The disturbances in Ferguson are another example of how gangsters and ignoramuses can ruin a peaceful demonstration…
All of the evidence is in and obviously Michael Brown found what he was looking for that day, trouble. However, he never guessed the trouble he was looking for would lead to his death.
Michael Brown’s mindset, as exemplified in his assault and robbery of a business owner, carried over into his meeting with police officer Darren Wilson. Unlike the store owner officer Wilson was armed and would not let Brown assault him or get away with robbery.
There are incidents of police abuse toward minorities but Michael Brown’s case is not one of them.
What’s confusing to many people is they don’t fully understand that the issue minorities and whites are upset about is police abuse overall.
Some minorities need to be reminded of the difference between the Michael Brown incident and other incidents where there definitely was police brutality.
For example, the choke holding murder of Eric Garner by the New York Police.
Or Oscar Grant who was shot to death by a BART Police officer in Oakland, California.
Don’t get me wrong, I feel most police officers treat everyone fairly, but by the same token, I think everyone in the nation realizes that some police officers don’t.
The process of weeding out bad police officers is going to be a long and drawn out affair – perhaps an endless one – because it’s hard to catch them doing their dirty work. But if the good officers and good police chiefs don’t tolerate the bad apples then perhaps we can cure this problem.
It will also take the help of political leaders and the legal system to rid police departments of the bad cops.
Michael Brown cannot and should not be made into a hero.
Because what happened to Brown is not a case to point to as what’s wrong with the system. What happened to him was based on his gangsterous actions and mental attitude.
The African American community needs to change its mindset of what kids should strive to be.
Right now heroes to the youth in the African American community are gangster rappers. Many kids aspire to be rappers instead of a professional career.
The African American community is the only community in the world I know of where songs are written to entice their youth to be gangsters.
No other race does this.
In one song a girl is declining the advances of a young man because she only wants a gangster. So in essence the song is telling young African American males you have to be a gangster to get a girlfriend.
Rappers like Kansas City’s Tech 9 and Matsiyahu choose not to sing about the gangster philosophy are not as popular as the ones who promote it.
People in the music business are making millions exploiting this type of attitude. It’s spilled over into the movie business also but not to the extent that it is in music.
Gangster rap even tells youths how to dress.
No one can honestly deny that when they see an African American youth dressed in a gangster outfit they don’t automatically assume something’s bad about them. People have been preconditioned to assume this.
We all have preconceived ideas of other races we’ve learned through the media.
For example, what nationality do you associate with heavy drinking? What nationality do you associate with terrorism? What nationality do you associate with organized crime? What nationality do you associate with being good at mathematics? What nationality do you associate with running a 7/11? What nationality do you associate with driving a big pick up truck? And what nationality do you associate with cheap day labor?
Gangster rap isn’t the cause of all the problems in the African American community or America.
The trouble makers in Ferguson were aided by the fact that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and others in authority succumbed to political correctness and didn’t allow the police and national guard to do their jobs to maintain order.
Police should have saturated the area and come down hard on anyone breaking the law.
The peaceful demonstrators would not have been touched and the bad ones could have been dealt with.
Governor Nixon and others were too concerned about being call racists and now many business people have lost their entire fortunes and their livelihoods.
The peaceful demonstrators who tried to stop the looters were unsuccessful. So now the community will not have the basic businesses that supply them their needs.
Out of control political correctness has to be stopped.
Political leaders must have the courage to protect innocent people and business owners from gangsters no matter what racist names they may be called.
African Americans and whites must also have the courage to support leaders who are fighting this politically correct madness, after all those leaders are fighting to protect us.
This is just Common Sense, or Calvin Sense if you will.
Quote of the Day:
“The power of thought is the only thing over which any human being has complete control” — Andrew Carnegie
There is a problem with police killing unarmed civilians who were doing nothing wrong. Young, old, black, white, Asian and dogs.
Diversity of a police force doesn’t mean it is markedly different than an all-white force.
But when people try and elevate an incident like the shooting of Michael Brown into a martyrdom they weaken any argument they have on police violence.
Anyone here remember the Disco Killer in KC back in the 80s? A friend of mine was the cop who captured him, shooting him with a riot gun. A few years ago he was sued by the perp because his wounds cause him great distress as he serves out his life sentence.
Officer Wilson had never had a complaint filed against him. He came from a troubled home, had problems with the police as a teen. He later saw law enforcement as an opportunity to do good.
Was his initial training in a department which was so corrupt and out-of-control subpar? The whole force was fired rather than try and glean the wheat from the chaff.
When this Lefty McPerson is in agreement with Rand Paul on what caused Ferguson, maybe there will be a change in how things are done.
Just all the cops are criminals and all the sinners saint…
When I was a kid, myself and a few other malcontents figured out how to get the cigarettes out of the machine at King Louie on troost. A cop named Terry Hudson found out we snagged all the Camels out of the machine, never figured out how, good police work I guess. Anyway he caught up with me and another kid, he’s got us braced beside his squad car, I said something smart, and he punched me in the gut. Twice. There after we only pinched the Marlboros. Now that should have been a teaching moment for me, and it was. I went on to do a couple of stretches in the joint, but I never got smart with a cop again, at least not without a slew of witnesses. My point is this, there’s no such thing as a pacifist cop , generally if you show aggression towards them its going to be met with the same and then some. So you get what we got with Mike Brown. I think the media, the race pimps, and the leftists considered Mike Brown a “do over”. When they didnt get a conviction for Trayvon Martin it pissed em off, maybe rightfully so. The thing with the Trayvon killing, there werent really any eye witnesses. In the end nobody except Zimmerman and Martin know what happened. So depending on which side you fell on, it was easy to spin the facts and make suppositions to your liking. Then along comes Mike Brown and they see a chance to even the score. Only problem is when the smoke cleared Brown makes Trayvon look like the innocent child he was portrayed as. But here’s the rub, it wouldnt matter if there was HD video of Brown attacking officer wilson. It doesnt matter because the media narrative and the race industry will just ignore the facts, shout louder, lather rinse and repeat. In the eyes of the rubes, Mike Brown was a hero when his body hit the asphalt. Nothing will ever change that.
Tech 9 sings some pretty sickening stuff. He sung this with Brother Lynch (?)
Nigga I see you
But you don’t see me I’m leavin up out your house
You was all tied up and watching me while I was diggin’ out your spouse
I’m about to choke her out and then I’mma fuck her while she’s dead
Ejaculate on her face after that I’m gon’ cut off the head
And what am I bout to do with you?
First cut off the legs
Then I’mma pull out the lead and make you put it to your head (No!)
Then I’mma cut the nuts and put that spatula up your butt
Then I’mma a cut the guts and make that recipe nigga nut
Your about to have to give it up
Then face it, remember that mask that was on my facebook?
Walkin’ around the house like Jason lookin’ for something to cut
I wanna eat sum guts
And all this shit is happening cause I never have good luck
And I run up in your house, gun up in your mouth
I don’t really give a fuck I think I’m turning into a nut
And if I have to do it, fine, with me it’s do or die
Ain’t no getaway, you can try, with them black locs over my eyes
There is more, but you get it.
Nice article.
[Hook x2]
[Verse 2: Brotha Lynch Hung]
Nigga I see you
But you can’t see me I swear to fuckin gawdness
24 blocc dem niggas know who da hardest, regardless
I don’t have to prove shit
I just slit ya throat, shit retarded
I don’t have to do shit
Wait for the new shit, who started it?
I’m about to end it I’m a giv em a necklace
My neck rips with a chainsaw
Even ya brains raw
Play me da game drop
Gimme the AR-15
My shits clean, brand spankin’ new, I spit clean
Tummy aching, money making
Eatin’ em up in the mornin’ nigga with eggs and bacon
They mistakin’, they don’t wanna fuck with the sicko pyscho
They defeated, it goes, I go, Space Invader
I get high, bake potatoes, a tornado
They gone faint though
Eggo n leggo nigga, they know they get in the anal
Spit that shit like a volcano
I’m a go way low givin’ out them halos
Pay those, what about them, they go
Ayo, givin’ out them k-o’s
Sent that shit to the house, spouse
Tripping, I’m out here cripping, slipping it in
Fuckin’ around get whippin’ again
I don’t hear you jumping all over Bob Marley for his cop killer song.
Chuck the Hypocrite froths on.
Warren Zevon’s Excitable Boy celebrates violent rape (satirically).
Lynrd Skynrd’s What’s Your Name is about their drugging and gang raping a minor at the Ozark Music Festival.
The Unfortunate Rake evolved from Scotland to America in the Streets of Laredo/St James Infirmary(The Gambler’s Blues).
Ted Nugent and R Kelly writing and singing about making it with jail bait.
One nation under god indeed, eh chuck?
Well fu*k those guys too Orphan.
Again, I was just making Calvin aware of Tech 9’s lyrics in view of his comments.
Just pointing out how few people know or understand lyrics.
Zappa had an album trashed because of the profanity. ‘Cept the album was all instrumental.
I have no idea what Bob Marley sings.
The guy is dead, right?
Tech 9 has another song about guns and killing people etc. etc. but I didn’t take the time to look it up.
I am just making Calvin aware of the fact, that Tech 9 is not the “Sound of Music” (Pun intended).
Matisyahu is not a rapper. He is a reggae artist and he is not competing with rap artists, totally different. Just a terrible example, but good points
Actually Jim, Matisyahu is indeed a rapper but…
I know where you’re coming from. Saw him a handful of years back at the beaumont Club and I wouldn’t have called him a rapper back then.
However, if you read his Wikipedia page and check out some of his songs on YouTube, you’ll see that he is identified as a “reggae rapper”
Nixon needs to make the businesses of Ferguson whole…out of his own pocket, not state funds.
A-hole didn’t protect crap in the burning and looting.
Where the hell was the national guard he called in?
Nixon is another typical empty suit.
Sad news for the kcconfidential gang, Harley JoJo from Red Bridge is on his deathbed. His many charitable contributions (A couple bucks every year into the Salvation Army cup in front of the Dollar Store.) will not be soon forgotten by this city. I was pulling wire, crawling through the ceiling at Dewey, Fuchem and Howe, aka, and overheard the last will and testament of the great man.
PROBATE ATTORNEY: “To Harley’s son Forrest, all the Apartments and condos on the South West corner from Red Bridge Road, south past McDonalds and west to Wornall. To my daughter Chastity *muffled laughter*, City Center square. To my wife Ryder *more laughter* all of the residential buildings just north of the river.
Your Father and husband has bequeathed you a fortune.”
CHASTITY: “Wow mom, we are rich!”
RYDER: “No you ignorant slut, your father had a paper route.”
You’re kidding of course, right Chuck?
I’m not kidding about JoJo living in Red Bridge or me crawling thru attics.
I am hearing a lot of screaming out for justice on the TV these past few days. These people are clueless. If real justice was to be imposed everywhere these same people wouldn’t be back in the streets screaming, “What the hell did we do?”
As a kid I was told to be careful what I asked for because I might not be happy with what I got.
If real justice was to hit our streets dealing with “ALL” incidents of breaking the law I am willing to bet there would be a lot of unhappy people and a lot of family members in jail.