Pardon the interruption but the Scribe is pissed, really pissed…
The Kansas City Chiefs are born losers and totally suck. So says, Stanford & Sons main man Craig Glazer, a longtime follower of the game and amateur sports handicapper.
Take the team’s first round draft pick of Auburn defensive end Dee Ford.
“What does that say about the Chiefs ineptitude?” Glazer says. “They’re losers, man. That draft pick was absurd. I have no other words other than, blithering idiots.
“Let me get this straight; the current Chiefs quarterback wants out of here and they go out and pick an undersized defensive end that injury prone and a concert pianist, as if that matters. There were a couple of great wide receivers available and god knows we need that. It’s another classic, mind-boggling Chiefs move.”
On second thought…
“How about going up one spot and having the balls to get Johnny Manziel?” Glazer rants. “That’s what Craig Glazer would have done. We haven’t had a great player in a decade – barely Tony Gonzalez maybe.
“I could get in my car, drive around and pick up two homeless people to replace Chiefs GM John Dorsey and this team would not be any worse off. Didn’t we just go through all this with Scott Pioli? It makes me sick. What a bunch of pussies.
“With a little bit of effort we could have had Johnny Football, the most exciting player in college football in modern times. Maybe he wouldn’t be John Elway or Tom Brady, but for the first time since Joe Montana there would be some real electricity and excitement in those two boring stadiums.”
It’s beyond frustrating, says the scribe.
“We only missed Manziel by one spot. The Chiefs could have traded Alex Smith and thrown in Brandon Flowers and maybe a draft pick from next year,” Glazer continues. “Is that disgusting? What are the Chiefs trying to prove? They had a player that blew his brains out and I’d say almost every player on the team that’s black smokes pot. Don’t give me this good guy stuff.”
As for risking it all on Johnny Football, “I really don’t think Manziel’s going to go out there and lay an egg,” Glazer says. “He’s a talented kid. He’s a winner. Unfortunately, he’s playing for another losing football team, the Cleveland Browns.“
even hearne calls you amateur….and you’re not even that.
you’re pop warner level.
receivers are a dime a dozen…and I’m sure that when the receivers
coach and emmitt look at the receivers they’re going to find
someone to take the place of the losers we have.
yes we need receivers…but we lost to indy not because we didn’t
scroe enough points …it was because we couldn’t keep them from
the experts say you have to win with defense..look at seattle….
best defense in the league…super bowl winners.
again..we’ll be hearing the same tune from glaze when the vhiefs
prove himwrong again.
let me say it again…only your fuzzy math on picks and your fuzzy
math won loss record on bets keeps people thinking you know what
you’re doing. A blind pig in mud coulddo better.
Capspace left from the previous gm and the lack of any moving space
with contracts made it literally impossible to make the kindof moves
we all want to move.
You’d like to have lewis black or john stewart at your comedy shop…but
you can’t afford them. Sure bring them in….but you can’t.
Theres a cap and the chiefs have to lookat that.
You’re a fucking wrong fool. How many first round qb’s failed…do I have
to name the 80% of them that did….few make it…in fact name me
6 in the nfl who werefirst round picks and are doing well…
was room? colin? poinder? namethem for me glaze.
Your stupidity continues…please stfu and go back to the puss and
party stories with young strippers that have made you a “household” name (lol)…
because again you know nothing about sports……
Here’s another mind-boggling thing: how Craig Glazer manages to stay alive.
Sorry we missed out on the “most exciting football player in modern times”. I’m so depressed; I wish was a black guy so I could smoke some weed. These Glazer stream of consciousness posts are a hoot.
Ok, that really was pretty funny.
The pick may turn out good. I’m not blown away by it but I kind of like it. That wasn’t the offense that blew a 30 point lead against Indy or couldn’t stop anybody the second half of the season. This is just me, but I think Dorsey is playing for the future. Personally, I don’t think the Chiefs make the playoffs this year. Dorsey might not either. They’ll end up getting Alex Smith extended so we’ll have a QB. I know we need a WR but remember how awful the defense was last year. We also need a corner and safety, not to mention three offensive lineman walked in free agency. Manziel is a huge risk. I think he’s too small to survive. BTW, that was former Chief staffer Ray Farmer killing it for the Browns yesterday. Where was that when he worked for the Chiefs?
Well Hearne interviewed me and the weed with black players comment was a bit harsh…’most players’ in the league like to smoke the now close to legal green stuff…it is what it is…not only our team all of them.
The Chiefs need everything really. We are only solid in a couple spots, QB for now, Charles at running back but he needs help too, DJ is a solid middle linebacker but now in his final couple years here, Tamba I think is in his last year here, Houston has proven little so far, the D backs all have major issues, Berry is a bust, so is Flowers.
I just don’t see the effort from most of them. They may have had the talent but it just didn’t happen. I think those guys with Marty, different story. Much better.
Yes Johnny was a risk.SO WHAT IT ALWAYS IS…ALWAYS. AREN’T YOU TIRED OF BEING A NO SHOW…SHOW UP…TRY AND DO SOMETHING NEW…TRY FOR GODS SAKE, THIS TRAIN IS OFF THE TRACK ‘WE HAVE NOTHING…NOTHING…NOTHING…NOTHING’ If you can’t see that you are blind. There is nothing here to build on, nothing, nothing. Charles likely has a year or two left with that pounding, Smith is looking for the gate…what else you got folks? Tell me. Poe, ok, maybe, by himself? Really. Again NO receivers, and yes the defense stunk, I think I covered that before. NO pass rush, Tamba and Houston were total and complete busts last year..BEFORE THEY GOT HURT LATE. No sacks second half of season, 2 from Tamba in what 9 games. Really. I can do this all nite. Nobody but Charles, Smith and DJ deserved an all league spot. The rest were BS.
The Broncos took Cody Latimer in the 2nd round.
Denver is just gonna kill everyone.
Does ESPN know that The Glaze is probably available to be an on-air draft analyst? Now THAT would be hoot!
Craig is right on this one too. Chiefs won’t take a chance, always playing it safe. It has been this way forever. That is the culture from the ownership, like father like son.
I’ll tease the Dee Ford pick with the Buffalo Bills.
JAX is really gonna regret passing on Johnny.
Stream of consciousness (or un perhaps), Kerouac’s… to Manziel or naught to Manziel – that was the question ‘Show Me State’ – and so they did; Chiefs answered…with inertia.
‘No Jimmy Johnson’, the Chiefs brain trust… KC never will ‘go down gamblin’ appears. Year after year they underwhelm and are outmaneuvered by the rest of the NFL the drat. The names in charge change but the result as measured by impact never does… 45 years & counting, mounting since a Championship.
I don’t prefer Manziel’s personality, and he is on the short side at 5’11 7/8 – so was Len Dawson for that matter 6’0 (on his best day), but as a QB & season ticket $ale magnet, a fan draw, Johnny Football’s what the Chiefs needed. Alas, they did what they do best & most often: nothing.
Aside from taking a chance and drafting Gonzalez in 1997 via trading up (an aberration in their giddyup), they most often sit & get taken advantage of by their betters around the league. They haven’t drafted a guy who made a difference since forever. In 1989, a HOFr fell into their lap at #4 overall (they couldn’t easily **** that one up, four HOFr’s were selected in the first five picks that year NFL )
Whether Manziel becomes Dawson or Tarkenton or Griese (all of them pint-sized QB’s who made it big) or Flutie or LeBaron or Marlin Briscoe remains to be seen… alas, just not in red & gold KC.
Fact is, a team that takes no chances (or rarely, Schottenheimer years) gets nowhere. One time that they did get bold (trading their #1 pick in 1993 for Montana and signing Allen) they got farther than they have the last 45 years. Last year/20 years later, KC traded for another 49er QB – closer to reward if no cigar – the correlation seems clear: nothing risked, nothing gained. Smith will be 30 soon, his window half closed already & if he goes down, it’s Daniel or Bray… and pray.
1963, Chiefs traded starting QB Davidson to OAK for the #1 overall pick…it brought HOF DT Buchanan. Too, they took a flyer on a free agent (some guy named Dawson who came to Dallas and ended in Canton.) Two Superbowls the result, KC became so enamored they’ve never since drafted their own QB (least of any impact), preferring look for his second coming on other teams rosters & on the street; on & on they look, always window shopping/looking for something for nothing the bargain rack.
Through the years they’ve looked – Beathard, Livingston, Jaynes, Fuller, Blackledge, Blundin & more (including ones that got away, Staubach was drafted by them, theirs for the taking a Fouts, Montana and Marino too; Manning might have considered KC as well but something/circumstance always seems to stymie the Chiefs. And so, with a heart left perpetually in San Francisco (DeBerg, Montana, Bono, Grbac, Smith and probably Kaepernick too at some point the future), we quarter(back) on.
Bad luck, bad drafting, a failure to prepare or just a fear of failure prevents them from pulling the trigger? (double entendre not intended.)
The 2013 #1 overall pick was theirs, they couldn’t/wouldn’t find a trade partner so settled for a player who underwhelmed, missed time due to injuries and played RT because a better player was playing LT. Latter’s gone, the former (heads up to Alex Smith) your starting blind side LT 2014, a guy who has never started there the NFL.
2012 & 2011: a hit and a miss (and for every 2010 and 2013 Cinderella season same KC a reality check 2011 & 2012.) Ineffectual draft choices compounded one upon the other, occasional success not alleviating nigh on half a century of football also ran-ism, $eason come/$easons go.
2010 the #5 overall pick… you hear he is a safety (if in name only) & a three-time pro bowler – I see a guy regularly torched in coverage (he hasn’t located SD’s Gates in four years now) & a hit (and miss) tackler (see playoff game vs Colts)… he’ll back up to the pay window for nigh on $12 million in 2014 though, according reports.
2009: the #3 overall was Morganna Roberts in cleats, size 60 DD. If former Chief DE Wilbur Young was ‘no Army’ in his own words, LSU ty was no threat to get to the QB. He has descended further south now to where the GM himself who drafted him fled a bit earlier, may they bust happily ever after.
2008 the #5 overall pick: LSU glenn looked a lot like Carolina ryan sims to me… that same year the BALT Ravens took a chance on a small-school QB their #1 (18th) – led them Superbowl win/was MVP. Can’t gauge talent or afraid to make an mistake, KC nonetheless does the latter almost without fail, annually.
2014 & beyond, Manziel may or may not star in the NFL… he’ll will do neither for KC, that much we know (perhaps if we wait long enough, say 12 years until he’s 35, Chiefs will acquire him.)
Last seven years in review: four coaches, three GM’s, 0 playoff wins… keep the faith & your $ rolling into Arrowhead Drive coffers. Last 45 years in review… unthinkable.
K that was outstanding my friend. You just backed up everything I wrote. A franchise lost somewhere back in 1972 or there abouts. This years draft looks like most of the Chiefs drafts, nothing exciting, maybe you gain one good player, maybe. One good player ‘ain’t’ gonna help this empty roaster. I so hate this for the fans who still believe, still think ‘maybe’ still hope for a run. Then are told “we are building for the future.” The ‘five year plan’ again.
Years ago when I worked with Peterson on Red Fridays, and made them huge, he actually thought I might be trying to get close to Lamar and take his team from him. A nutty imagination. Know what wish I could have. Two things, RICH GANNON would have started the 1997 playoff game at Arrowhead for the Chiefs not Elvis, and we’d have gone to the Super Bowl. Two, I’d have made a ton of money. Oh well we can all dream.
Chiefs fans I hope I am wrong. I hope the team does well. I do. Sadly that seems to be a dream as well. I’m sorry. I really am.
“Get close to Lamar and take his team from him”? Wow, Glaze; you were that close to being Kansas City’s V. Stiviano.
Hah, I don’t think I could afford it…I know I couldn’t. Lamar was a nice man.
Now that the draft is over. I have to say Dorsey did what he could to fix the D and offensive line. Too many holes, no wide out picked, which is very bad. Some of these picks look interesting, the running back, Corner and maybe Dee Ford. It may have been a decent draft had the Chiefs not lost so many players and gained none in off season. Just too many spots manned by players that can’t get the job done…too far down the hole.
Getting Murry is interesting. At one time considered the top qb in college football, before he got hurt and Georgia fell.
It runs the gamut grades A to F for the Chiefs 2014 draft, various opinions websites rife with the usual “great draft” pleas the one & “Dorsey struck out yet again” others.
Kerouac’s knee jerk gives KC a preliminary grade of C – or D, which is as menaingful this point as those who are already claiming ford will be a HOF’r (really, a Chiefs fan really said that) & murray is the next drew brees. I don’t believe KC is better than they were before the draft & they’re certainly worse on paper than season’s end ’13.
Defense as offense, every veteran player is a year older, flowers, hali, d. johnson and devito maxed out while smith’s best is medicore. poe and houston have some upside, while berry has carried media overhype about as far as he can. That they lost three starters on an already swiss-Chiefs D and draft additions ford (a guy who has more ? marks than the Riddler) & gaines (a special teamer year one, at best) plus walker to replace jackson and mays same jordan appears to be a case rearranging furniture on last season’s Titanic season’s second half in general & Colts 2nd half same. lewis too is gone at S and if he wasn’t a big loss in the eyes many, what does it say for the guys on last years roster who could not beat him out, abdullah and commings? No amount of “potential” convinces me a cohesive unit will magically materialize due “we believe”.
On offense, losing three lineman & at least two starters (three if we count sometime starter asamoah) will be the biggest hindrance the Chiefs success in 2014, my opine. They can’t just plug in a couple of roster fillers from last season or an late round pick from today’s draft and say ‘done’. Apologies todd haley’s “any 22 guys off the street”, unless KC wants to win 4 games in ’14 (which just may be their summit), they’d best hope linkenbach is 2014’s schwartz & fisher the left side is better than eric upon the right; otherwise, major cave-in tendencies are suggested and negative carries by the always one hit away from his football demise, twiggy charles.
Elsewhere on offense, there are more questions than answers too. kelce is no more a guarantee to thrive than jenkins – neither is proven. The RB drafted may be fast and may be exciting and may take mccluster’s place; then again, he may just be dexter.2 with the same limitations. bowe knows he’ll start at WR, if only because he’s the best of a sorry lot (if the Chiefs had the ’68 Chiefs o-line, they could run Stram’s full-house backfield & dispense with a second WR, or even Levy’s wing-T backfield of reed, bailey and mcknight, ’78.) If QB was not an worry in 2013, be no certainty it won’t be in ’14, an offensive line in transition. Mr. Smith may not go to Washington, but to the IR he just might. Two david’s and a goliath are daniel, murray & bray… if they sound more like a law firm than an elite trio backup QB’s then ‘I object your honor’, but if it please the court the evidence is immutable.
Special teams, mccluster & demps their three td returns are out, while succopp is still here (and still more iffy than money as a kicker, my opine.) davis is back, the drafted RB and a free agent pair mcknight & dressler too will compete. Could be worse, could be better the upshot. Thus is 7-9 in 2014 my prediction still this early stage the off-season, 8 wins tops or few as 4 also possible.
Just got home from work and my gal…K you are the best man. I love your work.
“just got home from work and my gal”………3 am…
did you help her count all those one dollar bills?
glaze amazes…still can’t figure out and make one single comment without
talking out of both sides of his mouth
first it was bad draft…then good draft…then bad…then good…
if you wantan exciting quarterback out of the draft there were plenty now
working the mcdonalds circuit…if you want bland but great quarterbacks
thereare maybe 3 or 4.
drafting qb’s is the biggest crap shoot…especially since few of them
have the experience to run a pro style offense.
how about all those great qb’s drafted who were gunslinging qb’s in
college. they’re all gone.
manziel…might do well one year til they get his number but seriously
doubt with the speed of defenses he’ll be able to last. too many injuries.
Harley you never know who is going to make it and who isn’t with the draft. My point was simple: This franchise has been terrible with the draft, winning games that matter and winning in post season. Nobody is worse than us. No Super Bowl in 45 years, 3 playoff wins over that time frame.
Since we are ‘rebuilding’ why not get some excitement like Johnny Football. I think its time to go another direction, that’s all.
As for what Dorsey did overall when I saw his entire list of picks, yes it was better than I thought when he started out. That’s all. No I don’t think it looks great. Lots of question marks. Too many holes, tough line up this season.
I was trying to be open minded to what Dorsey and Reid did with their picks. That’s all. No I wasn’t impressed. The Georgia QB is interesting.
glaze…read patriots report on manziel…
he’s a prima dona…never showed for workouts while rest of team busted
their asses…knew only about 60% of the offense….spoiled brat….was
not a team play….shady background…I think the patriots know a little
more than a comedy store owner about players.
stop trying to make yourself an expert…you’re a bad bettor…
stick to comedy…that’s your schtick.
A bad bettor who wins over 65% huh, on the record. OK…I still like Johnny man, he is electric. Going to Cleveland is worse than coming here. So that might kill him, who knows. I know this had we drafted him, this town would be very upbeat on the Chiefs. Right now its not.
you need to go back and take math class glaze…your
fuzzy math is way off……
who says kc is not upbeat on chiefs..
season tickets are growing…the prices of single game
tickets thru the roof and still people buying them…
the draft was the talk of the town for 4 months after the
super bowl…
nfl draft drew huge audiences in kc on tv (espn/nfl net) and
all the picks and sams story.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sooncamp starts and it takes over all the sports
you live in a cocoon…the people you hang with are not
regular people..
there’s a huge growing excitement about the chiefs
this year….
I’m putting you with wislon in the doom and gloom
room. Both of you are way too negative all the time.
Manziel was not right for this team….get over it….
chances are he’ll be a bust in 2 years like 90% of the
drafted qb’s or holding a clipboard.
this town is ready for football….I see it everyday in
working with former chiefs players and with media
again glaze…you need to get your math right…your picks
are average at best (if you counted them correctly) and
your advice aboutmost subjects is just above that of
a Ouija board.
You mean the Patriots… residence hallowed football grounds where tread expertise the form ‘football types’ such as Pioli (nuff said), place where blind squirrel moment begot Brady (who NE as well as every other team passed on well into the 6th round) and Belichick, that bastion fair play (Spygate) as well candor (read the link below to observe integrity ‘tap dance’ before your very eyes.)
You wanna talk Green Bay Packers, Lombardi & Starr, Kerouac will take a knee and genuflect; otherwise, Pats are but a poor replica & distant football second, variously.
Manziel may be unconventional (frankly, I’m repulsed by showy, egoistic football types specifically, the realm blogdom and/or comedians/club owners I care not) but like him or not – and I don’t – it takes all kinds to win football games. That Manziel is an winner is not in dispute. Staubach was the Saint, Bobby ‘The Candle Burner Both Ends’ Layne was not – for every Namath a Dawson, for every Stabler a Starr, and once upon a time were many more the latters than the formers. 21st century, prima donnas rule, sad to say.
One final thing: former Chiefs QB Len Dawson is said to have (early in his career) tried patterning himself after the loud, overt Layne. That Len overcame that errant tack & as well became ‘Lenny The Cool’ suggests anyone, QB Manziel or another, may do the same.
Conclusion: appears CG (who I don’t know from Adam & might in fact not like were I to meet him) is sorta like a Lays Potato Chip – no one can read him just once, without returning for more. ‘That’ being the recipe for readership this or any blog, appears he is succeeding… just Kerouac’s 2 cents and then some.
kerowac….if you thing the patriots are the only teams that do these
“shady” things let me sell you some bridges.
this is commonplace…competition breeds this. Playbooks stolen..
playbooks taken and moved from team to team…copied…
players giving away secrets…players cut sell their books to other
teams….watching practices…watching scrimmages…
use of telescopic lenses…using every available means to win in the nfl
is a matter of record.
one Atlanta falcon caught with hooker before game…ah yes…who paid
for her….look it up dude.
But as one of the winningest teams of late…with a system that works
better than almost any other in the nfl…..being able to place players in
positions they never played and making them all pro….I ‘ll take what
the pats say more than say the cowboys or 48 ers or any other team
besides maybe one or two.
they passed on manziel with good reason….check his stats….with 3 awesome receivers
he did quite well…he’s fragile and remember the injuries in the pro are much
more severe than in the college game…so he’ll probably get beat to hell
when and if he does play.
Lots of press…lots of ink….few good/great seasons but he’s like your
buddy tim tebow. The chiefs may need a qb…but that’s because they hae
no receivers that can get open inside of 3 step qb….
but don’t doubt winners….that’s a bad thing to do….
thanks for your comments
K I would enjoy meeting you and I’m sure we’d hit it off. You are the most ‘on it’ comment person on this or any blog. I mean that. I also like Chuck and crazy Harley but you make the most sense and back it up. We tend to agree. If you merged the Chiefs organization and the Royals together. You would have sports worst package. Two poorly lead programs for decades. No end in sight.
The Chiefs have thrown in the towel on this season, as did Scott and Todd in 2011. However the Scott/Todd group never got better. Will this one? Now the media is singing my song…”ok this will not be our year”…really, shocker! “But next year”…really, next year what an 8-8 team or 9-7? That’s where this club lives…between nowhere and maybe.
CG, appreciate the kudo. My point for ‘hurley’ was: someone’s demeanor may or may not resonate with someone else, but, whether a QB/draw (Manziel) or a blog author/draw (CG), people take notice and must acknowledge said. That said can equate to page hits or ticket $ales the point…one’s ‘rep’ Kerouac cares less about in general today than entertainment value, gridiron or blogdom. If Schottenheimer were still here and it was still the late ’90’s, he’d have drafted Manziel in Marty’s final, ‘shoot for the stars’ grab for the ring; guess we have not served enough penance yet, KC.
The last QB here who, if nothing else, created excitement if not copious wins ultimately was Tyler Thigpen. If the Chiefs were gonna lose games regularly anyway (they have for decades now), might as well enjoy the race in lieu the checkered flag, minimum. The QB position (most visible/generally adulated upon by fandom) has not ever had a draw like Manziel. Maybe KC wouldn’t embrace that type personality but might such a player (as the case #58 DT) put the Chiefs on the map nationally as well? Might it result in free agent/s wanting come to KC (recruiting) in order play with such a player?
Recall Montana coming to KC didn’t hurt the Chiefs ability lure a Marcus Allen here. CLEV (like KC, a black hole far as football success) sold more than 1,500 season tickets the day after an unproven in the NFL QB Manziel was drafted… coincidence? Maybe it was the presence their new Head Coach Pettine caused the ruckus?
Though successful to varying degrees, the best KC QB’s franchise history were Dawson, Montana & Green, more average Joe personality than Broadway Joe, ala Namath. Manziel might turn out be a colossal flop – so what else is new KC? Regardless, he’d create a buzz & as it stands the only buzz in KC right now are the flies annually circle the carcass another end a winless Chiefs post season.
If 45 years wandering the NFL wilderness hasn’t convinced KC management try a bolder tack, nothing will. Like MLB’s Cubs, there’s always ‘next year’.
Dead on K. I am with you 100%. Nothing we have done since Dawson, other than Marty’s good teams, has worked. Why not try the excitement plan, we have nothing to lose. This teams base players are almost all failures, save maybe three or four. The rest are soon forgotten average or below NFL guys. Nice try’s no cigars. So why not try something different and exciting. Losers, lose. That’s been these guys for half a century, why expect anything else and the fans stand there and cheer every year. Lord I don’t get it.
– yes, hurley?
“if you thing the patriots are the only . . . ”
– the “thing” i.e., ‘issue’ isn’t playbooks, bridges or anything else but this: the Patriots are no better at spotting talent than any other team. If you doubt said, have a look at their drafts, ad nauseam… that they have prevailed is due to a confluence of very good fortune (brady drafted), a change of scenery (belichick, a loser elsewhere in the NFL) & circumstance (tuck rule OAK playoff game the start their ascent years ago, a bit of an assist, my opine.) NE has been more successful than most NFL teams today, true, emphasis “today”. As I inferred, in terms expertise, give me the Packers, Lombardi & Starr over NE, Belichick & Brady – any day.
For the record, Belichick has won 3 Titles – in 14 years at NE… Lombardi won 5 Titles – in 8 years before stepping down. Winning % .655 & .679 record regular season/post season for Belichick, contrasted Lombardi’s .738 regular and .900 post season.
If you want to see how ‘great teams’ were built look at how GB drafted, traded for and signed free-agents a Championship dynasty crew, 5 Titles in 8 years (and 4 points shy a 6th, ) including an unmatched advent the modern game/Superbowl era start 1960’s 3 straight – putting to shame NE’s 3 in 4 years; can’t forget the 10-6 NY Giants beating the 16-0 Belichick Patriots too 2012, Superbowl.
“they passed on manziel with good reason”
– “they” (the Patriots) passed on Brady too, 6 times… and Belichick was so smart he kept on playing Bledose until an injury intervened 9like Haley kept on playing Johnson in lieu Charles, KC.) Belichick also played a 7th round rookie (the former K-Stater QB Michael Bishop) ‘more’ than he did Brady that same year, 2000; Belichick apparently does not walk on water.
Back to whether Manziel has a chance, “they” (other NFL teams) passed on not only Brady several times, but a Marino (till pick #27), Montana (till round 3), ditto Fouts (round 3), Starr (round 17) and Warner (from bag boy to Canton, likely).
Manziel’s NFL story is one waiting to be told; my only concern is his girth, or lack thereof. 5’11 7/8 is concern enough; 207 lbs. is about what former Chief QB Brodie Croyle weighed (I think the Chiefs were fudging on that as well Croyle’s 6’2 height.)
I’ll not bet against Johnny Manziel from the start; only time will be the final arbiter.
“he’s like your buddy tim tebow.”
– I’ve never met “my buddy”, but having seen him throw passes (and comparing said to your narrative skill & football acumen), say with much regret I’ll go with his arm…
“thanks for your comments”
– a guilty pleasure, mine…
stupidity reigns supreme here…..kerowac compares Lombardi era
and todays game.
how stupid can you be… agency…money…coverage….size and
strength of players….speed of thegame today….players moving to
teams more often than in Lombardi era….play calling….
yes glaze you and kerowac belong together…you’re both full of
b.s. when it comes to sports.
and to say n.e. wins because of luck…is absurd and wrong…
look what they did last year after losing top 3 receivers…luck
hardly. They’ve got a system that works…
took qb and made him a receiver…one of leagues top…
glaze and kerowaccy….the laurel and hardy of kcc on sports…hahahahaha!
as far as passing on qb’s….so did half the teams in the nfl.
kewoackky…..your making a fool of yourself.
name a coach today with better numbers than ne coach.
if you were intelligent you would never compare the game in the 60’s
to todays game. Even a child would know better.
please please please….don’t make statements like that. It shows
you know even less than glaze about sports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you want numbers/stats etc…heres a start for laural and hardy!!!!!!!!!!!
For a coach often described as tight-lipped, it was a revealing peek behind his Patriots curtain. It’s a view team owner Robert Kraft has seen up close for the past 14 years. And when Kraft considers the challenges of building a consistent winner in the modern NFL, it’s something he believes puts the 61-year-old Belichick — who has final say over personnel and is heavily involved in managing the salary cap — at the top of the all-time coaching ledger.
“I feel he probably is the best [coach of all time],” Kraft said of Belichick. “The bulk of his coaching has been during the free-agency period, and a lot of the coaches being considered [as the best ever] didn’t have free agency. They had a personnel situation where they could build strength and maintain easier than this environment with the way free agency works.” (see kerowacky…stupid to compare Lombardi era to
today!!!!!!)……that’s from an expert!!!!!!!!
Among his many accomplishments, Belichick is the first head coach in NFL history to record 10 or more victories in 10 consecutive seasons. He has directed the Patriots to five Super Bowl appearances, tied with the Cowboys’ Tom Landry for the second-most in NFL history — behind only Don Shula, with six. And his career winning percentage of .653 (205-109) ranks third all-time among head coaches with 150 or more wins, trailing only Hall of Famers George Halas (.682) and Shula (.666). His 18 postseason victories trail only Landry (20) and Shula (19).
When it comes to his legacy, which is still evolving, Spygate is also part of it; how big a part is debated by some. The team’s illegal videotaping procedures (specifically filming signals of opposing coaches from an unauthorized location) led the NFL to strip the franchise of a 2008 first-round draft choice while fining Belichick a record $500,000.
When it comes to his coaching style, ESPN analyst Tedy Bruschi — who played linebacker for Belichick from 2000 to 2008 — described an atmosphere in which players are encouraged to “think outside the box.” When working with defensive players, for example, Belichick often taught offensive strategy because he wanted them to understand the big picture of how the opponent was attacking them.
“It’s advanced levels of thinking,” Bruschi said, mentioning how another staple of Belichick’s coaching is “situational football” — creating situations in practice and in the meeting room that players might encounter in a game to keep them mentally sharp. As for Belichick’s delivery, “profanely blunt with a mixture of dry humor” hits the bull’s-eye from Bruschi’s viewpoint.
Preparation and attention to detail are hallmarks of Belichick’s work and qualities that inspire his players to compete to the very best of their abilities. “I don’t think there is anyone on his equal, being as focused and on his game that every ‘I’ is dotted and every ‘T’ is crossed, every punctuation mark where it’s supposed to go. There can’t be anybody better than that,” said former longtime Patriots wide receiver Troy Brown. “He puts a lot of responsibility on his players, and there’s pressure to perform. I think that’s the way it should be. I’d go through a brick wall for him.”
Other traits that separate Belichick from most of his peers are his ability to spot talent where others overlook it, the flexibility to shape his game plan to roster strengths and his willingness to offer specific instruction to players regardless of position.
more to come laural and hardy!!!!!
and to think glazes buddy kerowacky compared two completely different
eras of the game is absolutely ridiculous… apples and oranges…
or in glazes case ….strippers and nuns!
or in kerowacky basketball played under dr. Naismith and todays nba…
no comparison kero…..where do you come up with these ideas.
do you live in Colorado or Washington?????????????????????????? just curious?
He is jealous of Tebow’s arm…
sure am…whats he doing now…flipping pancakes at ihop…
another potential great one who flopped. Plenty of them.