I’m traveling to Ferguson, Missouri this weekend to protest…Governor Jay Nixon saying Missouruh, instead of Missouri.
Instead of helping keep the peace, President Obama is vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard, where pretentious liberal folk use the word “summer” as a verb.
Virgin Airlines wants to introduce a “kids only” section on some of their flights. I call it “overhead bin.”
R.I.P. Robin Williams. I modeled my attention span after you.
Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point 99.7 FM
must note that the graphic of that ‘magazine’ cover was the impetus for an on-going email exchange containing various squirrel pics. she spent time in southern Missouri so when I saw this the first time, sent it to her. that started us attaching squirrel pics to our emails. you’d be very surprised at what you can find squirrels dressed as and doing on google images. pope, check. sith lord, check. drunk squirrel, check. soldier, check.
Kelly congrats on the nice ratings for your show this period. Glad to see it.