Yearly Archives: 2011
Hearne: Win Steak Dinners at Raoul’s & Jardine’s Courtesy of New Craig Glazer Advice Column
There’s a new game in town…
An advice game. You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Let’s make a deal. And the deal is, email your queries about love, life, business, pleasure, cars, bars, politics, predicaments, media, entertainment, religion – you name it – and KCC‘s crack problem solvers will unravel it for you.
Simple, huh?
The man behind the Answers Plan is everybody’s favorite media punching bag, businessman/author/stud about town Craig Glazer. That’s right, if Craig can’t answer it, you probably forgot to ask
Are there any questions too tough for Glazer to tackle?
"No, as long as they’re not completely stupid," he says. "But I want to focus on other people’s problems, not me – I think I cover that in my other stories. But I’ll certainly use myaself as an example if need be."
Glazer will team with a grrrl to be named later who’s identity we’ll reveal next week after our Steak & BJ Day steak dinner for two giveaways at Raoul‘s in Overland Park and Jardine’s on the Plaza. More on that later.
Today: Time to Move On, But Westport Unable to Remove Makeshift Brian Euston Memorial
It’s over, done, finished – the sorrowful lessons learned…
There’s little point in continuing to rub the public’s nose in the memory of deceased 24 year-old Kansas City man Brian Euston. Euston died five months ago after taking a single punch, falling, then hitting his head on a Westport sidewalk. And for three months a cloud of mystery and uncertainty hovered over his death.
Was foul play involved? Was he beaten by a gang of blacks as some speculated?
Answers to those questions lacking, Euston’s parents pressed Kansas City Police and media – KC Confidential included – to keep the story alive. To find out what went wrong that fateful night resulting in the death of their son.
To that end, a makeshift memorial sprang up in heart of the entertainment district, prominently placed along Westport Road.
Starbeams: KU-MIZZOU puts the BS in CBS; Hen Hatches Monster Egg; Symphony Sells Out in Flint Hills
Angry viewers are expressing outrage after the KU-MIZZOU game was switched with 3 1/2 minutes to go. CBS quickly put the BS in CBS by explaining it with sunspot and satellite transponder issues.
**Charlie Sheen tried to blame the problems with CBS on Chuck Lorre.
**Then he said CBS has one speed…GO!
**Then he said he thought MIZZOU lacked Tiger Blood.
**Then he congratulated KU for WINNING!
NEW JACK CITY: Drive-in Movies Jump Start the Spring Season!
There are two sure signs that spring is right around the corner,
The first: Time "springs forward" by one hour this weekend.
The Second: The season reopening of the first of Kansas City’s three Drive-In Theaters.
The big I-70, 4-screen Drive-In kicks off the 2011 season with weekend operation this Friday, March 11th.
Kansas City’s other two drive-ins, the Twin and Boulevard, will follow three weeks later by bringing back movies under the stars on April 1st.
Drive-in movies?
You bet!
Kansas City is one of the strongest markets for the outdoor motor movie emporiums in the Midwest. hicago, Denver and St. Louis screen counts combined don’t equal KC’s!
Tracy: KCTV Mayoral Debate; Sly James Mops Up Floor with Mike Burke
Even before the first question, Sly James scored the first basket..
He stepped out from the podium (that’s called breaking the 4th wall in theatre) and extended his hand to mayoral rival Mike Burke. It was the difference between an alpha male and a behind-the-scenes guy best at setting up the volleyball for someone else to spike.
Score: James 1, Burke 0, Game on.
Glazer: Burke Slights Party Zones, Overhypes Sprint, KU Should Skip Big 12 Dance
This is the one big week in our one and only "entertainment district," according to Mayoral candidate Mike Burke.
He said as much on Nick Wright’s show on 610 Sports.
Hmmm, guess that means Westport, the Plaza, Martini Corner and Waldo are closing down.
I’ll tell you this, if I’m KU, I’d like to, well, not play.
There’s nothing in this tournament for KU. Nothing good. They can only get someone hurt or lose an early game to jeopardize their No 1 spot in the NCAA Tournament. Maybe in cases like KU’s they should be allowed to forfeit because it can only hurt them. They have nothing to prove and whatever they may eventually prove will come in the Big One, the Dance, March Madness.
Donnelly: Cynics Finds Ways to Bash Sporting KC Stadium Naming Rights Charity Partner
There’s just no pleasing some people – even when it comes to donating money to charity for cancer research…
The announcement came today that the beautiful new soccer stadium sitting at the Village West would be henceforth known as LIVESTRONG Sporting Park. That’s right, instead of cashing a hefty check and slapping a for-profit corporate logo on the side, Sporting KC brass decided to hype Lance Armstrong‘s charitable, cancer-fighting organization.
For free.
And get this, not only does LIVESTRONG not pay Sporting KC a dime, but a portion of ALL STADIUM REVENUES will help fund the nonprofit effort to fight cancer.
Wow. Um, why?…
Tracy: Lord of the Dance’s Michael Flatley Falls Flat – Even in 3D
I so very much wanted to love this movie. Sorry…
I was excited to see Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance, in 3D. To see something besides those animated movies for adolescent boys that usually employ this medium. And I was hoping for some behind-the-scenes documentary style revelations.
None of which I got.
Flatley deserves praise for supporting Irish step dance, and making it a worldwide phenom for 14 years. And his triumphant hometown return concert in Dublin was the subject of this movie.
Blessedly, it will be a limited engagement.
Hearne: Sporting KC Lands US Men’s National Team, Stadium Deal w/ Lance Armstrong
This just in…
Sporting Kansas City’s Robb Heineman just announced via Twitter that the team has inked a deal to name the team’s spanking new stadium Livestrong Park.
A formal announcement will go down at the new stadium at 1 pm, reportedly with Lance Armstrong present.
"A portion of all @LIVESTRONGPark revenues will support the partnership," Heineman tweeted. "You will be a part of something"
Take 5: Big 12 Tourney Guide for Fans, Foes & Beebe (Definitely NOT Big 12 Sanctioned)

Today: KC Bars & Restaurants to Throw ‘Party of the Decade’ for Sly James Sunday
This just in…
In a Kansas City mayoral race that could end in a photo finish, an association of approximately 150 local bars and restaurants has thrown its support behind attorney Sly James and is putting its mojo where its mouth is. In addition to posting and distributing campaign materials in their places of business, the Kansas City Business Rights Coalition is throwing a pre-election victory party for James Sunday at the Beaumont Club in Westport.
"It’s Sunday night from 6 p.m. until midnight," says KCBRC head Bill Nigro. "It’s going to be a big service industry night with predominantly restaurant and bar people. There’ll be free beer and pretzels, two bands and a DJ and free admittance to the party for people who have a Kansas City Health or Liquor card. And The Federation of Horsepower is the main act – that’s one of Johnny Dare’s favorite local bands."
Oh, and one more thing…
OTC: The Explanation: KCTV5 Style

Bobby Totsch, 610 AM
GH: This is the best mouthpiece KCTV5 has to send out to speak for the station? Let’s hope Totsch didn’t get his degree from a Big 12 school. Sounds more like an SEC grad to me.
Bobby Totsch, 610 AM
GH: MacGruber laughs at such talk! Three minutes? That’s like four months to McGruber and those guys in Inception’s van.
Glazer: Call Now for Free Tickets to Superstar Comic Jim Jefferies Wednesday at Stanford’s
This week it’s Australian Super Star Jim Jefferies at Stanfords…
Jim started his career in his hometown and became a big name in Australia a few years back. Then he took his show to England and got even bigger. Creative Artists Agency discovered him in Los Angeles about three years ago.And slowly they’ve showed him off at bigger venues on the West Coast. His common man style with a slight touch of genius quickly made Jim an overnight sensation.
Last year HBO gambled and gave Jim one of its five stand up comedy specials. Jim show – "I SWEAR TO GOD" – dealt with the likelihood God might not exist. A bit risky, but the result was HBO’s highest rated special of the year.
Car: Decisions, Decisions, Navigating the 2011 Greater Kansas City Auto Show
I went to the greater Kansas City Auto Show twice last week
On Friday my gear head brother Steve and I raced through the show
He knows everything about cars
If he doesn’t know something his commitment to baffling you will win any automotive argument
Saturday, I went back with my wife and our ten year old was along for the ride
There are so many makes and models
How do you choose?
I am all over the place when choosing which vehicle I want to drive full time
I mean I am hot on one model and then just like that I will turn and want something else
But what about you?
Donnelly: Tapes ‘N Tapes at the Jackpot Saloon, March 4, 2011
I walked in to the Jackpot Saloon just in time to see the last song of some guys playing indie rock dressed in NASCAR jumpsuits.
Why, it’s openers Dale Earnhart Jr. Jr., of course. Two juniors is better than one. Duh.
Next up were the once critical darlings, Tapes ‘n Tapes. Any hipster worth his weight in mustache wax would tell you that Tapes’ earlier stuff was waaay better than their next two albums. That the band sold out when they went to big label XL Recordings. And that after their second album was critically panned, now the band is trying to get their cred back by doing what made them cool in the first place – staying independent and doing their own thing.
Fair enough.
Today: Westport Flea Owner Joe Zwillenberg Evokes Playboy Past
You never know what kinda cats are gonna leap out of a 40th birthday bash bag…
Take Westport Flea Market owner Joe Zwillenberg‘s Friday at The Record Bar in midtown. Open bar, kickass band, wall-to-wall local celebs – like the Mayor of Mission Hills, Dole White, David Fromme, Jennifer Janesko, Mark Mazzarese and Andy Lewellen, co-owner of Lew’s and The Well in Waldo.
Speaking of which…
Lewellen and Zwillenberg were college chums at MU back in the days when Tiger basketball coach Norm Stewart still loomed large and Snapple was considered marginally hip. So naturally, who better than Lewellen to pound out a killer Zwillenberg war story to commemorate Joe Joe’s big day .
"Every time we would go I would pick out the hottest girl in there and tell Joe, ‘That girl’s totally in love with you.’
OTC: KCTV 5 Lacks Tiger Blood In Blowing Heidi-Like KU/MU TV Broadcast

Dennis Dodd, CBS Sports, Twitter
GH: I was watching from my couch (imagine that) and at first thought it was simply a live look in at the Big 10 game. But when the game lingered on my screen I started to panic. I quickly refreshed my Twitter feed and my fears were confirmed. An earthquake in Missouri’s boot heel could not have caused more of a tremor. The game was gone! Disappearing from TV sets across the two-state area quicker than a Jay Mohr sitcom. Read on.
Car: Here’s What’s Wrong with The Kansas City Star’s Automotive Section
To put it plainly, The Star sold out…
Once upon a time, the gentleman who writes car reviews for the newspaper – Tom Strongman – was a straight down the line automotive journalist. Never cutting edge, but legit.
No mas.
A few years back the Star decided to follow the money and circle the journalistic wagons around its key remaining local advertisers. As in car dealers. To do so, it needed to abandon what remained of its automotive objectivity. So it relabeled the weekly sections as advertising – just prominently enough to claim the high road but low key enough that most readers wouldn’t notice.
Very slick…
Joe Miller: The Brutal Irony Behind Yuri Ives Murder in Historic Northeast
I know we’re not supposed to say anything bad about the dead, especially the recently murdered.
But in the case of Yuri Ives, who was gunned down in his mansion in Kansas City’s Historic Northeast last week, some negativity seems in order, if only to illustrate just how severely life can turn around and bite you in the ass.
At very least, Yuri Ives’s story, or what little I know about it, is probably the most brutal example of irony that I’ve ever seen.
I first met Yuri several years ago when we were both serving on an obscure public board called the Cliff Drive Corridor Management Committee. He left a very distinct, not entirely pleasant impression on me.
OTC: KU/MU Border War Allows Antlers To Bare Their Horns (& Dresses)

Calvin Thompson, former KU player in the mid ‘80s, when asked by Bob Fescoe what it was like to play in this rivalry as a player, 610 AM
GH: Thompson cautioned Fescoe that what he had to say might be alarming. I had no idea how alarming. Read on.
Calvin Thompson, 610 AM
GH: Thompson didn’t relay his stories about Norm, Hearnes Center and the Antlers with hatred but more with awe. He appeared to be amazed at the preparation this group of dress-wearing and wig-waving Antlers put into disrupting KU’s game. Read on.
“My dad died my first game (at Kansas) my freshman year. He had a heart attack in the stands. And that’s all I heard the first year I went over there. They don’t hold anything back.”
Calvin Thompson, 610 AM