Yearly Archives: 2011
Tony: Score One Against the Plaza & For Misguided Grassroots Democracy
The Save The Plaza idiots won today.
The City Plan Commission voted 3-2 against approving plans for a new headquarters for the Polsinelli Shughart law firm on the Country Club Plaza.
I guess we can argue about people getting involved in government and standing up for local history.
But this move was just misguided.
First of all, I’ve never believed The Plaza had much "architectural integrity" as detractors of this project claimed. Secondly, the "Save The Plaza" crowd is filled with nothing but middle-class people who really need a hobby.
As for the effect of this move, it demonstrated that Kansas City isn’t a business friendly place when misguided locals step in and certainly shows politicos near election time have no backbone.
But more important than my insights are what Plaza Property Management company Highwoods has to say. Thankfully, KCC had a look at their statement on this issue before anybody else:
Donnelly: The Benefits Of Sporting KC’s 3 Month Road Trip
Ever been to a professional soccer game at a minor league baseball stadium in twenty degree weather?
With about a thousand other loyal (deranged) fans, and about 10,000 empty seats? Wearing camouflage coveralls, ski gloves, and one of those Russian fur hats? Have you?
I have.
Which is why it’s pretty sweet that Sporting Kansas City doesn’t play a home game until June 9th, when the new stadium opens.
To be fair, you can sneak a helluva lot of beer in, tucked away in the crevasses of your coveralls…
OTC: Pullen Gets 38 And Sinks #1 Kansas

Bill Self, after Kansas State’s 84-68 win over top-ranked Kansas, Kansas City Star
GH: I heard and read a lot about how bad Kansas was in Manhattan on Monday Night. But the story wasn’t how Kansas failed but rather how K-State soared. No visiting team this side of the NBA gets out of Bramlage Monday night with a win. Jacob Pullen and K-State were that good. That great. That special.
“We’re a force to be reckoned with.”
Rodney McGruder, KSU’s sophomore guard, Kansas City Star
GH: I would agree if KSU can count on Pullen to get 38 every night and the NCAA allows them to play the rest of their schedule at home. That manically loud Manhattan crowd had Tyshawn Taylor playing like Elizabeth Taylor and the Morris twins’ games reduced to the anorexic level of Mary-Kate and Ashley. But K-State has work to do. Read on.
Today: Last Black Dance Club, America’s Pub, to Leave Westport
This just in…
With the recent closing of urban club Karma in Westport, a single black dance club remains. That being former white boy Mecca America’s Pub. You may remember it as the scene of an altercation between a drunk-beyond-belief Brian Euston and a black dude who accidentally one-punched Euston into the Promised Land.
Followers of the venerable Cowtown party zone know America’s Pub didn’t start out with the intention of being an urban club. Check its name for chrissakes.
Far from it. Check out all the white faces on the America’s Pub St. Louis’ Facebook page. Like Stanford & Sons infamous Club 504 – the club that many Westporters blame for the area’s urban youth mobs of weekend’s past – America’s Pub started out going for the Kelly‘s crowd. When suburban competition and DUI checkpoints thinned Westport’s ranks, the club went black. Had problems and then went back to white.
But after Karma failed as a mainstream ultra lounge and went urban, America’s Pub shifted back to black.
STARBEAMS: Pujols Asks $300mm to Join KC Royals; Cell Phones Keep You Awake at the Wheel
Talks are circulating about Albert Pujols coming home to the Kansas City Royals. There was an article in St. Louis Post Dispatch and in Star about the possibility. Owner David Glass says Pujol’s $300 million asking price is too steep for the Royals.
#5. Have most of the $300 million financed by Jackson County tax payers
#4. Pujol brings his own rolling roof
#3. As a tribute to Gil Meche, he wears number 300 on his jersey
#2. Have his health care plan include generic drugs at Walmart.
#1. Between innings he sells Lemonade, Lemonade, Lemonade BEEEOOOWW!
Glazer: Never Let Your Dog Get Drunk; It’s Not Just Risky, It’s Costly!
Had a scary moment the other night, Saturday to be exact…
Most people celebrated Valentines Day on Saturday night. I went to work at Stanford‘s because we had two sold out shows. Holli, my new girlfriend, the physical fitness Champ of 2010 (and a nice girl) went to a party at Crown Center with her girlfriend, Dr. Pam. It was a black-tie charity function, so we decided to meet later at my place around 11 PM.
When I got home Holli and her friend came up and I offered them both a cocktail, orange juice and vodka screwdrivers. Everything was going good until I went to go to the restroom and left everybody in my living room for a few minutes.
That’s when Holli decided to show the Dr. around my condo, leaving their cocktails unattended on the living room table. Whereupon my little dog Jr., a dachshund, decided he was thirsty. He got up on the table and began to drink and lick the ice cubes from the cocktails. When I came back iand saw him doing it I yelled at him to get down. He did, but not before soaking up about a third of a drink.
He seemed OK at first, but as I continued to watch him the poor little dog became DRUNK.
JAZZ TIME: Ever heard of a BAR with a hangover? Jardine’s Trots Out the Jazz Hookups Tuesday
They can dish em out– but can they take em?
Taverns, I mean. Bars, clubs, boites, watering holes. Since when is that domain of day-after dread a hangover haven?
Tomorrow night from 7 to 11, that’s when, as Jardine’s (4536 Main) offers the unrequited amongst us a "Love Hangover." And they say "love means never having to say you’re sorry" (I’m guessing they’re open for you lovebirds, too).
OTC: K-State Is Buzzer Beaten In Boulder

Gabe DeArmond, moments after the ESPNU replay showed K-State’s Rodney McGruder’s desperation three-pointer in Boulder on Saturday night was good according to the on-screen clock, Twitter
GH: My wife and I attended a Valentine’s dinner party with nine other couples on Saturday night. After leaving the restaurant, we all headed to one of the couple’s homes. I convinced the host to flip on the second half of the KSU-CU game, despite his belief that he didn’t think his cable service provided ESPNU. Even the wives were riveted to the tube for the game’s final minutes. The wave of up and down emotion that swept through that rec room was scintillating. When Pullen was picked by Burks, the Mizzou and Kansas fans in the room cheered. When Pullen answered with a three the K-Staters went wild – only to be crushed by Frank Martin’s ill-timed TO. But McGruder’s catch, twirl and heave with 1.1 showing on the clock that went from game-winner to possible NIT clincher was one for the ages. It reminded me a lot of Nebraska’s thought-they-won-but-lost game against Colt McCoy’s Longhorns in last year’s Big 12 football title game.
Todd Leabo, Twitter
Hovick: Hallmark Nails Valentine’s Day, Secrets to a Successful Relationship
Think of Valentine’s Day as a reminder to share your feelings with the person you are closest to.
If you are married and this is only the second time each year, including your anniversary, that you express your love for your spouse, you need to put down the remote and take a good look at the road your relationship is headed down.
This morning, while drinking my coffee and watching one of my favorite local newscasts, it predicted the warm up, I didn’t channel surf as the first barrage of commercials commandeered the screen. And the Hallmark ad I saw got it right, this year.
NEW JACK CITY: Travel Outlook Up–Same for Airline Seats and Hotel Rooms!
The travel outlook is definitely up for the rest of the year … and so are the prices for the spring and summer travel seasons.
Just try and get an airline deal for popular (warm) destinations during spring break. Most of those were snapped up way before Christmas.
The airlines have implemented five consecutive fare hikes since December and made them stick. And fuel surcharges are starting to re-enter ticket pricing.
Surprisingly enough, discount leader Southwest Airlines is beginning to fall in line with the price hikes. They even led a recent hike in which and competing carriers immediately followed.
It’s a simple case of supply and demand … more people wanting to fly with less available capacity = fewer discounted seats and higher fares. With Southwest’s pending purchase of competing discounter AirTran, what do you think that’ll do for fares?
STARBEAMS: Capital Grille & Seat Belts; Twitter for Sale and Sheen Fans
A new survey found that many Kansas City Police officers don’t wear their seat belts because all the garb in their cars gets in the way of the buckle and their holsters.
Some of the commanders have trouble buckling because it gets in the way of their Capital Grille carry-out.
Glazer: Still the Greatest; My Time With & Thoughts About Ali
About a year ago Hearne wrote about me doing a second documentary on Muhammad Ali.
In my opinion, Ali is the most famous athlete of all time. Maybe the most famous man in America across the world in the last century. Much of this fame was because he’s about the only person of note known and respected in every nation on this planet.
Alas, the years have not been kind to this boxing hero.
Still there are few who wouldn’t rank Ali as the best fighter of all time. He always thought so, didn’t he?
So as this giant legend’s life grows ever closer to its end, I thought it only fitting to say one more time how much I loved who he was and still is, THE GREATEST.
Donnelly: Umphrey’s McGee at Liberty Hall, February 12, 2011
Brett Mosiman seems to know what he’s doing.
The longtime concert promoter and president of Pipeline Productions proved as much a few years ago when he gave the finger to Kansas authorities and moved his baby, the Wakarusa Festival, from Lawrence to Ozark, Arkansas. Since then, the festival has been climbing steadily upward, making a name as one of the best (and friendliest – shame on you Kansas) in the region.
And I hear ticket sales are through the roof.
Saturday night, Mosiman offered Lawrence a preview of one of the main bands playing Wakarusa this summer – Umphrey’s McGee.
Umphrey’s McGee bridges the gap between hippie jam band and rocker better than most, attracting both the smelly and the hair-product-using fans with their combination of prog and extended noodling…
Tony: The Week Boulevard Chocolate Ale Drove This Town Crazy & The Story Behind It
null Continue reading
Star Struck: Star to Business Rights Coalition; F Off!!!
This is how history gets messed up…
There’s a responsibility that comes with running a virtual news monopoly as "the newspaper of record." That’s why print reporters and editors take their jobs so seriously. Sure they’re human and some of the news comes – however subtly – laced with views. But by and large newspaper are still the ones who document and help shape what passes for histtory.
So when they screw up, they correct it, right?
Uh, some of the time…
Which brings us to the case of the Kansas City Business Rights Coalition. A group largely composed of local bars, restaurants and casinos. Star columnist Mike Hendricks erroneously reported last week that group’s primary objectives in the upcoming political races were to tell candidates they wanted a statewide ban on smoking in bars and restaurants in Missouri and to end smoking in casinos.
That’s dead wrong, says KCBRC head, Bill Nigro.
Today: What Not to Wear, Say or Do at Chiefs Games, Starting With The National Anthem
As previously stated, Sam’s no sham.
KC Star sports columnist Sam Mellinger may not have made everyone forget the ghosts of Whitlock and Posnanski’s past. But he’s well on his way.
Take his recent blog dropping the hammer on the tired practice of shouting "Chiefs" at the end of the National Anthem.
Arguably worse than Christina Aguilera’s Super Bowl snafu Sunday.
"If there’s a good reason to scream CHIEFS!!! at the end of the anthem, please let me know," the headline reads.
"What’s the point, really?" Mellinger begins. "Is it just something stupid that kids in college do that are hilarious to them and stupid to most of the rest of us? Is it rebellious? Is there an inside joke I’m not in on? Are Kansas basketball fans just REALLY big Chiefs fans?"
STARBEAMS: Crown Center Aquatics; Capital Grille Bill; World of Wheels and Katy Perry Marraige Woes
Crown Center will be home to a giant aquarium next year. Sharks, sea horses, sting rays, salt water and fresh water fish. Sea Life Kansas City. It’s a $15 million 100,000 square ft. display set to open in 2012.
It will be the second most popular water attraction downtown, second only to WATER MAIN BREAKS.
Three Kansas City police commanders dined with a lobbyist twice in November and December and racked up $1,110 in expenses at the Capital Grille on the Plaza.
One of the commanders said he had a book on police etiquette for dining with lobbyists but it was stolen.
World of Wheels runs this weekend at Bartle Hall. Hundreds of hot rods and vintage race cars will be on display. I don’t know why they always schedule this on the same weekend as the Buckner Hubcap Festival.
Tony: Life After The Mayor’s Office For Mark Funkhouser
As we approach the Kansas City, Missouri election primary one thing is exceedingly clear: Mark Funkhouser will not be Mayor of Kansas City for long.
I’ve knocked his tenure for years now and made fun of him and his wife exceedingly. I’ve been the most obnoxious voice among several to point out Funkhouser’s many shortcomings as a leader and elected official.
But I would be remiss if I didn’t note that getting out of the Mayor’s office isn’t an entirely bad thing.
Life after the Mayor’s office for Mark Funkhouser looks rather great and it only requires a bit of initial disappointment that will open the door to a whole new world of both financial and social possibilities.
Here’s a preview:
Jack Goes Confidential: Fake-Married Adam Sandler Scores with Pretend Ring in ‘Just Go With It’
JUST GO WITH IT is one of those high-concept romantic comedies that can easily be described in one sentence:
The power of the wedding ring….(go ahead, you finish the sentence.)
You don’t have to be an Adam Sandler fan to get a kick out of it—but it helps.
Here’s the concept: It’s 1988 and an often made-fun-of young boy with a Karl Malden-like dick-shaped nose eventually has it surgically altered. Now fast forward some 22 years and the boy is now a successful plastic surgeon spending his weekends bedding hotties.
His schtick: Pretending to be unhappily married and about to get a divorce.
OTC: Kietzman’s Got Frank Martin’s Back & Curtis Kelly’s Bag

Frank Martin, during an interview with Kevin Kietzman on Tuesday afternoon, 810 AM
GH: Kietzman aired his interview with Martin late Tuesday afternoon – about an hour before Austin Meek of the Topeka Capital Journal was one of the first to break the story that Curtis Kelly, K-State’s senior post player, might be in violation of a school handbook rule as a third-strike offense. Martin’s interview with KK was most likely taped earlier but I did not hear him or Kietzman refer to this latest problem for Kelly and the KSU basketball program. After the story broke Tuesday afternoon, I did think back on Martin’s cocky comment above and wonder just who is better off with him as K-State’s head coach. Read on.