Yearly Archives: 2011
Jennifer: Valentine’s Day at Bluestem: All About the Experience
Valentine’s Day is not just about the passion and romance in an intimate relationship. It’s about anyone and everyone that gives us love and warms our heart.
Bluestem recognized this fact, and on February 12, Chef Colby Garrelts and pastry Chef Megan Garrelts transformed their dining room into a tea party. For $25 guests were treated to fine teas, elegant pastries and assorted tea sandwiches. The Garrelts, who have two children of their own, made this special event available to children under 10 as well for $7 each.
Say the words "Tea & Pastries" and you immediately equate the event to a stuffy afternoon, driven by monitored etiquette and whispered exchanges. That can be true, but this event felt more celebratory.
Donnelly: Thee Oh Sees at the Granada, February 18, 2011
I knew I liked Thee Oh Sees when their ringleader, John Dwyer, interrupted the set early on to search offstage for something important.
He emerged after a moment with a 3/4 full bottle of Jamison that he made his band mates swill down quickly before moving on to the next song. Everyone pretty much obliged him, except for the drummer, who had to be coaxed with some girly-looking drink before he eventually took a mouthful of the hard stuff.
Next came the machine gun…
STARBEAMS: Headless Woman Eaten by Dogs; Latest on KC Chiefs and Royals
Tulsa, Oklahoma police found the body of a headless 55-year-old woman in her home and the cause of death was ruled – natural causes!
Apparently, she died of natural causes a few months ago, and her dogs got so hungry they ate different parts of her body and gnawed off her head and dragged it into a different room.
Let this be a lesson to children…when the chips are down your puppy will eat you.
Car: Game Afoot, First New Fiat in Three Decades Splashes Down in Olathe
This just in…
After 28 years, Fiat has returned to Kansas City. Fiat of Olathe just received its first new Fiat 500 car – a demonstrator – and plans to complete its dramatic, new Fiat Studio and begin selling new 500s in May.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, beginning next week, locals can visit the dealership (now Olathe Dodge / Chrysler) and test drive the car, says general manager Jeff Briggs.
"It’s a Sport model with a manual transmission and a sunroof and it’s grey," Briggs says. "And starting Monday it will be available for test driving during the weekdays. We’re not taking orders until May. They’ve only made 2,000 cars at this point and the vehicles are not available for sale yet."
Hearne: Could Hollywood’s Next Big Divorce Shocker Find Its Way to Missouri?
"Brad Storms Out On Angie – in bitter battle over money," the National Enquirer coveshouts!
And inside we find that actor Brad Pitt – a Missouri native with ties to the Kansas City area – is accusing his wife, actress Angelina Jolie of "wasting their fortune" and storming out on her.
"Right now Brad and Angie’s love affair is hanging by a thread," an insider tells the Enquirer. "With mounting debts and crushing overheads to fund their lavish lifestyle, Brad is ‘demanding that they reduce household staff, scale back on travel, artwork, expensive wine, buying up the most buzzed about scripts and books in Hollywood and rein in their charitable donations,’ the insider said."
Which brings us to the story’s fine print and the Hollywood couple’s ties to Missouri…
Today: After The Loving’s Done, Hallmark Accused of Ripping Off Valentine’s Concept
About locally-based greeting card giant Hallmark‘s "I Love Us" Valentine’s marketing schmooze…
Original idea, or a movie concept ripoff? You make the call.
"Hallmark’s V-Day slogan ‘I Love Us’ was totally copied from (500) Days of Summer," reads advertising blogger Joe Dellosa’s Web site.
The slogan "appears to have been copied from the film," Dellosa says. "In fact, in the film, it’s used by a greeting card writer in the context of writing greeting cards."
Another embarrassing black eye for the hometown team that’s been accused before of ripping off others ideas?
OTC: Chiefs, Jayhawks, Cats, Tigers, ‘Skers & Even Sporting KC In This OTC

Scott Pioli, when asked if he was in agreement with Todd Haley calling his offense’s plays, 810 AM
GH: Haley struggled handling being the head coach and OC in his first season. In his second season he struggled with wearing a headset and listening to Charlie Weis call plays. I think he’s an innovative play caller who definitely thinks outside the headset. The question is has he matured enough to handle what he couldn’t as a rookie head coach.
Scott Pioli, when asked how close he thinks his Chiefs are to making a Super Bowl run, 810 AM
GH: Todd Haley appeared at a charity event last night and Jack Harry reported on TV 41 that Haley refused to answer any questions about the Chiefs. He wanted to speak only about the charity. Does Haley realize the reason the charity wants his and his wife’s involvement is because he’s the Chiefs head coach? Sometimes these sports guys’ heads get so big they quit functioning.
Tony: Stop Cheerleading For KC, It’s Not Helping
Recently I stumbled upon yet another lame, local promotional video that perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with this town.
In a word it was nothing less than FAIL.
I always wonder why people can’t find anything better to rave about in this town other than typical Crossroads, Parks & Boulevards and BBQ nonsense. Like talking about the weather, it’s not really a statement but a supplement for real conversation.
The same trite references for Kansas City success never change and that’s just a quick hint that these talking points are clichés and not real reporting of substantial progress.
For the posterity, let’s take a look at this year’s version of local propaganda regarding progress:
JACK GOES CONFIDENTIAL: My Three Picks for President’s Weekend
For this extended President’s Day weekend, the studios are serving up six new movies at area theatres, and I’m picking three of them: one wide release and two limited engagements.
First – and citywide – the action-thriller Unknown starring Hollywood’s "new Harrison Ford," Liam Neeson.
Here, he plays American botanist scientist Dr. Martin Harris who, with his wife (played by January Jones), are flying to Berlin to address an international biotech conference at the swank Hotel Adlon.
But when he accidentially leaves his briefcase at Tegel airport, he hails a cab to take him back to the arrival hall to find his lost luggage. Oops,then there’s an accident! The cab ends up in the Spree river leaving Neeson hospitalized in a coma.
When he eventually returns to the hotel his wife doesn’t recognize him. Making matters worse, there’s a new Dr. Martin Harris alongside the Mrs.!
Today: Lower Westport Crime Stats Point to Reasons to Remove Euston Memorial
This just in from Wild Bill Nigro…
Forget the headlines, crime is actually down in Westport, Nigro says.
"I just got our crime stats from the KCPD and our crime is the lowest it’s been in 10 years," Nigro says. "We’ve just had a couple of high profile crimes. But outside of those everything is much better here."
Then again, how could crime not be down with business in Westport down – way down – owing to competition from the Power & Light District, Martini Corner, Waldo , DUI checkpoints and the economy?
Tracy: Payback Time, Brownback to Kansas Arts Council; Get Lost!
Egypt deposed its pharaoh and now Kansas is having its own little revolution…
I call it The Culture War. It may not be very bloody, but it’s clearly very, very bitchy.
My conservative friends are all playing it cool. Like John Malkovich in a drawing room drama. Complete with lace hankies and faux politeness. Faux, as in, foe! And it’s delicious to watch! They’re all, “Gosh, we’re exceedingly sorry, but it had to be done. Hope you understand. We’ve set up an itty bitty back-up arts foundation – non-taxpayer funded – on the side. So don’t cry, it’s just a transfer.”
But everybody knows it’s not!
It’s political hardball, baby. Nobody thinks cutting $300,000 from the budget will fix anything. Drop in the bucket.
This is all about retribution and revenge.
STARBEAMS: Michael Kors to Plaza; Obama a Hottie? Gas Prices Up & Partisan Sex Poll
Project Runway judge Michael Kors will open a designer fashion store on the Plaza this summer. The store will take part of the current Eddie Bauer space which is moving to the former Mark Shale space.
It’s about time!
It was getting to the point where there were only like 30 stores for my gay friends to shop on the Plaza.
A new survey in Allure Magazine finds the race that women find most attractive is mixed race. 64 percent of women think people like President Obama are the epitome of beauty.
In honor of President’s day I think Boulevard should release a part chocolate, part vanilla ale.
OTC: ‘Bama Fanatic Poisons Auburn’s Sacred Oaks @ Tommoer’s Corner

Dave Matter, columnist for Columbia Tribune, Twitter
GH: If you missed this little story, it appears an Alabama fan poisoned a grove of 130-year-old oak trees at Toomer’s Corner that the Auburn fans hold in the same high regard ‘Bama holds Bear Bryant. The trees are now all dying and there is no hope of saving them. Read on.
Glazer: Life After America’s Pub for Westport
It’s finally going to happen…
At long last, Westport’s last black dance club is poised to bite the dust. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any urban crowds coming into the area, there just won’t be a "home" base for that group to rally around.
The $64 million question: How Much Will This Change Westport?
Unfortunately, in the short term, very little.
The damage has been done. Now Westport must do the little things to move forward and restore its tarnished image. With leadership from both Bill Nigro and the Kellys this could happen. Clearly those two factions must get on the same page. And I think they can. Nigro has been the voice of Westport for nearly a decade since I left the scene in 2003. And make no mistake, he wants only what’s best for the neighborhood. So do the Kellys. They just need to join firces and work together in a better way.
In the long run Westport needs to be redone.
Glazer: Pretty in Pink, Tracy Ward Offers Breath of Fresh Air in 6th District Council Race
She has pink hair, was a barmaid many years, a waitress and a pizza delivery lady…
Tracy Ward has pretty much done it all when it comes to the service industry in our town. And the Kansas City Council candidate’s pink hair sets her apart renders from others running for city council in the 6th district (at large). But don’t let the pink hair fool you, Ward is a dead serious candidate for the job.
I spoke with this upbeat young woman yesterday to find out why she wants to get involved with Kansas City politics.
And Tracy had many interesting answers to my questions.
It all started when she tried to have a sit down with her council rep, Cathy Jolly. After trying to see Jolly several times with no response, Tracy got a little upset. Thinking, "This lady has no time for her people?"
Tony: It’s Your Civic Duty to Raise Doubts About the Waldo Rapist Case
Like it or not, The U.S. Court System is based on the presumption of innocence.
In fact, according the the world’s most accurate encyclopedia: "Although the Constitution of the United States does not cite it explicitly, presumption of innocence is widely held to follow from the 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments."
Sadly, the "perp walk" and impressive press conferneces featuring police and prosecutors are always part of a local govenrment effort to convict people in the media.
Recently, new charges in the Waldo attacks raised more questions than they answered.
And let’s be forthright, this case is about nothing more than racial politics that even very responsible public officials are forced to play. For instance, at a Jackson County press conference the effort to prosecute Bernard Jackson for old and a few new Waldo rapes was compared to the same effort to find a murdered young girl known as "Precious Doe." For the very slow, this comparison wasn’t an accident.
In any event, because "innocent until proven guilty" is as American as apple pie or at least Camel Apple Empanada at Taco Bell. There are more than a few questions that are still open regarding this case and haven’t been answered by authorities despite their impressive effort to win the media battle in this case.
OTC: Does KU’s Bill Think His Team is Selfish?

Bill Self, in his postgame interview after the loss at K-State, Jayhawk Radio Network
GH: I was stunned by how Bill Self tossed every player on his team under the wheels of the Jayhawk bus that left Manhattan. I don’t know why Self would choose to paint his team as a bunch of selfish individuals who care more about their stats than their team – but that is what he did. Did the KSU loss really transform KU from a team spouting their new “Family Over Everything” slogan to a bunch of me-first jerks? I sure don’t think so but the better question is why does Coach Self?
“I love Self…but they’ve got some turds on that team. Maybe that’s one of the things that’s not allowing them to get past that invisible ceiling the past couple of years. You look at Tyshawn’s issue with the football team, Mario’s issues off the court, the (Morris) twins and their thuggery on the floor, the (Elijah) Johnson dunk and the stupidest T of all time. They’ve got some guys who have to get in line in terms of their character because when you get in the tough battles in March, that does play a part.”
Doug Gottlieb, ESPN college basketball analyst, in an interview with Soren Petro, 810 AM
GH: So we’re back to the Bill Clinton question; does character matter? Gottlieb dismisses Kansas recent good play to playing “a lot of bad teams in the Big 12.” Is Bill Self a lot more unhappy with his 24-2 Jayhawks than it appears? Just when we thought KU was peaking, a blowout loss to rival K-State appears to have opened a lot of old wounds.
NEW JACK CITY: Radio Stunt Leads to New Comedy Station, 24/7 Laughs
I’m into a good tease as much as the next guy – especially when a happy ending is involved…
If you’re stuck in traffic on I-35 and in desperate need of a laugh, there’s a new radio station in town.
For the past several days, translator station K273BZ-FM, Bonner Springs had been filling its airwaves with hysterical laughter interupted only with teaser liners like "What’s so funny about 102.5," etc.
Finally, on Valentine’s Day at 10:25 a.m. they officially signed on with continuous comedy bits as in "All Comedy-All The Time!
STARBEAMS: Boulevard Chocolate Ale leads to Getting Busch??
The hot and hard-to-find item for Valentine’s Day this year was Boulevard Chocolate Ale.
#5. It makes you drunk dial someone in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
#4. Your belch smells like a Russell Stover store.
#3. Hosni Mubarak agreed to step down if he got a free case.
#2. If worn as cologne, you can completely skip the foreplay.
and #1. It’s made by Boulevard but somehow leads to getting Busch!
Sounds Good: Thee Oh Sees, The Hips, and Cage the Elephant This Weekend
If you follow my lead, this weekend is likely to get dirty.
And I mean dirty like a trucker’s underpants. Dirty like a porn star’s mustache. Dirty like the Replay’s bathrooms (we’ll get there).
Don’t be afraid… On second thought, I’d probably bring some Purex along…