Say what you will about Ray Rice, but women do not have the right to hit men…
Ray Rice was wrong and I am not addressing what he did.
What I am concerned about is the vilification of the women who support him – not because of what he did – but because they have other reasons, such as the punishment doesn’t fit the crime and that Rice and his wife should be left alone to solve their martial problems, etc.
The women and men who wore his jersey to Baltimore’s football game have a right to their opinions of Ray Rice’s family situation.
The people who are also wrong here are the ones who feel that if others don’t agree with them, then they need to be made out to be devils or just plain ignorant.
In America we live by the creed Patrick Henry set forth when debating parts of our constitution. Henry said, “I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.”
Comedian Whoopi Goldberg and ESPN commentator Steven A. Smith took a lot of heat for their common sense approach to domestic violence. And women’s issues author Susan Patton who wrote on the subject has also been degraded.
“If you hit somebody, you cannot be sure you are not going to get hit back,” Goldberg said. “You have to teach women; do not live with this idea that men have this chivalry thing still with them. Don’t assume that’s still in place. So don’t be surprised if you hit a man and he hits you back.”
Here’s my take on the subject:
• Males should have the same right as females not to be hit and to be treated with respect. In one of Patton’s books she talked about how the pendulum of change for women has gone too too far. It’s gone past women being equal, to disrespecting and disregarding men’s rights. It’s been reported by high school males that many high school girls will hit them and they’re scared to block the blows or push back against the attacker because they might be blamed for hitting a woman. In essence, it boils down to the fact that both sexes should treat each other with respect and no one should be allowed to hit anyone.”
•Stephen A. Smith of ESPN basically agreed with Goldberg and was taken off the air for a week. Americans need to accept the fact that there are different viewpoints on every issue and all viewpoints should be looked at and a person shouldn’t be punished for saying them, especially when what they’re saying happens to be right.
Political correctness has gotten out of hand and is stifling a realistic and comprehensive conversation on and review of issues.
The punishing of Stephen A. Smith demonstrates this and I applaud Whoopi Goldberg for stating what she believe to be right as well.
There’s no reason why a woman should ever hit a man.
Reality show rabble rouser Jerry Springer constantly says that it’s not okay for men to hit women. However, what Springer should add is that, “No woman should ever hit a man.”
Hey, nobody should hit anybody!
We can’t let a sophisticated and intelligent program like the Jerry Springer Show define how men and women in America should treat one another.
We can’t live our lives based upon what happens on Jerry Springer.
If we do, one day it’ll be okay for brothers and sisters and cousins to marry. And for sons and daughters to hit their parents, for mothers to sleep with their daughter’s boyfriends and daughters to sleep with their mother’s boyfriends.
Need I go on?
I repeat, what Ray Rice did was totally wrong, but no woman should hit a man either. That’s just common sense (Calvin sense).
Quote of the day
“Life is a theatre of the absurd.” Sartre
Calvin Sense is a local African American businessman who chooses to remain anonymous
This bogus “local African American businessman who chooses to remain anonymous” is taking off like a rocket!
You’d be amazed if you knew who he really is, Mysterious. Truly amazed.
Is he the jeweler?
Dead on the fu*kin money Calvin.
Again, if you see THE WHOLE VIDEO of Ray Rice and his wife walking to the elevator, she swings, connects and spits on him before the stanchion.
Again, she couldn’t hurt him that bad and I think he needs anger management and appropriate punishment, but the media generated cricifixion of Ray Rice serve only, to sell advertising and promote whatever agenda de jour the ESPN liberals are fronting that day.
This event, did NOT happen in a vacuum.
If like Harley, Nancy Grace is sitting on your face and the supply of oxygen to your blue berry sized brain is mitigated by the sound and fury of a knee jerk response, based only on the feed from your overlords, then sure, you want catharsis by way of Ray’s destruction.
Or, circumspection and logic with regard to the event might warrant rethinking a trip up Calvary for the edification of the ignorant.
Me, I’ll take Barrabas.
Chuck you need to show a little more respect to Nancy Grace!
By the way, here is Debbid Schlussel’s take on the event.
“Yes, I know, an NFL player beating a woman–shocking! Never ever happened before right? While nobody should excuse domestic violence, I wonder what people would say if a man spit on and then slapped another man, NFL player or not. Would the spitee (or is that spatee?) and slapee be unjustified in responding? Or is there a double standard for women–you know, the group that insists on “equality,” but actually means special treatment? I watched the video of Rice–actually it’s been forced upon me repeatedly in every single newscast I’ve seen . . . over and over and over again–and I saw a woman who spit on and slapped a man. Not that the man is justified in his over-exuberant response, but once a physical fight is started, that’s what usually happens. Does it make a difference if the instigator is a woman who has exchanged bodily fluids with the man she attacked? What if Michael Sam’s gay mafia prince boytoy had spit on and slapped him in an elevator? Would we even be having this absurd “national discussion”?”
this bitch shlockel….morelies on her internet site…including the ones
you copy on here.
you are an ignorant gullible hateful despicable human being.
now get that shovel and fill that hole on wornall instead of reading
this ladies garbage .
“Hey, nobody should hit anybody!”
– nod the Chiefs defense…
“There’s no reason why a woman should ever hit a man.”
– unless first date he says, “separate checks?”
– ‘the Reverse Cowgirl / Side Straddle /Double Leg No Return Engagement Takedown’
(she inspecting his digit for a tell-tale sign wedding band resided there; or alternately, ‘the Heimlich Maneuver for Dummies’)
ESPN’s Smith & his colleague Michelle Beadle considered (former lacking in panache, latter in sufficient common sense) , link below ––smith-over-ray-rice-domestic-abuse-commentary-213719386.html
Smith’s comments merited ‘polish’ being applied more so any suspension, my opine, but that’s water under the bridge. Beadle, aft hearing colleague Smith’s commentary, replied:
“So I was just forced to watch this morning’s First Take. A) I’ll never feel clean again B) I’m now aware that I can provoke my own beating.”
– the ‘impunity’ implied her statement is curious in a real-world sense, stated inference a person should be blameless regardless motivating factors (like ‘spitting and cursing’? Sez who? Glad final arbiter Michelle cleared that up for us all.)
She continues:
“I’m thinking about wearing a miniskirt this weekend…I’d hate to think what I’d be asking for by doing so”
– Kerouac would not perceive ‘right to impunity’ react stimulation as described, but there are those who will. One’s expectation others ‘should not’ or they ‘should / will’ act respectfully, is the epitome naivete or ostentatiousness.
Walk away. Period. Hitting a woman shows weakness and lack of character. Her actions are her’s. She owns those and that’s her issue. Your reaction to those actions are yours.
You are exaclty right jim, but that is the high water mark on human behaviour and when we all make mistakes as is often the case, then I just think looking at the violence (WHICH AGAIN, I DO NOT CONDONE IN ANY WAY.) in this case and deciding that that the destruction of Ray Rice is all that is required to make us all whole again is in error.
Just my opinion.
Ray Rice is going to wear that the rest of his life. It’s quite possible that this will be the worst moment of his entire life and it was captured on video and will live forever in the cyber-universe. Who among us would want our very worst moment hung out there for everyone in the world to see? Certainly not me.
I have no need to partake in the destruction of Ray Rice. While I have never, ever done anything remotely approaching the violent act that Rice committed, I have my fair share of incidents that I would love to have a “do-over” on. Then again, don’t we all?
Those quotes are not accurately attributed. Patrick Henry didn’t coin that phrase and Sarte is considered apart of the literary movement known as the Theater of the Absurd (he didn’t coin the phrase either). Honestly, these ramblings have as much depth as a chain letter email passed on by my grandparents. So, this leads me to believe that this is either pretty decent satirical writing (common sense isn’t so common…get it?) or this guy is just not particularly bright in the areas that he is writing about. He could be a brilliant businessman, sure, but being really good at one thing doesn’t lend any credence to one’s opinions on any other topic.
Why chuck! You’re totally reprehensible as always!
I have no respect for someone who feels the need to belittle someone so much for their work. You sir are a cad with a broken moral compass. Mr. Sense took the time to speak about something that needed to be spoken about. Nobody should hit anybody, women should in fact not be held above the constraints of chivalry simply because of their gender. If you don’t agree with him, if you don’t like it, then don’t read it. Personal attacks are not needed and I pity your self confidence if you need to do such things to stroke your ego.
My previous post was to jimmy for Calvin Sense’s quote are accurately attributed to the right people. This jimmy is not smart.
Theater of the Absurd is a term coined by a critic to describe a writing movement. The quote attributed to Patrick Henry was most likely coined by a biographer of Voltaire (which is widely misattributed to Voltaire himself). I don’t know what sources you trust but hopefully it isn’t Also, your writing style is weird but I like it. It felt like someone was challenging me to a duel or something. Anyway, I find these articles by Sense to be written without much thought given to the context of the situation or depth of thought to what he writes about. It is a pretty black and white morality and leanings toward conservative beliefs (which he views as simple common sense). It’s pretty simplistic as opposed to thought provoking which is why I started to wonder if this is just satire. If it is satirical then my hats off to the guy.
I’ve never actually had the urge to respond to anyone else’s comments because I do believe that everyone has the right to voice their opinon. However, just as Stranger said above if you don’t like it don’t read it. You are not being challenged to a duel, you are trying to challenge Mr. Sense. You are so concerned with trying to prove that these quotes are from the wrong sources, which they are not, that you missed the entire point of the article. EQUALITY! Not just for women but for ALL! If you would have focused on this you would have noticed that there does not need to be a deep discussion or thought, don’t hit anyone else. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD.
I hope he returns with more common sense solutions, instead of overthinking it like much of us do today. I also hope you chose not to read the posts anymore, ya know to save your energy for researching on other subjects
the feminist movement to get women into combat roles in the Military is pretty silent on this issue wouldn’t you say? though i don’t believe anyone should hit anyone else, if i got clocked by a girl, i would probably clock her back. walking away from the situation is kind of hard to do in a 6×6 elevator. to say that hitting a girl is wrong, but not saying hitting a guy is wrong is just old school bullshit. there are female MMA fighters who beat the holy shit out of each other. that’s ok? female football players, (but don’t tackle them!!!). it’s a double standard of epic proportions, that doesn’t excuse men who beat their wives or girlfriends or children. violence is never the answer in any form, but it also doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to defend yourself (NRA/GUNBONER). I might take a slap or an arm punch, but if you hit me repeatedly, in the face or otherwise, I might just decide i’ve had enough.
Good article. I absolutely love this website. Continue the
good work!