Tornados were spotted in Olathe and Raymore Sunday. Both tornados did over $30 worth of improvements.
An 18 year old Blue Valley senior is building a hydrogen fuel cell that may eventually allow you to power your car with water. When I was 18 I successfully used water….to remove stains from the back seat of my car.
France just elected its first Socialist president in 20 years. Some say it’s a giant step backward. I say, they’re just following our lead!
ABC is now a sister network with Univision. Or maybe it’s a cousin network. Regardless, they will share the same social security numbers.
Al Qaeda is reportedly trying to develop an underwear bomb. Details are sketchy, but it secretly involves me drinking milk.
This year I hung our bird feeder inside the window with hopes of creating more angry birds.
Kelly Urich hosts the morning show on The Point 99.7 FM
Really staggeringly unfunny!
this is awful
this hurts my soul and leaves a black hole where humor used to live
And Hearne left this pile under his name!!
That HAD to be an oversite.
And I RESENT what he said about Olathe, since I live there!! It did at LEAST $1000 worth of improvements since it landed on the MEXICAN side of town. No telling how many DirectTV dishes were ripped from the decks of Little Mexico!
Thanks for noticing…
U.O.ME NOTHING… its all in a days work!
I just want to be a blessing.
For the record, this is day 17 with NO HARLEY!! Man…. the air smells better, the comments fresher… its a great world.
u r just jellus of me……………………………………i have ncie thigns………………………………………….own 20 cumpanys………………………………………….wish u had a home like mine……………………………………………..know famuspeeple…………………………………smoak bettur cigars than u………………………………….howevver we have problems………………………………………my atturnee ……………………