How do we deal with the reoccurring violence that finds its roots in Islam?
Real discussion is usually punished in our politically correct environment. The fact that we live in a country founded on religious freedom makes these conversations nearly taboo. Most people, including those in power, avoid the topic. It’s a minefield that puts the speaker at risk.
However real solutions might be found in everyday American life. Because there are a few working models for similar problems.
Consider, for example, how society has dealt with the pit bull.
The arguments about the reoccurring damage they cause are similar. Not all pit bulls are bad, but the violence unfolds often enough to spur societal action. The parallel outrage also sounds familiar.
“Most pit bulls are good.”
“It’s not fair to my pit bull. He’s never done anything.”
So how have we dealt with the pit bull problem?
We charge the owners when damages occur and usually add criminal charges if there is evidence of prior complaints.
Would it be possible to make the mosque the “owner” of a person responsible for an act of violence based in Islam?
Would the mosque then take more responsibility in standing up to extremist ideas?
Then like the pit bull scenario, society could apply heavier fines as more problems come from the same “owner.” The people damaged would also be able to take the “owner” to court.
Before you dismiss the idea, consider how we have dealt with reoccurring pedophilia in The Catholic Church.
The similarities are strong.
The Church knew about the crimes. It acted in a way that protected itself, but did little to stop the culture that allowed the crimes. It fought against the victims. It hid the perpetrators. But, massive court settlements and the immense amount of bad press caused the church to change behavior.
Should we deal with mosques differently?
Interesting questions Mark. I don’t claim to be a religious expert but I don’t think Muslims and Mosques can all follow a ladder up to a single leader or institution like Catholics can with the Pope and the Vatican. The Catholic Church controls some serious wealth from what I’m told and I don’t think the possibility of massive settlements exist with Islam. However the question of why good Muslims don’t rise up to clean up their own house or at least actively and publicly disavow the actions of the violent minority does make me wonder. I’d love to hear the opinions of those that are believers in Islam. Without it, the rest of us are left to blame an entire religion for the violent actions of a relatively small number of radical terrorists.
Great artwork as usual Mark but the picture was a powerful juxtaposition. Made your comparison quite well.
Good piece !!
Interesting, well thought out comment, Stomps…
But you failed to weigh in on the Pit Bull analogy?
BTW, a nod to Monsieur Valentine for bringing pit bulls to the forefront two days before the Star slapped them atop today’s front page
Oh, ok, sorry.
I love his music but didn’t realize he was a Muslim.
Funny guy…
You talking about Pit Bull?
Guess I shouldn’t have written it in all caps!
Didn’t know you were that hip
While I have your attention here, Hearne, where is the piece by Magalif. Stay on him !!!
Did Harley ever submit that piece? Can’t wait for that one either.
And finally, WOW on Dwight’s piece today. 40+ comments in just a few hours. GREAT STUFF!!!! He deserves a bonus !!
It’s a great start and should be followed up by dramatically restricting immigration from all Islamic countries.