Out of the mouths of babes…
In the wake of revelations about rampant on-air raunchiness at radio station 96.5 The Buzz and the million dollar message delivered last week by a jury to its parent company and hosts Afentra and Danny Boi, comes this bit of perspective from a former listener and prominent former advertiser on the station who asks not to be named.
In short, there’s a difference between the R-rated antics of rival morning show host Johnny Dare on The Rock 98.9 and the crude antics of Buzz hosts Afentra and husband Lazlo who hosts the afternoon drive slot on the station.
Insiders have long said that the Buzz deejays have been trying to topple Dare as the reigning king of local rock radio – with trashy sex talk like their banter about 13 year-old girls masturbating – but overall their approach has been lacking.
“I just really don’t like listening to The Buzz,” says the advertiser. “They’re really hateful. It’s not like Johnny Dare – they’re really kind of mean.”
“The difference between Johnny Dare and Lazlo and Afentra is, it’s hard to outdo what Dare does because he’s got it down to a science. He got in trouble with the FCC once and he’s learned how to stay within the rules. There’s plenty of innuendo but he stays within the bounds.”
“The other thing is Dare is a good-looking guy and he’s in shape,” says the source. “Women think he’s attractive and that gives him more poetic license to talk about off-color things. Where Afentra and Lazlo – they’re not attractive, they’re not in shape – they’re not media personalities that you’d want to pattern yourself after.
“So when they’re criticizing somebody about their behavior or sexuality they come across as player haters. Because they’re overweight and out of shape, you wouldn’t see Afentra or Lazlo on the cover of anything except maybe The Pitch. I mean, they carry themselves like schlumps, they look like a sack of potatoes. And they don’t dress to try and ease the situation, to try to look better.”
The bottom line: “I think they’re angry because they don’t like themselves.”
Of course Dare is better because he’s in good shape and can attract young hot women. Hmmm.
Plus, Johnny Dare has Glazer on his show..So there’s that.
The “former advertiser” Hearne interviewed is Glazer.
Nobody abhors the anonymous commenter more than CG. Surely nobody is THAT hypocritical.
Apparently there are two incredibly shallow thinking, opinionated businessmen in Hearne’s circle of influence.
Guess again
So the “nameless” biz dudes contention that Dare is good looking ergo successful and loved, vs. The two lard asses who are loathed for their slovenly and unattractive appearance. Like KC Monarch I detect something familiar….just….cant….put….my….thumb…on it.
Jesus hearny, you have written the worst mystery of all time here.
We know exactly who the shallow person is you are talking about.
There are two of you, dude?
Split personality?
That’s cold
I liked Dare on AM 1030Zrock. He still cant pronnounce “ACROSS”. I like Bob but the rotation on the station is just horrible. Lay off the effn AC/DC and Nickleback already. I know I know, its what is requested. Thanks Blue Springs, Thanks West KCK, and Thanks INDEP, MO for having outstanding taste and the unemployed time to call a radio station all day. Whatever. Bands at rockfest NEVER get rotation until the line-up is announced and then once its over – its back to old rinse and repeat. Oh and the ads? MY GOD, can I get the guy from the Lolly Pop Gang telling me to refinance my home one more time? F That, F Them, siriusxm.com
P.S. http://tinyurl.com/l3yxars (aka Johnny Dare)
Is that Lazlo with the beer in his hands? Got any pictures of the Afentra broad?
dare knows the limits..and knows how to befunny without beig crude.
these other pigs don’t kow how to be funny and stay inside the lines.
40 year old women will listen to dare and laugh like crazy.
18 year old boys watching porn will listen to Lazlo…he’s immature..doesn’t have the knack of what works on radio and is plain just filth without being funny.
I can handle dare…he has great guests and he beats the crap out of glaze…
this Lazlo is a small time imitatorwho needs to learn a little comedy
and innuendo…maybe put him in a room with jj walker and some of the lower
tier comics at glazes place and maybe he can turn his career around.
til then he’s a schmuck without any direction.
and congrats to dares production staff…they know how to keep the
show moving…and johnny is a great great guy and people like him.
Lazlo….one big shmugegi!!!!!!!!!!
So, since harley watches porn a lot = harley listens to Lazlo a lot
seems legit
The source for this was CG.
As soon as it went into a discussion about how fat and gross Lazlo and aFATra are you knew it was Glaze doing the talking.
There is no way that that anonymous “advertiser” is not CG. Come on.
Good thing you’re not a journalist, Myterious.
Naming a source with no evidence or affirmation would get you kicked off the team
Don’t they work in the same building? Same company as Dare?
Dare is also self depricating. Lazlo and Afentra are very misanthropic ad put out that teenager attitude that they are the coolest in the room.
Also the book just came out. Lazlo was #1 25-54 I don’t work for entercom but what you guys are doing is much worse than what they did. You are purposefully being hateful.
This is the biggest piece of garbage I’ve ever read.
Don’t delete comments. What you just did in this article is worse than what they did. You’re the mean spirited hypocrites.
To say Lazlo and Afentra’s are crude and somehow allude that Dare is not is ludicrous. Dare has been wowing his listeners with such high brow fare as sending Tbone to poop in a hot tub, sticking a romantic candle in T’s butt, or talking about having sex with a turkey. His show is for the lowest common denominator and let’s be honest, they are a majority in this city. This article is pure personal hatred and has nothing to do with fact. It’s merely one moron’s opinion who doesn’t have the balls to even say who he is. As a former Dare listener, I have to say it. His show sucks so much. Literally the same jokes and gags for 15+ years. Day in and day out. When I was no longer a child, I was no longer amused by his show and stopped listening. Everyone has their own preferences, but to personally attack folks is just downright abhorrent.
I couldn’t have said it better myself, Matt.
Guess what haters. Not me. Don’t really know Lozlo and his staff very well. I know they don’t care for me. No big deal. Didn’t know about this til saw some tweets about it and Lozlo wanting to kill me? Really. I’m not the only guy Hearne talks too.
If you spent half as much time on your spelling as you do grooming your molestache (not just mustache), you would at least correct it to LAZLO. IT REALLY ISN’T THAT HARD.
How demeaning to say that the women who listen to Johnny Dare are so shallow that they base things strictly on the fact that he is a “good-looking guy and he’s in shape”. Maybe you should write an article based on truth, facts and interviews from people who aren’t so afraid to have their name in print. If you want to say something hypocritical, demeaning and defamatory, be brave enough to include your name!!
And you call them shock jocks. You’re old white trash both of you. The seedy underbelly of what KC used to be. Good riddance.
Looks like some fans are butt hurt. Never mind that these two nimrods basically slandered an innocent woman. Im no fan of Dare, or any radio DJ, however other than having his co hosts do some stupid sophomoric stuff, I dont recall Dare setting out to destroy the reputation of someone based on poor research and outright lies. These ass hats are off the air in under 6 months. I can hear the advertisers dropping like flies as I type. Buh Bye
My journalism professor would have given me and “F” if I turned this garbage in.
For anyone looking for a good laugh, I’m just going to leave this here:
Perhaps the author should think twice before throwing stones from such a fragile little glass house.
I could be mistaken, but I think Hearne broke that story on himself…here. What does that have to do with the facts of this case. Clearly the million dollar judgement speaks volumes.
That is awesome! But,
I think the only relevance here is that Hearne printed a story about the way people look. When he looks like an HIV + grandpa with a mail order bride.
Haha ! Hearne got a mail order bride!