Let’s talk about the Ray Rice deal…
So now NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is the bad guy? Did he hit somebody too? Is he a federal judge? WTF.
Again we have another race scandal so naturally we have to have good guys and bad on both sides of the issue.
It’s pretty simple though; Rice is a punk and should be punished.
Goodell has helped make billions for the NFL and he lightened up on Rice and his wife early on after the incident happened.
Goodell was being a decent guy, so what?
Hey, we’ve had 700 players in the NFL arrested since 2005 – 700. There were lots of situations worse than this one where the player got less punishment.
Like murderer Ray Lewis.
So let’s move on now from Ray Rice and eave Roger Goodell alone.
Yes, Goodell probably saw the tape, BFD. He made his decision. End of story.
Because of Roger Goodell, players like Ray Rice and other players of color are enjoying multi million dollar salaries and careers today.
And he got caught lying about watching the tape.
And then proceeds to investigate himself with oversight by the biggest cheerleaders he has, just like the brain injury crap they are trying to sweep under the rug.
The fact that YOU are okay with this kind of lying says quite a lot about YOU.
But hey, no big deal about assault, murder and other felony crimes when there is money on the line, right Craig?
with dude on this cg. goodell has to take the heat. it sure looks he knew, and got caught lying. men in greater (even lesser) positions of influence and power have been stripped of their positions for doing that.
and bringing up ray lewis and 700 (700!) arrests just serves to make the point that he’s not done a very good job in holding players to a very high standard which the NFL professes to do.
This public crucifiction of Ray Rice reached it’s sell by date last Tuesday. Every single announcer on ESPN and every major affiliate remonstrated and harrumphed around his or her set as if this unforgivable sin was a ground breaking light year leap into hertofore unknown felonious territory.
Gimme a break.
Look, Ray Rice is guilty as hell of spousal abuse and should be punished accordingly by the courts of New Jersey, who, by the way, see this type of behaviour every 20 minutes or so in those same courts.
Who amongst you, didn’t understand, when we saw the video of ray dragging his wife’s body out of the elevator, that he punched her? If you didn’t, then you must have been on OJ’s Jury. Of course he punched her.
Here’s the thing, only once, have I seen the video (Maybe you guys have seen it, I havn’t.) begin IN FRONT OF THE STANCHION prior to the elevator doors as Ray and his wife are walking towards the elevotor. In that video, which again, we have all seen, but only at the entrance of the elevator doors, the missus, turns and clocks ray with a right hand. After she and Ray get on the elevator, she hits him again and then comes at him, where we can all see, he drops her like Dwayne Bowe in overtime.
Again, I am NOT making excuses for this guy, his wife couldn’t possibly hurt him, but I do think that this is more about a media feeding frenzy that networks know will sell advertising and keep people engaged if their on air employees all get on board and act more indignant than the guys on the other station.
“Ray needs to attend Anger Management Classes”. Yeah, he does and so does his wife, but there is no mention of her. As ineffectual as her punches were, this event did NOT happen in a vaccuum. He didn’t get up from the table and sucker punch her because the roast was overcooked.
On one network, they had a psychiatrist and a social worker explain to we uneducated folks in the hinterland, that Ray and his wife were alchoholics and in a co dependent and abusive relationship. Get the f*ck outta here. No interviews with either of them, no study of habits, no checking on what friends and relatives say, ZILCH.
As far as I can tell, Ray Rice has never been anything but a good citizen in Baltimore and a credit to the NFL and the sport of football. He didn’t rob a liquor store and shoot someone, he has never before been violent and his girlfriend did marry the guy.
No I do not in any way condone what he did, but there is CONTEXT to these actions and again, this is a feeding frenzy used to sell advertising and promote the agendas of folks who are actually thrilled that Mrs. Rice went down under the fists of a black NFL Player.
Just my opinion.
and a well-reasoned one at that chuck. (I know you have your haters out there, I’m not one of them.) but this isn’t about rice now. it’s about what goodell knew and didn’t know and what action he took based on that knowledge.
Goodell simply “screwed the pooch” by not doing “the right stuff”
GOODDELL did not punch jenae! ray did! that’s between the police and ray and jenae!
My opinion … stop watching ESPN and listening to sports radio. Bunch of old ladies aid type gossip.
For all the reasons stated bloggers everywhere, Goodell’s credibility is shot… no need rehash all the particulars; suffice to say he’s genuine as a $3 bill.
Tagliabue and Rozelle were not universally loved, but, neither them or the five other formers who preceded Goodell have been despised. Our survey says – ‘Roger is’ (the guy who claimed NFL had exclusive rights to New Orleans ‘Who Dat’; the tyrannical heart is an insatiable one.)
Wielding a management $tyle gentler than Pol Pot but no less endearing than Pioli’s, Goodell makes Gordon Gekko look a philanthropist, in comparison. If NFL coffers be burstin, a larger repository is requisite just on principal alone. Not content to merely oversee the continuing bastardization a game via rule change, murders it too by the $, via the lie and by way a haughty pomposity and arbitrariness. As the pro game same, in due time: “he gone”.
you should say all that to RAY! not goodell!
Goodell lied. He should resign. Ravens upper management should resign and owner should be forced to sell his team.
GOODELL should not resign! maybe you should resign! who have you punched/hit/pushed that your boss don’t know about?
So Glaze are you saying that if he did see Rice punching that woman in the elevator and still gave him a slap on the wrist that we should let it go? I am sure you are just covering your ass for the next time you roid rage and slap a hooker, but damn dude….He knocked her unconscious, the commish should have kicked him out of the league in Feb when this all came out. And BTW, this is the dumbest quote ever…. “Because of Roger Goodell, players like Ray Rice and other players of color are enjoying multi million dollar salaries and careers today.” . That is the sort of quote that should have been prefaced by “I am not racist but..”
Guys calm down. He knew, he made a call, Rice was very wrong. IT HAPPENS DAILY NOW. TODAY WE HAVE THE CHILD ABUSE CASE WITH VIKINGS PERTERSON…it won’t stop. These guys can’t get out of the hood. Firing Roger solves nothing. Hey I don’t know the guy, he’s done a good job. I don’t see why balancing racism fixes anything. I hate what Rice did. I have never hit a girl. That could only happen in a real self defense for your life type deal. He is a hood rat, clearly, that’s hood life as was Petersons move, when I was a kid my dad beat me with a belt, whip and strap…in the 60’s that was not unusual, yes it left welts….its wrong. What Rice did is hood life. Wrong, very wrong…we live in different worlds, blacks vs. whites…way it is only time will fix it…if it makes you all happy to fire Roger, fine. He is rich, he will land on his feet. Lots of leaders know lots of things and don’t tell us, right. Now he falls trying to help out Rice and players of color…never ends. Again all about the money.
Might start with making black players go to class and get a real education. Right now almost none do, they have no education just a degree, its a joke. It only hurts them in the long run. Almost all of them end up broke 3 years out of the NFL and NBA a fact.
were you get your facts from? you read like a very FOOLISH person!
craig, looks like someone snitched on Goodell. Or was it an undercover sting?
The self-professed king of sting should know!!
I mean, he called himself the king of sting or whatever the hell that means so he should know!
Peterson for dad of the year.
Maybe if more dad used a switch or belt we wouldn’t be haing 3 million
people fill our prisons. Maybe it could hae changed his life.
truth is that Peterson went too far according to reports.
Buti met Adrian with his agent tom condon. the kid knows what a
broken homecan do. Maybe this was all his frustration from watching
it while hegrew up.
condon gave Adrian a scrapbook …maybe that’s what lit Peterson off.
see what his family was like and never wanting that for his own kids.
keep the commissioners….the teams will make their billion ayear
come 2025 and moveon.
another tmz story!!!!!
Billionaire owners will support Goodell. He has made them billions. Over 10 billion in value in his 8 years. Owners only respect $$$$$$. They could care less about domestic violence. Allow me to repeat: “they could care less about domestic violence”.
Now, with that said, if the fans stop showing up, buying merchandise and boycott the stadiums, the owners will suddenly “care” about domestic violence. When the $$$$$$ goes south, owners get humble real quick. Until then, they won’t do skit.