Yearly Archives: 2011
Tony: Kansas City’s Coldest Winter & the Frozen Baby
The Winter months have been a horrible low point in this town’s recent history. And not just because the sun was more effective at removing snow than city services in the urban core.
The novelty of the new year’s worn off. We’re closing in on city elections. And we’re at that glorious time of the year when pro-sports isn’t really important and we aren’t out of the running yet for the upcoming baseball season.
Still, at this moment a dead baby found frozen in the back of a pickup truck offers a perfect metaphor for the state of our city.
Allow me to explain.
Shauna: How to Designer Sale Shop Without Having to Kill Yourself Afterwards
It’s no secret that the economy sucks…
And when the economy’s in the tank, fashion, retail and shopping can create a wave of frustration. Designers hesitate creatively, retailers continue to shove the word "sale" down shopper’s throats and shoppers don’t know whether to buy into new trends during sales because the word "sale" means to many LAST SEASON!
When most people think about the word sale, they think about long lines, crowds of quick tempered people – ugh!
Who wants that!?
Sounds Good To Me: What to Do, Where to Go, Who to See This Weekend in KC & LA
You like music? Dumb question, right?
That’s kind of like asking, “Do you like trees?” Nah. Never really been into trees. They’re so leafy and arrogant. And sunsets – hate sunsets.
I was sitting in the corner of a dimly lit dining room a few years back when my date uttered the dumbest phrase I’ve ever heard: “I’ve never really been a music fan…"
“Excuse me, I need to go wash my hands,” I said smiling, moments before I scrambled out the bathroom window, only half believing what had just occurred…If you’ve ever made a comment like that, a comment that forced someone to run away in absolute horror and confusion, stop reading right now. Seriously. Stop.
For the rest of you crazy tree-lovers, here are a few things that sound good to me….
Hearne: Did Kelly’s Overserve Man Killed in Westport?
Now that the cards are on the table in the Brian Euston murder investigation, the $64 million question remaining is, was he overserved that fateful night at Kelly‘s in Westport?
Lost in the search for what happened to the 24 year-old Kansas City man – found dead on a sidewalk near Kelly’s where he’d passed the night drinking – was what sort of shape Euston was in during those wee small hours of the morning.
Not that there weren’t hints.
A Facebook tribute page put together by Euston’s friends is loaded with dozens of photos of Euston waving beer bottles and making Animal House party faces. Clearly the dude was not the laid back sort – he was a party boy of the first order. And while police kept Euston’s autopsy results under wraps, they finally released his blood alcohol levels with the arrest details’
And guess what? The dude was totally wasted – nearly five times the legal limit to operate a vehicle!
OTC: Mobile Media Is The New Tsunami Of News/Sports Info
Jeremy Crabtree, college football recruiting guru, who recently moved from Rivals to ESPN, 810 AM
GH: Crabtree described what he is doing with ESPN’s recruiting services as “building something from scratch.” Kevin Kietzman asked him what we could expect to see in future years and Crabtree made the “mobile” comments. Information is power. That mantra is hummed in IT shops and learning centers from Tijuana to Bangor. And how we gobble our news, sports and weather continues to evolve with more haste than a game of Spore. Read on.
Kevin Kietzman, reacting to Crabtree’s comments that the future for recruiting information and possibly all news info is mobile devices like cells, iPads, etc. 810 AM
GH: Kietzman has been slow to embrace technology. It has not yet hurt his ratings much and it may never cause a dent. But his audience (and mine) is quickly changing from a newspaper cult to an iPhone/Droid/Tablet tribe. 12 years ago Kietzman complained about the Internet and not knowing how to email. Last year he talked about how Todd Leabo was trying to get him on this thing called Twitter. 610’s hosts make the social network an integrated and important part of their shows. 810 not so much. It will be interesting to see if KK’s Cro-Magnon tech ways are the daylight 610 needs to crack WHB’s foundation of success.
McTavish Weekend: Park it at Sprint or Chill at Midland?
It’s about choices in this life, whether it’s plastic or paper, debit or credit, married or single, rich or poor.
Well, that last one isn’t really much of a choice, I guess. Especially if you’ve misplaced your bootstraps. Where did I put those darn things?
So what’ll it be for modern music lovers seeking stimulation in the techno-beating heart of the city on Saturday night: Linkin Park or the Frost: Winter Electronic Music Festival?
If you’re truly committed to the rhythm and are truly able to pay for it (bootstraps alert!) you might be able to sample both in a single night. How’s that for a choice?
Today: KCC Comments Crowd Haters Duke it Out With Glazer Groupies Over Size Matters
Oh, the incredible lightness of the comments section’s being…
I mean, really.
Here’s the deal. Comedy club magnate Craig Glazer buys a sexy-beyond-belief, flame red Lotus Evora sports car and the MENSA crowd goes crazy! Weighing in with guestimates as to his you-know-what size. Gotta be infinitesimally small, they insist. Why else get a car that cool?
Excuse me?
Since when did it become hip to poke around online under assumed names trying to guess someone’s schlong size?
But ladies and gentlemen, it’s very much come to that here on KC Confidential…
Starbeams: Breast Enlargements R US, JC Penney Outlet Blues & Madonna’s Cougar World
American breasts keep getting bigger. The average bra size in the U.S. is now a 36 DOUBLE D. That’s up from a 36 C just 10 years ago. Once again, our top story…there is no bad news.
The JC Penney Outlet Store near 75th and I-35 will close at the end of this year. The store has been open since 1977. Before the Legends was built, the outlet store was the biggest tourist attraction in the state of Kansas.
Glazer: USA, Land of Internet Fueled Depression, Fading Greatness & Global Paranoia
President Barack Obama proved to America again last night that he’s every bit the speaker we had in Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.
Without a doubt, the dude has charisma.
And the idea of having Democrats and Republicans seated next to each other was interesting. It kinda worked.
Obama went into "investments" in research, clean energy, and of course, technology. The president talked about a five-year domestic spending freeze. A simplified tax code. He spent little time on the Middle East – as if the war was over or about to be. Not much on terror either. It was a feel good speech. America is doing much better, the economy is moving forward. The stock market has doubled since he came into office. He also hit hard on education and the needs to improve it.
Agreed on that one.
The president spent time early on letting us know that it is technology that in a way has brought us down – the Internet and online world.
New Jack City: Provocative ‘BLUE VALENTINE’ Brings NC-17 Test to K.C.
The WEINSTEIN COMPANY was facing a dilemma…
A particularily steamy scene in their new relationship drama BLUE VALENTINE was about to trigger the dreaded NC-17 designation by the Motion Picture Association of America’s ratings board for the film.
Essentially the company had three choices.
A—Accept it and bring out the movie as is with an NC-17 rating, resulting in a much more restricted release pattern.
B—Release it completely unrated.
C—Make a few strategic cuts and get it re-rated to an R, and thus having no problems getting it exhibited.
Weinstein opted for none of the above.
Instead the company turned to one of the industry’s favorite national test cities—Kansas City—-to have us help make the proper rating’s decision.
OTC: Are Frank Martin’s Wildcats Back or Bad?
Soren Petro, after K-State’s win over Baylor, 810 AM
GH: I heard Dave Armstrong make a similar point Tuesday night as he and Reid Gettys broadcasted the KU/CU game. I watched the Baylor/KSU game as well and I didn’t see anything there that made me think Frank Martin’s squad has turned the corner. If anything, they looked less lost than Baylor. But still undisciplined, disorganized and a long way from becoming an NCAA team.
Frank Martin, after being asked by Nate Bukaty how he responds to people calling his team’s style of play “ugly,” 810 AM
GH: It is very obvious Martin has no regard for what others think of his actions, sideline antics or coaching style. It appears to me has changed almost nothing despite his team’s downward spiral from their early-season top-three ranking to probable NIT entrants. It’s my opinion he will begin to care as the losses mount and the heat in Manhattan gets turned up. Read on.
Tony: Kansas City’s Fake Crown Jewel
They’re calling The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts – "Kansas City’s Crown Jewel," which is only fitting if we’re talking about a blood diamond.
Keynesian economics be damned, there are a great many reasons why this project is doomed to be just another failure from this town’s monied-class for which the rest of The City will have to pay.
Everybody loves something shiny but the financial reality is that this bit of costume jewelry is more like an albatross around the neck of more organic local development. Rather than cheerlead, let’s look at the Kaufmann PAC skeptically since no other media outlet seems to be up to that task.
CAR: Hot Tub Flashback; Coming Kahan Electric Car Dealership at 79th & Metcalf a Perfect Fit
Those were the daze…
Regarding Tracy Thomas’ story yesterday about Chevy dealer Don Kahan opening a second area electric car operation at 79th and Metcalf…
If it seems a strecth that an established area auto dealer would convert a hot tub shop into an car dealership, think again.
It’s not.
OTC: KU Team Still Locked In Emotional Spin
Dave Armstrong, Big 12 TV announcer, on part of the blame for Kansas’ collapse against Texas being the emotional toll on the team brought on by the death of Thomas Robinson’s mother, 810 AM
GH: Texas is good and Armstrong made that point as well. But I agree that KU looked emotionally spent for much of that game – especially the second half. I am afraid that the pall from Robinson’s heart-wrenching personal loss of his two grandparents and mother all within three weeks of each other may haunt the Hawks on the court for weeks to come.
Bill Self, after meeting with his team on Sunday following the Texas loss,
GH: Athletes recover emotionally quicker than coaches after a loss. But this loss involves the death of a teammate’s 38-year-old mom who leaves a 9-year-old daughter. While Robinson’s teammates are a part of his extended family, I think KU is making a mistake including the team so deeply in this tragedy. Read on.
CAR: Electric Car Dealer Don Kahan Headed to 79th & Metcalf in Overland Park!
Move over all you handicapped drivers hogging the primo parking spots at stores and businesses.
Get ready to make way for charging stations for electric cars!! Because drivers of green technology are likely to need priority parking near the buildings they visit so they can plug in to charging stations.
Has the new Kauffman Performing Arts Center thought of this? How about St. Luke’s? Arrowhead Stadium? For $25 you can park, but for $35 you can recharge while you tailgate.
Now for some breaking news on electric cars coming to Kansas City…
New Jack City: Oscar Nominations in Line with Predictions
No big surprises in this morning’s announcements of the 83rd Academy Awards nominations…
Leading the pack with 12 nominations is THE KING’S SPEECH followed by 10 for TRUE GRIT and 8 each for THE SOCIAL NETWORK and INCEPTION.
For my money there only 3 tight races this year!
Hearne: Star Layoffs Limbo & Society Grande Dame Takes a Powder
Don’t look now, but so far so good….
After warning department heads a few weeks back of pending cuts, it’s been all quiet along the midwestern front at the Kansas City Star. The expected round of quarterly cutbacks and/or staff layoffs has failed to materialize. And now the month’s almost over.
The head scratching has sparked another rumor; that the layoffs have been postponed in the hope of brighter days ahead.
There’s a bit more to the story…
STARBEAMS: Little Piggies; Princess Di Exhibition at Union Station; Happiest Countries in the World and Octomom Celibacy
A truck carrying hundreds of pigs flipped over on a highway ramp Monday morning, causing the pigs to run wild on the highway. The ramp from Interstate 435 north to Interstate 35 north was closed due to the crash. Roughly 720 pigs were inside the truck. Police said about 50 of them got loose.
One little piggy went to market. One little piggy stayed home.
Police were able to pull most of the pigs off the highway and back to safety.
Talk about your PULLED PORK.
he pigs began running frantically once they realized they were in the BBQ capital of the world!
Where does an escaped pig try to hide near the plaza? LOOSE PORK!
CAR: Stanford’s Comedy Club Honcho to Buy James Bond-mobile
Think of it as a smoking hot, Italian sex machine…
Stanford & Sons main man Craig Glazer is in the final stages of negotiating the purchase of a Lotus Evora sport car. The comedy club impressario and ladies man is following in some pretty big footsteps. James Bond has driven no fewer than three Lotus cars in the spy movie series. And actor Daniel Craig – the current 007 – owns an Evora. In reral The 160 mph super steed was introduced to the USA for the first time last summer.
It’s like this…
"I know this, when I get this car the ‘I hate Craig Glazer’ meter will only climb up, not down," Glazer says. "And I won’t even be doing anything, that’s just the way it is."
New Jack City: RAZZIES’ Poised to Reward Worst on Film!
Following a banner year of unspectacular movies in 2009, THE GOLDEN RASPBERRY AWARD FOUNDATION has scaped the bottom of 2010’s barrel and announced the nominees for its annual RAZZIE AWARDS!
Its proclamation comes only hours ahead of the OSCAR nominations which are being announced Tuesday, January 25th!
Without further ado, here are the highlights of the past year’s worst movies, for which you laughed, cried and kissed 8 bucks goodbye: