one more breaking of the rules and foce the conspirators
out of football.
to be honest…I don’t care one way or another for
pretty boy brady.
glaze thinks its okay to cheat..but look at his past. There’s
no rules I glaze’s book!
So then you would agree that ABC should dismiss George Stephanoupoulos or at least remove him from the Anchor position and move him to a pundit role?
I don’t say this off-topic, just to say this is ONLY A GAME. Why do we hold our athletes to a higher standard than we do people that are actually important?
I say throw the RICO statute at brady and belly check and kkraft.
A little time in the houskow might do them some good. Because the crap
they pull in the nfl is bad and could lead to them robbing a 7-11 later!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good point about the PC reverse racism – in the NFL .. livin’ it .. in my govt world.
you’ll have the Affirmative Action quota hire blacks passing out from drugs at their desks- feeling up passing White girls — missing work due to DUI or wife-beating jailings.. mehh.. no biggie.
but — let a White dude get caught stealing paper clips — call in the SWAT team! — fire him!! as CG said — all to “even-out” PC punishment quotas.
There is indeed a racial aspect to the punishment, that said, the Lefsetz column is the kcconfidential ne plus ultra on this subject.
Take the trophy from the recidivist Patriot organization.
This is kinda funny.
hey hearne….deflatgate….glazes b.s…..there nothing to compare wth the
cesspool of courruption and sex in the Missouri house.
I have info to blow them all out…including some of the biggest payoffs
in state history….laws being thrown out for cash in hand to local pols.
if y ou’re interested contact me…..if you don’t push it the star will!!!!!!!!!!
this is your big opportunity….can you say pay to play or cash to squash bills…
250K….we got the goods!