Yearly Archives: 2011
Hearne: Riding With The King; Jim Nutter & The 2011 Elections
Some people call him king maker…
I look at him as a nice, older gentleman with a penchant for politics. Some people live for the Chiefs or KU basketball. Others collect stamps. My take on Jim Nutter is that politics is his game. And that’s the way he plays it, like a game. Naturally people who play games generally like to win.
But Nutter’s intentions are largely benign in my opinion. He values things like honesty and right versus wrong. Oh, he’s’s thrown his fair share of rabbit punches, but he’s several levels above the sleezy local political operatives we know all too well.
So I ask Nutter who he’s for?
Tracy: Burke to Kraske, Read My Lips, No New Negatives
KC mayoral wannabe Mike Burke said he recalled negative TV ads against Sly James – he did not.
TV spots are the deadliest missiles in a political arsenal for tomorrow’s race for a new Mayor. Burke backer Jim Nutter reportedly was behind the negative ads, placed ON BURKE’S BEHALF. The ads showed up last Friday, claiming that James “has no backbone."
Then in today’s final debate with Steve Kraske on KCUR-FM 89.3, Burke claimed he “requested the negative ads be pulled immediately–on Friday afternoon.”
Still those missiles continue to fly toward undecided voters.
Glazer: All Aboard; Humble Scribe Predicts KU National Championship
Get ready for the Final Four finale, KC…
Yep, it’s gonna be Kansas versus Ohio State. Even though the Prez picked KU, the rest of the predictions now favor Ohio State. Some like Duke, but not too many people are picking KU.
Because KU doesn’t seem to have that one KILLER player to go to when it matters. But the truth is they have TWO, the Morris Twins. They’re kinda like one player rolled into two. Most experts feel with the Twins and Thomas Robinson Kansas has the best three big man combo in the game.
I agree.
Glazer: Two Hot Ladies for City Council, Tracy Ward & Daina Kennedy
In the sixth district at large we have The Pink Lady Tracy Ward.
Believe it or not, this former waitress makes lots of sense. She believes the city council should amend many rules and laws that stand in the way of small businesses. She’s open minded to making positive changes downtown. And her youth and drive will go along way towards getting the council fired up again.
What’s not to like about any of that?
Plus her husband still plays in a rock band at age 35, ao they stay up on what’s going on with young adults in the area and Tracy believes in giving everyone a fair shake.
And with that pink hair, everyone will know who she is at a glance.
OTC: Frank Martin’s Need To Bully The Media Steps All Over Pullen’s Historic Night

Frank Martin, to The Star’s Kellis Robinette, after Robinette asked Pullen to talk about his emotions after setting the all-time scoring record, tying his personal game high but being unable to win and advance, in K-State’s televised postgame presser following their loss to Wisconsin
GH: Frank the bully was front and center once again Saturday night. This time he couldn’t help steal the spotlight and moment from one of the greatest clutch players the Big 12 has ever known. Martin is either simply too immature to be the head of Kansas State basketball or simply too inexperienced in handling pressure in big-time sports. Saturday in Tucson he again looked very much like the out-of-control high school coach from which he so adamantly tries to distance himself.
“I think Frank Martin just overreacted. It was a good question. If Frank Martin wouldn’t have said anything, would people still be up in arms about it? I don’t think they would. I think Frank Martin saying something made an issue out of something that never should have been an issue.”
Robert Ford, who covered the K-State press conference in Tucson for 610 Sports
Glazer: Fight Narcolepsy, Vote For Sly James!
The election’s tomorrow – Sly James vs. Mike Burke…
Sly’s the wild card; an experienced lawyer who thus far has crushed Burke in their on-air clashes. That being said, Sly’s black with a white wife while Mike Burke is old guard – which means means status quo. Everything now is ALRIGHT. Which it’s not. And not just because of the Funk but all the tax giveaways doled out by former KC mayor Kay Barnes to people like…Mike Burke.
Burke has 30 years of experience downtown with City Hall. He helped dole out the corporate big buck deals, few of which have worked out thus far. Mike seems to be a decent sort, but just more of the same. Again, like Barnes.
So Mike will go to the meetings, hand out plaques, shake a lot of hands and likely be kinda forgotten.
Face it, he’s no fireball.
Starbeams: Plato’s Retreat, ‘Dear John’ & Gen X Radio to the Rescue
The new population center of the United States is Plato, Missouri.
If you took the entire population of the country and found the centermost point, you’d be right in the middle of southern Missouri just south of Ft. Leonard Wood.
Come to ink of it, Ft. Leonard Wood would have been a better name for the movie "Winter’s BONE."
TAYLOR SWIFT has joined the cast of "The Lorax" based on the classic Dr. Seuss book.
This time around the Lorax speaks for the trees…and for all the women who had their hearts broken by John Mayer.
Today: Life After KC Confidential, The Tony Botello Story
What’s next for former KC Confidential hit man Tony Botello now that he’s parted ways with KCC?
Plenty. But first a few words about the year and a half-long journalistic honeymoon that ended two weeks ago. Early on in the brief two year history of KCC I met with Tony with the idea of writing a story for a local print publication measuring his six year odyssey to the top of the local blogosphere.
It was a story largely untold – until somewhat weakly two weeks back in the Pitch. One that warranted telling.
We met for coffee at Broadway Cafe in Westport and four hours later I departed with way more news and information about Tony than Pitch editor Joe Tone was able to amass two years later.
Just one problem…
The story was never written, I hired Tony instead.
Tracy: Sly James Cleans Burke’s Clock in Final Great Debate
KCUR FM’s Steve Kraske finally found a sweet spot…
He set off a few fireworks in an otherwise boring campaign with his final question in today’s mayoral debate. In the form of a loaded softball; “Where do you take visitors when your friends come to visit KC?”
Despite months of coaching from consultant Mary O’Halloran, candidate Mike Burke swung limply with an answer straight out of a – yawn – Chamber of Commerce video.
“Well…the Plaza and the stadiums," Burke mumbled. "And I’m looking forward to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.”
Next came attorney Sly James.
Donnelly: Sporting’s Matt Besler Steps Up, SKC Defeats Chivas USA 3-2 in Opener
It’s no secret. Last year’s version of Sporting KC (something called the Wizards) had issues at the center back position.
In what was Peter Vermes’ first full season as coach, the team picked up the bad habit of giving up “soft goals.”
How did this happen?
A day or so before the first game of the 2010 campaign, longtime captain and veteran central defender Jimmy Conrad was stripped of the captaincy in favor of midfielder Davy Arnaud. Obviously, Vermes and Conrad had some issues. Many sensed that Conrad’s days in KC were numbered.
Despite the demotion, Conrad continued to start at the center defender position.
As the soft goals continued to mount, Vermes scrambled to shore up the back line with a variety of players – Pablo Escobar (later cut), Shavar Thomas, Matt Besler, Nick Kounenakis (later cut) – but nothing seemed to work, and the Wizards missed the playoffs for the second straight season.
Disappointing and unacceptable by the standards of the new ownership group, OnGoal.
Hearne: The Rise & Fall of the KC Pitch, Part 1
First Pennylane, now the Pitch…
It’s been a rough year for aging, local pop culture icons. First the closing of Streetside Records (successor to Pennylane) and then the continuing long, slow demise and sale of KC’s first true alternative paper. For those inclined to take notice of such things, my ties to both the Pitch and the music store extend well beyond my 16 year run as a columnist at the Star .
The affiliation with the two began in the mid 1980s when, after trying in vain to buy an ad in the Pitch for a concert I was promoting, I pitched the owner to let me take over its advertising and promotion. And to a lesser extent contribute to its editorial content. There wasn’t a whole lot to the Pitch in those days, LeRoi‘s music reviews, Joe Bob’s Drive-In movies, record store staff contributuions, and every once in a while someone like Jack Cashill would step in and take a swing.
The Pitch was little more than a device Pennylane’s owner used to pocket co-op ad dollars from small music labels.
Joe Miller: Joe Rolls a 7 at the Expense of Sly James, Jim Nutter, Oh & Ken Bacchus
1. First, a full disclosure: I’m going to vote for Mike Burke.
2. The troglodyte spewed all-caps glee all over his blog Saturday morning about how the Kansas City mayor’s race had “finally, thankfully” gone negative. He posted a YouTube video of an “attack ad” paid for by King Maker James B. Nutter, Sr., on behalf of Burke.
I watched it.
It’s not an attack ad. It’s a simple debate argument leadership style — the only issue the two too-friendly candidates have agreed to debate about.
The pro-Burke video offers a couple of examples of Sly James’s apparent indecisiveness and juxtaposes them to examples of Burke’s supposed decisiveness. Debate 101. All extremely fair.
Of course, it’s no surprise that the sickly cave dweller has sensationalized it.
Car: Trouble in Paradiso, Pissed Off Prima Owners in Fiat Funk
The honeymoon’s over for some of the Fiat faithful…
Those being the 500 enthusiasts who signed on to become owners of the first new Fiats sold in this country in 28 years. Like me, buyers plunked down $500 deposits last summer and fall – sight unseen, price and options unknown – for a special numbered edition Fiat 500 called the Prima Edizione.
At that tender stage, there were no Fiat dealers. They would be courted and signed 2 months later.
Fast forward to three weeks ago when the eight Prima Edizione Fiat 500s arrived at a local rail head for delivery to area buyers .
There they remain – in automotive limbo – delivery dates unknown.
"It’s a mess," grouses Prima buyer No. 446 buyer Jeff on a Fiat 500 blog site.
Off The Couch Bracket Challenge Swag From Jardines, Westport Flea and Stanford’s Comedy!

OTC: March Madness Goes Charlie Sheen On Day One!

Doug Gottlieb, ESPN Radio
GH: Maybe not never but it sure was Christmas on St. Paddy’s Day yesterday! Buzzer beaters become the norm even before Jack Harry’s afternoon nap. Gottlieb and Jay Bilas took turns filling in for Mike Golic this week on ESPN Radio’s popular Mike & Mike morning show. It was not a coincidence that Golic happened to take a vacation during March Madness’ opening weekend. Greenie is weak enough when it comes to discussing college hoops but Golic’s hoops knowledge ends with knowing the games are played indoors.
Seth Davis, Twitter
GH: Maybe the Pres should roll that national debt into Vegas and wipe it out over the weekend. CBS reported about 3:30 PM (CT) on Thursday that there were no perfect brackets remaining of the hundreds of thousands that were submitted online. This was after three games! March Madness on Tigerblood!
Today: How a Washington Post Reporter & Star Editor Purposely Dodged Correction Bullet
One of the comments on yesterday’s story about Plaza panhandler Jerry Mazer’s demise referred to my having blown him up…
As in that my writing about Mazer’s travails over the years elevated his profile and status in KC.
I won’t argue that, other than to note Mazer had already blown himself up.
By knocking Kansas City on its butt and getting a discriminatory, Plaza-backed, panhandler-ban booted off the books. Mazer was front page news before I laid a glove on him.
Back to Mazer’s victory.
Washington Post reporter Tom Jackman – then at the Star – screwed up and misspelled Mazer’s first name in a major news story.
Hearne: Panhandler Jerry Mazer Off to Cheeseburger Heaven
Stop the complete presses…
Who said bad news comes in threes? Try four. To that lineup in the sky of recently departed local icons – DiPardo, Grigsby and Murphy – add the name, Jerry Mazer.
According to sources, Mazer, Kansas City’s most mercenary mendicant, is no more.
Loved, hated, arrested, bullied, spat on, feared, banned – but most of all – recognized and well known. Who among the habitues of downtown KC, Westport or the Plaza doesn’t recognize Mazer’s signature line, "Can I get a downpayment on a cheeseburger?"
The irascible Mazer was a fixture in Kansas City pop culture for the better part of the past five decades. In the mid 1990s Kansas City was forced to make a cash settlement with Mazer and agreed to repeal its anti-begging ordinance.
"Really, I hadn’t heard anything, I’m sad," says Tivoli Theater owner Jerry Harrington. "I mean, he wasn’t a friend of mine but he was a Kansas City character – there was nobody like Jerry. No matter how irritated he made me, I always laughed"
Glazer: Time to Rename Big 12, The KU Tournament & Westport King for a Day!
The somewhat phony Big 12 tournament cast a spotlight on the Power & Light District, it’s Westport that still owns St. Patrick’s Day.
I say phony about the Big 12 tourney because it brings NOBODY from out of town – zip, nothing, bull crap. It used to bring several thousand people from Iowa alone. And many, if not most of them hung in Westport, mostly at Kelly‘s. But their team is awful and has been, so they bring only a couple thousand fans, they get beat on Wednesday and leave Thursday.
No other teams really come to KC in significant numbers.
Sure they have a few hundred from each school, Texas maybe brings a couple thousand total.
But the only team that matters really is KU – they should call it the KU Tournament.
Jack Goes Confidential: Slacker-Alien ‘PAUL’ Fizzles On Big Screen!
The two British dudes from SHAUN OF THE DEAD—Simon Pegg and Nick Frost— take an American cross-country fanboy RV road trip starting at Comic-Con in San Diego and heading east.
It all goes down in the movie, PAUL.
Their wildest dream comes to life when they encounter a hip but foul-mouthed slacker alien named PAUL (voiced by Seth Rogen) who for several decades has been hanging out at a top secret Nevada military base.
AREA 51 anyone?
Jack Goes Confidential: Mind-Bending Pill Turns Bradley Cooper’s Life ‘LIMITLESS’!
Think of the possibilities if they invented a smart pill and the FDA approved it!
That’s kinda what happens to Bradley Cooper. In LIMITLESS he plays a down-on-his-luck writer who’s introduced to a life changing, non-approved drug by his shady brother-in-law,
An experimental clear pill that enables one to overnight attain super human intelligence!
The pill allows Cooper to use 100% of his mind and turns him into the perfect version of himself.
His future now looking fantastic!