A St. Louis lawmaker introduced a bill that would close Missouri retail stores on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas so people can be with their families on those days. Heck, if it wasn’t for retail, I’d have no excuse to get away from my family!
An Olathe man is suffering from smoke inhalation after retrieving an X-Box from a burning home. The X-Box was rescued, but the cat didn’t fare so well.
A new survey shows men have more trouble remembering than women. For example, every Friday I forget my wedding vows.
Apple has fixed a glitch in the IOS7 that causes your phone to randomly restart. I’m having the glitch installed in my ‘85 Dodge Daytona.
I Frankenstein opens in theaters this weekend. It’s nice to see former KC Mayor Mark Funkhouser has found work!
Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point 99.7 FM