Seems like just a few weeks ago the Chiefs, MU and K-State football was just starting…
Now it’s all coming to an end and – unfortunately – the Chiefs are becoming the team we all thought they were, as in not too great.
For whatever reason, the Chiefs played over their heads mid season. However now they’ve gone from 7-3 to 7-5 and are just a loss or two away from bye-bye post season land.
In fact, the Chiefs need three wins just to get to the post season.
Not likely.
They could beat Arizona this Sunday. That team is banged up worse than KC. However we need to find an offense and even a consistent D. Quarterback Alex Smith needs to start running again and find someone to catch a few passes.
Because right now, Jamaal Charles is our only weapon.
And even if we make it to post season, he isn’t enough to win with. As we saw in past years. We are just an O.K. team. And Andy the dandy is just 3-7 against our division in two years…not good.
Missouri will battle Alabama but the prospect of their winning seems unlikely.
MU has a very good defense and a couple NFL players on their line but that’s not enough. Bama may be in for a fight though.
Baylor at home should end K-State’s run. K-State, again, is that a nice little team. Problem is none of our local college teams have ever won a big one. EVER. So collectively we remain an also ran.
K State and MU have improved programs and finish in the top 15 almost every year but no cigar. They lose the big ones….all of them. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.
Happy holidays and let’s hope at least one local team wins.
zero for one and Corso hasn’t even put on the mascot head yet
UConn -13.5 over SMU who is the worst team in the country and will finish winless after June Jones quit mid season. SMU may examine killing FB at the end of the year.
Under 54 in the Ohio State v. Wisconsin game
Take the Okie State pad-bangers +21 in the OSU-OU rivalry game.
Take the KC Chiefs -1 over the Arizona Drew Stantons
Take Armenian Middleweight Lemieux (-250) over “King” Rosado who has lost or no-decisioned his last 4 fights
glaze…nate silver was on tv and said this has been an unusual season.
the previous 2 seasons there were few upsets. This season is topsy
turvey with all the crazy games and scores and the spreads.
I heard a guy on the radio who sells the games who said the same thing.
You might want to hold your money til the playoffs because there
are some even crazier games coming up.
as far as k state their coach is one of the best with the talent they have.
they can cn still end with a great season .
and mizzou has a tough game in florida….but they are going to lose
several of their key players to the nfl this year that they need
a huge recruiting year to rebukld their defense….I still think they win that
game…don’t know about spread.
but don’t doubt the chiefs….still some games left and only one game
behind wild card and other teams have tough schedule.
Keep you money in your pocket…nfl is too crazy right now.
Vontae Davis is out for the Colts with a concussion. Browns win the game flat out.
Miami – 3 over Baltimore. Miami should win by 10.
Detroit -10 over Tampa. Detroit by 21.
Sounds good Chuck. Tough calls this weekend due to injuries of key players in college and pro.
Chuck I like your Detroit call and that will be my top call on Sunday… lets see how it goes…
“Seems like just a few weeks ago the Chiefs… just starting”
– seems just yesterday January 11, 1970… in fact 16,400 days since
“the Chiefs are becoming the team we all thought they were, as in not too great.”
– those not swayed (unlike the clowns who sway/play for them, ones bend celebration themselves – the ‘I’ndividuals) knew the truth would make itself known, shown.
Charles, kelce and houston the usual suspects ‘look at me everybody’ gyrations.
That they do so while the ‘team’ is losing affirms priority, theirs – be the ‘show’ – theater, zoo, circus & NFL be no different – thespians, apes & clowns, variously – everyone making out like bandit$ in addition, hence, anything goes.
[ rant continues here ]
Today, fans routinely violate the terms their admission sporting events, interfering with the game: reaching onto a playing field grab a ball, running onto the field same, throwing things from the stands – ‘wrong’ but ‘right’ if vicarious thrill – ‘I’ndividuals reign supreme, advantage what’s good for ‘me’.
To what end? The STL Rams football trio last weekend another example putting the spotlight on ‘themselves’ and not upon some cause celebre insist they their rationale – “Hey – look at me everybody!”
But it’s all just entertainment! What are you, so dead you cannot not show emotion? Stop being so uptight dude!
Only, why did audiences, teams & players not ‘act out’ years ago, or if did why not to the extent do so today, regularly?
Why do they ask the audience for quiet at a golf game & tennis match, but not boxing? Encourage noise a football, baseball, basketball same, but not chess match? Shhh! the admonition library, violin concert and opera – scream, mosh, maim and bludgeon rock concert same. Refinement. ‘I’ndividuals in great demand… good taste in short supply.
[ end first rant ]
“For whatever reason, the Chiefs played over their heads mid season.”
– “reason” be one: NFL stinks top to bottom. Bad Commissioner, bad football teams – not 1/32 of an inch difference ‘tween any them.
Because of the nature their game (physicality), NFL is the only of 4 major professional sports leagues US uses a single-elimination tournament, all four rounds of its playoffs; MLB (not including their wild-card showdown postseason round), NBA & NHL all use “best-of” formats instead.
[ begin second rant ]
Good or bad? Financial reality or avarice, they call it fan interest… live$ in parityville. The history of success NFL /AFL was built upon great teams – for the longest time a single winner – was ‘one’ with the best record – one division for all, earliest days NFL. Then one division became two, two divisions begat two teams (not necessarily equal record) playing for ‘Champion’.
A great idea (‘best’, as in one) gave way two, until (flash forward today) we’ve no less than 12 teams NFL post season – a gift-giving ‘no team left behind’ crutch that allows 5-7 ATL lead their division, and have an equal if not better chance make post season than 7-5 SF (among others) find selves 3rd place theirs not guaranteed make it post season at all; game, set, match… Benjamin$. Alas, we can never be Adam again.
[ the end, double entendre ]
‘Smile, though your heart is breaking, smile even though it’s aching’…
@ARIZ 23
KCindy 16
To pick against ANY of the schools who are trying to make a final impression on the playoff committee shows an embarrassingly fundamental lack of understanding of wagering on NCAA football .
Those teams are going to do everything possible to obliterate the spread to try to put themselves in the top 4. But CG listens to sports talk radio so who am I to question Hearne’s “expert.”
Craig’s not my expert, KC…
He’s my entertainer – there’s a difference. Love him, hate him – make fun of him, celebrate him – take your pick.
KCC simply provides Craig as a form of community service, punching bag – however you wish to view him, whatever that means.
I’m nobodies punching bad. I can hit back and hard. Entertainment yes. Nobody else is picking anything here or much anywhere else except tv/radio without spreads and just a few games…as we have talked about.
Am I expert, as much as most. Nobody knows or they would be rich and quiet. Well there may be a few who live for picking and betting daily. I am not that. And I don’t know them. Bet they had OU over OSU yesterday huh? Those things happen and nobody sees them coming.
Picks aren’t my bets they are picks, things change even for me as it comes time to say yes or no to a bet. Mine, when made come nearer game time. Yesterday my big call was a tease with Georgia Tech by 10 over Florida State and Baylor on that tease -1 over K State…that covered I did lose on MU on a tease cause I had them with 21 points. They just weren’t good enough to be on the field with Bama. Not a shock but a bit hurtful they were never in the game. Looked bad on the big stage. Again. Our local teams always do and did K State, MU and the Chiefs…as I said. They have never won a big one. Chiefs did in 1970 a long time ago.
P.S. Hearne I don’t appreciate your comment here, ‘punching bad, make fun of’ It’s the other way around. Make of fun of someone who does what I do and have done. Kinda a stupid comment. I know I talk myself up. But I also back it up. There are few if any who have had my life experience here or handled it the way I have.
glaze you are a punching bag.
you become a public person when you write
stuff on these blogs so you have to learn how
to take the heat or go back to making dr. pepper
pork chops.
do what Harley does…prove them wrong and vile
and disgusting. That trumps any kind of b.s . they
might have written. Because the truth is that they
are fucking disgusting and liars and probably
cheats. Keep exposing them…then if they
continue challenge them with money because
none of these goons have a pot to piss in.
We may banter aabout sports but that just a game..
some funand entertainment and Harley having some
fun. I never insult you..just some fun withyour picks.
But its nothing close to what these goons are saying
about you or your family.
I know how to handle these types of losers…I
respond with the right words to shut them up.
Like this one dude who claims he knows where I
live…has threatened me and which we have
kept records and statement…
the guys a blowhard like most of them and is
really a wanna be. So I knw what gets to this
loser and he’s up at 1am huffing and puffing trying
to figure out how to turn the tables. He makes calls..travels to far away places to see if I’ll show…
threatens me…and all I do is laugh on the floor with the rest of my readers at how stupid this dude is.
He’s a riot!!! We all get a big laugh from his trying
to outdo Harley.
The people harassing you glaze and I for the most
part have nothing. and when you have nothing you
become jealous of those who do.
When your life is so pitiful that you’re up in the
middle oftthe night writing abut some imaginary
person on a blog you’ve got problems.
so hang tight. take the punches but find out what
these losers are really looking for….chances are
they are lonely old guys with no life.
good luck;;;hope club is going well…and happy
Oh, little man; do you have a surprise coming…
Cant believe you threw your ace reporter under the bus with those comments you just made.
I think its time you two met at the Beaumont and discussed
these comments.
Oh and if you need a $1 to buy a kc star newpaper don’t go to
sasquatch or chuck….their ss check hasn’t come in yet.
Dum, dum, da dum. Gloom and darkness surrounds us.
… the sun will come out tomorrow and the day after that too.
A generation of Chiefs fans goes and a generation of Chiefs fans comes, But the losing remains forever. The sun also rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again. Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns.…Then, the Chiefs fade in the stretch…
I missed Miami
GOOD PICK on Detroit Chuck took your advice and won..good one.
Kerouac nails another!
Swiss Chiefs are done!
Wait till next year part 46!’
@ARIZ 17
KCindy 14
: )
You called it K.
Yup… you just can’t hide all the limitations the Chiefs have CG – certainly not all season long.
That they have a number of draft picks in 2015 is a good thing – they’ll need to hit on just about every one of them because they’re truly full of holes the Swiss Chiefs. I say ‘draft’ because their cap situation is not swell, and even jettisoning Bowe – which they likely will my opine – will be consumed by looming free agent Houston’s new contract.
People expecting Derrick Johnson and Mike Devito to return to form aft their serious achilles tendon injuries are overly optimistic. Ditto Berry, who is greatly overhyped & always has been. Hali a year older,
So, 2-3 new offensive lineman, 2-3 new wide receivers, 2 new LB’s & 2 new S’s as well 2 CB’s. ‘If’ they were to hit on most their draft picks and could afford to land an couple decent free agents, they’ve a chance to improve enough in an league full of mediocrity, a place previous years bottom feeders can become next’s champions, pathetic as that modus operandi is circa the modern day ‘busine$$’ of football.
I will also say KCindy has too many ‘prima donnas’ on their ‘club’… I purposely refrain from using the word ‘team’, because my opine there are too many ‘I’ndividuals who be more concerned with ‘showboating’ – preening and gyrating for the cameras & crowd.
To be blunt, it would not bother Kerouac one iota to see such players ‘unable to play’ any longer, in KC at minimum. All this cr@p wasn’t a part the game yesteryear and those former players played the game with just as much effort & emotion as today’s ‘thespians, apes & clowns’ in training. The ‘me me me and ‘ I I I’ crowd needs spend more time winning a game(s) and less time ‘entertaining’. They aren’t paid to preen, but rather to win. This is the biggest reason why today’s pro football cannot hold an candle to yesteryear’s game and players, same.
Hey Houston, we have a problem… scoreboard. Hey Charles… you were outrushed today by a 7th round draft pick – who just came off the ARIZ practice squad. Hey Kelce… that’s your 3rd fumble of the season and second in the last two games; both have resulted in losses – maybe give the handjive dramatics & 1st down flailing the arm a rest.
As always good points. The team has little talent, and is lucky to have won 7. They had me going a bit too a few weeks ago. I was tired of being so down on them. My mistake. With Alex Smith they have doomed themselves to a low level playoff team at best down the road. The team just has no stars. Charles and that’s it. Houston so far is another Tamba, Not around much when needed.
College picks….OUCH.
1.…hundreds of millions of more dollar than they’d get in little 12.
2. Texas: they control the league to their advantage. And while longhorn network
continues to cost the league they still are chasing a dream. Longhorn network
sucks!!!!!!!! So now they contrl the league and come up with the co champion
b.s. and it costs them not one but maybe two teams in the national championship…a
huge loss of at least 6 million bucks. Texas rules now and forever.
3. Stupidity and unorganized. They should have looked at the needs to get
into the 4 game playoff then realized by cochampions they’d get frozen out
of the 4 team playoff. Tell mebaylor isn’t pissed…they’re outraged and now
probably destined to a lesser bowl. Shame for Snyder…one of my
favorite college coaches because he proves age doesn’t matter and he’s
a genius at running a team with marginal talent. He could coach almost
anywhere in the nation!
If youfolloed the ig 12 you see thy continue to make mistakes and it
costs them andteams money when they need it (especially ku).
SO GOOD LUCK LITTLE 12. Ku should makeattempt to gt into big
10 and bring ina real coach unlike beatty. Another messup…but give him
2 years to put the worst team in college backtogether or finally realize you
need a big time college winner to get this football team going.
If the football team fails for many more years…and revenues come up
short…lookfor them to leave the little 12 and look for greener pastures.
This idiot who picked this new guy needs his brain examined.
THE BARN GO DARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
No offense, but haven’t we covered this ad nauseum?