Alleged serial rapist Bill Cosby— once known for his stand-up and his classic 1980’s television show but now mostly known for *maybe* being a horrific sex predator– performed for an appreciative crowd Friday night in Florida. The night was peppered with laughter and standing ovations, and afterward, the old white people leaving the venue said things like, “it was good” and “I’m still a fan, no matter what.” (I’ll refrain from pointing out that Charles Manson could probably get elected governor in Florida as long as he managed to appeal to wrinkly white people, because Florida is terribly fucked up and worse than an Ebola infected penis.)
Point being, Cosby has plenty of supporters. And while the court of public opinion will not keep him from being civilly-sued for his copious fortune, it could keep him from blowing his brains out some day in the not-too-distant future. (I honestly don’t know the odds of either thing happening; any sort of decades-old sexual assault seems difficult to prove, AND Cosby is undoubtedly an egomaniac who values his presence on this earth more than anyone else ever would. [This isn’t a condemnation, necessarily–just opinion-based narrative.])
Anyway, people STILL support The Cos. I found a bunch on Facebook, actually, thanks to a page called “” which a friend (who is supporting Bill because “this whole thing seems like BS“) shared into my news feed whether I liked it or not.
The post from was basically a bizarre, misguided resume. It said–and I’m paraphrasing– “even though there are all of these allegations, let’s not forget what good Mr. Cosby has done.” Then it went on to list good shit that he’s done. You know, because donating turkeys to orphans in Philadelphia TOTALLY makes up for the hundreds of times you might have drugged and fucked women against their will.
Look, I don’t have time to read all of this. Because it’s a FUCKING NOVEL and I need to make dinner and put my baby to bed and all of that jazz. But from what I can gather, white people did this to Cosby because of “Emitt” Till. Okay then.
Thanks, James.
Jesus fucking Christ. Remind me to NEVER recommend “Jesse and Jimmie’s Rape Counseling Services” if I know someone who needs help.
Oh shit, you guys! Julia– administrative assistant at the J&J Rape Counseling Service, btw– weighs in! Or: this is just a very ignorant woman who’s pissed that she can no longer watch Cosby Show reruns at 3am when she can’t sleep on account of her crippling fear about dying alone. (And then having her cats eat her body… that’s the part she never tells anyone– her “kids” eating her corpse. Poor Julia.)
Oh? Hmmm. Hadn’t thought about that. Whatever you say, Mr. TheDirector.
Barbara joins Julia in the race for “Woman of the Year” award. Would SHE wait to report a rape? SHE WOULD NOT! $$$
There is SO much to like about this comment. First of all, Louis wants you to know that he’s taking NO sides. (Clearly, Louis, clearly.) He also wants everyone to know that if you harbor something for “10, 20, 30 & over 40 years… you take it to your grave.” Very good point, Louis! If someone doesn’t have the courage to IMMEDIATELY come forward with something heinous that happened to them, TOO FUCKING BAD. I mean, Louis is ALWAYS getting raped, and that motherfucker is at the police station within SECONDS! Otherwise, he’d have to just drop those charges. Seriously, it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing ever if Louis, Freda and Birdie died in a house fire.
Look, I could go on and on and on (and then on and on some more) and we may still never solve the insolvable riddle that started this whole post: what is wrong with people?
So, what does Mr. Glazer have on this? He usually knows what is going on behind the scenes with comics. Looking forward to his input…
This is a joke, right? You are trolling here, right?
No, not trolling.
He is a part of the stand up comedy/entertainment industry. And often people like that hear stories about others that the general population doesn’t hear.
Craig is gonna revisit the subject…
Basically he’s changed his tune from a couple weeks back before as much that is now known was known.
His initial take was somewhat sympathetic to Cosby, based in part on his experience in having false claims brought against himself.
Now that the numbers are in, he’s re thought the matter
who cares. He rethought the issue. What does it take.
1000 women to show this cosby guy is a nut.
Oh…but glaze…the Harvard grad rethought the issue.
It waspretty basic knowledge for decades about bill cosby.
Go back and check the archives about bill…going back many
many years….not just in 2006.
He was an early tiger woods. If you were in vegas around the
time when he was pretty consistently playing there you would
know the guy had a lot of baggage.
So we go to glaze…who knew nothing…or has rethought
this issue.
the issue is this…this guy drugged/raped/moleseted
women. No different than the scumbags who beat their
wives…don’t pay child support….go to jail for harassing
their women and are truly guilty RIGHT HERE INOUR CITY.
We don’t need glaze to comment. the facts are just really
starting to come out…
Thanks. Didn’t realize he already wrote about Cosby. I see that now.
“even though there are all of these allegations, let’s not forget what good Mr. Cosby has done.”
– reminds of the defense post-conviction trying to lessen the length of sentencing; maybe the commenter feels Cosby is being convicted court of public opinion (presumed innocent unless proven guilty notwithstanding.) That 16 women to date have gone public suggests where there is smoke there is may be fire…
OJ was such a good boy. Remember those pranks he used to pull at USC?
chuck’s the worst idiot ever. where’s he at?
getting ready to go to ferguson to pick up his white sheets and pointed hat.
When the first charges were publicized, I was skeptical, but it looks pretty bad now. There are women who don’t know each other with pretty detailed accounts that are all similar in nature.
This is an interesting article Lefty and you make your point quite well. I do think it is important to give a little context to some of the so called “facts’ quoted in the comments above.
Lynching statistics. There were 4,743 lynchings from 1882 to 1968 (Yes it would be better to have stats from 1865, but they are not available.). 1,297 were white and 3,446 were black. All of these folks were accused of serious crimes, none received due process. It is important to know the actual number, because of the false “Narrative” that is constantly shoved down an unknowing public’s throat. For instance, when Oprah stands on the Red Carpet and is interviewed for the movie “The Butler” she claimed that “Millions of blacks were lynched after the civil war.” Categorically incorrect.
Part of another comment I find interesting (Because it is accepted as truth, in my opinion, by the majority of Americans.) is the myth of white on black rape and the actual stats of black on white rape. Lawrence Perry’s comment above, stating that it is not possible for “That there are no black men alive in America who could possibly rape that many white women and live…” presents a dramatically incorrect premise. Here is a quote from Pat Buchanan.–
“After researching the FBI numbers for “Suicide of a Superpower,” this writer concluded: “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”
Keep in mind, the US Department of Justice and the FBI shift “Hispanics” in and out of the Caucasian category, in what results as a skewered statistic, that in fact, mitigates gloomy African American stats. Our institutions, the IRS, the US Department of Justice etc. etc., soup to nuts are more politicized ever day by a Liberal Narrative that will soon make any statistics, filtered through Federal thought leaders unreliable.
Anecdotal evidence of Mr. Cosby’s crimes, at this point is compelling. I remember hearing about Ben Roethlisberger’s crimes of a similar nature and at first, I was skeptical. Then I listened to the first person accounts of the women he drugged and raped. Big Ben should be doing 20 years, not QBing the Steelers. He was guilty. I also listened to the account from the girl who claimed she was raped by Mike Tyson and it didn’t ring true at all to me. I guess, that is the point, we all, sans physical evidence to the contrary, have to come to our own conclusions, based on victim testimony.
I hope this comment thrills “CHUCK DECONSTRUCT” who no doubt regrets getting that “Justice for Tawana” tattoo on his forehead so soon.
perfect…chuckles the sad racist clown could turn any article into
a racist rant.
talk about baking a cake…chuckles the clown brings in race
talk about race cars…chuekcles the clown finds a way to weave the
subject to racist rants and vile language.
this guy wakes up everyday with hate in his body…..what a horrible life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, here is a must, must, must see, extemporaneous response from a policeman on his way to a crime scene. It is eloquent, passionate and reveals exactly what police officers have to deal with every day.
Ya gotta watch it.
Lefty, I thought you might like this.
“…what is wrong with these people?”
Well, generally speaking, most people are near idiots.
America’s mean IQ is in the 90 – 100 range; this is considered “average.”
IQs under 85 are denoted “below average”,”challenged” and “severely challenged.” Few call out this bottom tier as “idiots”, “mouth breathers” or “maroons“, but…dems de facts, Jack.
Combine these numbers with the recent societal conviction the innernetz is an electronic agora specifically constructed for idiots and maroons to air their misapprehensions and voilà…Facebook comments, baby!
But then…you knew that.
“…because Florida is terribly fucked up and worse than an Ebola infected penis.
That cause me to snort absinthe through my nose; I’m totally stealing it.
Bill Cosby came and spoke at Overland Trail Middle School when he was honing his “pull your pants up” speaking tour. He was responsible for one of the most cringeworthy performances ever.
He was offensive and either drunk or sleepy. He made no effort to temper his speech to fit the room (first rule of public speaking). OTMS was nearly all white at the time, with 2 or 3 black families.
He gave his boilerplate speech about how black people need to get their shit together. Which was especially funny since sitting in the crowd of 200 there were maybe 5-10 black kids who were served up a personalized attack in front of the entire all-white school about how their culture sucks. Needless to say that was not lost on us and the black kids certainly caught some shit.
That’s my story about how Bill Cosby bullied the few token black kids in an all white school.
Looks like worst idiots ever jumped in on this discussion anyway.
Your comment changed everything.