The battle cry last year from yours truly: “It’s Over!”
That was my thinking – that the Kansas City Royals were done in September after a cold streak. Clearly I was wrong! A World Series later, they were anything but over.
And now this!
Lefty broke it down; the Royals may well be baseballs’ best team.
I see that and so do many others – well, maybe not nationally, not yet – but they will.
My reason for being down on the Royals the last several years was clear: none of their “stars” were playing at the star level. Their offense was non existent. Although the pitching was there for sure.
I just found it hard to get behind a team with no real star on offense.
No power, no RBI’s, no big hitting averages. It was kinda boring.
Well, that’s changed!
Finally, as Lefty pointed out and we all can see, the hitting is there, They’ve even got some power. The defense looks great and the pitching is off the charts. With guys like Alcides Escobar hitting .467 and Lorenzo Cain, Eric Hosmer, Sal Perez, Mike Moustakas and Alex Rios all hitting over .300, it’s not only fun to watch – it’s scary good.
The pitching this season looks as good as the post season and then some.
With Holland, Wade Davis and Kelvin Herrera showing a .000 ERA, it’s early but the writing is already on the wall. This KC Royals team looks like it may well be the team to beat in the American League, maybe all of baseball.
This team has something I haven’t seen in them since the George Brett Era, SWAGGER.
They walk out and expect to win…every game.
It’s been said on 610 Sports by Danny Parkins, “Man if they only hit another 20 or so home runs, which looks likely, that means maybe another 10 wins.”
Hey, call it six more wins. Now they finish with 95 wins or more. Barring injury, yep, it looks like that can happen.
Does Kansas City finally have a real professional sports champion?
I’d say YES. Or close to it.
Hey, I think the Chiefs may even be a real serious team in 2015. However that’s maybe too much to ask for right now.
Hasn’t anybody been watching the Royals since Aug last year? They’ve been the best team in the AL ever since then. We just whupped up on Weaver tonight too. Where’s the weakness?
Glazer is on board so that just may be the kiss of death…it was great while it lasted.
AGAIN…..just like Midwest weather Glaze jumps on the bandwagon.
Not known for his correct sports pics as Jess said..thats the kiss of death
for glaze to make a prediction like that.
Hearne you could have run leftys article again. If not for Harley getting
glaze to chant ITS OVER after he tried to kill them off last September
they probably would have never made the playoffs.
glaze no more articles about the royals or chiefs. You know nothing so
let the people who know sports lead the way.
Right now its really too early ….as far as batting avg. Detroit has 1-4/KC
has 4 of the next 5 so as someone said earlier lets not count out Detroit
with their starting pitchers.
Hopefully yost won’t blow too many games trying to juggle those
relievers and starters. He now doesn’t have to wait til the 7th to bring
in herrerra/davis/Holland trio. He has some other bull pen guys that
can do shut down pitching.
So lets agree to this glaze…start chanting early ITS OVER…maybe
4-5 times per day of a game…then we could get back to the
world series.
As far as predictions….stay away.
As we know on kcc…you’re a jinx.
Hae a great day….hope biz is good…but please leave our sports teams
your friend
oh no the glaze goat hex!
The way they are playing and are continuing to play since last year, I can believe this!
glaze: repeat after me: ITS OVER ITS OVER ITSOVER ITS OVER….
big series in Minnesota coming up..royals need you!
Are all the Royals fans drinking the Kool-Aid or are the PECOTA projections that far off? The Royals are projected to have the lowest win total (72) for the ENTIRE American League, sans the Twins (70). They just completed a 3 game sweep over the team that the PECOTA projections show will win 18 more games than the Royals, so go figure.
Losing 15 more games than they lost last year? That just seems insane.
Agreed. I never saw how they figured that one. The Royals just didn’t get the respect they deserved after their playoff run…now they are even a few weeks if they continue to dominate, they will.
Poor Kerouac
K B, might be right…Royals look to be full of talent and the younger guys are starting to get hot as a group. Yikes, they could be the real deal.
Kerouac’s burden is light & His yoke is easy – speaking of yokes (nyuk nyuk nyuk’s x2) – Royals 1985 and Chiefs 1969.
‘Tickets’, get your ‘World Series’ and ‘Superbowl’ tickets; any one of 29 MLB teams & 31 NFL teams have a shot annually… man I hate being right all the time.