Looking for a last minute head rush before Thanksgiving hits?
You’ve come to the right place. Let’s mix it up a bit with some one night stand movie action. To Kill a Mockingbird be specific. Don’t rub your eyes, I don’t make this stuff up.
Fathom Events has teamed up with Turner Classic Movies and will return the 50 year-old Harper Lee classic that stars Gregory Peck to the big screen tomorrow only.
Peck won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Atticus Finch, a small town lawyer in the Deep South who believed that all people should be treated fairly regardless of the color of their skin. Finch defends an innocent black man accused of rape in the movie.
The American Film Institute named Finch the greatest movie hero of the 20th century.
And for what it’s worth both my daughters were shown the film in the 8th grade in the Blue Valley school system.
But not on the big screen, which brings us to tomorrow.
The two hour and 30 minute classic will be digitally screened at AMC’s Studio 30, Town Center, Barry Woods and Independence Commons at 2 pm and 7 pm. Also at Cinemark in Merriam and its Bedbugs on the Plaza Palace, again at 2 pm and 7 pm and the Regal KC Stadium at 7 pm only for the casino crowd.
“It’s part of Fathom’s series of classic movies, Broadway shows, operas, rock concerts and sports events that is delivered as alternative programming for movie theaters,” says KCC film dude Jack Poessiger. “There’s all kinds of programming coming available to movie theaters that can range from sports to wrestling. Think of it as almost a pay-per-view event at the movie theater.
“It’s counter programming on the big screen and by doing these on a Thursday, it really doesn’t interfere with regular programming.”
Be there. And don’t forget to take the kids – even if you have to bribe them.
Wanna catch a show where no way you’ll run into KC Confidential music maven Matt Donnelly? Listen up.
Then strap on your going-out-in-style duds and head down to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts tonight through Sunday for Tap Dogs.
Look, I haven’t seen much tap action since Ben Vereen was a pup – evidently he’s 66 now, I thought he was a deader. But if Five Star Reviews on about.com are to be trusted, this show isn’t your grandparents tap dancing review.
Not even close.
Basically you’ve got six hunky Australian dudes performing ultra-fast tap dancing routines interspersed with wild ass gymnastic feats.
I don’t remember Vereen pulling anything like that off.
Canada’s The Star called the show “an exuberantly macho spectacle of stomping feet, flying sparks, sloshing water, streaming sweat and presumably simulated pee.”
Simulated pee? That I gotta see.
“We got two standing ovations last night,” says promoter Mark Edelman. “I don’t know what they’re talking about with the pee. But it’s wet – we had to put all kinds of plastic down so we wouldn’t get any of the seats or equipment wet.”
Yummy. More koolaid.
Black on white rape is 565 to 1.
Per Capita, around 3000 to 1.
U.S. Dept of Justice.
Hey, it’s a great movie (and I’ve even seen “To Kill A Mockingbird” performed on stage at UMKC), but it’s sure tough to compete against “simulated pee”. So do you think Bedbugs on the Plaza Palace would be willing to knock a couple of bucks off the ticket price if I end up in a seat that’s already “occupied”?
If the bedbugs come back those guys may knock off selling movie tickets on the Plaza