Briefly stated. KC Confidential led the way on last week’s Chiefs/murder/suicide stories…
With bullet force. Because we can take the gloves off quickly and be more honest than the TV, radio and print guys.
As I wrote Saturday morning, it was another poor, sad example of bad behavior by an uneducated, highly paid, wannabe gansta NFL black player.
Nothing more.
Oh yeah, financial issues and the new Bentley aside, I had only minor information from LA sources at 8:20 the morning of the shooting. It was all I needed to make an educated guess which has now proven nearly 100 % correct.
Hearne followed with another accurate tale about the media BS, “The City Weeps” story.
Nobody outside of the immediate families wept – certainly not the “city.” As Hearne pointed out, few people even knew of Jovan let alone truly cared. He was seen as what he was, a blown out, high, angry overpaid ballplayer with several women in his life. And nailed down by this one poor girl with his baby.
It’s my opinion Belcher never felt too bad about her as he fired NINE bullets into her body.
He felt bad that he had blown his life away, that’s all. Thus his suicide. It wasn’t about her or their baby, it was all about him.
The media danced on the race issue, which is the one and only issue that mattered here.
“White people just had their negative feelings towards players like Belcher reinforced, that’s all.”
“We want to watch them play but please do not get me near them in public outside of football or an autograph session.”
Again, not because they’re black, but because of the HIP-HOP, GANSTA CULTURE these young men live by.
Is that too hard to say? That’s the issue. That’s the problem. And that’s the only problem.
There are no others
EDUCATION is part of the problem.
Nobody defends this comment, BECAUSE YOU CAN’T DEFEND IT – BECAUSE IT’S TRUE.
I realize all of this sounds racist, but it’s not. It’s my attitude and anger towards this stupid lifestyle. Too many good black people are damaged by the acts of these animals. Good people, great people. Black Americans who want their children to have the American Dream – an education, a good life.
This HATE CULTURE needs to die.
The guns, the gangs, the hate songs, the whole nine yards. It’s destroying our freedom, our safety and mostly young black Americans. There are no AFRICAN AMERICANS, unless you were born in Africa. You are an American. Just like Irish American, third or fourth generation people are AMERICANS.
We should stand together as one. Simple as that.
I am thrilled Westport killed off its rep as KC’s hip hop hang out.
It should die off nationally. There’s nothing good about it, nothing. A culture that preaches hate, anger, violence and NO NEED FOR EDUCATION, needs to die.
The sooner the better. This Kansas City example is one of thousands in America that happen each and every week. End the culture, end the violence. Begin the peace between blacks and whites. That’s the correct way to go.
Dead, dead, dead on the money.
I i i i love to give glaze head!
I thought this kind of stuff was supposed to be deleted.
Sex and violence sell. The white kids from suburbia fuel the gangsta rap with money. Rap/hip-hop are only an extension of a blues tradition known as the talking blues. A vast majority of people would not be able to distinguish a Will Smith rap from a NWA rap (sans a photo or such).
Glamorization of the gangster-lifestyle is nothing new. Look at the early gangster movies, glorified crime and criminals. Look at the Guns N Roses album cover with the woman sprawled on the cover, implicit of a rape and the words Guns N Roses were here.
Your own book glamorizes crime as well. Your message may be the price of the lifestyle is too great, don’t do it. But the message a young man takes away is, way kewl!
There is not a song, a movie, nothing that makes a person do anything. If so, eating Twinkies is responsible for any of my bad behavior.
Kids aren’t all that dumb. They see the “respected leaders” espousing work hard, take responsibility and such. Then they see those same leaders have been taking kickbacks, making illegal transactions and going to prison for behavior they had denounced but were involved in at the same time. They see the dirty, gritty reality of some punk’s actions. An impressionable youth may see this as honesty rather than stupidity.
The media focuses on the bad rather than the good in people. Unless it jeopardizes their bottom line.
Not raggin’ on you. Rather giving some things to contemplate to find a way to put this mentality in the garbage heap where it belongs.
I remember my father’s friend talking of fighting the Nazis during WWII. Hating the Nazis and their ideology, he kept his humanity by remembering that every enemy soldier he may have killed was a mother’s son.
Orphan for the win.
After that post nothing I can say to add to it.
What Super Dave said.
That looks pretty good on paper Orphan, but if there is a straight line correlation between the variables that make up the ‘ganster lifestyle’ (Rap music which promotes killing cops, misogyny, violence et al., prison de rigueur clothing like sagging pants etc etc…) than there would be a per capita equality of criminal behaviour with respect to ehtnicity. There isn’t.
African American crime is insanely disproportionate to the percentage of American population.
To pretend that Movies with James Cagney, George Raft and music from the 40s, 50s, 60s, etc were just as pernicious as Ice T encouraging kids to kill cops is disingenuous at best and probably outright BS.
In addition to that, the ‘Street Cred’ these disgusting Rapper pukes aquire by way of bullet wounds, dead hookers, prison time, drug addiction etc sure as hell reflects the impact they have on kids in the urban core who emulate them in every way but money in the bank.
In my opinion, it is a galactic leap to compare the ganster lifestyle and the effect it has on African American kids to music and culture previoulsy spawned by a long ago, now dead American zeitgeist.
I also notice this, “The white kids from suburbia fuel the gangsta rap with money.” Geeze Louise, lets beat that “White Guilt Dead Horse” until he sings kumbaya.
There are exceptions to everything I know. But to obfuscate and excuse a culture that is responsible for so very much death and destruction is not only irresponsible, it flat out hasn’t worked for 50 years.
It’s important to remember, that while my dad and your dad were remembering that every Nazi had a mother, they still fu*king killed ’em.
Orphan, I luv ya and respect ya, but just can’t in any way agree with what you wrote.
Yes chuck but as well as kids we knew the difference between right and wrong and what was just a show and what wasn’t. Today their appears to be no difference and parents don’t appear to care to teach their kids values like we was taught as kids. Very few shows I watched as a kid growing up didn’t have guns and shooting in them. Rawhide, Bonanza, Wild Wild West, Man From Uncle heck even Get Smart had shooting. But did it make all of us want to run out look like them, act like them and pack a gun to shoot at folks? No it didn’t. Why you might ask? Because we was educated and taught right from wrong and what respect was and how to give it. As well we was disciplined not abused, but disciplined when it was needed. These kids today well look for yourself not hard to figure out whats missing, I just listed most of it.
If you like Liberace… would you dress like him every day? If you like Green Day… Would you show up at work looking like Billie Joe Armstrong? Bono? Tina Turner? Michael Jackson? No… But the hip hoppers think they can walk and talk like rappers 24/7/365 and still be taken seriously. It is called not living in reality.
While we are shunning people who glorify violent culture and worse, those who profit from it, let’s not forget to shun glazer, who glorifies his past violence with the fact-fiction trash “king of sting”.
I completely agree with this KC Confidential contributor who suspects that if we all shun violent people and those who profit from violent culture we would make the world a better place.
What say you Sta…. Chuck?
You are correct. I have no clue why I didn’t kill myself. Good call.
The Scribe’s rather tired of all this hip hop crap,
Thinks the “Gangsta Culture” needs to take the rap
For some of the bad (mostly black) apples in the NFL –
Overpaid dudes who are big and strong but dumb as hell;
Now the Scribe maintains that education’s the key,
And on this very important point I’d have to agree
Because there’s really no future in guns and drugs,
The anger, hate and violence of hooker-lovin’ thugs.
P.S. – RIP Jerry Brown, Dallas Cowboys linebacker.
The dashcam video is out on that DUI they let him slide on.
1) He had the keys in the car.
2) He was passed out with his foot on the brake.
3) There was no bar nearby nor did his story indicate that he walked to the car and fell asleep inside. He makes a statement implying that he drove there.
4) Instead of arresting him for DUI upon his incriminating statement they knock on the other-woman’s door and let him go to her custody.
5) 4 hours later he kills his wife and himself.
If the officers had followed Missouri DUI law they should have arrested him as he was intoxicated, in the vehicle with keys inside and had no plausible story on how he ended up in the car at that location without driving it.
Zero tolerance must only apply to drunky ex Star Gossip columnists.