‘Twas the night before Christmas…
And all through Crown Center
The Shops were all closed and it felt just like winter
The Mayor’s Tree was all lit in a holiday glow
And the ice rink was empty, but ready to go.
The kid is in bed dreaming of Santa and Elves
And we’re sipping the Single Malts we hide on top shelves.
The presents are wrapped. Tomorrow’s the day.
We come as we are then we all go away.
The pictures will freeze little moments in time
So when we look back it will form a straight line
From our past to our future, both yours and mine.
Find the joy in each other. Its the one thing that’s right.
Now Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.
Very nice!
valentine…nice art work lately. you got a gallery. Wanted a pic of
Obama to hang in our foyer.
I don’t have a gallery. I mostly do production and media for events. Tell me what you want and I will get it done the way you want it
Don’t bother, the harlinator would only be able to compensate you in cigarette singles.