The Michael Brown autopsy is out…
And of all the pertinent facts regarding the young man shot by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson last August, the most damning is that Brown suffered a close range wound to his hand. In other words, he wasn’t mowed down by the officer 30 feet away as some have suggested.
It also said he had marijuana in his system, which to me is irrelevant. I’ve yet to see someone get stoned and go off on a cop. They’re far more likely to stumble into a convenience store for snacks.
Most disturbing is that the autopsy contradicts all the “eyewitness” and Internet troll accounts by people who obviously never saw a bloody thing.
Meaning the scuffle does appear to have started in the officer’s squad car.
Attorney General Eric Holder had ordered a second autopsy as part of a federal investigation.
And on Monday Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed – a major anti gun advocate – protested outside the Ferguson PD.
Nasheed pushed for a bill requiring any “parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school (to) notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that such parent or guardian owns a firearm within thirty calendar days” of enrollment.
Somewhat obviously Senator Nasheed isn’t a fan of guns.
And the fine Senator was arrested for standing in the street, blocking traffic and ignoring repeated warnings from police. Add to that, at the time of her arrest she “smelled strongly of intoxicants,” but refused a breathalyzer, claiming she was not intoxicated.
And now here’s the punch line (you knew there’d be one):
When police did their post arrest pat down, what did they find on the anti-gun Senator? According to Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson, the sister was packing a loaded 9 mm handgun with extra rounds of ammunition.
Nasheed was formally charged with Failure to Obey Lawful Order of Police and Manner of Walking in the Roadway. She was released before 11:00 a.m. Tuesday claiming, “It was a symbolic arrest – sending a message to the protesters that we can protest peacefully and that we must protest peacefully and that we want justice for Michael Brown, but we don’t want it in vain.”
I spoke with Executive Assistant to the St Louis Prosecutor, Ed McGee by phone concerning concealed carry and drinking. He told me Section 571.030 was revised in August 2013. In is words, you can now be “as drunk as a skunk” and carry, as long as you don’t pull it out and wave it around or do anything illegal or irresponsible.
He and I also discussed that this wasn’t his first run-in with the esteemed Senator. In August, Nasheed and 15 others attempted to deliver a petition with 70,000 signatures seeking a special prosecutor in the Ferguson shooting case. McGee and officers greeted her as she tried to cross the crime tape shouting, “Take your hands off me, don’t touch me, I’m a state senator.”
Let me get this straight, Senator Jamilah “Hypocrite” Nasheed: You’re anti-gun, no way you’re wandering into a war zone without one, is there? You don’t want guns banned, you just want to control who has them. If you had your way only police and criminals would be armed.
Nasheed joins the ranks of Democratic, liberal, gun owning hypocrites like Bill Maher and Ben Affleck. Even though they oppose the Second Amendment, both admit to owning guns to protect their homes and families.
But we shouldn’, right?
Hilarious wilsun, the second amendment hater was packing heat.
On a more serious note, prepare for the $hit to hit the fan when the cop walks after the grand jury finds no charges will be brought against Officer Wilson. Looks like it is going to be ’92 all over again but worse.
Thanks, Dude, always appreciate your comments.
If one’s stance is that nobody should own a gun except law enforcement and you own a gun, yes, you are a hypocrite.
If you own a gun but still believe that sensible, consistent and comprehensive gun laws should exist, that makes you a reasonable person.
The problem is with BOTH sides of the debate is that each side thinks that the ONLY answer is either/or. Outlawing all guns is no more of an answer than walking into a McDonald’s with your AR-15 over your shoulder because you “can”. But with no middle ground, this is what you get.
I am not familiar with her but from what I can tell she sponsored a few bills that have some regulation towards gun ownership. From The Blaze:
“The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action has dubbed several pieces of legislation sponsored by Nasheed “anti-gun,” including an amendment that would require gun owners to report a firearm stolen within 72 hours.
Nasheed also reportedly pushed for a bill that would have required any “parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school shall notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that such parent or guardian owns a firearm within thirty calendar days” of enrollment.”
Maybe she has done more but those don’t strike me as particularly “anti-gun” and if those laws were to pass then they would apply to her as well since she is a gun owner.
Being required to report your firearm ownership to the SCHOOL your kid goes to wouldn’t bother you? Exactly what would that information be good for?
Yeah, why the hell would a school need to know what and how many normal firearms I possess? Or any other agency for that matter?
I am only speculating as to why or how they would use that information but I suppose the rationale for it would have something to do with hoping to prevent school shootings. I don’t necessarily agree with the need or justification for it but I just don’t see it as “anti-gun” the way the NRA does.
She apparently owns a gun and a permit to carry so I don’t know how she is “anti-gun” anyway. I don’t understand how she is a hypocrite for pushing for more gun regulation when that same regulation would apply to her just as it would an ordinary citizen.
Jimmy, schools have no business inside our homes. They are failing at educating our kids. They need to fix that and not worry whether or not I’ve bought a gun! To what end could that be a GOOD thing?
Jim and jimmy both make excellent ( and extremely rational) points. Just because one supports gun laws does not make that person anti 2nd amendment. It is ridiculous for the N.R.A. to continue to push that perspective.
The NRA has to push that perceptive so that some do not forget it, and if you think that there are not some in power that would not do ANYTHING to make firearm ownership impossible you are crazy. (Bloomberg)
The issue is that with politics these days it is binary, there is no grey area at all. You are either with me, or my enemy.
Jim, actually, the 2A provides the absolute answer.
Winner = Pro-gun crowd.
I’m sure the punks in Ferguson will just say the autopsy was done by “the man” and is nothing but lies. They need an excuse to loot and riot. When there isn’t one they just conveniently make one up. Here we go again…
Hot, it’ll be another reason to burn their neighbors and steal some Nikes.
Ferguson is the KC equivalent of Raytown.
Ferguson =St. Louis Raytown =KC
No matter what happens, my city is fucked.
There will be NO winners here. Only losers.
Sounds about right.
Jamilah Nasheed personifies the ignorance, corruption and malevolence of the necrotic and nefarious Civil Rights Movement as it exists in America today. No longer peopled with intrepid, altruistic Americans righting longstanding wrongs, Civil Rights has evolved into a violent pestilence that delivers death to neighborhoods and whole cities by way of a “Narrative” that is weaponized with the power of the modern day scarlet letter (read Word), “Racism”.
The Rule of Law, the Social Contract, paved roads, groceries on the shelf, civilization itself is in play as rioters, looters and politicians rend Mr. Sutherland’s “Center” apart in a self righteous paroxysm over a blood simple, brain dead street thug who, in the commission of what must surely seem to be a serious felony to all but the WILLFULLY IMPERCIPIENT, tried to wrest a fire arm, away from a Police Officer, minutes after robbing a convenience store.
Ms. Nasheed’s support for this sub human garbage, falls nicely into place with the Main Stream Media’s “Gentle Giant” requiems and our courageous Attorney General’s initiative in sending 40 (Count ’em) Federal Investigators to the Ferguson Strip to try and find anything, even a “Smidgen” of wrong doing, or maybe at least we can be honest here, “Wrong Thinking” on the part of the police, or (Please Jesus) Officer Wilson (All Holder wants for Christmas this year, is another Star Chamber Show Trial for the mob.).
The facts never were, are not now, nor will they ever be, relevant. Only the “Narrative” that provides de facto permission for the continuation of riots, looting and of course the havoc and death that is part and parcel of the African American sub culture is important.
My guess, is that Ms. Nasheed is just as competent with her gun and her pen as Obama and Plaxico Buress.
P.S. – Great work Paul, straight to the source for the quotes. Really nice.
the lies continune with our resident racist. Now shoedog
brings up a story and chuckles can bring out all the
vile language he’s famous for at tkc.
Leaks are not allowed thru the grand jury nor the
officials involved…but here’s one leak from someone who
In an interview with msnbc’s Lawrence O’Donnell, Tiffany Mitchell described hearing tires squeak and seeing “Michael and the officer wrestling through the [car] window.” Brown, she said, was struggling to get away while the officer continued to try to pull him closer. Concerned, Mitchell pulled out her phone, at which point she said the first shot was fired “through the window.” Mitchell then saw Brown break away from the officer’s grip and run down the street from the police vehicle.
“The officer gets out of his vehicle,” Mitchell said, “and he pursues him,” continuing to shoot at Brown. “Michael’s body jerks as if he was hit,” Mitchell explained, “and then he put his hands up,” and the officer continued to shoot at Brown until the teenager collapsed “all the way down to the ground.”
also…remember this…these type of cases are increasing
not just against blacks but also whites.
see what happens.
I think you’re fishing for something to believe, H Man…
There have already been a host for bogus testimony as to how Brown was running away, etc.
Now you call up some chick who somewhat obviously has a dog in this fight being a fellow hoodie.
How could she tell if brown was trying to get away.He’s the one who apparently reached into the car to battle the cop in the first place.
besides, in the course of a wrestling match, Brown trying to get away means little, possibly nothing.
Like the cop had bested him temporarily and he needed to get free to regain the upper hand.
The autopsy is science, distant, biased eye witnesses who’s information is subject to interpretation at best is weak.
I give this one to the shoe dog.
Thanks for calling a spade a spade, Admin.
“The autopsy is science, distant, biased eye witnesses who’s information is subject to interpretation at best is weak.
I give this one to the shoe dog.”
For what it’s worth, the forensic expert that was quoted in the Dispatch claims that her statements were taken out of context. From Talking Points Memo*:
Judy Melinek, one of the forensic experts who was quoted by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Tuesday about the Michael Brown autopsy report, is taking issue with how the newspaper portrayed her comments.
The key piece of Melinek’s analysis, according to the Post-Dispatch’s original report, was that the report of Brown’s autopsy “supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun, if he has gunpowder particulate material in the wound. If he has his hand near the gun when it goes off, he’s going for the officer’s gun.”
That would be consistent with Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson’s version of events, as reported by the New York Times and others. Melinek was also paraphrased by the newspaper saying that the autopsy was inconsistent with witness accounts of Brown having his hands up in surrender when he was shot by Wilson.
But Melinek told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Wednesday that her comments had been taken “out of context” and that she believed the findings could be explained by other scenarios as well.
“What happens sometimes is when you get interviewed and you have a long conversation with a journalist, they’re going to take things out of context,” she said. “I made it very clear that we only have partial information here. We don’t have the scene information. We don’t have the police investigation. We don’t have all the witness statements. And you can’t interpret autopsy findings in a vacuum.”
She and O’Donnell then walked through a variety of alternative situations in which the gunshot residue found on Brown’s hand — the key finding that suggested Brown had been reaching for Wilson’s gun — could have gotten there.
“I’m not saying that Brown going for the gun is the only explanation. I’m saying the officer said he was going for the gun and the right thumb wound supports that,” Melinek. “I have limited information. It could also be consistent with other scenarios. That’s the important thing. That’s why the witnesses need to speak to the grand jury and the grand jury needs to hear all the unbiased testimony and compare those statements to the physical evidence.”
With all the talk I have seen about the left’s narrative in regards to this case there is very little talk about the narrative that the police have been pushing. These leaks achieved what they set out to do which was push the narrative in a direction that is more sympathetic towards the police.
*I quoted The Blaze on here the other day so I feel like I can quote Talking Points Memo today.
jimmy, all good comments.
I don’t want to misinterpret one thing you wrote but I think it is inaccurate to write, “With all the talk I have seen about the left’s narrative”. To infer that this is a left versus right is a bit unfair in my humble opinion. It may appear that way and I understand that but ………
just sayin’
Harley’s contribution leaves no stone unturned in the search for the truth.
An unimpeachable anecdotal account, “leaked” from a juror who translated the testimony unlawfully, followed by the usual “Racist” moniker and accusations of “vile language”.
At this point, we can all safely assume, that “vile language” applies to any rhetoric or verbage that is beyond the comprehension of an unamed, MU Grad from the prestigious School of Journalism.
As always Harley, your additions to the conversation are revered and respected by one and all.
Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, get with the program. If it’s a leak that fits his end game, it’s FACT. Any other leak, well, it’s just superfluous, inaccurate information. It’s the double standard de jure that rules his decision making process. HIS facts are good and righteous, everyone else’s are lies.
In the never ending saga of HARLEY GETS IT WRONG, here’s his latest FAIL!
harley says:
October 23, 2014 at 3:14 pm
maple leaf celebration.
Damn…I can’t believe I didn’t put that on my social calendar.
I can’t believe I missed that.
Lets see …they print 50,000 extra copies in the morning. And
they’re all gone.
Did glaze grow up and go to school in carthage?
to me those numbers seem a little shall we say “exagerrated’?
anyway…glad the sold 50,000 copies of the paper…
good for the revenue of that town!!!!!
Then, taken directly from the Star Business section, on the 24th I give you;
Suppliers have been scrambling to deliver the goods, including The Kansas City Star. Thursday’s edition heralding the trip to the World Series sold briskly in vending boxes, at groceries, convenience stores and other locations.
“I live up north and went to six different places and they were all sold out,” said Tommy Hottovy, a former Royals pitcher who picked up copies at the newspaper’s offices downtown on Thursday.
Publisher Mi-Ai Parrish said The Star printed twice as many copies for street sales as usual, expecting that to keep up with demand. It didn’t.
The presses revved up again Thursday morning to print 52,000 extra copies that makeshift crews delivered around town as well as the stadium.
“The players wanted copies,” Parrish said.
Read more here:
There’s the LINK, read it yourself, asshat, then tell me you’re never wrong. You’re wrong more than you’re right and I prove it all the time.
Now, chase a rabbit trail, change topics, and tell us how FOX NEWS said that so it’s not a real fact.
Oh, one other thing, I OWN YOU…sad, little man.
Thanks, Chuck. Google him, he’s huge in STL and in most stories on Ferguson and have a legal element to the story. Called the guy, left a voice mail, he called back in minutes and was great. Talked about twenty minutes, gave me a ton of off the record comments but let me include what he did here. Plus, gave me an open invitation to call him back for anything. Far easier than trying to chase down some self important KCMO figure.
Chuck, he was a super interesting guy. We’ll talk again, Im sure. And, if this flares up to the level it did last time, and I expect it to, I’m going to drive over and meet with him as well as go to the scene and have a look for myself.
Big ups Paul, your Journalistic chops grow and grow.
A veritable fire hose of diarrhea chuck. well done.
Oh, come on; I bet you’re both terrorists, aren’t you?
Uhh you can carry a gun and be in favor of stricter gun laws.
I carry a weapon but do I want someone Chuck-Lowe-unstable, you know, REALLY mentally unbalanced on display for all to see, walking into a school, a movie theater, a Luby’s, with an assault rifle? No.
That’s my Narrative: the Chuck Lowe World is dying off and we’ll all be bettet off when it’s six feet under.
Thanks for the mention. I doubt “Delayed Gratification” means much to folks like you, but be of good cheer, I am 64 and you won’t have to wait that long.
By the way, I was a gunner in the service way back in 1969 and can still shoot pretty well and I don’t get sick at sea. Just some 411.
When the Chuck world dies off, you know what you’re left with, el Puerco? No one with the testicular fortitude to tell the ugly truth. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. The next generation is headed for a free fall. Twenty years from now when you go through a paradigm shift you’re going to be saying, Damn, those guys were right!
The ‘esteemed’ state senator needs to resign.
Jack, according to McGee, outside of not moving out of the way and doing what the officers asked, she may not have broken many laws. Based on that, it’s hard to call for her job. Now, of being a hypocritical, thug, disingenuous azzhat was a reason, she’d get the death penalty!
I loved the “don’t put your hands on me, I’m a SENATOR!” line. My money says that pat down is the most intimacy sister be havin for a while. Word.
The woman is a thug. No wonder no one takes her seriously in Jeff City. She reminds me of Claire McCaskill in a way.
“any parent or guardian of a child who attends a public, private, or charter school shall notify, in writing, the superintendent of the school district, or the governing body of a private school or charter school, that such parent or guardian owns a firearm within thirty calendar days”
Anti gun or not, Anyone with a modicum of common sense (sorry harley) should have a major problem with anyone who sponsored , introduced or supported such a bill. I agree that responsible gun ownership and rights doesnt mean you should walk around with an AR15 in Toys r us. That said, the way some of you leftists brush aside government intrusion into the private lives of its citizenry , is more frightening and disconcerting than some clown carrying a rifle over his shoulder in Starbucks. Whats next, required disclosure of religious and political beliefs? No biggie. The gubmint is here to protect us, they know whats good for us. Stay out of our wombs and bedrooms, but everything else is fair game.
Well said, Mark. Thank you.
“Whats next, required disclosure of religious and political beliefs? No biggie. The gubmint is here to protect us, they know whats good for us. Stay out of our wombs and bedrooms, but everything else is fair game.”
I don’t currently own a gun but I grew up in a house that had several guns, I have fired guns, and I respect guns. I just don’t hold guns in the same esteem as I do as an individual’s religious belief, an individual’s sex life, or a woman’s body. I don’t think that every piece of legislation that looks to further regulate guns is apart of a wider movement to eliminate gun ownership. Regardless, that particular piece of legislation would not have been effective and I am not defending it. I was just pointing out that the state senator was a gun owner and has a right to carry permit so these laws would apply to her as well.
Hear, hear.
+1 Mark.
The honest racist idiocy on this page and in these forums is refreshing. Thanks to all for letting it hang out.
A band of recreational autopsy experts in Kansas City have figured out what happened so everyone can go home. The black unarmed teen shot multiple times, once in the head, was obviously guilty and got the shooting he deserved.
Just another dead black teen and a bunch of satisfied white guys in KC looking for tissues for which to wipe off their angry inch.
Let the Klan rally commence.
Nice place you got here, Hearne.
Curtis, go watch Chris Rock’s “How to not get your A** KICKED by the police” on you tube. Not that it will change your mind but at least it’s a black man telling the truth! Sometimes “you people,” black or white, seem to think telling the truth is racist. You see some truth and call it a klan rally. Why don’t you invest that time trying to affect a change before the black community kills itself off at it’s own hands?
The truth isn’t racist, it’s simply frightening. Lacking intellectual integrity to see it for what it truly is, you count on a cry of racism having the power to shut people up. That’s about as disingenuous and racist as it gets.
If you want blind agreement with your position and opinion, go to McDonalds with Alonozo Washington. He sees it your way, you could have a new friend who’s down with the cause; blame whitey!
Curtis, meet Woodshed, Woodshed, meet Curtis.
No doubt, Paul will assist you in the future when your predictable, sophomoric comments necesitates a reintroduction.
Oh look, another mouth breather chimes in. You must be the Klan fluffer. Good on you for using your mouth to service the other hillbillies.
Morbo, don’t fall for the responses of the intellectually illiterate. But if you choose to insult instead of using your brain, at least be creative. White hoods, hillbillies, nazis, it’s all so five years ago. That’s why I don’t refer to you as H mans illegitimate love child; it’s just low hanging fruit.
Morbo, I think you and Curtis BlowMe could be close friends. Exchange contact info and see if you can’t come up with half a creative response between the two of your race baiting brains.
Your basement armchair analysis from a state away being compared to some form of truth is hilarious.
When you celebrate the death of Michael Brown, do you cut the eye holes in your hoods or is that task handled by a junior Klan member?
Ahhhh, Morbo; sticks and stones may break my bones….but TALK don’t bother me!
If facts are racist, so am I.
I’m right there with ya, Lib; unapologetically so.
Yes you celebrate the death of unarmed black teens. That much is clear.
The only ones who celebrate such a tragedy are named Jackson or Sharpton.
Try harder next time, morbo.
Thanks for reading.
Lib shoots and SCORES from waaaaay down town! Nicely played my friend.
Another brainiac armchair autopsy expert chimes in on a case he knows all about… The pointy part of the hood goes on top, partner.
Who let Angela Davis and Louie Farrakhan’s love child Morbo in here?
+1, by any means possible.
Um, he was shot three times in the head according to ibtimes, here:
I think both men acted as they both fear for their lives- I would being either man in this incident. Police, in my experience are not very well trained and have a gang/thug mentality as well. I do not agree with the article in the part that implies there was only one aggressor.
No matter how due process plays out here, my guess: is Criminally-Offc Wilson will not go to jail nor be found guilty because it is Missouri and the laws unequally favor police over civilians and further police have greater protection for protecting ones own lives over suspect in or out of custody, the population is secondary in reality. Civil trial the family of Michael Brown will be awarded $1.5 million for improper police procedure. A well-trained, legitimate police action would have called in waited, waited for backup the approached the suspects.
But going to court is a crap shoot externalities include quality of lawyer and judge. Should it be?
Finally, please feel free to not agree but do not feel free to call me names or be insulting if I am not as smart or literate as you.
GREAT comments, Kevin. Good to have you as a new reader! Don’t be a stranger, OK? We could use more or your input here, agree OR disagree. Both are welcome.
You know, what Senator Nasheed pulled was about six kinds of wrong.
It was so wrong on so many levels you could easily pen 2500 words on the topic, peruse it for errors, then feel compelled to add another 2500 words. And then ink an addendum.
But I’m not doing that because what it also was was teh stoopid. And I’ve found that those thoroughly et up with the stoopid>/I> view public discourse of their acts — regardless, and often in spite of, an article’s obviously disapproving tone — as validation of same; so no, I won’t be putting pen to paper re Senator Nasheed’s idiocy.
I will, however, mention I found the report noting the Senator carrying extra ammunition to be highly amusing; nowhere in the Senator’s bio does it reference her having served in any of the armed services or partaken of special warfare courses. That being the case I laughed out loud at the image of her kneeling amidst the swirling melee of a riot, backlit by the ubiquitous fires, picking off the pigs one by one as they assault her position…and then calmly, smoothly jacking fresh rounds into her empty clip as her constituents formed a protective ring around her, many of them happy to be taking a round for such a brave defender of something something… Reloading done, she slams the clip back into the semi-auto and resumes fire…
Of course, the extra ammunition bit could simply have been a case of sloppy reporting: the Senator might have actually had an additional two or three loaded clips in her handbag. In which case…still the above scenario (did I mention Isaac Hayes famous theme music can be heard in the background?), but instead of the smoothly, calmly jacking ammo into the clip, she would eject the empty, do a Don Johnson Forward Bullet Evading Roll and slam a new clip in, then return fire.
Can ya dig it?
I had no idea whack-job elected official was so against guns, yet was packing one.
Nothing like more information.
I now question the integrity of anyone that voted for her.
Side note-Dont come for my gun until you can guarntee me that EVERY criminal out there is unarmed. Every last damn one. Otherwise….
Nice write, Paul. Always look forward to your posts.
Lib, brilliant comment. As usual it’s the hypocrisy of who we elect and what they stand for. Instead of looking at the message, our illiterate commenter wants to pick at details that don’t matter so he can stand up for his beloved Dem party, which in the end, is not better than the Repubicans. (sp)
If blacks would open their eyes and see the Democrats have done all they could to keep them a permanent underclass, we’d all be a lot better off.
Not only has this sister voted NAY at every chance, she wants you to have to tell your kids SCHOOLS when you, as parents, have bought a gun. She’s 100% anti-gun ownership. But look at her go; she’s not going into her own peoples ghetto WITHOUT one! She’s gotta feel really good about herself, but that level of deceit comes with the same level of guilt found in any other sociopath.
I think what this article is glossing over is the inequality and injustice normal everyday people in the working and poor classes are experiencing. And the lack representation by those we elect and trust, most of whom we are hearing from in this election season with lies and other forms of propaganda.
We are focusing on the tree which jumped out and hit us and not the thousands of accidents happening all over the forest.
Focusing on gun’s and elected officials lies are relevant, but distract from the gapping violent abyss we are sliding more deeply into from which many innocent lives will be lost forever.
I do know something about being hypocrite, as I have been and may be again. Who hasn’t?
I am new to this site, and your writings. Writing matters, and for that I thank you for spending what precious little time we have writing for me and others.
I think we need to focus on why and how Ferguson is a symptom of much larger para-military era we are currently experiencing in the WORLD.
People used to run to our military and police officers for help, and not run from for fear of their lives.
Mr. Brown, from what I understand without having heard all the evidence, nor having had any due process short of being on a stop and frisk/kill list/profile.
We have a right to use the highways unmolested in pursuit of political change when the systems which are suppose to work no longer work.
The is only two way, as our and many revolutions point out, for change when a plurality of people feel oppressed. Peaceful or violent; Ghandi or Geo Washington; MLK or Malcolm X. Thank goodness this Senator choose peaceful cfg q21 police being mildly violent by arresting/cuffing/frisking and now she HAS to go to court. [‘8jm
simply expressing the perceived need to civilly and peaceably
Buyer beware: Sorry I am new to writing. I plumb.
We should all be very clear what the big problem is and not focusing simply on specifics; a place like Ferguson nor Missouri where they are in the process of “due process.” Otherwise we are simply being hypocritical ourselves; we are here “virtually” doing what she more courageously (dumb or not) risked in person, opposites sides of the picket lines. We should all be aware and exhibit very good understanding of the presumption of innocence and the question of appropriate force by a “well” trained community police force.
I do know something about being hypocrite, as I have been and may be again. Who hasn’t?
I think what this article is unintentionally glossing over is the inequality and injustice normal everyday people in the working and poor classes are experiencing. For me the question, the big picture, is people feel they lack representation, by those we elect and trust, many of whom we are hearing from in this election season with lies, hypocrisy and other forms of propaganda.
History contains almost exclusively monarchs and successful policiticans who lie and are hypocritical-that is never going to be headline news or worthy journals. The cause and how they dress those things are nearly always worthy.
IOW, we have a tendency to address WANTS like focusing on the tree which jumped out and hit us, but we NEED to focus on the thousands of accidents happening all over the forest.
• Para-militarized forced “democracy”, all over the planet in 40-50 different foreign countries. And all the “collateral damage assessed with human compassion and redress. Is it really necessary for democracy? Is this the price we pay for that an justified or not feeling of being more or less safe? Can we be sure we are safer before or after a police action home or abroad? At what cost?
• Is economics supreme over a democratic polity? Or can we have a combo or does have to be strictly Socialism v Communism v Capitalism? Winner take all?
• Should we REALLY criminalize free people who walk down the street, middle or not?
• Should USA arrest people for marching in solidarity, much less tear gas and rubber bullets or REAL BULLETS? Why is solidarity marches ok in Soviet Poland but not Ferguson or Wall Street or Oakland or any place?
Focusing on gun’s and elected officials who lie are relevant, but distract from the gapping violent abyss we are quickly sliding more deeply into from which many innocent lives will be lost forever. Lest we forget history-violent revolution needs no advocating it most time just happens very quickly with very unpredictable outcomes.
I am new to this site, and your writings. Writing matters, and for that I thank you for spending what precious little time we have in our lives writing for me and others.
I think we need to focus on why and how Ferguson is a symptom of much larger para-military era we are currently experiencing in the WORLD. Is this simply a scaled down version of what we are reporting nowadays…it sure looks like that…compare civil rights 1960/Nazi Storm trooper images and well I can’t see much visual difference. Is that ok or not?
People used to run to our military and police officers for help, and not run from for fear of their lives.
The is only two way, as our and many revolutions point out, for change when a plurality of people feel oppressed. Peaceful or violent; Ghandi or Geo Washington; MLK or Malcolm X.
Thank goodness this Senator choose peaceful civil disobedience. And thank goodness everyone who has chosen non-violent protest in Ferguson. There are two option in a system where elections are only two choices bad or worse. From the debates i have hear and the ads I have seen-I have not seen or heard one sinle person who IQ seems to be above a warn summers day, like the on in which Mike Brown lost his life.
Remember too, we are in election season and this is a professed democracy. A state Senator standing in the highway, street, side walk or on her own lawn and blocking traffic (foot or vehicular) is risking her safety to express her politically protected right to assemble and express peaceful dissent. I guess the question readers and writers NEED to ask which is more important, one being discomforted by inconvenience on going a different route or taking away by arrest peaceful people expressing free assembly and speech?
Finally, I express my deepest sympathies for Mr Brown and for his family, if they happen to read this. I think should all be respectful and give him the benefit of the doubt that he stood up to authority and thought he had to. I like to show mercy it makes me feel better than showing bias and it makes others feel better.
I also, we all should, express sympathies for the Offc Wilson and his family. I am sure like Mr Brown he felt he had to kill another person and now he has to live with that just like Mr Brown would have if it went the other way. Decent human beings I feel would rather sacrifice there own life for another than take another, that is a form of heroism.
I am very sorry to report not everyone feels this way…please no personal attacks…it is most generous to treat others better than we treat ourselves, especial considering I am not smart nor very literate, no?
Best Regards.
Welcome to the room Kevin. You’re as smart as anyone else posting, don’t cut yourself short. If you get insulted, don’t internalize it, it’s part of the give and take here sometimes.
You make an interesting point about “Election Season”.
“I think what this article is unintentionally glossing over is the inequality and injustice normal everyday people in the working and poor classes are experiencing. For me the question, the big picture, is people feel they lack representation, by those we elect and trust, many of whom we are hearing from in this election season with lies, hypocrisy and other forms of propaganda.”
“Should we REALLY criminalize free people who walk down the street, middle or not? ”
If the police ask you to stop so they can talk to you, you stop. Period. you don’t reach into the police car and fight with the officer over his gun.
“The is only two way, as our and many revolutions point out, for change when a plurality of people feel oppressed. Peaceful or violent; Ghandi or Geo Washington; MLK or Malcolm X. ”
Violence has a price. If you got the cash and want to spend it, good luck.
At this rate, it is probably best to just sit back and notice the media’s deafening silence regarding Mike Brown news. That silence is your best indicator of what the GJ is going to come back with. They are white guilters so they want everyone to feel bad but they are going to stop short of inciting riots because then the exposed brick on their urban loft will get fire damaged.
thanks /pol/ wilson, enjoyed the story
I’ll let ya in on a little scuttlebutt concerning this case baloney.
The GJ won’t find any charges on the officer and this will get much, much worse.